Source code for qcdb.orca

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict
from .pdict import PreservingDict
from .molecule import Molecule
from .physconst import *

[docs]def harvest(p4Mol, orca_out, **largs): """Harvest variables, gradient, and the molecule from the output and other files """ # Split into lines as it is much easier to find what is needed out_lines = orca_out.split('\n') mol = harvest_molecule_from_outfile(out_lines) file_name = "NONE" grad = harvest_engrad(file_name) # Harvest energies and properties from the output file psivar = PreservingDict() harvest_scf_from_outfile(out_lines, psivar) harvest_dipole(out_lines, psivar) harvest_mp2(out_lines, psivar) harvest_coupled_cluster(out_lines, psivar) return psivar, grad, mol
[docs]def muster_memory(mem): """Transform input *mem* in MB into psi4-type options for orca. """ # prepare memory keywords to be set as c-side keywords options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) options['ORCA']['ORCA_MAXCORE']['value'] = int(mem) text = "%MaxCore {}\n".format(options['ORCA']['ORCA_MAXCORE']['value']) for item in options['ORCA']: options['ORCA'][item]['clobber'] = True return text, options
[docs]def muster_modelchem(name, dertype): """Transform calculation method *name* and derivative level *dertype* into options for orca. While deliberately requested pieces, generally orca__orca_deriv_level and orca__orca_calc_level, are set to complain if contradicted ('clobber' set to True), other 'recommended' settings, can be countermanded by keywords in input file ('clobber' set to False). Occasionally, we want these pieces to actually overcome keywords in input file ('superclobber' set to True). """ text = '' lowername = name.lower() options = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict)) if dertype == 0: options['ORCA']['ORCA_RUNTYP']['value'] = 'ENERGY' elif dertype == 1: options['ORCA']['ORCA_RUNTYP']['value'] = 'ENGRAD' else: raise ValidationError("Requested Orca dertype {} is not available." .format(dertype)) if lowername == 'orca': pass elif lowername == 'orca-b3lyp': options['ORCA']['ORCA_FUNCTIONAL']['value'] = 'B3LYP_G' elif lowername == 'orca-mp2': options['ORCA']['ORCA_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'MP2' elif lowername == 'orca-ccsd': options['ORCA']['ORCA_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CCSD' elif lowername == 'orca-ccsd(t)': options['ORCA']['ORCA_CALC_LEVEL']['value'] = 'CCSD(T)' else: raise ValidationError("Requested Orca computational methods {} is not " "available." .format(lowername)) # Set clobbering if 'ORCA_RUNTYP' in options['ORCA']: options['ORCA']['ORCA_RUNTYP']['clobber'] = True options['ORCA']['ORCA_RUNTYP']['superclobber'] = True if 'ORCA_FUNCTIONAL' in options['ORCA']: options['ORCA']['ORCA_FUNCTIONAL']['clobber'] = True options['ORCA']['ORCA_FUNCTIONAL']['superclobber'] = True return text, options
[docs]def orca_list(): """Return an array of Orca methods with energies. Appended to procedures['energy']. """ val = [] val.append('orca') val.append('orca-b3lyp') return val
[docs]def orca_gradient_list(): """Return an array of Orca methods with analytical gradients. Appended to procedures['gradient']. """ val = [] val.append('oc-b3lyp') return val
[docs]def harvest_molecule_from_outfile(lines): """Return a molecule of the last geometry""" """Sample molecule block""" #---------------------------- #CARTESIAN COORDINATES (A.U.) #---------------------------- # NO LB ZA FRAG MASS X Y Z # 0 O 8.0000 0 15.999 -0.043407801307192 -0.055556028344352 0.000000000000000 # 1 H 1.0000 0 1.008 1.780497256508764 -0.017018089151928 0.000000000000000 # 2 H 1.0000 0 1.008 -0.462170608038134 1.719154625261312 0.000000000000000 # geom_start = find_start(lines, 'CARTESIAN COORDINATES (A.U.)') if geom_start == -1: return Molecule() # Geometry starts 3 lines after header and ends with a blank line geom_start += 3 end = '' mol_str = '' for i, line in enumerate(lines[geom_start:], start=geom_start): if line == end: break num, atom, z, frag, mass, x, y, z = line.split() mol_str += '{} {} {} {}\n'.format(atom, x, y, z) return Molecule(mol_str)
[docs]def harvest_scf_from_outfile(lines, psivar): """Harvest SCF results from the SCF section of the output file""" """Sample SCF results block""" #---------------- #TOTAL SCF ENERGY #---------------- # #Total Energy : -76.02602169 Eh -2068.77322 eV # #Components: #Nuclear Repulsion : 9.12509697 Eh 248.30651 eV #Electronic Energy : -85.15111867 Eh -2317.07974 eV # #One Electron Energy: -123.01434123 Eh -3347.39040 eV #Two Electron Energy: 37.86322256 Eh 1030.31067 eV # #Virial components: #Potential Energy : -151.99262033 Eh -4135.92947 eV #Kinetic Energy : 75.96659864 Eh 2067.15624 eV #Virial Ratio : 2.00078223 # # scf_start = find_start(lines, 'TOTAL SCF ENERGY') if scf_start == -1: return '' # Energies in SCF block psivar['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] = float(lines[scf_start + 3].split()[3]) psivar['NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY'] = float(lines[scf_start + 6].split()[3])
[docs]def harvest_dipole(lines, psivar): """Harvest the dipole, and return as a tuple (x, y, z) Multiple different dipole moments can be output if post-HF calculations are run and their dipoles are requested resulting in highly similar blocks. It by default collects the last which appears to always be the one requested TODO: collect all the different types of dipole moments """ """Sample dipole moment results block""" #------------- #DIPOLE MOMENT #------------- # X Y Z #Electronic contribution: -0.11359 -0.14669 -0.00000 #Nuclear contribution : 0.61892 0.79867 0.00000 # ----------------------------------------- #Total Dipole Moment : 0.50533 0.65198 -0.00000 # ----------------------------------------- #Magnitude (a.u.) : 0.82489 #Magnitude (Debye) : 2.09670 # # dipole_start = find_start(lines, 'DIPOLE MOMENT') if dipole_start != -1: # Dipole x, y, z are the last items 6 lines down in the dipole block dipole_str_list = lines[dipole_start + 6].split()[-3:] # Convert the dipole to debye dipole = [float(i)*psi_dipmom_au2debye for i in dipole_str_list] psivar['CURRENT DIPOLE X'] = dipole[0] psivar['CURRENT DIPOLE Y'] = dipole[1] psivar['CURRENT DIPOLE Z'] = dipole[2] # Dipole magnitude is 8 line down in the dipole block magnitude = float(lines[dipole_start + 8][-1])
[docs]def harvest_mp2(lines, psivar): """Harvest the MP2 results""" """Sample MP2 energy line (works for both MP2 and RI-MP2)""" #--------------------------------------- #MP2 TOTAL ENERGY: -76.226803665 Eh #--------------------------------------- """Sample MP2 correlation energy line (yes there is a space)""" #----------------------------------------------- # MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY : -0.125436532 Eh #----------------------------------------------- """Sample RI-MP2 Correlation energy line (yes there is a space)""" #----------------------------------------------- # RI-MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY: -0.125496692 Eh #----------------------------------------------- for line in reversed(lines): if line[:16] == 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY': psivar['MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'] = line.split()[-2] break for line in reversed(lines): if line[:23] == ' MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY' or\ line[:26] == ' RI-MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY': psivar['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = line.split()[-2] break
[docs]def harvest_coupled_cluster(lines, psivar): """Harvest coupled cluster results WARNING: Canonical and DLPNO print the coupled cluster results differently """ """Sample (canonical) CCSD results block""" #---------------------- #COUPLED CLUSTER ENERGY #---------------------- # #E(0) ... -76.063720080 #E(CORR) ... -0.288938791 #E(TOT) ... -76.352658871 #Singles Norm <S|S>**1/2 ... 0.021106262 #T1 diagnostic ... 0.007462191 # """Sample DLPNO coupled cluster block (CCSD)""" #---------------------- #COUPLED CLUSTER ENERGY #---------------------- # #E(0) ... -76.026019996 #E(CORR)(strong-pairs) ... -0.211953159 #E(CORR)(weak-pairs) ... -0.000007244 #E(CORR)(corrected) ... -0.211960403 #E(TOT) ... -76.237980399 #Singles Norm <S|S>**1/2 ... 0.014443573 #T1 diagnostic ... 0.005106574 # """Sample CCSD(T) block (same for DLPNO and canonical)""" # #Triples Correction (T) ... -0.001544381 #Final correlation energy ... -0.134770265 #E(CCSD) ... -75.709548429 #E(CCSD(T)) ... -75.711092810 # cc_start = find_start(lines, 'COUPLED CLUSTER ENERGY') if cc_start == -1: return #psivar["CC REFERENCE"] = float(lines[cc_start + 3].split()[-1]) # CCSD energy block is less than 20 lines for i, line in enumerate(lines[cc_start:cc_start + 20], start=cc_start): if line[:6] == "E(TOT)": psivar["CCSD TOTAL ENERGY"] = line.split()[-1] psivar["CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY"] = lines[i-1].split()[-1] #psivar["SINGLES NORM"] = lines[i+1].split()[-1] #psivar["T1 DIAGNOSTIC"] = lines[i+2].split()[-1] break # CCSD(T) energy block for i, line in enumerate(lines[cc_start:], start=cc_start): if line[:22] == "Triples Correction (T)": #psivar["TRIPLES CORRELATION ENERGY"] = line.split()[-1] psivar["CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY"] = lines[i+1].split()[-1] psivar["CCSD TOTAL ENERGY"] = lines[i+2].split()[-1] psivar["CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY"] = lines[i+3].split()[-1] break
[docs]def harvest_engrad(engrad): """Parse the engrad file for the gradient""" try: lines = open(engrad).readlines() except IOError: return [] num_atoms = int(lines[3].strip()) energy = lines[7].strip() grad = [] for i in range(12, 13 + num_atoms*3, 3): grad.append(list(map(float, lines[i:i + 3]))) return grad
[docs]def find_start(lines, start_str, reverse=True): """Find the start of a block, iterate backwards by default, Usually the last one is wanted If not found, return -1 """ start = -1 # Iterate backwards until the last value is found if reverse: for i, line in reversed(list(enumerate(lines))): if start_str == line: return i else: for i, line in enumerate(lines): if start_str == line: return i return start