Source code for qcdb.libmintsbasisset

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import os
import re
import sys
import string
import hashlib
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from .oldpymodules import OrderedDict
from .exceptions import *
from .psiutil import search_file
from .molecule import Molecule
from .periodictable import *
from .libmintsgshell import GaussianShell
from .libmintsbasissetparser import Gaussian94BasisSetParser
from .basislist import corresponding_basis
if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
    basestring = str

[docs]class BasisSet(object): """Basis set container class Reads the basis set from a checkpoint file object. Also reads the molecule from the checkpoint file storing the information in an internal Molecule class which can be accessed using molecule(). """ # <<< Globals >>> # Has static information been initialized? initialized_shared = False # Global arrays of x, y, z exponents (Need libmint for max ang mom) LIBINT_MAX_AM = 6 # TODO exp_ao = [[] for l in range(LIBINT_MAX_AM)] def __init__(self, *args): # <<< Basic BasisSet Information >>> # The name of this basis set (e.g. "BASIS", "RI BASIS") = None # Array of gaussian shells self.shells = None # Molecule object. self.molecule = None # Shell information self.atom_basis_shell = None # <<< Scalars >>> # Number of atomic orbitals (Cartesian) self.PYnao = None # Number of basis functions (either cartesian or spherical) self.PYnbf = None # The number of unique primitives self.n_uprimitive = None # The number of shells self.n_shells = None # The number of primitives self.PYnprimitive = None # The maximum angular momentum self.PYmax_am = None # The maximum number of primitives in a shell self.PYmax_nprimitive = None # Whether the basis set is uses spherical basis functions or not self.puream = None # <<< Arrays >>> # The number of primitives (and exponents) in each shell self.n_prim_per_shell = None # The first (Cartesian) atomic orbital in each shell self.shell_first_ao = None # The first (Cartesian / spherical) basis function in each shell self.shell_first_basis_function = None # Shell number to atomic center. self.shell_center = None # Which shell does a given (Cartesian / spherical) function belong to? self.function_to_shell = None # Which shell does a given Cartesian function belong to? self.ao_to_shell = None # Which center is a given function on? self.function_center = None # How many shells are there on each center? self.center_to_nshell = None # What's the first shell on each center? self.center_to_shell = None # The flattened lists of unique exponents self.uexponents = None # The flattened lists of unique contraction coefficients (normalized) self.ucoefficients = None # The flattened lists of unique contraction coefficients (as provided by the user) self.uoriginal_coefficients = None # The flattened lists of ERD normalized contraction coefficients self.uerd_coefficients = None # The flattened list of Cartesian coordinates for each atom = None # Divert to constructor functions if len(args) == 0: self.constructor_zero_ao_basis() elif len(args) == 2 and \ isinstance(args[0], BasisSet) and \ isinstance(args[1], int): self.constructor_basisset_center(*args) elif len(args) == 3 and \ isinstance(args[0], basestring) and \ isinstance(args[1], Molecule) and \ isinstance(args[2], OrderedDict): self.constructor_role_mol_shellmap(*args) else: raise ValidationError('BasisSet::constructor: Inappropriate configuration of constructor arguments') # <<< Methods for Construction >>>
[docs] def initialize_singletons(self): """Initialize singleton values that are shared by all basis set objects.""" # Populate the exp_ao arrays for l in range(self.LIBINT_MAX_AM): for i in range(l + 1): x = l - i for j in range(i + 1): y = i - j z = j self.exp_ao[l].append([x, y, z])
[docs] def constructor_zero_ao_basis(self): """Constructs a zero AO basis set""" if not self.initialized_shared: self.initialize_singletons() self.initialized_shared = True # Add a dummy atom at the origin, to hold this basis function self.molecule = Molecule() self.molecule.add_atom(0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # Fill with data representing a single S function, at the origin, with 0 exponent self.n_uprimitive = 1 self.n_shells = 1 self.PYnprimitive = 1 self.PYnao = 1 self.PYnbf = 1 self.uerd_coefficients = [1.0] self.n_prim_per_shell = [1] self.uexponents = [0.0] self.ucoefficients = [1.0] self.uoriginal_coefficients = [1.0] self.shell_first_ao = [0] self.shell_first_basis_function = [0] self.ao_to_shell = [0] self.function_to_shell = [0] self.function_center = [0] self.shell_center = [0] self.center_to_nshell = [0] self.center_to_shell = [0] self.puream = False self.PYmax_am = 0 self.PYmax_nprimitive = 1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] = '(Empty Basis Set)' self.shells = [] self.shells.append(GaussianShell(0, self.PYnprimitive, self.uoriginal_coefficients, self.ucoefficients, self.uerd_coefficients, self.uexponents, 'Cartesian', 0,, 0))
[docs] def constructor_role_mol_shellmap(self, role, mol, shell_map): """The most commonly used constructor. Extracts basis set name for *role* from each atom of *mol*, looks up basis and role entries in the *shell_map* dictionary, retrieves the GaussianShell objects and returns the BasisSet. """ self.molecule = mol = role = self.molecule.geometry() # not used in libmints but this seems to be the intent self.atom_basis_shell = shell_map natom = self.molecule.natom() # Singletons if not self.initialized_shared: self.initialize_singletons() self.initialized_shared = True # These will tell us where the primitives for [basis][symbol] start and end in the compact array primitive_start = {} primitive_end = {} # First, loop over the unique primitives, and store them uexps = [] ucoefs = [] uoriginal_coefs = [] uerd_coefs = [] self.n_uprimitive = 0 for symbolfirst, symbolsecond in shell_map.items(): label = symbolfirst basis_map = symbolsecond primitive_start[label] = {} primitive_end[label] = {} for basisfirst, basissecond in basis_map.items(): basis = basisfirst shells = basis_map[basis] # symbol --> label primitive_start[label][basis] = self.n_uprimitive # symbol --> label for i in range(len(shells)): shell = shells[i] for prim in range(shell.nprimitive()): uexps.append(shell.exp(prim)) ucoefs.append(shell.coef(prim)) uoriginal_coefs.append(shell.original_coef(prim)) uerd_coefs.append(shell.erd_coef(prim)) self.n_uprimitive += 1 primitive_end[label][basis] = self.n_uprimitive # symbol --> label # Count basis functions, shells and primitives self.n_shells = 0 self.PYnprimitive = 0 self.PYnao = 0 self.PYnbf = 0 for n in range(natom): atom = self.molecule.atom_entry(n) basis = atom.basisset(role) label = atom.label() # symbol --> label shells = shell_map[label][basis] # symbol --> label for i in range(len(shells)): shell = shells[i] nprim = shell.nprimitive() self.PYnprimitive += nprim self.n_shells += 1 self.PYnao += shell.ncartesian() self.PYnbf += shell.nfunction() # Allocate arrays self.n_prim_per_shell = [0] * self.n_shells # The unique primitives self.uexponents = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive self.ucoefficients = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive self.uoriginal_coefficients = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive self.uerd_coefficients = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive for i in range(self.n_uprimitive): self.uexponents[i] = uexps[i] self.ucoefficients[i] = ucoefs[i] self.uoriginal_coefficients[i] = uoriginal_coefs[i] self.uerd_coefficients[i] = uerd_coefs[i] self.shell_first_ao = [0] * self.n_shells self.shell_first_basis_function = [0] * self.n_shells self.shells = [None] * self.n_shells self.ao_to_shell = [0] * self.PYnao self.function_to_shell = [0] * self.PYnbf self.function_center = [0] * self.PYnbf self.shell_center = [0] * self.n_shells self.center_to_nshell = [0] * natom self.center_to_shell = [0] * natom # Now loop over all atoms, and point to the appropriate unique data shell_count = 0 ao_count = 0 bf_count = 0 xyz_ptr = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # libmints seems to be always passing GaussianShell zeros, so following suit self.puream = False self.PYmax_am = 0 self.PYmax_nprimitive = 0 for n in range(natom): atom = self.molecule.atom_entry(n) basis = atom.basisset(role) label = atom.label() # symbol --> label shells = shell_map[label][basis] # symbol --> label ustart = primitive_start[label][basis] # symbol --> label uend = primitive_end[label][basis] # symbol --> label nshells = len(shells) self.center_to_nshell[n] = nshells self.center_to_shell[n] = shell_count atom_nprim = 0 for i in range(nshells): thisshell = shells[i] self.shell_first_ao[shell_count] = ao_count self.shell_first_basis_function[shell_count] = bf_count shell_nprim = thisshell.nprimitive() am = self.PYmax_nprimitive = max(shell_nprim, self.PYmax_nprimitive) self.PYmax_am = max(am, self.PYmax_am) self.shell_center[shell_count] = n self.puream = thisshell.is_pure() tst = ustart + atom_nprim tsp = ustart + atom_nprim + shell_nprim self.shells[shell_count] = GaussianShell(am, shell_nprim, self.uoriginal_coefficients[tst:tsp], self.ucoefficients[tst:tsp], self.uerd_coefficients[tst:tsp], self.uexponents[tst:tsp], 'Pure' if self.puream else 'Cartesian', n, xyz_ptr, bf_count) for thisbf in range(thisshell.nfunction()): self.function_to_shell[bf_count] = shell_count self.function_center[bf_count] = n bf_count += 1 for thisao in range(thisshell.ncartesian()): self.ao_to_shell[ao_count] = shell_count ao_count += 1 atom_nprim += shell_nprim shell_count += 1 if atom_nprim != uend - ustart: raise ValidationError("Problem with nprimitive in basis set construction!")
[docs] def constructor_basisset_center(self, bs, center): """ * Creates a new basis set object for an atom, from an existing basis set * bs: the basis set to copy data from * center: the atom in bs to copy over """ # Singletons; these should've been initialized by this point, but just in case if not self.initialized_shared: self.initialize_singletons() self.initialized_shared = True # First, find the shells we need, and grab the data uexps = [] ucoefs = [] uoriginal_coefs = [] uerd_coefs = [] = self.n_shells = 0 self.n_uprimitive = 0 self.PYnao = 0 self.PYnbf = 0 for shelln in range(bs.nshell()): shell = if shell.ncenter() == center: nprim = shell.nprimitive() for prim in range(nprim): uexps.append(shell.exp(prim)) ucoefs.append(shell.coef(prim)) uoriginal_coefs.append(shell.original_coef(prim)) uerd_coefs.append(shell.erd_coef(prim)) self.n_uprimitive += 1 self.n_shells += 1 self.PYnao += shell.ncartesian() self.PYnbf += shell.nfunction() self.PYnprimitive = self.n_uprimitive # Create a "molecule", i.e., an atom, with 1 fragment mol = bs.molecule self.molecule = Molecule() self.molecule.add_atom(mol.Z(center), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, \ mol.label(center), mol.mass(center), mol.charge(center)) self.molecule.fragments.append([0, 0]) self.molecule.fragment_types.append('Real') self.molecule.fragment_charges.append(0) self.molecule.fragment_multiplicities.append(1) self.molecule.update_geometry() # Allocate arrays self.n_prim_per_shell = [0] * self.n_shells # The unique primitives self.uexponents = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive self.ucoefficients = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive self.uoriginal_coefficients = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive self.uerd_coefficients = [0.0] * self.n_uprimitive for i in range(self.n_uprimitive): self.uexponents[i] = uexps[i] self.ucoefficients[i] = ucoefs[i] self.uoriginal_coefficients[i] = uoriginal_coefs[i] self.uerd_coefficients[i] = uerd_coefs[i] self.shell_first_ao = [0] * self.n_shells self.shell_first_basis_function = [0] * self.n_shells self.shells = [None] * self.n_shells self.ao_to_shell = [0] * self.PYnao self.function_to_shell = [0] * self.PYnbf self.function_center = [0] * self.PYnbf self.shell_center = [0] * self.n_shells self.center_to_nshell = [0] self.center_to_shell = [0] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Now loop over shell for this atom, and point to the appropriate unique data shell_count = 0 ao_count = 0 bf_count = 0 self.puream = False self.PYmax_am = 0 self.PYmax_nprimitive = 0 prim_count = 0 for shelln in range(bs.nshell()): shell = if shell.ncenter() == center: self.center_to_nshell[0] = self.n_shells #self.center_to_shell[0] = shell_count # diff from libmints self.shell_first_ao[shell_count] = ao_count self.shell_first_basis_function[shell_count] = bf_count shell_nprim = shell.nprimitive() am = self.PYmax_nprimitive = shell_nprim if shell_nprim > self.PYmax_nprimitive else self.PYmax_nprimitive self.PYmax_am = max(self.PYmax_am, am) self.shell_center[shell_count] = center self.puream = shell.is_pure() tst = prim_count tsp = prim_count + shell_nprim self.shells[shell_count] = GaussianShell(am, shell_nprim, self.uoriginal_coefficients[tst:tsp], self.ucoefficients[tst:tsp], self.uerd_coefficients[tst:tsp], self.uexponents[tst:tsp], 'Pure' if self.puream else 'Cartesian', center,, bf_count) self.shells[shell_count].pyprint() for thisbf in range(shell.nfunction()): self.function_to_shell[bf_count] = shell_count self.function_center[bf_count] = center bf_count += 1 for thisao in range(shell.ncartesian()): self.ao_to_shell[ao_count] = shell_count ao_count += 1 shell_count += 1 prim_count += shell_nprim
# <<< Methods for Construction by Another Name >>> @staticmethod
[docs] def zero_ao_basis_set(): """Returns an empty basis set object. Returns a BasisSet object that actually has a single s-function at the origin with an exponent of 0.0 and contraction of 1.0. * @return A new empty BasisSet object. """ # In the new implementation, we simply call the default constructor return BasisSet()
[docs] def atomic_basis_set(self, center): """Return a BasisSet object containing all shells at center i (0-index) * Used for Atomic HF computations for SAD Guesses * @param center Atomic center to provide a basis object for. * @returns A new basis set object for the atomic center. """ return BasisSet(self, center)
[docs] def build(molecule, shells): """Builder factory method * @param molecule the molecule to build the BasisSet around * @param shells array of *atom-numbered* GaussianShells to build the BasisSet from * @return BasisSet corresponding to this molecule and set of shells """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::build')
[docs] def pyconstruct_combined(mol, keys, targets, fitroles, others): # make sure the lengths are all the same if len(keys) != len(targets) or len(keys) != len(fitroles): raise ValidationError("""Lengths of keys, targets, and fitroles must be equal""") # Create (if necessary) and update qcdb.Molecule if isinstance(mol, basestring): mol = Molecule(mol) returnBasisSet = False elif isinstance(mol, Molecule): returnBasisSet = True else: raise ValidationError("""Argument mol must be psi4string or qcdb.Molecule""") mol.update_geometry() # load in the basis sets sets = [] name = "" for at in range(len(keys)): bas = BasisSet.pyconstruct(mol, keys[at], targets[at], fitroles[at], others[at]) name += targets[at] + " + " sets.append(bas) name = name[:-3].strip() # work our way through the sets merging them combined_atom_basis_shell = OrderedDict() for at in range(len(sets)): atom_basis_shell = sets[at].atom_basis_shell for label, basis_map in atom_basis_shell.items(): if label not in combined_atom_basis_shell: combined_atom_basis_shell[label] = OrderedDict() combined_atom_basis_shell[label][name] = [] for basis, shells in basis_map.items(): combined_atom_basis_shell[label][name].extend(shells) #for label, basis_map in combined_atom_basis_shell.items(): # # sort the shells by angular momentum # combined_atom_basis_shell[label][name] = sorted(combined_atom_basis_shell[label][name], key=lambda shell: she # Molecule and parser prepped, call the constructor mol.set_basis_all_atoms(name, "CABS") # Construct the grand BasisSet for mol basisset = BasisSet("CABS", mol, combined_atom_basis_shell) # Construct all the one-atom BasisSet-s for mol's CoordEntry-s for at in range(mol.natom()): oneatombasis = BasisSet(basisset, at) oneatombasishash = hashlib.sha1(oneatombasis.print_detail(numbersonly=True).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() mol.set_shell_by_number(at, oneatombasishash, role="CABS") mol.update_geometry() # re-evaluate symmetry taking basissets into account text = """ => Creating Basis Set <=\n\n""" text += """ Role: %s\n""" % (fitroles) text += """ Keyword: %s\n""" % (keys) text += """ Name: %s\n""" % (name) if returnBasisSet: print(text) return basisset else: bsdict = {} bsdict['message'] = text bsdict['name'] = bsdict['puream'] = int(basisset.has_puream()) bsdict['shell_map'] = basisset.export_for_libmints("CABS") return bsdict
[docs] def pyconstruct(mol, key, target, fitrole='BASIS', other=None): """Builds a BasisSet object for *mol* (either a qcdb.Molecule or a string that can be instantiated into one) from basis set specifications passed in as python functions or as a string that names a basis to be applied to all atoms. Always required is the keyword *key* and string/function *target* of the basis to be constructed. For orbital basis sets, *key* will likely be 'BASIS' and, together with *target*, these arguments suffice. ``pyconstruct(smol, "BASIS", basisspec_psi4_yo_631pg_d_p_)`` ``pyconstruct(mol, "BASIS", "6-31+G**")`` When building an auxiliary basis, *key* is again the keyword, *target* is the string or function for the fitting basis (this may also be an empty string). In case the fitting basis isn't fully specified, also provide a *fitrole* and the string/function of the orbital basis as *other*, so that orbital hints can be used to look up a suitable default basis in BasisFamily. ``pyconstruct(smol, "DF_BASIS_MP2", basisspec_psi4_yo_ccpvdzri, 'RIFIT', basisspec_psi4_yo_631pg_d_p_)`` ``pyconstruct(mol, "DF_BASIS_MP2", "", "RIFIT", "6-31+G(d,p)")`` """ #print type(mol), type(key), type(target), type(fitrole), type(other) orbonly = True if (fitrole == 'BASIS' and other is None) else False if orbonly: orb = target aux = None else: orb = other aux = target #print 'BasisSet::pyconstructP', 'key =', key, 'aux =', aux, 'fitrole =', fitrole, 'orb =', orb, 'orbonly =', orbonly #, mol # Create (if necessary) and update qcdb.Molecule if isinstance(mol, basestring): mol = Molecule(mol) returnBasisSet = False elif isinstance(mol, Molecule): returnBasisSet = True else: raise ValidationError("""Argument mol must be psi4string or qcdb.Molecule""") mol.update_geometry() # Apply requested basis set(s) to the molecule # - basstrings only a temp object so using fitrole as dict key instead of psi4 keyword # - error checking not needed since C-side already checked for NULL ptr mol.clear_basis_all_atoms() # TODO now need to clear shells, too basstrings = defaultdict(dict) if orb is None or orb == '': raise ValidationError("""Orbital basis argument must not be empty.""") elif callable(orb): basstrings['BASIS'] = orb(mol, 'BASIS') elif isinstance(orb, basestring): mol.set_basis_all_atoms(orb, role='BASIS') else: raise ValidationError("""Orbital basis argument must be function that applies basis sets to Molecule or a string of the basis to be applied to all atoms.""") if aux is None or aux == '': pass elif callable(aux): basstrings[fitrole] = aux(mol, fitrole) elif isinstance(aux, basestring): mol.set_basis_all_atoms(aux, role=fitrole) else: raise ValidationError("""Auxiliary basis argument must be function that applies basis sets to Molecule or a string of the basis to be applied to all atoms.""") # Not like we're ever using a non-G94 format parser = Gaussian94BasisSetParser() # Molecule and parser prepped, call the constructor bs, msg = BasisSet.construct(parser, mol, fitrole, None if fitrole == 'BASIS' else fitrole, basstrings[fitrole]) text = """ => Loading Basis Set <=\n\n""" text += """ Role: %s\n""" % (fitrole) text += """ Keyword: %s\n""" % (key) text += """ Name: %s\n""" % (target) text += msg if returnBasisSet: #print text return bs else: bsdict = {} bsdict['message'] = text bsdict['name'] = bsdict['puream'] = int(bs.has_puream()) bsdict['shell_map'] = bs.export_for_libmints(fitrole) return bsdict
[docs] def construct(cls, parser, mol, role, deffit=None, basstrings=None): """Returns a new BasisSet object configured from the *mol* Molecule object for *role* (generally a Psi4 keyword: BASIS, DF_BASIS_SCF, etc.). Fails utterly if a basis has not been set for *role* for every atom in *mol*, unless *deffit* is set (JFIT, JKFIT, or RIFIT), whereupon empty atoms are assigned to *role* from the :py:class:`~BasisFamily`. This function is significantly re-worked from its libmints analog. """ # Update geometry in molecule, if there is a problem an exception is thrown. mol.update_geometry() # Paths to search for gbs files: here + PSIPATH + library psidatadir = os.environ.get('PSIDATADIR', None) psidatadir = __file__ + '/../../..' if psidatadir is None else psidatadir libraryPath = ':' + os.path.abspath(psidatadir) + '/basis' basisPath = os.path.abspath('.') + \ ':' + ':'.join([os.path.abspath(x) for x in os.environ.get('PSIPATH', '').split(':')]) + \ libraryPath # Validate deffit for role univdef = {'JFIT': 'def2-qzvpp-jfit', 'JKFIT': 'def2-qzvpp-jkfit', 'RIFIT': 'def2-qzvpp-ri', 'F12': 'def2-qzvpp-f12'} if deffit is not None: if deffit not in univdef.keys(): raise ValidationError("""BasisSet::construct: deffit argument invalid: %s""" % (deffit)) # Map of GaussianShells atom_basis_shell = OrderedDict() names = {} summary = [] for at in range(mol.natom()): symbol = mol.atom_entry(at).symbol() # O, He label = mol.atom_entry(at).label() # O3, C_Drot, He basdict = mol.atom_entry(at).basissets() # {'BASIS': 'sto-3g', 'DF_BASIS_MP2': 'cc-pvtz-ri'} if label not in atom_basis_shell: atom_basis_shell[label] = OrderedDict() # Establish search parameters for what/where basis entries suitable for atom seek = {} try: requested_basname = basdict[role] except KeyError: if role == 'BASIS' or deffit is None: raise BasisSetNotDefined("""BasisSet::construct: No basis set specified for %s and %s.""" % (symbol, role)) else: # No auxiliary basis set for atom, so try darnedest to find one. # This involves querying the BasisFamily for default and # default-default and finally the universal default (defined # in this function). Since user hasn't indicated any specifics, # look only in Psi4's library and for symbol only, not label. tmp = [] tmp.append(corresponding_basis(basdict['BASIS'], deffit)) tmp.append(corresponding_basis(basdict['BASIS'], deffit + '-DEFAULT')) tmp.append(univdef[deffit]) seek['basis'] = filter(None, tmp) seek['entry'] = [symbol] seek['path'] = libraryPath seek['strings'] = '' else: # User (I hope ... dratted has_changed) has set basis for atom, # so look only for basis (don't try defaults), look for label (N88) # or symbol (N) (in that order; don't want to restrict use of atom # labels to basis set spec), look everywhere (don't just look # in library) if(requested_basname.endswith("DECONTRACT")): # Good gracious, TODO seek['basis'] = [requested_basname[:-11]] else: seek['basis'] = [requested_basname] #seek['basis'] = [requested_basname] seek['entry'] = [symbol] if symbol == label else [label, symbol] seek['path'] = basisPath seek['strings'] = '' if basstrings is None else list(basstrings.keys()) # Search through paths, bases, entries for bas in seek['basis']: filename = cls.make_filename(bas) # -- First seek bas string in input file strings if filename[:-4] in seek['strings']: index = 'inputblock %s' % (filename[:-4]) # Store contents if index not in names: names[index] = basstrings[filename[:-4]].split('\n') else: # -- Else seek bas.gbs file in path fullfilename = search_file(filename, seek['path']) if fullfilename is None: # -- Else skip to next bas continue # Store contents so not reloading files index = 'file %s' % (fullfilename) if index not in names: names[index] = parser.load_file(fullfilename) lines = names[index] for entry in seek['entry']: # Seek entry in lines, else skip to next entry shells, msg = parser.parse(entry, lines) if shells is None: continue # Found! atom_basis_shell[label][bas] = shells mol.set_basis_by_number(at, bas, role=role) summary.append("""entry %-10s %s %s""" % (entry, msg, index)) break # Break from outer loop if inner loop breaks else: continue break else: # Ne'er found :-( text2 = """ Shell Entries: %s\n""" % (seek['entry']) text2 += """ Basis Sets: %s\n""" % (seek['basis']) text2 += """ File Path: %s\n""" % (', '.join(map(str, seek['path'].split(':')))) text2 += """ Input Blocks: %s\n""" % (', '.join(seek['strings'])) raise BasisSetNotFound('BasisSet::construct: Unable to find a basis set for atom %d for role %s among:\n%s' % \ (at + 1, role, text2)) # Construct the grand BasisSet for mol basisset = BasisSet(role, mol, atom_basis_shell) # Construct all the one-atom BasisSet-s for mol's CoordEntry-s for at in range(mol.natom()): oneatombasis = BasisSet(basisset, at) oneatombasishash = hashlib.sha1(oneatombasis.print_detail(numbersonly=True).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() mol.set_shell_by_number(at, oneatombasishash, role=role) mol.update_geometry() # re-evaluate symmetry taking basissets into account #TODO fix name = ' + '.join(names) # Summary printing tmp = defaultdict(list) for at, v in enumerate(summary): tmp[v].append(at + 1) tmp2 = OrderedDict() maxsats = 0 for item in sorted(tmp.values()): for msg, ats in tmp.items(): if item == ats: G = (list(x) for _, x in itertools.groupby(ats, lambda x, c=itertools.count(): next(c) - x)) sats = ", ".join("-".join(map(str, (g[0], g[-1])[:len(g)])) for g in G) maxsats = max(maxsats, len(sats)) tmp2[sats] = msg #text = """ ==> Loading Basis Set <==\n\n""" #text += """ Role: %s\n""" % (role) #text += """ Basis Set: %s\n""" % ( text = '' for ats, msg in tmp2.items(): text += """ atoms %s %s\n""" % (ats.ljust(maxsats), msg) #print text return basisset, text
# <<< Simple Methods for Basic BasisSet Information >>>
[docs] def name(self): """Returns the name of this basis set""" return
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Sets the name of this basis set""" = name
# JET added but I think should fail #+ def atom_shell_map(self): #+ return self.atom_shell_map
[docs] def nprimitive(self): """Number of primitives. * @return The total number of primitives in all contractions. """ return self.PYnprimitive
[docs] def max_nprimitive(self): """Maximum number of primitives in a shell. * Examines each shell and find the shell with the maximum number of primitives returns that * number of primitives. * @return Maximum number of primitives. """ return self.PYmax_nprimitive
[docs] def nshell(self): """Number of shells. * @return Number of shells. """ return self.n_shells
[docs] def nao(self): """Number of atomic orbitals (Cartesian). * @return The number of atomic orbitals (Cartesian orbitals, always). """ return self.PYnao
[docs] def nbf(self): """Number of basis functions (Spherical). * @return The number of basis functions (Spherical, if has_puream() == true). """ return self.PYnbf
[docs] def max_am(self): """Maximum angular momentum used in the basis set. * @return Maximum angular momentum. """ return self.PYmax_am
[docs] def has_puream(self): """Spherical harmonics? * @return true if using spherical harmonics """ return self.puream
[docs] def max_function_per_shell(self): """Compute the maximum number of basis functions contained in a shell. * @return The max number of basis functions in a shell. """ return 2 * self.PYmax_am + 1 if self.puream else (self.PYmax_am + 1) * (self.PYmax_am + 2) / 2
[docs] def molecule(self): """Molecule this basis is for. * @return Shared pointer to the molecule for this basis set. """ return self.molecule
[docs] def shell_to_ao_function(self, i): """Given a shell what is its first AO function * @param i Shell number * @return The function number for the first function for the i'th shell. """ return self.shell_first_ao[i]
[docs] def shell_to_center(self, i): """Given a shell what is its atomic center * @param i Shell number * @return The atomic center for the i'th shell. """ return self.shell_center[i]
[docs] def shell_to_basis_function(self, i): """Given a shell what is its first basis function (spherical) function * @param i Shell number * @return The function number for the first function for the i'th shell. """ return self.shell_first_basis_function[i]
[docs] def function_to_shell(self, i): """Given a function number what shell does it correspond to.""" return self.function_to_shell[i]
[docs] def function_to_center(self, i): """Given a function what is its atomic center * @param i Function number * @return The atomic center for the i'th function. """ return self.function_center[i]
[docs] def ao_to_shell(self, i): """Given a Cartesian function (AO) number what shell does it correspond to.""" return self.ao_to_shell[i]
[docs] def shell(self, si, center=None): """Return the si'th Gaussian shell on center * @param i Shell number * @return A shared pointer to the GaussianShell object for the i'th shell. """ if center is not None: si += self.center_to_shell[center] if si < 0 or si > self.nshell(): text = """BasisSet::shell(si = %d), requested a shell out-of-bound.\n Max shell size: %d\n Name: %s\n""" % \ (si, self.nshell(), raise ValidationError("BasisSet::shell: requested shell is out-of-bounds:\n%s" % (text)) return self.shells[si]
[docs] def nshell_on_center(self, i): """Return the number of shells on a given center.""" return self.center_to_nshell[i]
[docs] def shell_on_center(self, center, shell): """Return the overall shell number""" return self.center_to_shell[center] + shell
# <<< Methods for Printing >>>
[docs] def print_by_level(self, out=None, level=2): """Print basis set information according to the level of detail in print_level @param out The file stream to use for printing. Defaults to outfile. @param print_level: defaults to 2 * < 1: Nothing * 1: Brief summary * 2: Summary and contraction details * > 2: Full details """ if level < 1: return elif level == 1: text = self.pyprint(out=None) elif level == 2: text = self.print_summary(out=None) elif level > 2: text = self.print_detail(out=None) if out is None: print(text) else: with open(out, mode='w') as handle: handle.write(text)
[docs] def pyprint(self, out=None): """Print the basis set. * @param out The file stream to use for printing. Defaults to outfile. """ text = '' text += """ Basis Set: %s\n""" % ( text += """ Number of shells: %d\n""" % (self.nshell()) text += """ Number of basis function: %d\n""" % (self.nbf()) text += """ Number of Cartesian functions: %d\n""" % (self.nao()) text += """ Spherical Harmonics?: %s\n""" % ('true' if self.has_puream() else 'false') text += """ Max angular momentum: %d\n\n""" % (self.max_am()) #text += """ Source:\n%s\n""" % (self.source()) # TODO if out is None: return text else: with open(outfile, mode='w') as handle: handle.write(text)
[docs] def print_summary(self, out=None): """Prints a short string summarizing the basis set * @param out The file stream to use for printing. Defaults to outfile. """ text = '' text += """ -AO BASIS SET INFORMATION:\n""" text += """ Name = %s\n""" % ( text += """ Total number of shells = %d\n""" % (self.nshell()) text += """ Number of primitives = %d\n""" % (self.nprimitive()) text += """ Number of AO = %d\n""" % (self.nao()) text += """ Number of SO = %d\n""" % (self.nbf()) text += """ Maximum AM = %d\n""" % (self.max_am()) text += """ Spherical Harmonics = %s\n""" % ('TRUE' if self.puream else 'FALSE') text += """\n""" text += """ -Contraction Scheme:\n""" text += """ Atom Type All Primitives // Shells:\n""" text += """ ------ ------ --------------------------\n""" for A in range(self.molecule.natom()): nprims = [0] * (self.PYmax_am + 1) nunique = [0] * (self.PYmax_am + 1) nshells = [0] * (self.PYmax_am + 1) amtypes = [None] * (self.PYmax_am + 1) text += """ %4d """ % (A + 1) text += """%2s """ % (self.molecule.symbol(A)) first_shell = self.center_to_shell[A] n_shell = self.center_to_nshell[A] for Q in range(n_shell): shell = self.shells[Q + first_shell] nshells[] += 1 nunique[] += shell.nprimitive() nprims[] += shell.nprimitive() amtypes[] = shell.amchar() # All Primitives for l in range(self.PYmax_am + 1): if nprims[l] == 0: continue text += """%d%c """ % (nprims[l], amtypes[l]) # Shells text += """// """ for l in range(self.PYmax_am + 1): if nshells[l] == 0: continue text += """%d%c """ % (nshells[l], amtypes[l]) text += """\n""" text += """\n""" if out is None: return text else: with open(out, mode='w') as handle: handle.write(text)
[docs] def print_detail(self, out=None, numbersonly=False): """Prints a detailed PSI3-style summary of the basis (per-atom) * @param out The file stream to use for printing. Defaults to outfile. """ text = '' if not numbersonly: text += self.print_summary(out=None) text += """ ==> AO Basis Functions <==\n""" text += '\n' text += """ [ %s ]\n""" % ( text += """ spherical\n""" if self.has_puream() else """ cartesian\n""" text += """ ****\n""" for uA in range(self.molecule.nunique()): A = self.molecule.unique(uA) if not numbersonly: text += """ %2s %3d\n""" % (self.molecule.symbol(A), A + 1) first_shell = self.center_to_shell[A] n_shell = self.center_to_nshell[A] for Q in range(n_shell): text += self.shells[Q + first_shell].pyprint(outfile=None) text += """ ****\n""" text += """\n""" if out is None: return text else: with open(out, mode='w') as handle: handle.write(text)
[docs] def export_for_libmints(self, role): """From complete BasisSet object, returns array where triplets of elements are each unique atom label, the hash of the string shells entry in gbs format and the shells entry in gbs format for that label. This packaging is intended for return to libmints BasisSet::pyconstruct for instantiation of a libmints BasisSet clone of *self*. """ basstrings = [] tally = [] for A in range(self.molecule.natom()): if self.molecule.label(A) not in tally: label = self.molecule.label(A) first_shell = self.center_to_shell[A] n_shell = self.center_to_nshell[A] basstrings.append(label) basstrings.append(self.molecule.atoms[A].shell(key=role)) text = """ %s 0\n""" % (label) for Q in range(n_shell): text += self.shells[Q + first_shell].pyprint(outfile=None) text += """ ****\n""" basstrings.append(text) return basstrings
[docs] def print_detail_gamess(self, out=None, numbersonly=False): """Prints a detailed PSI3-style summary of the basis (per-atom) * @param out The file stream to use for printing. Defaults to outfile. """ text = '' if not numbersonly: text += self.print_summary(out=None) text += """ ==> AO Basis Functions <==\n""" text += '\n' text += """ [ %s ]\n""" % ( text += """ spherical\n""" if self.has_puream() else """ cartesian\n""" text += """ ****\n""" for uA in range(self.molecule.nunique()): A = self.molecule.unique(uA) if not numbersonly: text += """%s\n""" % (z2element[self.molecule.Z(A)]) first_shell = self.center_to_shell[A] n_shell = self.center_to_nshell[A] for Q in range(n_shell): text += self.shells[Q + first_shell].pyprint_gamess(outfile=None) #text += """ ****\n""" text += """\n""" if out is None: return text else: with open(out, mode='w') as handle: handle.write(text)
[docs] def print_detail_cfour(self, out=None): """Returns a string in CFOUR-style of the basis (per-atom) * Format from """ text = '' for uA in range(self.molecule.nunique()): A = self.molecule.unique(uA) text += """%s:P4_%d\n""" % (self.molecule.symbol(A), A + 1) text += """Psi4 basis %s for element %s atom %d\n\n""" % \ (, self.molecule.symbol(A), A + 1) first_shell = self.center_to_shell[A] n_shell = self.center_to_nshell[A] max_am_center = 0 for Q in range(n_shell): max_am_center = self.shells[Q + first_shell].am() if \ self.shells[Q + first_shell].am() > max_am_center else max_am_center shell_per_am = [[] for i in range(max_am_center + 1)] for Q in range(n_shell): shell_per_am[self.shells[Q + first_shell].am()].append(Q) # Write number of shells in the basis set text += """%3d\n""" % (max_am_center + 1) # Write angular momentum for each shell for am in range(max_am_center + 1): text += """%5d""" % (am) text += '\n' # Write number of contracted basis functions for each shell for am in range(max_am_center + 1): text += """%5d""" % (len(shell_per_am[am])) text += '\n' exp_per_am = [[] for i in range(max_am_center + 1)] coef_per_am = [[] for i in range(max_am_center + 1)] for am in range(max_am_center + 1): # Collect unique exponents among all functions for Q in range(len(shell_per_am[am])): for K in range(self.shells[shell_per_am[am][Q] + first_shell].nprimitive()): if self.shells[shell_per_am[am][Q] + first_shell].exp(K) not in exp_per_am[am]: exp_per_am[am].append(self.shells[shell_per_am[am][Q] + first_shell].exp(K)) # Collect coefficients for each exp among all functions, zero otherwise for Q in range(len(shell_per_am[am])): K = 0 for ep in range(len(exp_per_am[am])): if abs(exp_per_am[am][ep] - self.shells[shell_per_am[am][Q] + first_shell].exp(K)) < 1.0e-8: coef_per_am[am].append(self.shells[shell_per_am[am][Q] + first_shell].original_coef(K)) if (K + 1) != self.shells[shell_per_am[am][Q] + first_shell].nprimitive(): K += 1 else: coef_per_am[am].append(0.0) # Write number of exponents for each shell for am in range(max_am_center + 1): text += """%5d""" % (len(exp_per_am[am])) text += '\n\n' for am in range(max_am_center + 1): # Write exponents for each shell for ep in range(len(exp_per_am[am])): text += """%14.7f""" % (exp_per_am[am][ep]) if ((ep + 1) % 5 == 0) or ((ep + 1) == len(exp_per_am[am])): text += '\n' text += '\n' # Write contraction coefficients for each shell for ep in range(len(exp_per_am[am])): for bf in range(len(shell_per_am[am])): text += """%10.7f """ % (coef_per_am[am][bf * len(exp_per_am[am]) + ep]) text += '\n' text += '\n' if out is None: return text else: with open(out, mode='w') as handle: handle.write(text)
# <<< Misc. Methods >>>
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh internal basis set data. Useful if someone has pushed to shells. Pushing to shells happens in the BasisSetParsers, so the parsers will call refresh(). This function is now defunct. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::refresh')
[docs] def make_filename(name): """Converts basis set name to a compatible filename. * @param basisname Basis name * @return Compatible file name. """ # Modify the name of the basis set to generate a filename: STO-3G -> sto-3g basisname = name # First make it lower case basisname = basisname.lower() # Replace all '(' with '_' basisname = basisname.replace('(', '_') # Replace all ')' with '_' basisname = basisname.replace(')', '_') # Replace all ',' with '_' basisname = basisname.replace(',', '_') # Replace all '*' with 's' basisname = basisname.replace('*', 's') # Replace all '+' with 'p' basisname = basisname.replace('+', 'p') # Add file extension basisname += '.gbs' return basisname
# <<< Methods not Implemented >>>
[docs] def zero_so_basis_set(cls, factory): """ **NYI** Returns an empty SO basis set object. * Returns an SOBasis object that actually has a single s-function * at the origin with an exponent of 0.0 and contraction of 1.0. * @return A new empty SOBasis object. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::zero_so_basis_set') # FINAL
[docs] def test_basis_set(max_am): """Returns a shell-labeled test basis set object * @param max_am maximum angular momentum to build * @return pair containing shell labels and four-center * test basis for use in benchmarking * See libmints/ for details The libmints version seems not to have been updated along with the classes. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::test_basis_set')
[docs] def get_ao_sorted_shell(self, i): """Returns the value of the sorted shell list. Defunct""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::get_ao_sorted_shell')
[docs] def get_ao_sorted_list(self): """Returns the vector of sorted shell list. Defunct""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::get_ao_sorted_list')
[docs] def compute_phi(self, phi_ao, x, y, z): """Returns the values of the basis functions at a point""" phi_ao = [0.0] * self.nao() ao = 0 for ns in range(self.nshell()): shell = self.shells[ns] am = nprim = shell.nprimitive() a = shell.exps() c = shell.coefs() xyz = dx = x - xyz[0] dy = y - xyz[1] dz = z - xyz[2] rr = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz cexpr = 0 for np in range(nprim): cexpr += c[np] * math.exp(-a[np] * rr) for l in range(INT_NCART(am)): components = exp_ao[am][l] phi_ao[ao + l] += pow(dx, components[0]) * \ pow(dy, components[1]) * \ pow(dz, components[2]) * \ cexpr ao += INT_NCART(am)
[docs] def concatenate(self, b): """Concatenates two basis sets together into a new basis without reordering anything. Unless you know what you're doing, you should use the '+' operator instead of this method. Appears defunct. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::concatenate')
[docs] def add(self, b): """Adds this plus another basis set and returns the result. Equivalent to the '+' operator. Appears defunct. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('BasisSet::add')
[docs] def shell_sorter_ncenter(d1, d2): return d1.ncenter() < d2.ncenter()
[docs] def shell_sorter_am(d1, d2): return <