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Performs symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) analysis to quantitatively analyze noncovalent interactions.



Do use asynchronous disk I/O in the solution of the CPHF equations? Use may speed up the computation slightly at the cost of spawning an additional thread.


Do use asynchronous disk I/O in the formation of the DF integrals? Use may speed up the computation slightly at the cost of spawning an additional thread.


Primary basis set, describes the monomer molecular orbitals

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: basis string
  • Default: No Default


Denominator algorithm for PT methods. Laplace transformations are slightly more efficient.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: LAPLACE, CHOLESKY
  • Default: LAPLACE


Maximum error allowed (Max error norm in Delta tensor) in the approximate energy denominators employed for most of the E_{disp}^{(20)} and E_{exch-disp}^{(20)} evaluation.

  • Type: double
  • Default: 1.0e-6


Auxiliary basis set for SAPT Elst10 and Exch10 density fitting computations, may be important if heavier elements are involved. Defaults to BASIS-RI.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: basis string
  • Default: No Default


Auxiliary basis set for SAPT density fitting computations. Defaults to BASIS-RI.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: basis string
  • Default: No Default


Convergence criterion for residual of the CPHF coefficients in the SAPT E_{ind,resp}^{(20)} term.


Convergence criterion for energy (change) in the SAPT E_{ind,resp}^{(20)} term during solution of the CPHF equations.


The scope of core orbitals to freeze in evaluation of SAPT E_{disp}^{(20)} and E_{exch-disp}^{(20)} terms. Recommended true for all SAPT computations

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: FALSE, TRUE, SMALL, LARGE
  • Default: FALSE


Minimum absolute value below which all three-index DF integrals and those contributing to four-index integrals are neglected. The default is conservative, but there isn’t much to be gained from loosening it, especially for higher-order SAPT.


Maxmum number of CPHF iterations

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 50


Do natural orbitals to speed up evaluation of the triples contribution to dispersion by truncating the virtual orbital space? Recommended true for all SAPT computations.


Do use MP2 natural orbital approximations for the v^4 block of two-electron integrals in the evaluation of second-order T2 amplitudes? This approximation is promising for accuracy and computational savings, but it has not been rigorously tested.


Don’t solve the CPHF equations? Evaluate E_{ind}^{(20)} and E_{exch-ind}^{(20)} instead of their response-including coupterparts. Only turn on this option if the induction energy is not going to be used.


Minimum occupation (eigenvalues of the MP2 OPDM) below which virtual natural orbitals are discarded for evaluating the triples contribution to dispersion.


The amount of information to print to the output file for the sapt module. For 0, only the header and final results are printed. For 1, (recommended for large calculations) some intermediate quantities are also printed.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1


The level of theory for SAPT

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: SAPT0, SAPT2, SAPT2+, SAPT2+3
  • Default: SAPT0


Do force SAPT2 and higher to die if it thinks there isn’t enough memory? Turning this off is ill-advised.


Memory safety

  • Type: double
  • Default: 0.9


The scale factor used for opposite-spin pairs in SCS computations. SS/OS decomposition performed for E_{disp}^{(20)} and E_{exch-disp}^{(20)} terms.

  • Type: double
  • Default: 6.0/5.0


The scale factor used for same-spin pairs in SCS computations. SS/OS decomposition performed for E_{disp}^{(20)} and E_{exch-disp}^{(20)} terms.

  • Type: double
  • Default: 1.0/3.0



Do compute third-order corrections?