Source code for qcdb.molecule

# PSI4: an ab initio quantum chemistry software package
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
#import re
#import math
#import copy
#from periodictable import *
#from physconst import *
#from vecutil import *
#from exceptions import *
#from coordentry import *
import subprocess
import socket
import shutil
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from .libmintsmolecule import *

[docs]class Molecule(LibmintsMolecule): """Class to store python extensions to the MoleculeLibmints class. Multiple classes allows separation of libmints and extension methods. """ def __init__(self, psi4molstr=None): """Initialize Molecule object from LibmintsMolecule""" LibmintsMolecule.__init__(self, psi4molstr) # The comment line self.tagline = "" def __str__(self): text = """ ==> qcdb Molecule %s <==\n\n""" % ( text += """ => %s <=\n\n""" % (self.tagline) text += self.create_psi4_string_from_molecule() return text # def __getstate__(self): # print 'im being pickled' # return self.__dict__ # def __setstate__(self, d): # print 'im being unpickled with these values', d # self.__dict__ = d @classmethod
[docs] def init_with_xyz(cls, xyzfilename, no_com=False, no_reorient=False, contentsNotFilename=False): """Pull information from an XYZ file. No fragment info detected. Bohr/Angstrom pulled from first line if available. Charge, multiplicity, tagline pulled from second line if available. Body accepts atom symbol or atom charge in first column. Arguments *no_com* and *no_reorient* can be used to turn off shift and rotation. If *xyzfilename* is a string of the contents of an XYZ file, rather than the name of a file, set *contentsNotFilename* to ``True``. >>> H2O = qcdb.Molecule.init_with_xyz('') """ instance = cls() instance.lock_frame = False instance.PYmove_to_com = not no_com instance.PYfix_orientation = no_reorient if contentsNotFilename: text = xyzfilename.splitlines() else: try: infile = open(xyzfilename, 'r') except IOError: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' does not exist.""" % (xyzfilename)) if os.stat(xyzfilename).st_size == 0: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' is blank.""" % (xyzfilename)) text = infile.readlines() xyz1 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\d+)\s*(bohr|au)?\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) xyz2 = re.compile(r'^\s*(-?\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)\s*$') NUMBER = "((?:[-+]?\\d*\\.\\d+(?:[DdEe][-+]?\\d+)?)|(?:[-+]?\\d+\\.\\d*(?:[DdEe][-+]?\\d+)?))" xyzN = re.compile(r'(?:\s*)([A-Z](?:[a-z])?)(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s*)', re.IGNORECASE) xyzC = re.compile(r'(?:\s*)(\d+\.?\d*)(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s*)', re.IGNORECASE) # Try to match the first line if xyz1.match(text[0]): fileNatom = int(xyz1.match(text[0]).group(1)) if xyz1.match(text[0]).group(2) == None: fileUnits = 'Angstrom' else: fileUnits = 'Bohr' else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed first line\n%s" % (text[0])) # Try to match the second line if xyz2.match(text[1]): instance.set_molecular_charge(int(xyz2.match(text[1]).group(1))) instance.set_multiplicity(int(xyz2.match(text[1]).group(2))) instance.tagline = xyz2.match(text[1]).group(3).strip() else: instance.tagline = text[1].strip() # Next line begins the useful information. for i in range(fileNatom): try: if xyzN.match(text[2 + i]): fileAtom = xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(1).upper() fileX = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(2)) fileY = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(3)) fileZ = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(4)) # Check that the atom symbol is valid if not fileAtom in el2z: raise ValidationError('Illegal atom symbol in geometry specification: %s' % (fileAtom)) # Add it to the molecule. instance.add_atom(el2z[fileAtom], fileX, fileY, fileZ, fileAtom, el2mass[fileAtom], el2z[fileAtom]) elif xyzC.match(text[2 + i]): fileAtom = int(float(xyzC.match(text[2 + i]).group(1))) fileX = float(xyzC.match(text[2 + i]).group(2)) fileY = float(xyzC.match(text[2 + i]).group(3)) fileZ = float(xyzC.match(text[2 + i]).group(4)) # Check that the atomic number is valid if not fileAtom in z2el: raise ValidationError('Illegal atom symbol in geometry specification: %d' % (fileAtom)) # Add it to the molecule. instance.add_atom(fileAtom, fileX, fileY, fileZ, z2el[fileAtom], z2mass[fileAtom], fileAtom) else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed atom information line %d." % (i + 3)) except IndexError: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Expected atom in file at line %d.\n%s" % (i + 3, text[i + 2])) # We need to make 1 fragment with all atoms instance.fragments.append([0, fileNatom - 1]) instance.fragment_types.append('Real') instance.fragment_charges.append(instance.molecular_charge()) instance.fragment_multiplicities.append(instance.multiplicity()) # Set the units properly instance.PYunits = fileUnits if fileUnits == 'Bohr': instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 elif fileUnits == 'Angstrom': instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 / psi_bohr2angstroms instance.update_geometry() return instance
[docs] def init_with_mol2(cls, xyzfilename, no_com=False, no_reorient=False, contentsNotFilename=False): """Pull information from a MOl2 file. No fragment info detected. Bohr/Angstrom pulled from first line if available. Charge, multiplicity, tagline pulled from second line if available. Body accepts atom symbol or atom charge in first column. Arguments *no_com* and *no_reorient* can be used to turn off shift and rotation. If *xyzfilename* is a string of the contents of an XYZ file, rather than the name of a file, set *contentsNotFilename* to ``True``. NOTE: chg/mult NYI >>> H2O = qcdb.Molecule.init_with_mol2('h2o.mol2') """ instance = cls() instance.lock_frame = False instance.PYmove_to_com = not no_com instance.PYfix_orientation = no_reorient if contentsNotFilename: text = xyzfilename.splitlines() else: try: infile = open(xyzfilename, 'r') except IOError: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_mol2: given filename '%s' does not exist.""" % (xyzfilename)) if os.stat(xyzfilename).st_size == 0: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_mol2: given filename '%s' is blank.""" % (xyzfilename)) text = infile.readlines() # fixed-width regex ((?=[ ]*-?\d+)[ -\d]{5}) v2000 = re.compile(r'^((?=[ ]*\d+)[ \d]{3})((?=[ ]*\d+)[ \d]{3})(.*)V2000\s*$') vend = re.compile(r'^\s*M\s+END\s*$') NUMBER = "((?:[-+]?\\d*\\.\\d+(?:[DdEe][-+]?\\d+)?)|(?:[-+]?\\d+\\.\\d*(?:[DdEe][-+]?\\d+)?))" xyzM = re.compile(r'^(?:\s*)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s+)' + NUMBER + '(?:\s+)([A-Z](?:[a-z])?)(?:\s+)(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) ## now charge and multiplicity # $chargem = 0 ; $multm = 1 ; #while (<MOL>) { #if (/CHARGE/) { $chargem = <MOL> ; chop($chargem) ;} #if (/MULTIPLICITY/) { $multm = <MOL> ; chop($multm) } # } # end while charge and multiplicity if not text: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_mol2: file blank") # Try to match header/footer if vend.match(text[-1]): pass else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_mol2: Malformed file termination\n%s" % (text[-1])) sysname = '_'.join(text[0].strip().split()) comment = text[2].strip() if comment: instance.tagline = sysname + ' ' + comment else: instance.tagline = sysname #instance.tagline = text[0].strip() + ' ' + text[2].strip() fileUnits = 'Angstrom' # defined for MOL #instance.set_molecular_charge(int(xyz2.match(text[1]).group(1))) #instance.set_multiplicity(int(xyz2.match(text[1]).group(2))) if v2000.match(text[3]): fileNatom = int(v2000.match(text[3]).group(1)) fileNbond = int(v2000.match(text[3]).group(2)) else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_mol2: Malformed fourth line\n%s" % (text[3])) if fileNatom < 1: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_mol2: Malformed Natom\n%s" % (str(fileNatom))) # Next line begins the useful information. for i in range(fileNatom): try: if xyzM.match(text[4 + i]): fileX = float(xyzM.match(text[4 + i]).group(1)) fileY = float(xyzM.match(text[4 + i]).group(2)) fileZ = float(xyzM.match(text[4 + i]).group(3)) fileAtom = xyzM.match(text[4 + i]).group(4).upper() # Check that the atom symbol is valid if not fileAtom in el2z: raise ValidationError('Illegal atom symbol in geometry specification: %s' % (fileAtom)) # Add it to the molecule. instance.add_atom(el2z[fileAtom], fileX, fileY, fileZ, fileAtom, el2mass[fileAtom], el2z[fileAtom]) else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_mol2: Malformed atom information line %d." % (i + 5)) except IndexError: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_mol2: Expected atom in file at line %d.\n%s" % (i + 5, text[i + 4])) # We need to make 1 fragment with all atoms instance.fragments.append([0, fileNatom - 1]) instance.fragment_types.append('Real') instance.fragment_charges.append(instance.molecular_charge()) instance.fragment_multiplicities.append(instance.multiplicity()) # Set the units properly instance.PYunits = fileUnits if fileUnits == 'Bohr': instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 elif fileUnits == 'Angstrom': instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 / psi_bohr2angstroms instance.update_geometry() return instance
[docs] def save_string_xyz(self, save_ghosts=True, save_natom=False): """Save a string for a XYZ-style file. >>> H2OH2O.save_string_xyz() 6 -2 3 water_dimer O -1.551007000000 -0.114520000000 0.000000000000 H -1.934259000000 0.762503000000 0.000000000000 H -0.599677000000 0.040712000000 0.000000000000 O 1.350625000000 0.111469000000 0.000000000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 -0.758561000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 0.758561000000 """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms N = self.natom() if not save_ghosts: N = 0 for i in range(self.natom()): if self.Z(i): N += 1 text = '' if save_natom: text += "%d\n" % (N) text += '%d %d %s\n' % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity(), self.tagline) for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() if save_ghosts or self.Z(i): text += '%2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % ((self.symbol(i) if self.Z(i) else "Gh"), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) return text
[docs] def format_molecule_for_numpy(self, npobj=True): """Returns a NumPy array of the non-dummy atoms of the geometry in Cartesian coordinates in Angstroms with element encoded as atomic number. If *npobj* is False, returns representation of NumPy array. """ import numpy as np factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms self.update_geometry() # TODO fn title is format_mol... but return args not compatible geo = [] for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() geo.append([self.Z(i), x * factor, y * factor, z * factor]) nparr = np.array(geo) return nparr if npobj else np.array_repr(nparr)
# def save_string_for_psi4(self): # """Returns a string of Molecule formatted for psi4. # Includes fragments and reorienting, if specified. # # >>> print H2OH2O.save_string_for_psi4() # 6 # 0 1 # O -1.55100700 -0.11452000 0.00000000 # H -1.93425900 0.76250300 0.00000000 # H -0.59967700 0.04071200 0.00000000 # -- # 0 1 # @X 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 # O 1.35062500 0.11146900 0.00000000 # H 1.68039800 -0.37374100 -0.75856100 # H 1.68039800 -0.37374100 0.75856100 # units Angstrom # # """ # Nfr = 0 # text = "" # for fr in range(self.nfragments()): # if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': # continue # if Nfr != 0: # text += """--\n""" # Nfr += 1 # text += """%d %d\n""" % (self.fragment_charges[fr], self.fragment_multiplicities[fr]) # for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): # geom = self.full_atoms[at].compute() # text += """%-3s %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f\n""" % \ # (("" if self.fZ(at) else "@") + self.full_atoms[at].symbol(), \ # geom[0], geom[1], geom[2]) # text += """units %s\n""" % (self.units().lower()) # return text
[docs] def format_molecule_for_psi4(self): """Returns string of molecule definition block.""" text = 'molecule mol {\n' for line in self.create_psi4_string_from_molecule().splitlines(): text += ' ' + line + '\n' text += '}\n' return text
[docs] def format_molecule_for_qchem_old(self, mixedbas=True): """Returns geometry section of input file formatted for Q-Chem. For ghost atoms, prints **Gh** as elemental symbol, with expectation that element identity will be established in mixed basis section. For ghost atoms when *mixedbas* is False, prints @ plus element symbol. prints whole dimer for unCP mono when called dir (as opposed to passing thru str no frag markers """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms text = "" text += '$molecule\n' text += '%d %d\n' % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() if mixedbas: text += '%2s ' % (self.symbol(i) if self.Z(i) else "Gh") else: text += '%-3s ' % (('' if self.Z(i) else '@') + self.symbol(i)) text += '%17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % (x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) text += '$end\n\n' # prepare molecule keywords to be set as c-side keywords options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) #options['QCHEM'['QCHEM_CHARGE']['value'] = self.molecular_charge() #options['QCHEM'['QCHEM_MULTIPLICITY']['value'] = self.multiplicity() options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_INPUT_BOHR']['value'] = False #options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_COORDINATES']['value'] = 'CARTESIAN' #SYM_IGNORE equiv to no_reorient, no_com, symmetry c1 options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_INPUT_BOHR']['clobber'] = True return text, options
[docs] def format_molecule_for_psi4_xyz(self): """not much examined """ text = "" if self.nallatom(): factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms # append units and any other non-default molecule keywords text += "units Angstrom\n" #text += " units %-s\n" % ("Angstrom" if self.units() == 'Angstrom' else "Bohr") if not self.PYmove_to_com: text += "no_com\n" if self.PYfix_orientation: text += "no_reorient\n" # append atoms and coordentries and fragment separators with charge and multiplicity Pfr = 0 for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' and not self.has_zmatrix(): continue text += "%s%s%d %d\n" % ( "" if Pfr == 0 else "--\n", "#" if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Ghost' or self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' else "", self.fragment_charges[fr], self.fragment_multiplicities[fr]) Pfr += 1 for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' or self.fsymbol(at) == "X": pass else: if self.fZ(at): text += "%-8s" % (self.flabel(at)) else: text += "%-8s" % ("Gh(" + self.flabel(at) + ")") [x, y, z] = self.full_atoms[at].compute() text += '%17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % \ (x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) text += "\n" wtext = 'molecule mol {\n' for line in text.splitlines(): wtext += ' ' + line + '\n' wtext += '}\n' return wtext
[docs] def format_molecule_for_molpro(self): """ """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms # TODO keep fix_or? # Jan 2015 turning off fix_or #self.fix_orientation(True) #self.PYmove_to_com = False self.update_geometry() text = "" text += 'angstrom\n' text += 'geometry={\n' dummy = [] for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() text += '%-2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % (self.symbol(i), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) if not self.Z(i): dummy.append(str(i + 1)) # Molpro atom number is 1-indexed text += '}\n\n' text += 'SET,CHARGE=%d\n' % (self.molecular_charge()) text += 'SET,SPIN=%d\n' % (self.multiplicity() - 1) # Molpro wants (mult-1) if len(dummy) > 0: text += 'dummy,' + ','.join(dummy) + '\n' return text
[docs] def format_molecule_for_cfour(self): """Function to print Molecule in a form readable by Cfour. """ self.update_geometry() factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms #factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Bohr' else 1.0/psi_bohr2angstroms text = 'auto-generated by qcdb from molecule %s\n' % (self.tagline) # append atoms and coordentries for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() text += '%-2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % ((self.symbol(i) if self.Z(i) else "GH"), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) #for fr in range(self.nfragments()): # if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': # pass # else: # for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): # [x, y, z] = self.atoms[at].compute() # text += '%-2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % ((self.symbol(at) if self.Z(at) else "GH"), \ # x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) text += '\n' # prepare molecule keywords to be set as c-side keywords options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CHARGE']['value'] = self.molecular_charge() options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_MULTIPLICITY']['value'] = self.multiplicity() options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_UNITS']['value'] = 'ANGSTROM' # options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_UNITS']['value'] = 'BOHR' options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_COORDINATES']['value'] = 'CARTESIAN' # options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SUBGROUP']['value'] = self.symmetry_from_input().upper() # print self.inertia_tensor() # print self.inertial_system() options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CHARGE']['clobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_MULTIPLICITY']['clobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_UNITS']['clobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_COORDINATES']['clobber'] = True return text, options
[docs] def format_basis_for_cfour(self, puream): """Function to print the BASIS=SPECIAL block for Cfour according to the active atoms in Molecule. Special short basis names are used by Psi4 libmints GENBAS-writer in accordance with Cfour constraints. """ text = '' cr = 1 for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': pass else: for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): text += """%s:P4_%d\n""" % (self.symbol(at).upper(), cr) cr += 1 text += '\n' options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_BASIS']['value'] = 'SPECIAL' options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SPHERICAL']['value'] = puream options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_BASIS']['clobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SPHERICAL']['clobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_BASIS']['superclobber'] = True options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_SPHERICAL']['superclobber'] = True return text, options
[docs] def format_molecule_for_orca(self): """ Format the molecule into an orca xyz format """ options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) self.update_geometry() factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms text = "" text += '* xyz {} {}\n'.format(self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) n_frags = self.nfragments() for fr in range(n_frags): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': pass else: for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Ghost': # TODO: add support for ghost atoms # atom += ':' continue x, y, z = self.atoms[at].compute() atom = self.symbol(at) if n_frags > 1: text += ' {:2s}({:d}) {:> 17.12f} {:> 17.12f} {:> 17.12f}\n'.format(\ atom, fr + 1, x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) else: text += ' {:2s} {:> 17.12f} {:> 17.12f} {:> 17.12f}\n'.format(\ atom, x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) text += '*' return text, options
[docs] def format_molecule_for_qchem(self, mixedbas=True): """Returns geometry section of input file formatted for Q-Chem. For ghost atoms, prints **Gh** as elemental symbol, with expectation that element identity will be established in mixed basis section. For ghost atoms when *mixedbas* is False, prints @ plus element symbol. candidate modeled after psi4_xyz so that absent fragments observed force xyz """ text = "" if self.nallatom(): factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms Pfr = 0 # any general starting notation here <<< text += '$molecule\n' text += '%d %d\n' % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) # >>> for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' and not self.has_zmatrix(): continue # any fragment marker here <<< if self.nactive_fragments() > 1: # this only distiguishes Real frags so Real/Ghost don't get # fragmentation. may need to change text += """--\n""" # >>> # any fragment chgmult here <<< if self.nactive_fragments() > 1: text += """{}{} {}\n""".format( '!' if self.fragment_types[fr] in ['Ghost', 'Absent'] else '', self.fragment_charges[fr], self.fragment_multiplicities[fr]) # >>> Pfr += 1 for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' or self.fsymbol(at) == "X": pass else: if self.fZ(at): # label for real live atom <<< text += """{:>3s} """.format(self.symbol(at)) # >>> else: # label for ghost atom <<< text += """{:>3s} """.format( 'Gh' if mixedbas else ('@' + self.symbol(at))) # >>> [x, y, z] = self.full_atoms[at].compute() # Cartesian coordinates <<< text += """{:>17.12f} {:>17.12f} {:>17.12f}\n""".format( x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) # >>> # any general finishing notation here <<< text += '$end\n\n' # >>> # prepare molecule keywords to be set as c-side keywords options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) #options['QCHEM'['QCHEM_CHARGE']['value'] = self.molecular_charge() #options['QCHEM'['QCHEM_MULTIPLICITY']['value'] = self.multiplicity() options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_INPUT_BOHR']['value'] = False #options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_COORDINATES']['value'] = 'CARTESIAN' if (not self.PYmove_to_com) or self.PYfix_orientation: options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_SYM_IGNORE']['value'] = True #SYM_IGNORE equiv to no_reorient, no_com, symmetry c1 options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_INPUT_BOHR']['clobber'] = True options['QCHEM']['QCHEM_SYM_IGNORE']['clobber'] = True return text, options
[docs] def format_molecule_for_cfour_old(self): """Function to print Molecule in a form readable by Cfour. This version works as long as zmat is composed entirely of variables, not internal values, while cartesian is all internal values, no variables. Cutting off this line of development because, with getting molecules after passing through libmints Molecule, all zmats with dummies (Cfour's favorite kind) have already been converted into cartesian. Next step, if this line was pursued would be to shift any zmat internal values to external and any cartesian external values to internal. """ text = '' text += 'auto-generated by qcdb from molecule %s\n' % (self.tagline) # # append units and any other non-default molecule keywords # text += " units %-s\n" % ("Angstrom" if self.units() == 'Angstrom' else "Bohr") # if not self.PYmove_to_com: # text += " no_com\n" # if self.PYfix_orientation: # text += " no_reorient\n" # append atoms and coordentries and fragment separators with charge and multiplicity Pfr = 0 isZMat = False isCart = False for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' and not self.has_zmatrix(): continue # text += "%s %s%d %d\n" % ( # "" if Pfr == 0 else " --\n", # "#" if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Ghost' or self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' else "", # self.fragment_charges[fr], self.fragment_multiplicities[fr]) Pfr += 1 for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): if type(self.full_atoms[at]) == ZMatrixEntry: isZMat = True elif type(self.full_atoms[at]) == CartesianEntry: isCart = True if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': text += "%s" % ("X") elif self.fZ(at) or self.fsymbol(at) == "X": text += "%s" % (self.fsymbol(at)) else: text += "%s" % ("GH") # atom info is lost + self.fsymbol(at) + ")") text += "%s" % (self.full_atoms[at].print_in_input_format_cfour()) text += "\n" # append any coordinate variables if len(self.geometry_variables): for vb, val in self.geometry_variables.items(): text += """%s=%.10f\n""" % (vb, val) text += "\n" # prepare molecule keywords to be set as c-side keywords options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_CHARGE']['value'] = self.molecular_charge() options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_MULTIPLICITY']['value'] = self.multiplicity() options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_UNITS']['value'] = self.units() if isZMat and not isCart: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_COORDINATES']['value'] = 'INTERNAL' elif isCart and not isZMat: options['CFOUR']['CFOUR_COORDINATES']['value'] = 'CARTESIAN' else: raise ValidationError("""Strange mix of Cartesian and ZMatrixEntries in molecule unsuitable for Cfour.""") return text, options
[docs] def format_molecule_for_nwchem(self): """ """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms text = "" text += '%d %d %s\n' % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity(), self.tagline) for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() text += '%4s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % (("" if self.Z(i) else 'Bq') + self.symbol(i), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) return text pass
# if symm print M2OUT "nosym\nnoorient\n"; # print DIOUT "angstrom\ngeometry={\n";
[docs] def auto_fragments(self): """Detects fragments in an unfragmented molecule using BFS algorithm. Returns a new Molecule in Cartesian, fixed-geom (no variable values), no dummy-atom format. Any non-default charge and multiplicity assigned to first fragment. """ if self.nfragments() != 1: print("""Molecule already fragmented so no further action by auto_fragments().""") return self flist = self.BFS() # form new molecule through a string since self may contain # dummies or zmatrix specs that mayn't be valid with atom shuffling new_geom = '\n' if self.PYcharge_specified or self.PYmultiplicity_specified: new_geom = """\n %d %d\n""" % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) for fr in range(len(flist)): new_geom += "" if fr == 0 else " --\n" for at in flist[fr]: geom = self.atoms[at].compute() new_geom += """%-4s """ % (("" if self.Z(at) else "@") + self.symbol(at)) for j in range(3): new_geom += """ %17.12f""" % (geom[j]) new_geom += "\n" new_geom += " units %s\n" % (self.units()) if not self.PYmove_to_com: new_geom += " no_com\n" if self.orientation_fixed(): new_geom += " no_reorient\n" subset = Molecule(new_geom) subset.update_geometry() return subset
[docs] def BFS(self): """Perform a breadth-first search (BFS) on the real atoms in molecule, returning an array of atom indices of fragments. Relies upon van der Waals radii and so faulty for close (esp. hydrogen-bonded) fragments. Original code from Michael S. Marshall. """ vdW_diameter = { #'H': 1.001 / 1.5, # JMol 'HE': 1.012 / 1.5, # JMol 'LI': 0.825 / 1.5, # JMol 'BE': 1.408 / 1.5, # JMol #'B': 1.485 / 1.5, # JMol #'C': 1.452 / 1.5, # JMol #'N': 1.397 / 1.5, # JMol #'O': 1.342 / 1.5, # JMol #'F': 1.287 / 1.5, # JMol 'NE': 1.243 / 1.5, # JMol 'NA': 1.144 / 1.5, # JMol 'MG': 1.364 / 1.5, # JMol 'AL': 1.639 / 1.5, # JMol #'SI': 1.716 / 1.5, # JMol #'P': 1.705 / 1.5, # JMol #'S': 1.683 / 1.5, # JMol #'CL': 1.639 / 1.5, # JMol 'AR': 1.595 / 1.5, # JMol 'H': 1.06 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'B': 1.65 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'C': 1.53 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'N': 1.46 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'O': 1.42 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'F': 1.40 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SI': 1.93 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'P': 1.86 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'S': 1.80 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'CL': 1.75 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'GE': 1.98 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'AS': 1.94 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SE': 1.90 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'BR': 1.87 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SN': 2.16 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SB': 2.12 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'TE': 2.08 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'I': 2.04 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'XE': 2.05 / 1.5} # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) Queue = [] White = range(self.natom()) # untouched Black = [] # touched and all edges discovered Fragment = [] # stores fragments start = 0 # starts with the first atom in the list Queue.append(start) White.remove(start) # Simply start with the first atom, do a BFS when done, go to any # untouched atom and start again iterate until all atoms belong # to a fragment group while len(White) > 0 or len(Queue) > 0: # Iterates to the next fragment Fragment.append([]) while len(Queue) > 0: # BFS within a fragment for u in Queue: # find all (still white) nearest neighbors to vertex u for i in White: dist = distance(, * psi_bohr2angstroms if dist < vdW_diameter[self.symbol(u)] + vdW_diameter[self.symbol(i)]: Queue.append(i) # if you find you, put in the queue White.remove(i) # and remove it from the untouched list Queue.remove(u) # remove focus from Queue Black.append(u) Fragment[-1].append(int(u)) # add to group (0-indexed) Fragment[-1].sort() # preserve original atom ordering if len(White) != 0: # can't move White -> Queue if no more exist Queue.append(White[0]) White.remove(White[0]) return Fragment
[docs] def inertia_tensor(self, masswt=True, zero=ZERO): """Compute inertia tensor. >>> print H2OH2O.inertia_tensor() [[8.704574864178731, -8.828375721817082, 0.0], [-8.828375721817082, 280.82861714077666, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 281.249500988553]] """ return self.inertia_tensor_partial(range(self.natom()), masswt, zero)
[docs] def inertia_tensor_partial(self, part, masswt=True, zero=ZERO): """Compute inertia tensor based on atoms in *part*. """ tensor = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] for i in part: if masswt: # I(alpha, alpha) tensor[0][0] += self.mass(i) * (self.y(i) * self.y(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i)) tensor[1][1] += self.mass(i) * (self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i)) tensor[2][2] += self.mass(i) * (self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.y(i) * self.y(i)) # I(alpha, beta) tensor[0][1] -= self.mass(i) * self.x(i) * self.y(i) tensor[0][2] -= self.mass(i) * self.x(i) * self.z(i) tensor[1][2] -= self.mass(i) * self.y(i) * self.z(i) else: # I(alpha, alpha) tensor[0][0] += self.y(i) * self.y(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i) tensor[1][1] += self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i) tensor[2][2] += self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.y(i) * self.y(i) # I(alpha, beta) tensor[0][1] -= self.x(i) * self.y(i) tensor[0][2] -= self.x(i) * self.z(i) tensor[1][2] -= self.y(i) * self.z(i) # mirror tensor[1][0] = tensor[0][1] tensor[2][0] = tensor[0][2] tensor[2][1] = tensor[1][2] # Check the elements for zero and make them a hard zero. for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if math.fabs(tensor[i][j]) < zero: tensor[i][j] = 0.0 return tensor
[docs] def inertial_system_partial(self, part, masswt=True, zero=ZERO): """Solve inertial system based on atoms in *part*""" return diagonalize3x3symmat(self.inertia_tensor_partial(part, masswt, zero))
[docs] def inertial_system(self, masswt=True, zero=ZERO): """Solve inertial system""" return diagonalize3x3symmat(self.inertia_tensor(masswt, zero))
[docs] def print_ring_planes(self, entity1, entity2, entity3=None, entity4=None): """(reals only, 1-indexed) """ pass # TODO allow handle lines text = "" summ = [] #for entity in [entity1, entity2, entity3, entity4]: for item in [entity1, entity2]: text += """\n ==> Entity %s <==\n\n""" % (item) # convert plain atoms into list and move from 1-indexed to 0-indexed entity = [] try: for idx in item: entity.append(idx - 1) except TypeError: entity = [item - 1] if len(entity) == 1: dim = 'point' elif len(entity) == 2: dim = 'line' else: dim = 'plane' # compute centroid cent = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for at in entity: cent = add(cent, cent = scale(cent, 1.0 / len(entity)) text += ' Centroid: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ (cent[0] * psi_bohr2angstroms, \ cent[1] * psi_bohr2angstroms, \ cent[2] * psi_bohr2angstroms) text += ' Centroid: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Bohr]\n' % \ (cent[0], cent[1], cent[2]) if dim == 'point': summ.append({'dim': dim, 'geo': cent, 'cent': cent}) # TODO: figure out if should be using mass-weighted self.translate(scale(cent, -1)) evals, evecs = self.inertial_system_partial(entity, masswt=False) midx = evals.index(max(evals)) text += ' Normal Vector: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [unit]\n' % \ (evecs[0][midx], evecs[1][midx], evecs[2][midx]) text += ' Normal Vector: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [unit]\n' % \ (evecs[0][midx] + cent[0], evecs[1][midx] + cent[1], evecs[2][midx] + cent[2]) xplane = [evecs[0][midx], evecs[1][midx], evecs[2][midx], \ -1.0 * (evecs[0][midx] * cent[0] + evecs[1][midx] * cent[1] + evecs[2][midx] * cent[2])] text += ' Eqn. of Plane: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Ai + Bj + Ck + D = 0]\n' % \ (xplane[0], xplane[1], xplane[2], xplane[3]) dtemp = math.sqrt(evecs[0][midx] * evecs[0][midx] + evecs[1][midx] * evecs[1][midx] + evecs[2][midx] * evecs[2][midx]) hessplane = [evecs[0][midx] / dtemp, evecs[1][midx] / dtemp, evecs[2][midx] / dtemp, xplane[3] / dtemp] hessplane2 = [xplane[0] / dtemp, xplane[1] / dtemp, xplane[2] / dtemp, xplane[3] / dtemp] text += ' Eqn. of Plane: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Ai + Bj + Ck + D = 0] H\n' % \ (hessplane[0], hessplane[1], hessplane[2], hessplane[3]) text += ' Eqn. of Plane: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Ai + Bj + Ck + D = 0] H2\n' % \ (hessplane2[0], hessplane2[1], hessplane2[2], hessplane2[3]) self.translate(cent) if dim == 'plane': summ.append({'dim': dim, 'geo': xplane, 'cent': cent}) #print summ text += """\n ==> 1 (%s) vs. 2 (%s) <==\n\n""" % (summ[0]['dim'], summ[1]['dim']) # if summ[0]['dim'] == 'plane' and summ[1]['dim'] == 'point': # cent = summ[1]['geo'] # plane = summ[0]['geo'] # print cent, plane # # D = math.fabs(plane[0] * cent[0] + plane[1] * cent[1] + plane[2] * cent[2] + plane[3]) / \ # math.sqrt(plane[0] * plane[0] + plane[1] * plane[1] + plane[2] * plane[2]) # text += ' Pt to Plane: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % (D * psi_bohr2angstroms) #if summ[0]['dim'] == 'plane' and summ[1]['dim'] == 'plane': if summ[0]['dim'] == 'plane' and (summ[1]['dim'] == 'plane' or summ[1]['dim'] == 'point'): cent1 = summ[0]['cent'] cent2 = summ[1]['cent'] plane1 = summ[0]['geo'] #plane2 = summ[1]['geo'] distCC = distance(cent1, cent2) text += ' Distance from Center of %s to Center of %s: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ ('2', '1', distCC * psi_bohr2angstroms) distCP = math.fabs(plane1[0] * cent2[0] + plane1[1] * cent2[1] + plane1[2] * cent2[2] + plane1[3]) # distCP expression has a denominator that's one since plane constructed from unit vector text += ' Distance from Center of %s to Plane of %s: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ ('2', '1', distCP * psi_bohr2angstroms) distCPC = math.sqrt(distCC * distCC - distCP * distCP) text += ' Distance from Center of %s to Center of %s along Plane of %s: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ ('2', '1', '1', distCPC * psi_bohr2angstroms) print(text)
# text = " Interatomic Distances (Angstroms)\n\n" # for i in range(self.natom()): # for j in range(i + 1, self.natom()): # eij = sub(, # dist = norm(eij) * psi_bohr2angstroms # text += " Distance %d to %d %-8.3lf\n" % (i + 1, j + 1, dist) # text += "\n\n" # return text
[docs] def rotor_type(self, tol=FULL_PG_TOL): """Returns the rotor type. >>> H2OH2O.rotor_type() RT_ASYMMETRIC_TOP """ evals, evecs = diagonalize3x3symmat(self.inertia_tensor()) evals = sorted(evals) rot_const = [1.0 / evals[0] if evals[0] > 1.0e-6 else 0.0, 1.0 / evals[1] if evals[1] > 1.0e-6 else 0.0, 1.0 / evals[2] if evals[2] > 1.0e-6 else 0.0] # Determine degeneracy of rotational constants. degen = 0 for i in range(2): for j in range(i + 1, 3): if degen >= 2: continue rabs = math.fabs(rot_const[i] - rot_const[j]) tmp = rot_const[i] if rot_const[i] > rot_const[j] else rot_const[j] if rabs > ZERO: rel = rabs / tmp else: rel = 0.0 if rel < tol: degen += 1 #print "\tDegeneracy is %d\n" % (degen) # Determine rotor type if self.natom() == 1: rotor_type = 'RT_ATOM' elif rot_const[0] == 0.0: rotor_type = 'RT_LINEAR' # 0 < IB == IC inf > B == C elif degen == 2: rotor_type = 'RT_SPHERICAL_TOP' # IA == IB == IC A == B == C elif degen == 1: if (rot_const[1] - rot_const[2]) < 1.0e-6: rotor_type = 'RT_PROLATE_SYMMETRIC_TOP' # IA < IB == IC A > B == C elif (rot_const[0] - rot_const[1]) < 1.0e-6: rotor_type = 'RT_OBLATE_SYMMETRIC_TOP' # IA == IB < IC A == B > C else: rotor_type = 'RT_ASYMMETRIC_TOP' # IA < IB < IC A > B > C return rotor_type
[docs] def center_of_charge(self): """Computes center of charge of molecule (does not translate molecule). >>> H2OH2O.center_of_charge() [-0.073339893272065401, 0.002959783555632145, 0.0] """ ret = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] total_c = 0.0 for at in range(self.natom()): c = self.charge(at) ret = add(ret, scale(, c)) total_c += c ret = scale(ret, 1.0 / total_c) return ret
[docs] def move_to_coc(self): """Moves molecule to center of charge """ coc = scale(self.center_of_charge(), -1.0) self.translate(coc)
# Attach methods to qcdb.Molecule class from .interface_dftd3 import run_dftd3 as _dftd3_qcdb_yo Molecule.run_dftd3 = _dftd3_qcdb_yo from .parker import xyz2mol as _parker_xyz2mol_yo Molecule.format_molecule_for_mol2 = _parker_xyz2mol_yo from .parker import bond_profile as _parker_bondprofile_yo Molecule.bond_profile = _parker_bondprofile_yo