Source code for p4util.procutil

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2016 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Module with utility functions used by several Python functions."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import ast
import sys
import pickle
import collections
import inspect
from .exceptions import *
from . import p4regex

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    basestring = str

[docs]def kwargs_lower(kwargs): """Function to rebuild and return *kwargs* dictionary with all keys made lowercase. Should be called by every function that could be called directly by the user. Also turns boolean-like values into actual booleans. Also turns values lowercase if sensible. """ caseless_kwargs = {} # items() inefficient on Py2 but this is small dict for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): lkey = key.lower() if lkey in ['subset']: # only kw for which case matters lvalue = value else: try: lvalue = value.lower() except AttributeError: lvalue = value if lkey in ['irrep', 'check_bsse', 'linkage', 'bsse_type']: caseless_kwargs[lkey] = lvalue elif 'dertype' in lkey: if p4regex.der0th.match(str(lvalue)): caseless_kwargs[lkey] = 0 elif p4regex.der1st.match(str(lvalue)): caseless_kwargs[lkey] = 1 elif p4regex.der2nd.match(str(lvalue)): caseless_kwargs[lkey] = 2 else: raise KeyError('Derivative type key %s was not recognized' % str(key)) elif p4regex.yes.match(str(lvalue)): caseless_kwargs[lkey] = True elif caseless_kwargs[lkey] = False else: caseless_kwargs[lkey] = lvalue return caseless_kwargs
[docs]def get_psifile(fileno, pidspace=str(os.getpid())): """Function to return the full path and filename for psi file *fileno* (e.g., psi.32) in current namespace *pidspace*. """ psioh = psi4.IOManager.shared_object() psio = psi4.IO.shared_object() filepath = psioh.get_file_path(fileno) namespace = psio.get_default_namespace() targetfile = filepath + 'psi' + '.' + pidspace + '.' + namespace + '.' + str(fileno) return targetfile
[docs]def format_molecule_for_input(mol, name='', forcexyz=False): """Function to return a string of the output of :py:func:`inputparser.process_input` applied to the XYZ format of molecule, passed as either fragmented geometry string *mol* or molecule instance *mol*. Used to capture molecule information from database modules and for distributed (sow/reap) input files. For the reverse, see :py:func:`molutil.geometry`. """ # when mol is already a string if isinstance(mol, basestring): mol_string = mol mol_name = name # when mol is psi4.Molecule or qcdb.Molecule object else: # save_string_for_psi4 is the more detailed choice as it includes fragment # (and possibly no_com/no_reorient) info. but this is only available # for qcdb Molecules. Since save_string_xyz was added to libmints just # for the sow/reap purpose, may want to unify these fns sometime. # the time for unification is nigh if forcexyz: mol_string = mol.save_string_xyz() else: mol_string = mol.create_psi4_string_from_molecule() mol_name = if name == '' else name commands = """\nmolecule %s {\n%s%s\n}\n""" % (mol_name, mol_string, '\nno_com\nno_reorient' if forcexyz else '') return commands
[docs]def format_options_for_input(molecule=None, **kwargs): """Function to return a string of commands to replicate the current state of user-modified options. Used to capture C++ options information for distributed (sow/reap) input files. .. caution:: Some features are not yet implemented. Buy a developer a coffee. - Does not cover local (as opposed to global) options. """ if molecule is not None: symmetry = molecule.find_point_group(0.00001).symbol() commands = '' commands += """\npsi4.set_memory(%s)\n\n""" % (psi4.get_memory()) for chgdopt in psi4.get_global_option_list(): if psi4.has_global_option_changed(chgdopt): chgdoptval = psi4.get_global_option(chgdopt) if molecule is not None: if chgdopt.lower() in kwargs: if symmetry in kwargs[chgdopt.lower()]: chgdoptval = kwargs[chgdopt.lower()][symmetry] if isinstance(chgdoptval, basestring): commands += """psi4.set_global_option('%s', '%s')\n""" % (chgdopt, chgdoptval) # Next four lines were conflict between master and roa branches (TDC, 10/29/2014) elif isinstance(chgdoptval, int) or isinstance(chgdoptval, float): commands += """psi4.set_global_option('%s', %s)\n""" % (chgdopt, chgdoptval) elif isinstance(chgdoptval, list): commands += """psi4.set_global_option('%s', %s)\n""" % (chgdopt, chgdoptval) else: commands += """psi4.set_global_option('%s', %s)\n""" % (chgdopt, chgdoptval) return commands
[docs]def format_kwargs_for_input(filename, lmode=1, **kwargs): """Function to pickle to file *filename* the options dictionary *kwargs*. Mode *lmode* =2 pickles appropriate settings for reap mode. Used to capture Python options information for distributed (sow/reap) input files. """ if lmode == 2: kwargs['mode'] = 'reap' kwargs['linkage'] = os.getpid() filename.write('''\npickle_kw = ("""'''.encode('utf-8')) pickle.dump(kwargs, filename) filename.write('''""")\n'''.encode('utf-8')) filename.write("""\nkwargs = pickle.loads(pickle_kw)\n""".encode('utf-8')) if lmode == 2: kwargs['mode'] = 'sow' del kwargs['linkage']
[docs]def drop_duplicates(seq): """Function that given an array *seq*, returns an array without any duplicate entries. There is no guarantee of which duplicate entry is dropped. """ noDupes = [] [noDupes.append(i) for i in seq if not noDupes.count(i)] return noDupes
[docs]def all_casings(input_string): """Function to return a generator of all lettercase permutations of *input_string*. """ if not input_string: yield "" else: first = input_string[:1] if first.lower() == first.upper(): for sub_casing in all_casings(input_string[1:]): yield first + sub_casing else: for sub_casing in all_casings(input_string[1:]): yield first.lower() + sub_casing yield first.upper() + sub_casing
[docs]def getattr_ignorecase(module, attr): """Function to extract attribute *attr* from *module* if *attr* is available in any possible lettercase permutation. Returns attribute if available, None if not. """ array = None for per in list(all_casings(attr)): try: getattr(module, per) except AttributeError: pass else: array = getattr(module, per) break return array
[docs]def import_ignorecase(module): """Function to import *module* in any possible lettercase permutation. Returns module object if available, None if not. """ modobj = None for per in list(all_casings(module)): try: modobj = __import__(per) except ImportError: pass else: break return modobj
[docs]def extract_sowreap_from_output(sowout, quantity, sownum, linkage, allvital=False, label='electronic energy'): """Function to examine file *sowout* from a sow/reap distributed job for formatted line with electronic energy information about index *sownum* to be used for construction of *quantity* computations as directed by master input file with *linkage* kwarg. When file *sowout* is missing or incomplete files, function will either return zero (*allvital* is ``False``) or terminate (*allvital* is ``True``) since some sow/reap procedures can produce meaningful results (database) from an incomplete set of sown files, while others cannot (gradient, hessian). """ E = 0.0 try: freagent = open('%s.out' % (sowout), 'r') except IOError: if allvital: raise ValidationError('Aborting upon output file \'%s.out\' not found.\n' % (sowout)) else: ValidationError('Aborting upon output file \'%s.out\' not found.\n' % (sowout)) return 0.0 else: while True: line = freagent.readline() if not line: if E == 0.0: if allvital: raise ValidationError('Aborting upon output file \'%s.out\' has no %s RESULT line.\n' % (sowout, quantity)) else: ValidationError('Aborting upon output file \'%s.out\' has no %s RESULT line.\n' % (sowout, quantity)) break s = line.strip().split(None, 10) if (len(s) != 0) and (s[0:3] == [quantity, 'RESULT:', 'computation']): if int(s[3]) != linkage: raise ValidationError('Output file \'%s.out\' has linkage %s incompatible with linkage %s.' % (sowout, str(s[3]), str(linkage))) if s[6] != str(sownum + 1): raise ValidationError('Output file \'%s.out\' has nominal affiliation %s incompatible with item %s.' % (sowout, s[6], str(sownum + 1))) if label == 'electronic energy' and s[8:10] == ['electronic', 'energy']: E = float(s[10]) psi4.print_out('%s RESULT: electronic energy = %20.12f\n' % (quantity, E)) if label == 'electronic gradient' and s[8:10] == ['electronic', 'gradient']: E = ast.literal_eval(s[-1]) psi4.print_out('%s RESULT: electronic gradient = %r\n' % (quantity, E)) freagent.close() return E
[docs]def prepare_options_for_modules(changedOnly=False, commandsInsteadDict=False): """Function to return a string of commands to replicate the current state of user-modified options. Used to capture C++ options information for distributed (sow/reap) input files. .. caution:: Some features are not yet implemented. Buy a developer a coffee. - Need some option to get either all or changed - Need some option to either get dict or set string or psimod command list - command return doesn't revoke has_changed setting for unchanged with changedOnly=False """ modules = [ # PSI4 Modules "ADC", "CCENERGY", "CCEOM", "CCDENSITY", "CCLAMBDA", "CCHBAR", "CCRESPONSE", "CCSORT", "CCTRIPLES", "CLAG", "CPHF", "CIS", "DCFT", "DETCI", "DFMP2", "DFTSAPT", "FINDIF", "FNOCC", "LMP2", "MCSCF", "MINTS", "MRCC", "OCC", "OPTKING", "PSIMRCC", "RESPONSE", "SAPT", "SCF", "STABILITY", "THERMO", "TRANSQT", "TRANSQT2", # External Modules "CFOUR", ] options = {'GLOBALS': {}} commands = '' for opt in psi4.get_global_option_list(): if psi4.has_global_option_changed(opt) or not changedOnly: val = psi4.get_global_option(opt) options['GLOBALS'][opt] = {'value': val, 'has_changed': psi4.has_global_option_changed(opt)} if isinstance(val, basestring): commands += """psi4.set_global_option('%s', '%s')\n""" % (opt, val) else: commands += """psi4.set_global_option('%s', %s)\n""" % (opt, val) #if changedOnly: # print('Appending module %s option %s value %s has_changed %s.' % \ # ('GLOBALS', opt, psi4.get_global_option(opt), psi4.has_global_option_changed(opt))) for module in modules: try: if psi4.has_option_changed(module, opt) or not changedOnly: if not module in options: options[module] = {} val = psi4.get_option(module, opt) options[module][opt] = {'value': val, 'has_changed': psi4.has_option_changed(module, opt)} if isinstance(val, basestring): commands += """psi4.set_local_option('%s', '%s', '%s')\n""" % (module, opt, val) else: commands += """psi4.set_local_option('%s', '%s', %s)\n""" % (module, opt, val) #if changedOnly: # print('Appending module %s option %s value %s has_changed %s.' % \ # (module, opt, psi4.get_option(module, opt), psi4.has_option_changed(module, opt))) except RuntimeError: pass if commandsInsteadDict: return commands else: return options
[docs]def mat2arr(mat): """Function to convert psi4.Matrix *mat* to Python array of arrays. Expects psi4.Matrix to be flat with respect to symmetry. """ if mat.rowdim().n() != 1: raise ValidationError('Cannot convert Matrix with symmetry.') arr = [] for row in range(mat.rowdim()[0]): temp = [] for col in range(mat.coldim()[0]): temp.append(mat.get(row, col)) arr.append(temp) return arr
[docs]def format_currentstate_for_input(func, name, allButMol=False, **kwargs): """Function to return an input file in preprocessed psithon. Captures memory, molecule, options, function, method, and kwargs. Used to write distributed (sow/reap) input files. """ commands = """\n# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the %s() wrapper.\n\n""" % (inspect.stack()[1][3]) commands += """memory %d mb\n\n""" % (int(0.000001 * psi4.get_memory())) if not allButMol: molecule = psi4.get_active_molecule() molecule.update_geometry() commands += format_molecule_for_input(molecule) commands += '\n' commands += prepare_options_for_modules(changedOnly=True, commandsInsteadDict=True) commands += """\n%s('%s', """ % (func.__name__, name.lower()) for key in kwargs.keys(): commands += """%s=%r, """ % (key, kwargs[key]) commands += ')\n\n' return commands
[docs]def expand_psivars(pvdefs): """Dictionary *pvdefs* has keys with names of PsiVariables to be created and values with dictionary of two keys: 'args', the PsiVariables that contribute to the key and 'func', a function (or lambda) to combine them. This function builds those PsiVariables if all the contributors are available. Helpful printing is available when PRINT > 2. """ verbose = psi4.get_global_option('PRINT') for pvar, action in pvdefs.iteritems(): if verbose >= 2: print("""building %s %s""" % (pvar, '.' * (50 - len(pvar))), end='') psivars = psi4.get_variables() data_rich_args = [] for pv in action['args']: if isinstance(pv, basestring): if pv in psivars: data_rich_args.append(psivars[pv]) else: if verbose >= 2: print("""EMPTY, missing {}""".format(pv)) break else: data_rich_args.append(pv) else: result = action['func'](data_rich_args) psi4.set_variable(pvar, result) if verbose >= 2: print("""SUCCESS""")