Source code for qcdb.cfour

# PSI4: an ab initio quantum chemistry software package
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import struct
from collections import defaultdict
from decimal import Decimal
from .pdict import PreservingDict
from .periodictable import *
from .physconst import *
from .exceptions import *
from .molecule import Molecule
from .orient import OrientMols
from .options import conv_float2negexp

[docs]def harvest_output(outtext): """Function to separate portions of a CFOUR output file *outtest*, divided by xjoda. """ pass_psivar = [] pass_coord = [] pass_grad = [] for outpass in re.split(r'--invoking executable xjoda', outtext, re.MULTILINE): psivar, c4coord, c4grad = harvest_outfile_pass(outpass) pass_psivar.append(psivar) pass_coord.append(c4coord) pass_grad.append(c4grad) #print '\n\nXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n\n' #print outpass #print psivar, c4coord, c4grad #print psivar, c4grad #print '\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n' retindx = -1 if pass_coord[-1] else -2 # print ' <<< C4 PSIVAR >>>' # for item in pass_psivar[retindx]: # print(' %30s %16.8f' % (item, pass_psivar[retindx][item])) # print ' <<< C4 COORD >>>' # for item in pass_coord[retindx]: # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) # print ' <<< C4 GRAD >>>' # for item in pass_grad[retindx]: # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) return pass_psivar[retindx], pass_coord[retindx], pass_grad[retindx]
[docs]def harvest_outfile_pass(outtext): """Function to read CFOUR output file *outtext* and parse important quantum chemical information from it in """ psivar = PreservingDict() psivar_coord = None psivar_grad = None # TODO: BCC # CI # QCISD(T) # other ROHF tests # vcc/ecc NUMBER = "((?:[-+]?\\d*\\.\\d+(?:[DdEe][-+]?\\d+)?)|(?:[-+]?\\d+\\.\\d*(?:[DdEe][-+]?\\d+)?))" # Process NRE mobj ='^\s+' + r'(?:Nuclear repulsion energy :)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a\.u\.\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched nre') psivar['NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY'] = # Process SCF mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:E\(SCF\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a\.u\.\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched scf1') psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:E\(SCF\)=)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched scf2') psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:SCF has converged.)' + r'\s*$' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:\d+)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched scf3') psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] = # Process MP2 mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(AA\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(AB\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(TOT\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:Total MP2 energy)' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched mp2r') psivar['MP2 SAME-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY'] = 2 * Decimal( psivar['MP2 OPPOSITE-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = 2 * Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(AA\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(BB\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(AB\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(TOT\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:Total MP2 energy)' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched mp2u') psivar['MP2 SAME-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY'] = Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP2 OPPOSITE-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = Decimal( + \ Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(AA\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(BB\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(AB\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(SINGLE\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E2\(TOT\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:Total MP2 energy)' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched mp2ro') psivar['MP2 SAME-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY'] = Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP2 OPPOSITE-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2 SINGLES ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = Decimal( + \ Decimal( + Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] = # Process MP3 mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(2\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(3\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched mp3r') dmp2 = Decimal( dmp3 = Decimal( psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + dmp3 psivar['MP3 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + Decimal('0.500000000000') * dmp3 psivar['MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:S-MBPT\(2\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(2\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:S-MBPT\(3\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(3\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched mp3ro') dmp2 = Decimal( + Decimal( dmp3 = Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + dmp3 psivar['MP3 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + Decimal('0.500000000000') * dmp3 psivar['MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] # Process MP4 mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(2\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(3\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:Q-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:S-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched mp4r') dmp2 = Decimal( dmp3 = Decimal( dmp4sdq = Decimal( + Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + dmp3 psivar['MP3 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + Decimal('0.500000000000') * dmp3 psivar['MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] psivar['MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + dmp3 + dmp4sdq psivar['MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:S-MBPT\(2\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(2\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:S-MBPT\(3\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(3\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:L-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:NL-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched mp4ro') dmp2 = Decimal( + Decimal( dmp3 = Decimal( + Decimal( dmp4sdq = Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + dmp3 psivar['MP3 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + Decimal('0.500000000000') * dmp3 psivar['MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] psivar['MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = dmp2 + dmp3 + dmp4sdq psivar['MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:D-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:Q-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:S-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:T-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched mp4tr') dmp4sdq = Decimal( + Decimal( + Decimal( dmp4t = Decimal( psivar['MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + dmp4sdq psivar['MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4(T) CORRECTION ENERGY'] = dmp4t psivar['MP4(SDTQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + dmp4sdq + dmp4t psivar['MP4(SDTQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4(SDTQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['MP4 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4(SDTQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:L-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:NL-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:WT12-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:T-MBPT\(4\))' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched mp4tro') dmp4sdq = Decimal( + Decimal( dmp4t = Decimal( + Decimal( # TODO: WT12 with T, not SDQ? psivar['MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + dmp4sdq psivar['MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4(T) CORRECTION ENERGY'] = dmp4t psivar['MP4(SDTQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] + dmp4sdq + dmp4t psivar['MP4(SDTQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4(SDTQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['MP4 TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4(SDTQ) TOTAL ENERGY'] # Process CC Iterations mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?P<fullCC>(?P<iterCC>CC(?:\w+))(?:\(T\))?)' + r'\s+(?:energy will be calculated.)\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:\d+)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+DIIS\s*' + r'^\s*(?:-+)\s*' + r'^\s*(?:A miracle (?:has come|come) to pass. The CC iterations have converged.)\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched cc with full %s iterating %s' % ('fullCC'),'iterCC'))) psivar['%s CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = psivar['%s TOTAL ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = # Process CC(T) mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:E\(SCF\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a\.u\.\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E\(CCSD\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:E\(CCSD\(T\)\))' + r'\s+=\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched ccsd(t) vcc') psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['(T) CORRECTION ENERGY'] = Decimal( - Decimal( psivar['CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = Decimal( - Decimal( psivar['CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:E\(SCF\))' + r'\s+=\s*' + NUMBER + r'\s+a\.u\.\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:CCSD energy)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:Total perturbative triples energy:)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s*(?:-+)\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:CCSD\(T\) energy)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched ccsd(t) ecc') psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['(T) CORRECTION ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = Decimal( - Decimal( psivar['CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?:CCSD energy)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s*(?:-+)\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'(?:CCSD\(T\) energy)' + r'\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: print('matched ccsd(t) lamb') psivar['CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'] = psivar['(T) CORRECTION ENERGY'] = Decimal( - Decimal( psivar['CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY'] = Decimal( - psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] psivar['CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'] = # Process SCS-CC mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?P<fullCC>(?P<iterCC>CC(?:\w+))(?:\(T\))?)' + r'\s+(?:energy will be calculated.)\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s*' + r'(?:@CCENRG-I, Correlation energies.)' + r'\s+(?:ECCAA)\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*' + r'^\s+(?:ECCBB)\s+' + NUMBER + '\s*' + r'^\s+(?:ECCAB)\s+' + NUMBER + '\s*' + r'^\s+(?:Total)\s+' + NUMBER + '\s*', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: # PRINT=2 to get SCS-CC components print('matched scscc') psivar['%s SAME-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['%s OPPOSITE-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = psivar['%s CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = mobj = r'^\s+' + r'(?P<fullCC>(?P<iterCC>CC(?:\w+))(?:\(T\))?)' + r'\s+(?:energy will be calculated.)\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + r'^\s+' + r'Amplitude equations converged in' + r'\s*\d+\s*' + r'iterations.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'The AA contribution to the correlation energy is:\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'The BB contribution to the correlation energy is:\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'The AB contribution to the correlation energy is:\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'The total correlation energy is\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s+a.u.\s*' + r'(?:.*?)' + #r'^\s+' + r'The CC iterations have converged.' + r'\s*$', r'^\s+' + r'(?:A miracle come to pass. )?' + r'The CC iterations have converged.' + r'\s*$', outtext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if mobj: # PRINT=2 to get SCS components print('matched scscc2') psivar['%s SAME-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = Decimal( + Decimal( psivar['%s OPPOSITE-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = psivar['%s CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('iterCC'))] = # Process gradient mobj = r'\s+' + r'Molecular gradient' + r'\s*' + r'\s+' + r'------------------' + r'\s*' + r'\s+' + r'\n' + r'(?:(?:\s+[A-Z]+\s*#\d+\s+[xyz]\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+\s*\n)+)' + # optional, it seems r'\n\n' + # optional, it seems r'((?:\s+[A-Z]+\s*#\d+\s+\d?\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+\s*\n)+)' + r'\n\n' + r'\s+' + 'Molecular gradient norm', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched molgrad') atoms = [] psivar_grad = [] for line in lline = line.split() atoms.append(lline[0]) #psivar_gradient.append([Decimal(lline[-3]), Decimal(lline[-2]), Decimal(lline[-1])]) psivar_grad.append([float(lline[-3]), float(lline[-2]), float(lline[-1])]) # Process geometry mobj = # r'\s+(?:-+)\s*' + # r'^\s+' + r'Z-matrix Atomic Coordinates (in bohr)' + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'Symbol Number X Y Z' + r'\s*' + r'^\s+(?:-+)\s*' + r'((?:\s+[A-Z]+\s+[0-9]+\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+\s+[-+]?\d+\.\d+\s*\n)+)' + r'^\s+(?:-+)\s*', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched geom') molxyz = '%d bohr\n\n' % len( for line in lline = line.split() molxyz += '%s %16s %16s %16s\n' % (lline[0], lline[-3], lline[-2], lline[-1]) # Rather a dinky Molecule as no ghost, charge, or multiplicity psivar_coord = Molecule.init_with_xyz(molxyz, no_com=True, no_reorient=True, contentsNotFilename=True) # Process atom geometry mobj = r'^\s+' + r'@GETXYZ-I, 1 atoms read from ZMAT.' + r'\s*' + r'^\s+' + r'[0-9]+\s+([A-Z]+)\s+[0-9]+\s+' + NUMBER + r'\s*', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched atom') # Dinky Molecule molxyz = '1 bohr\n\n%s 0.0 0.0 0.0\n' % ( psivar_coord = Molecule.init_with_xyz(molxyz, no_com=True, no_reorient=True, contentsNotFilename=True) # Process error codes mobj = r'^\s*' + r'--executable ' + r'(\w+)' + r' finished with status' + r'\s+' + r'([1-9][0-9]*)', outtext, re.MULTILINE) if mobj: print('matched error') psivar['CFOUR ERROR CODE'] = # Process CURRENT energies (TODO: needs better way) if 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT REFERENCE ENERGY'] = psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] if 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] if 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['MP3 TOTAL ENERGY'] if 'MP4 TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'MP4 CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4 CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['MP4 TOTAL ENERGY'] # if ('%s TOTAL ENERGY' % ('fullCC')) in psivar) and \ # ('%s CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('fullCC')) in psivar): # psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['%s CORRELATION ENERGY' % ('fullCC')] # psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['%s TOTAL ENERGY' % ('fullCC')] if 'CC2 TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'CC2 CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['CC2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['CC2 TOTAL ENERGY'] if 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'] if 'CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'] if 'CC3 TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'CC3 CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['CC3 CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['CC3 TOTAL ENERGY'] if 'CCSDT TOTAL ENERGY' in psivar and 'CCSDT CORRELATION ENERGY' in psivar: psivar['CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSDT CORRELATION ENERGY'] psivar['CURRENT ENERGY'] = psivar['CCSDT TOTAL ENERGY'] return psivar, psivar_coord, psivar_grad
[docs]def harvest(p4Mol, c4out, **largs): """Parses all the pieces of output from Cfour: the stdout in *c4out* and the contents of various scratch files like GRD stored in their namesake keys in *largs*. Since all Cfour output uses its own orientation and atom ordering for the given molecule, a qcdb.Molecule *p4Mol*, if supplied, is used to transform the Cfour output back into consistency with *p4Mol*. """ # Collect results from output file and subsidiary files outPsivar, outMol, outGrad = harvest_output(c4out) if 'GRD' in largs: grdMol, grdGrad = harvest_GRD(largs['GRD']) else: grdMol, grdGrad = None, None if 'FCMFINAL' in largs: fcmHess = harvest_FCM(largs['FCMFINAL']) else: fcmHess = None if 'DIPOL' in largs: dipolDip = harvest_DIPOL(largs['DIPOL']) else: dipolDip = None # Reconcile the coordinate information: several cases # Case p4Mol GRD Check consistency Apply orientation? ReturnMol (1-19-2014) # sp with mol thru cfour {} None None outMol N.C. outMol # opt with mol thru cfour {} None grdMol outMol && grdMol N.C. grdMol # sp with mol thru molecule {} p4Mol None p4Mol && outMol p4Mol <-- outMol p4Mol (same as input arg) # opt with mol thru molecule {} p4Mol grdMol p4Mol && outMol && grdMol p4Mol <-- grdMol p4Mol (same as input arg) if outMol: if grdMol: if abs(outMol.nuclear_repulsion_energy() - grdMol.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) > 1.0e-3: raise ValidationError("""Cfour outfile (NRE: %f) inconsistent with Cfour GRD (NRE: %f).""" % \ (outMol.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), grdMol.nuclear_repulsion_energy())) if p4Mol: if abs(outMol.nuclear_repulsion_energy() - p4Mol.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) > 1.0e-3: raise ValidationError("""Cfour outfile (NRE: %f) inconsistent with Psi4 input (NRE: %f).""" % \ (outMol.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), p4Mol.nuclear_repulsion_energy())) else: raise ValidationError("""No coordinate information extracted from Cfour output.""") # print ' <<< [1] P4-MOL >>>' # if p4Mol: # p4Mol.print_out_in_bohr() # print ' <<< [2] C4-OUT-MOL >>>' # if outMol: # outMol.print_out_in_bohr() # print ' <<< [3] C4-GRD-MOL >>>' # if grdMol: # grdMol.print_out_in_bohr() # Set up array reorientation object if p4Mol and grdMol: p4c4 = OrientMols(p4Mol, grdMol) oriCoord = p4c4.transform_coordinates2(grdMol) oriGrad = p4c4.transform_gradient(grdGrad) oriDip = None if dipolDip is None else p4c4.transform_vector(dipolDip) elif p4Mol and outMol: p4c4 = OrientMols(p4Mol, outMol) oriCoord = p4c4.transform_coordinates2(outMol) oriGrad = None oriDip = None if dipolDip is None else p4c4.transform_vector(dipolDip) elif outMol: oriCoord = None oriGrad = None oriDip = None if dipolDip is None else dipolDip # print p4c4 # print ' <<< [4] C4-ORI-MOL >>>' # if oriCoord is not None: # for item in oriCoord: # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) # # print ' <<< [1] C4-GRD-GRAD >>>' # if grdGrad is not None: # for item in grdGrad: # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) # print ' <<< [2] C4-ORI-GRAD >>>' # if oriGrad is not None: # for item in oriGrad: # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) retMol = None if p4Mol else grdMol if oriDip: outPsivar['CURRENT DIPOLE X'] = str(oriDip[0] * psi_dipmom_au2debye) outPsivar['CURRENT DIPOLE Y'] = str(oriDip[1] * psi_dipmom_au2debye) outPsivar['CURRENT DIPOLE Z'] = str(oriDip[2] * psi_dipmom_au2debye) if oriGrad: retGrad = oriGrad elif grdGrad: retGrad = grdGrad else: retGrad = None return outPsivar, retGrad, retMol
[docs]def harvest_GRD(grd): """Parses the contents *grd* of the Cfour GRD file into the gradient array and coordinate information. The coordinate info is converted into a rather dinky Molecule (no charge, multiplicity, or fragment), but this is these coordinates that govern the reading of molecule orientation by Cfour. Return qcdb.Molecule and gradient array. """ grd = grd.splitlines() Nat = int(grd[0].split()[0]) molxyz = '%d bohr\n\n' % (Nat) grad = [] for at in range(Nat): mline = grd[at + 1].split() el = 'GH' if int(float(mline[0])) == 0 else z2el[int(float(mline[0]))] molxyz += '%s %16s %16s %16s\n' % (el, mline[-3], mline[-2], mline[-1]) lline = grd[at + 1 + Nat].split() grad.append([float(lline[-3]), float(lline[-2]), float(lline[-1])]) mol = Molecule.init_with_xyz(molxyz, no_com=True, no_reorient=True, contentsNotFilename=True) return mol, grad
[docs]def harvest_zmat(zmat): """Parses the contents of the Cfour ZMAT file into array and coordinate information. The coordinate info is converted into a rather dinky Molecule (no fragment, but does read charge, mult, unit). Return qcdb.Molecule. Written for findif zmat* where geometry always Cartesian and Bohr. """ zmat = zmat.splitlines()[1:] # skip comment line Nat = 0 readCoord = True isBohr = '' charge = 0 mult = 1 molxyz = '' cgeom = [] for line in zmat: if line.strip() == '': readCoord = False elif readCoord: lline = line.split() molxyz += line + '\n' Nat += 1 else: if line.find('CHARGE') > -1: idx = line.find('CHARGE') charge = line[idx + 7:] idxc = charge.find(',') if idxc > -1: charge = charge[:idxc] charge = int(charge) if line.find('MULTIPLICITY') > -1: idx = line.find('MULTIPLICITY') mult = line[idx + 13:] idxc = mult.find(',') if idxc > -1: mult = mult[:idxc] mult = int(mult) if line.find('UNITS=BOHR') > -1: isBohr = ' bohr' molxyz = '%d%s\n%d %d\n' % (Nat, isBohr, charge, mult) + molxyz mol = Molecule.init_with_xyz(molxyz, no_com=True, no_reorient=True, contentsNotFilename=True) return mol
[docs]def harvest_FCM(fcm): """Parses the contents *fcm* of the Cfour FCMFINAL file into a hessian array. """ fcm = fcm.splitlines() Nat = int(fcm[0].split()[0]) Ndof = int(fcm[0].split()[1]) empty = True hess = [] for df in range(Ndof): for at in range(Nat): lline = fcm[Ndof * at + at + 1].split() if empty: if (abs(float(lline[0])) > 1.0e-8) or \ (abs(float(lline[1])) > 1.0e-8) or \ (abs(float(lline[2])) > 1.0e-8): empty = False fcm.append([float(lline[0]), float(lline[1]), float(lline[2])]) return None if empty else hess
[docs]def harvest_DIPOL(dipol): """Parses the contents *dipol* of the Cfour DIPOL file into a dipol vector. """ dipol = dipol.splitlines() lline = dipol[0].split() dip = [float(lline[0]), float(lline[1]), float(lline[2])] #return None if empty else dip return dip
[docs]def muster_memory(mem): """Transform input *mem* in MB into psi4-type options for cfour. """ text = '' # prepare memory keywords to be set as c-side keywords options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_MEMORY_SIZE']['value'] = int(mem) options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_MEM_UNIT']['value'] = 'MB' for item in options['CFOUR']: options['CFOUR'][item]['clobber'] = True return text, options
# Ways of modifying a computation # global: set global c-side option # local: set local c-side option # kwarg: set kwarg # i-local: set global=local c-side option to an interface module # ro-def: code uses default entirely specified by read_options # module-def: code uses default that is complex mixture of read_options settings # i-def: interfaced code uses defaults not entirely expressed in read_options # driver-def: driver code sets complex defaults # # Pure psi4 operation # kwarg ~= local > global > driver-def > module-def > ro-def # # Interfaced psi4 operation # kwarg ~= i-local > local > global > driver-def > i-def # P4 infrastructure replacing interfaced infrastructure (mol, basis, mem) where unavoidable overlap in how things are specified (mult in mol{} vs keyword) is treated as a clobber & complain if conflict VS P4 infrastructure as an aliased/convenient leak into interfaced infrastructure (psi) and is strictly no clobber or complain.
[docs]def muster_psi4options(opt): """Translate psi4 keywords *opt* that have been explicitly set into their Cfour counterparts. Since explicitly set Cfour module keyword values will always be used preferentially to these inferred from psi4, the 'clobber' property is set to False. """ text = '' options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) if 'GLOBALS' in opt: if 'PUREAM' in opt['GLOBALS']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SPHERICAL']['value'] = \ opt['MINTS']['PUREAM']['value'] if 'SCF' in opt: if 'REFERENCE' in opt['SCF']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_REFERENCE']['value'] = \ {'RHF': 'RHF', 'UHF': 'UHF', 'ROHF': 'ROHF'}[opt['SCF']['REFERENCE']['value']] if 'D_CONVERGENCE' in opt['SCF']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SCF_CONV']['value'] = \ conv_float2negexp(opt['SCF']['D_CONVERGENCE']['value']) if 'MAXITER' in opt['SCF']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SCF_MAXCYC']['value'] = \ opt['SCF']['MAXITER']['value'] if 'DAMPING_PERCENTAGE' in opt['SCF']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SCF_DAMPING']['value'] = \ int(10 * opt['SCF']['DAMPING_PERCENTAGE']['value']) for item in options['CFOUR']: options['CFOUR'][item]['clobber'] = False return text, options
# Philosophy break: # Specification options # Massaging options # * No program's defaults should be tampered with w/o provokation # want all defaults applied to all programs, so p4 scf_conv is 5 and c4 scf_conv is 5 # want separate regimes, so conv 6 covers all the p4 parts and cfour_conv = 8 covers the c4 parts # want mixture, so basis gets applied to c4 but others don't # first case, when options specified explicitly # [scf][d_convergence] [cfour][cfour_scf_conv] what happens? # 8 from opt() 7 by default # 6 from set {...} 7 by default 6 (guideline that psi4 format converts when clear) # 8 from opt() 5 from set {...} 5 (local trumps) # 6 from set {...} 5 from set {...} 5 (local trumps) # # energy(name) [cfour][cfour_calc_level] # c4-scf SCF by default # c4-scf CCSD from set {...}
[docs]def muster_modelchem(name, dertype): """Transform calculation method *name* and derivative level *dertype* into options for cfour. While deliberately requested pieces, generally |cfour__cfour_deriv_level| and |cfour__cfour_calc_level|, are set to complain if contradicted ('clobber' set to True), other 'recommended' settings, like |cfour__cfour_cc_program|, can be countermanded by keywords in input file ('clobber' set to False). Occasionally, want these pieces to actually overcome keywords in input file ('superclobber' set to True). """ text = '' lowername = name.lower() options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) if dertype == 0: if lowername == 'cfour': pass # permit clean operation of sandwich mode else: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_DERIV_LEVEL']['value'] = 'ZERO' elif dertype == 1: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_DERIV_LEVEL']['value'] = 'FIRST' elif dertype == 2: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_DERIV_LEVEL']['value'] = 'SECOND' else: raise ValidationError("""Requested Cfour dertype %d is not available.""" % (dertype)) if lowername == 'cfour': pass elif lowername == 'c4-scf': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'SCF' elif lowername == 'c4-mp2': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'MP2' elif lowername == 'c4-mp3': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'MP3' elif lowername == 'c4-mp4(sdq)': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'SDQ-MP4' elif lowername == 'c4-mp4': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'MP4' elif lowername == 'c4-cc2': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CC2' elif lowername == 'c4-ccsd': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CCSD' options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CC_PROGRAM']['value'] = 'ECC' elif lowername == 'c4-cc3': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CC3' elif lowername == 'c4-ccsd(t)': # Can't use (T) b/c bug in xsymcor lops it off #options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CCSD(T)' options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CCSD[T]' options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CC_PROGRAM']['value'] = 'ECC' elif lowername == 'c4-ccsdt': options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CCSDT' options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CC_PROGRAM']['value'] = 'ECC' else: raise ValidationError("""Requested Cfour computational methods %d is not available.""" % (lowername)) # Set clobbering if 'CFOUR_DERIV_LEVEL' in options['CFOUR']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_DERIV_LEVEL']['clobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_DERIV_LEVEL']['superclobber'] = True if 'CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL' in options['CFOUR']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['clobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CALC_LEVEL']['superclobber'] = True if 'CFOUR_CC_PROGRAM' in options['CFOUR']: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CC_PROGRAM']['clobber'] = False return text, options
[docs]def cfour_list(): """Return an array of Cfour methods with energies. Appended to procedures['energy']. """ val = [] val.append('cfour') val.append('c4-scf') val.append('c4-mp2') val.append('c4-mp3') val.append('c4-mp4(sdq)') val.append('c4-mp4') val.append('c4-cc2') val.append('c4-ccsd') val.append('c4-cc3') val.append('c4-ccsd(t)') val.append('c4-ccsdt') return val
[docs]def cfour_gradient_list(): """Return an array of Cfour methods with analytical gradients. Appended to procedures['gradient']. """ val = [] val.append('cfour') val.append('c4-scf') val.append('c4-mp2') val.append('c4-mp3') val.append('c4-mp4(sdq)') val.append('c4-mp4') val.append('c4-cc2') val.append('c4-ccsd') val.append('c4-cc3') val.append('c4-ccsd(t)') val.append('c4-ccsdt') return val
[docs]def cfour_psivar_list(): """Return a dict with keys of most Cfour methods and values of dicts with the PSI Variables returned by those methods. Used by cbs() wrapper to avoid unnecessary computations in compound methods. Result is appended to ``VARH``. """ VARH = {} VARH['c4-scf'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['c4-mp2'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-mp3'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp2.5corl': 'MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp3corl': 'MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-mp4(sdq)'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp2.5corl': 'MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp3corl': 'MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp4(sdq)corl': 'MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-mp4'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp2.5corl': 'MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp3corl': 'MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp4(sdq)corl': 'MP4(SDQ) CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-mp4corl': 'MP4(SDTQ) CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-cc2'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-cc2corl': 'CC2 CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-ccsd'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-ccsdcorl': 'CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-cc3'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-cc3corl': 'CC3 CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-ccsd(t)'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-ccsdcorl': 'CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-ccsd(t)corl': 'CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY'} VARH['c4-ccsdt'] = { 'c4-scftot': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY', 'c4-mp2corl': 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-ccsdcorl': 'CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY', 'c4-ccsdtcorl': 'CCSDT CORRELATION ENERGY'} return VARH
#def backtransform(chgeMol, permMol, chgeGrad=None, chgeDip=None): #def format_fjobarc(fje, fjelem, fjcoord, fjgrd, map, fjdip):
[docs]def format_fjobarc(energy, map, elem, coordinates, gradient, dipole): """Takes the key results from a gradient computation (*energy*, element Z list *elem*, *coordinates*, *gradient*, *dipole*, and atom ordering *map*) and writes a string *fja* that exactly mimics the contents of a Cfour FJOBARC file. """ fja = 'TOTENERG\n' fja += '%15d%15d\n' % (struct.unpack("ii", struct.pack("d", energy))) fja += 'COORD\n' Nat = len(coordinates) flatcoord = [] for at in range(Nat): for xyz in range(3): flatcoord.append(coordinates[map[at]][xyz]) for idx in range(len(flatcoord)): if abs(flatcoord[idx]) < 1.0E-14: # TODO flatcoord[idx] = 0.0 fja += '%15d%15d' % (struct.unpack("ii", struct.pack("d", flatcoord[idx]))) if idx % 2 == 1: fja += '\n' if len(flatcoord) % 2 == 1: fja += '\n' fja += 'MAP2ZMAT\n' for idx in range(Nat): fja += '%15d%15d' % (struct.unpack("ii", struct.pack("l", map[idx] + 1))) if idx % 2 == 1: fja += '\n' if Nat % 2 == 1: fja += '\n' fja += 'GRD FILE\n' fja += '%5d%20.10f\n' % (Nat, 0.0) for at in range(Nat): fja += '%20.10f%20.10f%20.10f%20.10f\n' % (elem[at], coordinates[at][0], coordinates[at][1], coordinates[at][2]) for at in range(Nat): fja += '%20.10f%20.10f%20.10f%20.10f\n' % (elem[at], gradient[at][0], gradient[at][1], gradient[at][2]) fja += 'DIPOL FILE\n' fja += '%20.10f%20.10f%20.10f\n' % (dipole[0], dipole[1], dipole[2]) return fja
[docs]def backtransform(chgeMol, permMol, chgeGrad=None, chgeDip=None): """Here, *chgeMol* and *chgeGrd* need to be turned into the native Cfour orientation embodied by *permMol*. Currently for vpt2. """ # Set up array reorientation object p4c4 = OrientMols(permMol, chgeMol) # opposite than usual oriCoord = p4c4.transform_coordinates2(chgeMol) p4Elem = [] for at in range(chgeMol.natom()): p4Elem.append(chgeMol.Z(at)) oriElem = p4c4.transform_elementlist(p4Elem) oriElemMap = p4c4.Catommap oriGrad = None if chgeGrad is None else p4c4.transform_gradient(chgeGrad) oriDip = None if chgeDip is None else p4c4.transform_vector(chgeDip) if chgeGrad and chgeDip: return oriElemMap, oriElem, oriCoord, oriGrad, oriDip else: return oriElemMap, oriElem, oriCoord
#def backtransform_grad(p4Mol, c4Mol, p4Grd, p4Dip): # """Here, p4Mol and p4Grd need to be turned into the native Cfour # orientation embodied by c4Mol. Currently for vpt2. # # """ # # Set up array reorientation object # p4c4 = OrientMols(c4Mol, p4Mol) # opposite than usual # oriCoord = p4c4.transform_coordinates2(p4Mol) # oriGrad = p4c4.transform_gradient(p4Grd) # p4Elem = [] # for at in range(p4Mol.natom()): # p4Elem.append(p4Mol.Z(at)) # oriElem = p4c4.transform_elementlist(p4Elem) # oriElemMap = p4c4.Catommap # oriDip = p4c4.transform_vector(p4Dip) # # #print p4c4 # #print ' <<< Input C4 Mol >>>' # #c4Mol.print_out() # #print ' <<< Input P4 Mol >>>' # #p4Mol.print_out() # #print ' <<< Input P4 Grad >>>' # #if p4Grd is not None: # # for item in p4Grd: # # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) # #print ' <<< Rotated P4 Coord >>>' # #if oriCoord is not None: # # for item in oriCoord: # # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) # #print ' <<< Rotated P4 Elem >>>' # #if oriElem is not None: # # for item in oriElem : # # print(' %16.8f' % (item)) # #print ' <<< Rotated P4 Dip >>>' # #if oriDip is not None: # # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (oriDip[0], oriDip[1], oriDip[2])) # #print ' <<< Rotated P4 Grad >>>' # #if oriGrad is not None: # # for item in oriGrad: # # print(' %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f' % (item[0], item[1], item[2])) # # return oriElemMap, oriElem, oriCoord, oriGrad, oriDip # #return oriElem, oriCoord, oriGrad, oriElemMap, oriDip
[docs]def jajo2mol(jajodic): """Returns a Molecule from entries in dictionary *jajodic* extracted from JAINDX and JOBARC. """ map = jajodic['MAP2ZMAT'] elem = jajodic['ATOMCHRG'] coord = jajodic['COORD '] Nat = len(elem) molxyz = '%d bohr\n\n' % (Nat) # TODO chgmult, though not really necessary for reorientation for at in range(Nat): posn = map[at] - 1 el = 'GH' if elem[posn] == 0 else z2el[elem[posn]] posn *= 3 molxyz += '%s %21.15f %21.15f %21.15f\n' % (el, coord[posn], coord[posn + 1], coord[posn + 2]) mol = Molecule.init_with_xyz(molxyz, no_com=True, no_reorient=True, contentsNotFilename=True) return mol