.. * NOTES (LAB 3-26-2012) * Any PSI variable added to the codebase should be added to this list (variables in the psi variable by module list will show up black and un-clickable if an entry isn't present here). * INCLUDE UNITS! * ALPHABETIZE! .. include:: autodoc_abbr_options_c.rst .. _`apdx:psivariables_alpha`: PSI Variables by Alpha ====================== .. note:: Lowercase letters in PSI variable names represent portions of the variable name that vary by root number, calculation order, etc. See text for fuller description. .. psivar:: (T) CORRECTION ENERGY The coupled-cluster perturbative triples correction [H]. .. psivar:: AAA (T) CORRECTION ENERGY AAB (T) CORRECTION ENERGY ABB (T) CORRECTION ENERGY BBB (T) CORRECTION ENERGY Components of the coupled-cluster perturbative triples correction [H]. .. psivar:: BRUECKNER CONVERGED Value 1 (0) when the Brueckner orbitals have (have not) converged. .. psivar:: CBS TOTAL ENERGY CBS CORRELATION ENERGY CBS REFERENCE ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and its breakdown into reference total energy [H] and correlation correction components [H] for the compound method requested through cbs(). .. psivar:: CC ROOT n TOTAL ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] for the requested coupled cluster level of theory and root *n* (numbering starts at GS = 0). .. psivar:: CC TOTAL ENERGY CC CORRELATION ENERGY .. psivar:: CC2 TOTAL ENERGY CC2 CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the CC2 level of theory. .. psivar:: CC3 TOTAL ENERGY CC3 CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the CC3 level of theory. .. psivar:: CCSD TOTAL ENERGY CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the CCSD level of theory. .. psivar:: CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY CCSD(T) CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the CCSD(T) level of theory. .. psivar:: CI DIPOLE X CI DIPOLE Y CI DIPOLE Z The three components of the dipole [Debye] for the requested configuration interaction level of theory and root. .. psivar:: CI QUADRUPOLE XX CI QUADRUPOLE XY CI QUADRUPOLE XZ CI QUADRUPOLE YY CI QUADRUPOLE YZ CI QUADRUPOLE ZZ The six components of the quadrupole [Debye Ang] for the requested configuration interaction level of theory and root. .. psivar:: CI ROOT n -> ROOT m DIPOLE X CI ROOT n -> ROOT m DIPOLE Y CI ROOT n -> ROOT m DIPOLE Z The three components of the transition dipole [Debye] between roots *n* and *m* for the requested configuration interaction level of theory. .. psivar:: CI ROOT n -> ROOT m QUADRUPOLE XX CI ROOT n -> ROOT m QUADRUPOLE XY CI ROOT n -> ROOT m QUADRUPOLE XZ CI ROOT n -> ROOT m QUADRUPOLE YY CI ROOT n -> ROOT m QUADRUPOLE YZ CI ROOT n -> ROOT m QUADRUPOLE ZZ The three components of the transition quadrupole [Debye Ang] between roots *n* and *m* for the requested configuration interaction level of theory. .. psivar:: CI ROOT n DIPOLE X CI ROOT n DIPOLE Y CI ROOT n DIPOLE Z The three components of the dipole [Debye] for the requested configuration interaction level of theory and root *n*. .. psivar:: CI ROOT n QUADRUPOLE XX CI ROOT n QUADRUPOLE XY CI ROOT n QUADRUPOLE XZ CI ROOT n QUADRUPOLE YY CI ROOT n QUADRUPOLE YZ CI ROOT n QUADRUPOLE ZZ The six components of the quadrupole [Debye Ang] for the requested configuration interaction level of theory and root *n*. .. psivar:: CI ROOT n TOTAL ENERGY CI ROOT n CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the requested configuration interaction level of theory and root *n* (numbering starts at 1). .. psivar:: CI STATE-AVERAGED TOTAL ENERGY CI STATE-AVERAGED CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for state-averaged CI/CASSCF levels of theory. .. psivar:: CI TOTAL ENERGY CI CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the requested configuration interaction level of theory and root. .. psivar:: CISD TOTAL ENERGY CISD CORRELATION ENERGY CISDT TOTAL ENERGY CISDT CORRELATION ENERGY CISDTQ CORRELATION ENERGY CISDTQ TOTAL ENERGY CIn CORRELATION ENERGY CIn TOTAL ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the labeled configuration interaction level of theory and root. *n* is CI order for *n* > 4. .. psivar:: CP-CORRECTED 2-BODY INTERACTION ENERGY The interaction energy [H] considering only two-body interactions, computed with counterpoise correction. Related variable :psivar:`UNCP-CORRECTED 2-BODY INTERACTION ENERGY `. .. math:: E_{\text{IE}} = E_{dimer} - \sum_{monomer}^{n}{E_{monomer}^{\text{CP}}} .. psivar:: CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY The correlation energy [H] corresponding to the :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY ` variable. .. psivar:: CURRENT ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] of the most recent stage of a calculation (frequently overwritten). This is the quantity tracked by the geometry optimizer. .. psivar:: CURRENT REFERENCE ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] of the reference stage corresponding to the :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY ` variable. .. psivar:: db_name DATABASE MEAN ABSOLUTE DEVIATION The mean absolute deviation [\ |kcalpermol|\ ] of the requested method *name* from the stored reference values for the requested reactions in database *db_name*. If no reference is available, this will be a large and nonsensical value. .. math:: \frac{1}{n}\sum_{rxn}^{n}{| \textsf{\textsl{name}}_{rxn}-\text{REF}_{rxn} | } .. psivar:: db_name DATABASE MEAN SIGNED DEVIATION The mean deviation [\ |kcalpermol|\ ] of the requested method *name* from the stored reference values for the requested reactions in database *db_name*. If no reference is available, this will be a large and nonsensical value. .. math:: \frac{1}{n}\sum_{rxn}^{n}{\textsf{\textsl{name}}_{rxn}-\text{REF}_{rxn}} .. psivar:: db_name DATABASE ROOT-MEAN-SQUARE SIGNED DEVIATION The rms deviation [\ |kcalpermol|\ ] of the requested method *name* from the stored reference values for the requested reactions in database *db_name*. If no reference is available, this will be a large and nonsensical value. .. math:: \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{rxn}^{n}{(\textsf{\textsl{name}}_{rxn}-\text{REF}_{rxn})^2}} .. psivar:: DF-MP2 TOTAL ENERGY DF-MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the density-fitted MP2 level of theory. .. psivar:: DFT FUNCTIONAL ENERGY The functional energy contribution [H] to the total SCF energy (DFT only). Quantity :math:`E_{xc}` in Eq. :eq:`SCFterms`. .. psivar:: DFT FUNCTIONAL TOTAL ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] for the underlying functional of the requested DFT method, without any dispersion correction, the first four terms in Eq. :eq:`SCFterms`. When the requested method includes a dispersion correction, this quantity is :math:`E_{\text{DFT}}` in Eq. :eq:`DFTDterms`. Otherwise, quantity equal to :psivar:`DFT TOTAL ENERGY ` and :psivar:`SCF TOTAL ENERGY `. .. psivar:: DFT TOTAL ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] for the requested DFT method, :math:`E_{\text{SCF}}` in Eq. :eq:`SCFterms`. When the method includes a dispersion correction, this quantity is :math:`E_{\text{DFT-D}}` in Eq. :eq:`DFTDterms`. .. psivar:: DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY The dispersion correction [H] appended to an underlying functional when a DFT-D method is requested. Quantity :math:`E_{\text{-D}}` in Eqs. :eq:`DFTDterms` and :eq:`SCFterms`. .. math:: E_{\text{DFT-D}} = E_{\text{DFT}} + E_{\text{-D}} :label: DFTDterms .. psivar:: FCI TOTAL ENERGY FCI CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the full configuration interaction level of theory. .. psivar:: LCC2 (+LMP2) TOTAL ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] for the local CC2 level of theory. .. psivar:: LCCSD (+LMP2) TOTAL ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] for the local CCSD level of theory. .. psivar:: MP2 TOTAL ENERGY MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the MP2 level of theory. .. psivar:: MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY MP2.5 CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the MP2.5 level of theory. .. psivar:: MP3 TOTAL ENERGY MP3 CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the MP3 level of theory. .. psivar:: MPn TOTAL ENERGY MPn CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the labeled M\ |o_dots|\ ller–Plesset perturbation theory level. *n* is MP perturbation order. .. psivar:: NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY The nuclear repulsion energy contribution [H] to the total SCF energy. Quantity :math:`E_{NN}` in Eq. :eq:`SCFterms`. .. psivar:: ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY The one-electron energy contribution [H] to the total SCF energy. Quantity :math:`E_{1e^-}` in Eq. :eq:`SCFterms`. .. psivar:: SAPT DISP ENERGY SAPT ELST ENERGY SAPT EXCH ENERGY SAPT IND ENERGY Respectively, the dispersion, electrostatics, exchange, and induction components of the total electronic interaction energy [H] for the the requested SAPT level of theory. The sum of these four components yields :psivar:`SAPT ENERGY `. .. psivar:: SAPT ENERGY The total electronic interaction energy [H] for the requested SAPT level of theory. .. psivar:: SAPT SAPT0 ENERGY SAPT SAPT2 ENERGY SAPT SAPT2+ ENERGY SAPT SAPT2+(3) ENERGY SAPT SAPT2+3 ENERGY The total electronic interaction energy [H] for the labeled SAPT level of theory. .. psivar:: SCF TOTAL ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] of the SCF stage of the calculation. The :psivar:`CORRELATION ENERGY` variables from subsequent stages of a calculation are often the corresponding :psivar:`TOTAL ENERGY` variables less this quantity. Constructed from Eq. :eq:`SCFterms`. .. math:: E_{\text{SCF}} = E_{NN} + E_{1e^-} + E_{2e^-} + E_{xc} + E_{\text{-D}} :label: SCFterms .. psivar:: TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY The two-electron energy contribution [H] to the total SCF energy. Quantity :math:`E_{2e^-}` in Eq. :eq:`SCFterms`. .. psivar:: UNCP-CORRECTED 2-BODY INTERACTION ENERGY The interaction energy [H] considering only two-body interactions, computed without counterpoise correction. Related variable :psivar:`CP-CORRECTED 2-BODY INTERACTION ENERGY `. .. math:: E_{\text{IE}} = E_{dimer} - \sum_{monomer}^{n}{E_{monomer}^{\text{unCP}}} .. psivar:: ZAPTn TOTAL ENERGY ZAPTn CORRELATION ENERGY The total electronic energy [H] and correlation energy component [H] for the labeled Z-averaged perturbation theory level. *n* is ZAPT perturbation order.