.. include:: autodoc_abbr_options_c.rst .. index:: triple: setting; keywords; cp see: counterpoise_correct .. _`sec:cp()`: Counterpoise Correct ==================== .. codeauthor:: Daniel G. A. Smith .. autofunction:: driver_nbody._nbody_gufunc(func, method_string [, molecule, bsse_type, max_nbody, ptype, return_total_data]) The nbody function computes counterpoise-corrected (CP), non-CP (noCP), and Valiron-Mayer Function Couterpoise (VMFC) interaction energies for complexes composed of arbitrary numbers of monomers. **Examples :** :: # Counterpoise corrected CCSD(T) energy for the Helium dimer molecule mol { He -- He 1 3 } energy('CCSD(T)', bsse_type='cp') # noCP, VMFC, and CP energy for a helium cluster, limited at 3 bodies molecule mol { He 0 0 0 -- He 0 0 4 -- He 0 4 0 -- He 4 0 0 } # Returns the nocp energy as its first in the list energy('CCSD(T)', bsse_type=['nocp', 'cp', 'vmfc'], max_nbody=3)