Source code for util

"""Module with utility functions for use in input files."""
import PsiMod
import sys
import os
from psiexceptions import *

[docs]def set_memory(bytes): """Function to reset the total memory allocation.""" PsiMod.set_memory(bytes)
[docs]def get_memory(): """Function to return the total memory allocation.""" return PsiMod.get_memory()
[docs]def set_num_threads(nthread): """Function to reset the number of threads to parallelize across.""" PsiMod.set_nthread(nthread)
[docs]def get_num_threads(): """Function to return the number of threads to parallelize across.""" return PsiMod.nthread()
[docs]def success(label): """Function to print a '*label*...PASSED' line to screen. Used by :py:func:`util.compare_values` family when functions pass. """ print '\t{0:.<66}PASSED'.format(label) sys.stdout.flush() # Test functions
[docs]def compare_values(expected, computed, digits, label): """Function to compare two values. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when value *computed* matches value *expected* to number of *digits*. Performs a system exit on failure. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if (abs(expected - computed) > 10 ** (-digits)): print "\t%s: computed value (%f) does not match (%f) to %d digits." % (label, computed, expected, digits) sys.exit(1) success(label)
[docs]def compare_integers(expected, computed, label): """Function to compare two integers. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when value *computed* matches value *expected*. Performs a system exit on failure. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if (expected != computed): print "\t%s: computed value (%d) does not match (%d)." % (label, computed, expected) sys.exit(1) success(label)
[docs]def compare_strings(expected, computed, label): """Function to compare two strings. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when string *computed* exactly matches string *expected*. Performs a system exit on failure. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if(expected != computed): print "\t%s: computed value (%s) does not match (%s)." % (label, computed, expected) sys.exit(1) success(label)
[docs]def compare_matrices(expected, computed, digits, label): """Function to compare two matrices. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when elements of matrix *computed* match elements of matrix *expected* to number of *digits*. Performs a system exit on failure to match symmetry structure, dimensions, or element values. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if (expected.nirrep() != computed.nirrep()): print "\t%s has %d irreps, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.nirrep(),, computed.nirrep()) sys.exit(1) if (expected.symmetry() != computed.symmetry()): print "\t%s has %d symmetry, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.symmetry(),, computed.symmetry()) sys.exit(1) nirreps = expected.nirrep() symmetry = expected.symmetry() for irrep in range(nirreps): if(expected.rows(irrep) != computed.rows(irrep)): print "\t%s has %d rows in irrep %d, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.rows(irrep), irrep,, computed.rows(irrep)) sys.exit(1) if(expected.cols(irrep ^ symmetry) != computed.cols(irrep ^ symmetry)): print "\t%s has %d columns in irrep, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.cols(irrep), irrep,, computed.cols(irrep)) sys.exit(1) rows = expected.rows(irrep) cols = expected.cols(irrep ^ symmetry) failed = 0 for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): if(abs(expected.get(irrep, row, col) - computed.get(irrep, row, col)) > 10 ** (-digits)): print "\t%s: computed value (%s) does not match (%s)." % (label, expected.get(irrep, row, col), computed.get(irrep, row, col)) failed = 1 break if(failed): PsiMod.print_out("The Failed Test Matrices\n") computed.print_out() expected.print_out() sys.exit(1) success(label)
[docs]def compare_vectors(expected, computed, digits, label): """Function to compare two vectors. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when elements of vector *computed* match elements of vector *expected* to number of *digits*. Performs a system exit on failure to match symmetry structure, dimension, or element values. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if (expected.nirrep() != computed.nirrep()): print "\t%s has %d irreps, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.nirrep(),, computed.nirrep()) sys.exit(1) nirreps = expected.nirrep() for irrep in range(nirreps): if(expected.dim(irrep) != computed.dim(irrep)): print "\tThe reference has %d entries in irrep %d, but the computed vector has %d\n." % (expected.dim(irrep), irrep, computed.dim(irrep)) sys.exit(1) dim = expected.dim(irrep) failed = 0 for entry in range(dim): if(abs(expected.get(irrep, entry) - computed.get(irrep, entry)) > 10 ** (-digits)): print "\t%s: computed value (%s) does not match (%s)." % (label, computed.get(irrep, entry), expected.get(irrep, entry)) failed = 1 break if(failed): PsiMod.print_out("The computed vector\n") computed.print_out() PsiMod.print_out("The reference vector\n") expected.print_out() sys.exit(1) success(label)
[docs]def copy_file_to_scratch(filename, prefix, namespace, unit, move = False): """Function to move file into scratch with correct naming convention. Arguments: @arg filename full path to file @arg prefix computation prefix, usually 'psi' @arg namespace context namespace, usually molecule name @arg unit unit number, e.g. 32 @arg move copy or move? (default copy) Example: Assume PID is 12345 and SCRATCH is /scratch/parrish/ copy_file_to_scratch('temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp ./temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp /tmp/temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32): -cp /tmp/temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32, True): -mv /tmp/temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 """ pid = str(os.getpid()) scratch = PsiMod.IOManager.shared_object().get_file_path(int(unit)) cp = '/bin/cp'; if move: cp = '/bin/mv'; unit = str(unit) target = '' target += prefix target += '.' target += pid if len(namespace): target += '.' target += namespace target += '.' target += unit command = ('%s %s %s/%s' % (cp, filename, scratch, target)) os.system(command) #print command
[docs]def copy_file_from_scratch(filename, prefix, namespace, unit, move = False): """Function to move file out of scratch with correct naming convention. Arguments: @arg filename full path to target file @arg prefix computation prefix, usually 'psi' @arg namespace context namespace, usually molecule name @arg unit unit number, e.g. 32 @arg move copy or move? (default copy) Example: Assume PID is 12345 and SCRATCH is /scratch/parrish/ copy_file_to_scratch('temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 .temp copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 /tmp/temp copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32): -cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 /tmp/temp copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32, True): -mv /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 /tmp/temp """ pid = str(os.getpid()) scratch = PsiMod.IOManager.shared_object().get_file_path(int(unit)) cp = '/bin/cp'; if move: cp = '/bin/mv'; unit = str(unit) target = '' target += prefix target += '.' target += pid if len(namespace): target += '.' target += namespace target += '.' target += unit command = ('%s %s/%s %s' % (cp, scratch, target, filename)) os.system(command) #print command