Source code for p4util.optproc

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2016 The Psi4 Developers.
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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r"""Module to provide mechanism to store and restore option states in driver.

import sys
from .exceptions import *

[docs]class OptionState(object): """Class to store the state of a single *option*. If *module* given, the *option* value and has_changed value is stored for global, local to *module*, and used by *module* scopes; otherwise (used for BASIS keywords), only global scope is stored. Class can store, print, and restore option values. :: >>> OptionState('SCF_TYPE', 'SCF') >>> print(OptionState('DF_BASIS_MP2')) """ def __init__(self, option, module=None): self.option = option.upper() if module: self.module = module.upper() else: self.module = None self.value_global = psi4.get_global_option(option) self.haschanged_global = psi4.has_global_option_changed(option) if self.module: self.value_local = psi4.get_local_option(self.module, option) self.haschanged_local = psi4.has_local_option_changed(self.module, option) self.value_used = psi4.get_option(self.module, option) self.haschanged_used = psi4.has_option_changed(self.module, option) else: self.value_local = None self.haschanged_local = None self.value_used = None self.haschanged_used = None def __str__(self): text = '' if self.module: text += """ ==> %s Option in Module %s <==\n\n""" % (self.option, self.module) text += """ Global (has changed?) value: %7s %s\n""" % ('(' + str(self.haschanged_global) + ')', self.value_global) text += """ Local (has changed?) value: %7s %s\n""" % ('(' + str(self.haschanged_local) + ')', self.value_local) text += """ Used (has changed?) value: %7s %s\n""" % ('(' + str(self.haschanged_used) + ')', self.value_used) else: text += """ ==> %s Option in Global Scope <==\n\n""" % (self.option) text += """ Global (has changed?) value: %7s %s\n""" % ('(' + str(self.haschanged_global) + ')', self.value_global) text += """\n""" return text
[docs] def restore(self): psi4.set_global_option(self.option, self.value_global) if not self.haschanged_global: psi4.revoke_global_option_changed(self.option) if self.module: psi4.set_local_option(self.module, self.option, self.value_local) if not self.haschanged_local: psi4.revoke_local_option_changed(self.module, self.option)
[docs]class OptionsState(object): """Class to contain multiple :py:func:`~optproc.OptionsState` objects. Used in python driver functions to collect several options before altering them, then restoring before function return. :: >>> optstash = OptionsState( ['SCF', 'DFT_FUNCTIONAL'], ['DF_BASIS_SCF'], ['SCF', 'SCF_TYPE'], ['SCF', 'REFERENCE']) >>> print(optstash) >>> optstash.restore() """ def __init__(self, *largs): = [] for item in largs: if len(item) == 2:[1], item[0])) elif len(item) == 1:[0])) else: raise ValidationError('Each argument to OptionsState should be an array, the first element of which is the module scope and the second element of which is the module name. Bad argument: %s' % (item)) def __str__(self): text = '' for item in text += str(item) return text
[docs] def restore(self): for item in item.restore()