Source code for qcdb.libmintscoordentry

# PSI4: an ab initio quantum chemistry software package
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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r"""Module to largely replicate in python the psi4 libmints
CoordValue and CoordEntry classes, which were developed by
Justin M. Turney, with incremental improvements by other
psi4 developers.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import copy
from .vecutil import *
from .exceptions import *
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from .oldpymodules import OrderedDict

[docs]class CoordValue(object): """An abstract class to handle storage of Cartesian coordinate values, which may be defined in terms of other variables through this mechanism, greatly simplifying Z-matrix specification, for example. """ def __init__(self, fixed=False, computed=False): # Fixed coordinate? self.PYfixed = fixed # Whether the current value is up to date or not self.computed = computed
[docs] def set_fixed(self, fixed): """Set whether the coordinate value is fixed or not""" self.PYfixed = fixed
[docs] def fixed(self): """Get whether the coordinate value is fixed or not""" return self.PYfixed
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Flag the current value as outdated""" self.computed = False
[docs] def everything(self): print('\nCoordValue\n Fixed = %s\n Computed = %s\n\n' % (self.PYfixed, self.computed))
[docs]class NumberValue(CoordValue): """Specialization of CoordValue that is simply a number to be stored.""" def __init__(self, value, fixed=False): CoordValue.__init__(self, fixed, True) # coordinate number value self.value = value
[docs] def compute(self): """Computes value of coordinate from member data""" return self.value
[docs] def rset(self, val): """Resets value of coordinate if not fixed""" if not self.PYfixed: self.value = val
[docs] def type(self): """Gets specialization type of CoordValue""" return 'NumberType'
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent NumberValue object""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def variable_to_string(self, precision): """Takes a CoordValue object, and returns a string for printing.""" return "%*.*f" % (precision + 5, precision, self.compute())
[docs] def everything(self): print('\nNumberValue\n Fixed = %s\n Computed = %s\n Type = %s\n Value = %f\n FValue = %s\n\n' % (self.PYfixed, self.computed, self.type(), self.value, self.variable_to_string(4)))
[docs]class VariableValue(CoordValue): """Specialization of CoordValue, where the current value depends on the list of geometry values stored by the molecule. """ def __init__(self, name, geometryVariables, negate=False, fixed=False): CoordValue.__init__(self, fixed, True) # Name of variable self.PYname = name # Dictionary from molecule of variable names and values self.geometryVariables = geometryVariables # Whether the coordinate value is actually the negative of the variable value self.negate = negate
[docs] def compute(self): """Computes value of coordinate from member data""" vstr = self.PYname.upper() if vstr not in self.geometryVariables: raise IncompleteAtomError('Variable %s used in geometry specification has not been defined' % (vstr)) if self.negate: return self.geometryVariables[vstr] * -1.0 else: return self.geometryVariables[vstr]
[docs] def negated(self): """Gets whether the coordinate value is actually the negative of the variable value""" return self.negate
[docs] def name(self): """Gets the name of the variable""" return self.PYname
[docs] def rset(self, val): """Resets value of coordinate if not fixed""" if not self.PYfixed: if self.negate: self.geometryVariables[self.PYname] = val * -1.0 else: self.geometryVariables[self.PYname] = val
[docs] def type(self): """Gets specialization type of CoordValue""" return 'VariableType'
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent VariableValue object""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def variable_to_string(self, precision): """Takes a CoordValue object, and returns a string for printing.""" if self.negate: return '-' + self.PYname else: return self.PYname
[docs] def everything(self): print('\nVariableValue\n Fixed = %s\n Computed = %s\n Type = %s\n Value = %f\n FValue = %s\n Name = %s\n Negated = %s\n Map = %s\n\n' % (self.PYfixed, self.computed, self.type(), self.compute(), self.variable_to_string(4),, self.negated(), self.geometryVariables))
[docs]class CoordEntry(object): """Class to store all the attributes associated with an atom, not the larger Molecule. Specialized into CartesianEntry and ZMatrixEntry. """ def __init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label="", basis=None, shells=None): """Constructor""" # Order in full atomic list self.PYentry_number = entry_number # Whether the coordinates have been computed self.computed = False # Actual cartesian coordinates of the atom self.coordinates = [None, None, None] # Atomic number of the atom self.PYZ = Z # Charge of the atom (SAD-related) self.PYcharge = charge # Mass of the atom self.PYmass = mass # Label of the atom minus any extra info (H1 => H) self.PYsymbol = symbol # Original label from the molecule from the input file (H1) self.PYlabel = label # Is this a ghost atom? self.ghosted = False # Different types of basis sets that can be assigned to this atom. self.PYbasissets = basis if basis is not None else OrderedDict() # Hash of one-atom BasisSet attached to this atom self.PYshells = shells if shells is not None else OrderedDict() @staticmethod
[docs] def r(a1, a2): """Computes the distance between two sets of coordinates""" if len(a1) != 3 or len(a2) != 3: raise ValidationError('ERROR: r() only defined for Vector3\n') return distance(a1, a2)
[docs] def a(a1, a2, a3): """Computes the angle (in rad.) between three sets of coordinates.""" if len(a1) != 3 or len(a2) != 3 or len(a3) != 3: raise ValidationError('ERROR: a() only defined for Vector3\n') eBA = sub(a2, a1) eBC = sub(a2, a3) eBA = normalize(eBA) eBC = normalize(eBC) costheta = dot(eBA, eBC) if costheta > 1.0 - 1.0E-14: costheta = 1.0 if costheta < 1.0E-14 - 1.0: costheta = -1.0 return math.acos(costheta)
[docs] def d(a1, a2, a3, a4): """Computes the dihedral (in rad.) between four sets of coordinates.""" if len(a1) != 3 or len(a2) != 3 or len(a3) != 3 or len(a4) != 3: raise ValidationError('ERROR: d() only defined for Vector3\n') eBA = sub(a2, a1) eDC = sub(a4, a3) eCB = sub(a3, a2) CBNorm = norm(eCB) DCxCB = cross(eDC, eCB) CBxBA = cross(eCB, eBA) return -1.0 * math.atan2(CBNorm * dot(eDC, CBxBA), dot(DCxCB, CBxBA))
[docs] def is_computed(self): """Whether the current atom's coordinates are up-to-date.""" return self.computed
[docs] def is_equivalent_to(self, other): """Whether this atom has the same mass and ghost status as atom *other*. Also compares basis set assignment down to nbf(), has_puream() level with code borrowed from Robert M. Parrish's SAD guess in Psi4. """ if other.PYZ != self.PYZ: return False if other.PYmass != self.PYmass: return False if other.ghosted != self.ghosted: return False if other.PYshells is not None and self.PYshells is not None: for bas in self.PYshells: # do we instead care only about orbital basis? if bas in other.PYshells: if other.PYshells[bas] != self.PYshells[bas]: return False #if other.PYshells[bas].nbf() != self.PYshells[bas].nbf(): # return False #if other.PYshells[bas].nshell() != self.PYshells[bas].nshell(): # return False #if other.PYshells[bas].nprimitive() != self.PYshells[bas].nprimitive(): # return False #if other.PYshells[bas].max_am() != self.PYshells[bas].max_am(): # return False #if other.PYshells[bas].max_nprimitive() != self.PYshells[bas].max_nprimitive(): # return False #if other.PYshells[bas].has_puream() != self.PYshells[bas].has_puream(): # return False else: raise ValidationError("""Basis set %s set for one and not other. This shouldn't happen. Investigate.""" % (bas)) return True
[docs] def is_ghosted(self): """Whether the current atom is ghosted or not.""" return self.ghosted
[docs] def set_ghosted(self, gh): """Flag the atom as either ghost or real.""" self.ghosted = gh
[docs] def Z(self): """The nuclear charge of the current atom (0 if ghosted).""" if self.ghosted: return 0.0 else: return self.PYZ
[docs] def charge(self): """The "atomic charge" of the current atom (for SAD purposes).""" return self.PYcharge
[docs] def mass(self): """The atomic mass of the current atom.""" return self.PYmass
[docs] def symbol(self): """The atomic symbol.""" return self.PYsymbol
[docs] def label(self): """The atom label.""" return self.PYlabel
[docs] def entry_number(self): """The order in which this appears in the full atom list.""" return self.PYentry_number
[docs] def set_basisset(self, name, role='BASIS'): """Set the basis for this atom * @param type Keyword from input file, basis, ri_basis, etc. * @param name Value from input file """ self.PYbasissets[role] = name
[docs] def basisset(self, role='BASIS'): """Returns the basis name for the provided type. * @param type Keyword from input file. * @returns the value from input. """ try: return self.PYbasissets[role] except ValueError: raise ValidationError('CoordEntry::basisset: Basisset not set for %s and type of %s' % \ (self.PYlabel, role))
[docs] def basissets(self): """Returns basisset to atom map""" return self.PYbasissets
[docs] def set_shell(self, bshash, key='BASIS'): """Set the hash for this atom * @param key Keyword from input file, basis, ri_basis, etc. * @param bshash hash string of one-atom BasisSet """ self.PYshells[key] = bshash
[docs] def shell(self, key='BASIS'): """Returns the hash for the provided type. * @param type Keyword from input file. * @returns the hash string for basis. """ try: return self.PYshells[key] except (ValueError, KeyError): raise ValidationError('CoordEntry::shells: Shells not set for %s and type of %s' % \ (self.PYlabel, key))
[docs] def shells(self): """Returns shells sets to atom map""" return self.PYshells
[docs] def everything(self): print('\nCoordEntry\n Entry Number = %d\n Computed = %s\n Z = %d\n Charge = %f\n Mass = %f\n Symbol = %s\n Label = %s\n Ghosted = %s\n Coordinates = %s\n Basissets = %s\n\n Shells = %s\n\n' % (self.entry_number(), self.is_computed(), self.Z(), self.charge(), self.mass(), self.symbol(), self.label(), self.is_ghosted(), self.coordinates, self.PYbasissets, self.PYshells))
[docs]class CartesianEntry(CoordEntry): """Class to hold all information about an atom, including its coordinate specification as three Cartesians. """ def __init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label, x, y, z, basis=None, shells=None): CoordEntry.__init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label, basis, shells) self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z
[docs] def compute(self): """Computes the values of the coordinates (in whichever units were inputted), returning them in a Vector """ if self.computed: return self.coordinates self.coordinates[0] = self.x.compute() self.coordinates[1] = self.y.compute() self.coordinates[2] = self.z.compute() self.computed = True return self.coordinates
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z): """Given the current set of coordinates, updates the values of this atom's coordinates and any variables that may depend on it. """ self.coordinates[0] = x self.coordinates[1] = y self.coordinates[2] = z self.x.rset(x) self.y.rset(y) self.z.rset(z) self.computed = True
[docs] def type(self): """The type of CoordEntry specialization.""" return 'CartesianCoord'
[docs] def print_in_input_format(self): """Prints the updated geometry, in the format provided by the user.""" xstr = self.x.variable_to_string(12) ystr = self.y.variable_to_string(12) zstr = self.z.variable_to_string(12) return " %17s %17s %17s\n" % (xstr, ystr, zstr)
# should go to outfile
[docs] def print_in_input_format_cfour(self): """Prints the updated geometry, in the format provided by the user. This, for Cfour, not different from regular version. """ xstr = self.x.variable_to_string(12) ystr = self.y.variable_to_string(12) zstr = self.z.variable_to_string(12) return " %17s %17s %17s\n" % (xstr, ystr, zstr)
# should go to outfile
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Flags the current coordinates as being outdated.""" self.computed = False self.x.invalidate() self.y.invalidate() self.z.invalidate()
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent CartesianEntry object""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def everything(self): CoordEntry.everything(self) print('\nCartesianEntry\n Type = %s\n x = %s\n y = %s\n z = %s\n\n' % (self.type(), self.x.variable_to_string(8), self.y.variable_to_string(8), self.z.variable_to_string(8)))
[docs]class ZMatrixEntry(CoordEntry): """Class to hold all information about an atom, including its coordinate specification as any position of ZMatrix. """ def __init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label, \ rto=None, rval=0, ato=None, aval=0, dto=None, dval=0, basis=None, shells=None): """Constructor""" # note that pos'n of basis arg changed from libmints CoordEntry.__init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label, basis, shells) self.rto = rto self.rval = rval self.ato = ato self.aval = aval self.dto = dto self.dval = dval
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Flags the current coordinates as being outdated""" self.computed = False if self.rval != 0: self.rval.invalidate() if self.aval != 0: self.aval.invalidate() if self.dval != 0: self.dval.invalidate()
[docs] def print_in_input_format(self): """Prints the updated geometry, in the format provided by the user""" text = "" if self.rto == None and self.ato == None and self.dto == None: # The first atom text += "\n" elif self.ato == None and self.dto == None: # The second atom now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(10) text += " %5d %11s\n" % (now_rto, now_rval) elif self.dto == None: # The third atom now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(10) now_ato = self.ato.entry_number() + 1 now_aval = self.aval.variable_to_string(10) text += " %5d %11s %5d %11s\n" % (now_rto, now_rval, now_ato, now_aval) else: # Remaining atoms now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(10) now_ato = self.ato.entry_number() + 1 now_aval = self.aval.variable_to_string(10) now_dto = self.dto.entry_number() + 1 now_dval = self.dval.variable_to_string(10) text += " %5d %11s %5d %11s %5d %11s\n" % \ (now_rto, now_rval, now_ato, now_aval, now_dto, now_dval) return text
# outfile
[docs] def print_in_input_format_cfour(self): """Prints the updated geometry, in the format provided by the user""" text = "" if self.rto == None and self.ato == None and self.dto == None: # The first atom text += "\n" elif self.ato == None and self.dto == None: # The second atom now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(10) text += " %d %s\n" % (now_rto, now_rval) elif self.dto == None: # The third atom now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(10) now_ato = self.ato.entry_number() + 1 now_aval = self.aval.variable_to_string(10) text += " %d %s %d %s\n" % (now_rto, now_rval, now_ato, now_aval) else: # Remaining atoms now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(10) now_ato = self.ato.entry_number() + 1 now_aval = self.aval.variable_to_string(10) now_dto = self.dto.entry_number() + 1 now_dval = self.dval.variable_to_string(10) text += " %d %s %d %s %d %s\n" % \ (now_rto, now_rval, now_ato, now_aval, now_dto, now_dval) return text
# outfile
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z): """Given the current set of coordinates, updates the values of this atom's coordinates, and any variables that may depend on it. """ self.coordinates[0] = 0.0 if math.fabs(x) < 1.0E-14 else x self.coordinates[1] = 0.0 if math.fabs(y) < 1.0E-14 else y self.coordinates[2] = 0.0 if math.fabs(z) < 1.0E-14 else z if self.rto != None: if not self.rto.is_computed(): raise ValidationError("Coordinates have been set in the wrong order") self.rval.rset(self.r(self.coordinates, self.rto.compute())) if self.ato != None: if not self.ato.is_computed(): raise ValidationError("Coordinates have been set in the wrong order") aval = self.a(self.coordinates, self.rto.compute(), self.ato.compute()) # Noise creeps in for linear molecules. Force linearity, if it is close enough. val = aval * 180.0 / math.pi self.aval.rset(val) if self.dto != None: if not self.dto.is_computed(): raise ValidationError("Coordinates have been set in the wrong order") val = self.d(self.coordinates, self.rto.compute(), self.ato.compute(), self.dto.compute()) # Check for NaN, and don't update if we find one # what is this? proper py traslation? if val == val: self.dval.rset(val * 180.0 / math.pi) self.computed = True
[docs] def type(self): """The type of CoordEntry specialization.""" return 'ZMatrixCoord'
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent ZMatrixEntry object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def compute(self): """Compute the Cartesian coordinates in Bohr of current atom's entry.""" if self.computed: return self.coordinates # place first atom at the origin if self.rto == None and self.ato == None and self.dto == None: self.coordinates[0] = 0.0 self.coordinates[1] = 0.0 self.coordinates[2] = 0.0 # place second atom directly above the first elif self.ato == None and self.dto == None: self.coordinates[0] = 0.0 self.coordinates[1] = 0.0 self.coordinates[2] = self.rval.compute() # place third atom pointing upwards # this rTo rVal aTo aVal # A B C elif self.dto == None: r = self.rval.compute() a = self.aval.compute() * math.pi / 180.0 cosABC = math.cos(a) sinABC = math.sin(a) B = self.rto.compute() C = self.ato.compute() eCB = sub(B, C) eCB = normalize(eCB) eX = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] eY = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if (math.fabs(1.0 - math.fabs(eCB[0])) < 1.0E-5): # CB is collinear with X, start by finding Y eY[1] = 1.0 eX = perp_unit(eY, eCB) eY = perp_unit(eX, eCB) else: # CB is not collinear with X, we can safely find X first eX[0] = 1.0 eY = perp_unit(eX, eCB) eX = perp_unit(eY, eCB) for xyz in range(3): self.coordinates[xyz] = B[xyz] + r * (eY[xyz] * sinABC - eCB[xyz] * cosABC) if math.fabs(self.coordinates[xyz]) < 1.E-14: self.coordinates[xyz] = 0.0 # The fourth, or subsequent, atom # # The atom specification is # this rTo rVal aTo aVal dTo dVal # A B C D # which allows us to define the vector from C->B (eCB) as the +z axis, and eDC # lies in the xz plane. Then eX, eY and eZ (=eBC) are the x, y, and z axes, respecively. else: r = self.rval.compute() a = self.aval.compute() * math.pi / 180.0 d = self.dval.compute() * math.pi / 180.0 B = self.rto.compute() C = self.ato.compute() D = self.dto.compute() eDC = sub(C, D) eCB = sub(B, C) eDC = normalize(eDC) eCB = normalize(eCB) cosABC = math.cos(a) sinABC = math.sin(a) cosABCD = math.cos(d) sinABCD = math.sin(d) eY = perp_unit(eDC, eCB) eX = perp_unit(eY, eCB) for xyz in range(3): self.coordinates[xyz] = B[xyz] + r * (eX[xyz] * sinABC * cosABCD + eY[xyz] * sinABC * sinABCD - eCB[xyz] * cosABC) if math.fabs(self.coordinates[xyz]) < 1.E-14: self.coordinates[xyz] = 0.0 self.computed = True return self.coordinates
[docs] def everything(self): CoordEntry.everything(self) print('\nZMatrixEntry\n Type = %s\n\n' % (self.type())) print(self.print_in_input_format())