Source code for qcdb.libmintscoordentry

r"""Module to largely replicate in python the psi4 libmints
CoordValue and CoordEntry classes, which were developed by
Justin M. Turney, with incremental improvements by other
psi4 developers.

import math
import copy
from vecutil import *
from exceptions import *

[docs]class CoordValue(object): """An abstract class to handle storage of Cartesian coordinate values, which may be defined in terms of other variables through this mechanism, greatly simplifying Z-matrix specification, for example. """ def __init__(self, fixed=False, computed=False): # Fixed coordinate? self.PYfixed = fixed # Whether the current value is up to date or not self.computed = computed
[docs] def set_fixed(self, fixed): """Set whether the coordinate value is fixed or not""" self.PYfixed = fixed
[docs] def fixed(self): """Get whether the coordinate value is fixed or not""" return self.PYfixed
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Flag the current value as outdated""" self.computed = False
[docs] def everything(self): print '\nCoordValue\n Fixed = %s\n Computed = %s\n\n' % (self.PYfixed, self.computed)
[docs]class NumberValue(CoordValue): """Specialization of CoordValue that is simply a number to be stored.""" def __init__(self, value, fixed=False): CoordValue.__init__(self, fixed, True) # coordinate number value self.value = value
[docs] def compute(self): """Computes value of coordinate from member data""" return self.value
[docs] def rset(self, val): """Resets value of coordinate if not fixed""" if not self.PYfixed: self.value = val
[docs] def type(self): """Gets specialization type of CoordValue""" return 'NumberType'
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent NumberValue object""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def variable_to_string(self, precision): """Takes a CoordValue object, and returns a string for printing.""" return "%*.*f" % (precision + 5, precision, self.compute())
[docs] def everything(self): print '\nNumberValue\n Fixed = %s\n Computed = %s\n Type = %s\n Value = %f\n FValue = %s\n\n' % \ (self.PYfixed, self.computed, self.type(), self.value, self.variable_to_string(4))
[docs]class VariableValue(CoordValue): """Specialization of CoordValue, where the current value depends on the list of geometry values stored by the molecule. """ def __init__(self, name, geometryVariables, negate=False, fixed=False): CoordValue.__init__(self, fixed, True) # Name of variable self.PYname = name # Dictionary from molecule of variable names and values self.geometryVariables = geometryVariables # Whether the coordinate value is actually the negative of the variable value self.negate = negate
[docs] def compute(self): """Computes value of coordinate from member data""" vstr = self.PYname.upper() if vstr not in self.geometryVariables: raise IncompleteAtomError('Variable %s used in geometry specification has not been defined' % (vstr)) if self.negate: return self.geometryVariables[vstr] * -1.0 else: return self.geometryVariables[vstr]
[docs] def negated(self): """Gets whether the coordinate value is actually the negative of the variable value""" return self.negate
[docs] def name(self): """Gets the name of the variable""" return self.PYname
[docs] def rset(self, val): """Resets value of coordinate if not fixed""" if not self.PYfixed: if self.negate: self.geometryVariables[self.PYname] = val * -1.0 else: self.geometryVariables[self.PYname] = val
[docs] def type(self): """Gets specialization type of CoordValue""" return 'VariableType'
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent VariableValue object""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def variable_to_string(self, precision): """Takes a CoordValue object, and returns a string for printing.""" if self.negate: return '-' + self.PYname else: return self.PYname
[docs] def everything(self): print '\nVariableValue\n Fixed = %s\n Computed = %s\n Type = %s\n Value = %f\n FValue = %s\n Name = %s\n Negated = %s\n Map = %s\n\n' % \ (self.PYfixed, self.computed, self.type(), self.compute(), self.variable_to_string(4),, self.negated(), self.geometryVariables)
[docs]class CoordEntry(object): """Class to """ def __init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label=""): # Order in full atomic list self.PYentry_number = entry_number # Whether the coordinates have been computed self.computed = False # Actual cartesian coordinates of the atom self.coordinates = [None, None, None] # Atomic number of the atom self.PYZ = Z # Charge of the atom (SAD-related) self.PYcharge = charge # Mass of the atom self.PYmass = mass # Label of the atom minus any extra info (H1 => H) self.PYsymbol = symbol # Original label from the molecule from the input file (H1) self.PYlabel = label # Is this a ghost atom? self.ghosted = False @staticmethod
[docs] def r(a1, a2): """Computes the distance between two sets of coordinates""" if len(a1) != 3 or len(a2) != 3: raise ValidationError('ERROR: r() only defined for Vector3\n') return distance(a1, a2)
[docs] def a(a1, a2, a3): """Computes the angle (in rad.) between three sets of coordinates.""" if len(a1) != 3 or len(a2) != 3 or len(a3) != 3: raise ValidationError('ERROR: a() only defined for Vector3\n') eBA = sub(a2, a1) eBC = sub(a2, a3) eBA = normalize(eBA) eBC = normalize(eBC) costheta = dot(eBA, eBC) if costheta > 1.0 - 1.0E-14: costheta = 1.0 if costheta < 1.0E-14 - 1.0: costheta = -1.0 return math.acos(costheta)
[docs] def d(a1, a2, a3, a4): """Computes the dihedral (in rad.) between four sets of coordinates.""" if len(a1) != 3 or len(a2) != 3 or len(a3) != 3 or len(a4) != 3: raise ValidationError('ERROR: d() only defined for Vector3\n') eBA = sub(a2, a1) eDC = sub(a4, a3) eCB = sub(a3, a2) CBNorm = norm(eCB) DCxCB = cross(eDC, eCB) CBxBA = cross(eCB, eBA) return -1.0 * math.atan2(CBNorm * dot(eDC, CBxBA), dot(DCxCB, CBxBA))
[docs] def is_computed(self): """Whether the current atom's coordinates are up-to-date.""" return self.computed
[docs] def is_equivalent_to(self, other): """Whether this atom has the same mass and ghost status as atom *other*. Unlike the libmints version, this does not compare basisset assignment. """ if other.PYZ != self.PYZ: return False if other.PYmass != self.PYmass: return False if other.ghosted != self.ghosted: return False return True
[docs] def is_ghosted(self): """Whether the current atom is ghosted or not.""" return self.ghosted
[docs] def set_ghosted(self, gh): """Flag the atom as either ghost or real.""" self.ghosted = gh
[docs] def Z(self): """The nuclear charge of the current atom (0 if ghosted).""" if self.ghosted: return 0.0 else: return self.PYZ
[docs] def charge(self): """The "atomic charge" of the current atom (for SAD purposes).""" return self.PYcharge
[docs] def mass(self): """The atomic mass of the current atom.""" return self.PYmass
[docs] def symbol(self): """The atomic symbol.""" return self.PYsymbol
[docs] def label(self): """The atom label.""" return self.PYlabel
[docs] def entry_number(self): """The order in which this appears in the full atom list.""" return self.PYentry_number
[docs] def everything(self): print '\nCoordEntry\n Entry Number = %d\n Computed = %s\n Z = %d\n Charge = %f\n Mass = %f\n Symbol = %s\n Label = %s\n Ghosted = %s\n Coordinates = %s\n\n' % \ (self.entry_number(), self.is_computed(), self.Z(), self.charge(), self.mass(), self.symbol(), self.label(), self.is_ghosted(), self.coordinates)
[docs]class CartesianEntry(CoordEntry): """Class to hold all information about an atom, including its coordinate specification as three Cartesians. """ def __init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label, x, y, z): CoordEntry.__init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label) self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z
[docs] def compute(self): """Computes the values of the coordinates (in whichever units were inputted), returning them in a Vector """ if self.computed: return self.coordinates self.coordinates[0] = self.x.compute() self.coordinates[1] = self.y.compute() self.coordinates[2] = self.z.compute() self.computed = True return self.coordinates
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z): """Given the current set of coordinates, updates the values of this atom's coordinates and any variables that may depend on it. """ self.coordinates[0] = x self.coordinates[1] = y self.coordinates[2] = z self.x.rset(x) self.y.rset(y) self.z.rset(z) self.computed = True
[docs] def type(self): """The type of CoordEntry specialization.""" return 'CartesianCoord'
[docs] def print_in_input_format(self): """Prints the updated geometry, in the format provided by the user.""" xstr = self.x.variable_to_string(10) ystr = self.y.variable_to_string(10) zstr = self.z.variable_to_string(10) return "\t%16s %16s %16s\n" % (xstr, ystr, zstr) # should go to outfile
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Flags the current coordinates as being outdated.""" self.computed = False self.x.invalidate() self.y.invalidate() self.z.invalidate()
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent CartesianEntry object""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def everything(self): CoordEntry.everything(self) print '\nCartesianEntry\n Type = %s\n x = %s\n y = %s\n z = %s\n\n' % (self.type(), self.x.variable_to_string(8), self.y.variable_to_string(8), self.z.variable_to_string(8))
[docs]class ZMatrixEntry(CoordEntry): """Class to hold all information about an atom, including its coordinate specification as any position of ZMatrix. """ def __init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label, \ rto=None, rval=0, ato=None, aval=0, dto=None, dval=0): CoordEntry.__init__(self, entry_number, Z, charge, mass, symbol, label) self.rto = rto self.rval = rval self.ato = ato self.aval = aval self.dto = dto self.dval = dval
[docs] def invalidate(self): """Flags the current coordinates as being outdated""" self.computed = False if self.rval != 0: self.rval.invalidate() if self.aval != 0: self.aval.invalidate() if self.dval != 0: self.dval.invalidate()
[docs] def print_in_input_format(self): """Prints the updated geometry, in the format provided by the user""" text = "" if self.rto == None and self.ato == None and self.dto == None: # The first atom text += "\t%s\n" % (self.symbol()) elif self.ato == None and self.dto == None: # The second atom now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(6) text += "\t%s %5d %s\n" % (self.symbol(), now_rto, now_rval) elif self.dto == None: # The third atom now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(6) now_ato = self.ato.entry_number() + 1 now_aval = self.aval.variable_to_string(6) text += "\t%s %5d %s %5d %s\n" % (self.symbol(), now_rto, now_rval, now_ato, now_aval) else: # Remaining atoms now_rto = self.rto.entry_number() + 1 now_rval = self.rval.variable_to_string(6) now_ato = self.ato.entry_number() + 1 now_aval = self.aval.variable_to_string(6) now_dto = self.dto.entry_number() + 1 now_dval = self.dval.variable_to_string(6) text += "\t%s %5d %s %5d %s %5d %s\n" % \ (self.symbol(), now_rto, now_rval, now_ato, now_aval, now_dto, now_dval) return text # outfile
[docs] def set_coordinates(self, x, y, z): """Given the current set of coordinates, updates the values of this atom's coordinates, and any variables that may depend on it. """ self.coordinates[0] = 0.0 if math.fabs(x) < 1.0E-14 else x self.coordinates[1] = 0.0 if math.fabs(y) < 1.0E-14 else y self.coordinates[2] = 0.0 if math.fabs(z) < 1.0E-14 else z if self.rto != None: if not self.rto.is_computed(): raise ValidationError("Coordinates have been set in the wrong order") self.rval.rset(self.r(self.coordinates, self.rto.compute())) if self.ato != None: if not self.ato.is_computed(): raise ValidationError("Coordinates have been set in the wrong order") aval = self.a(self.coordinates, self.rto.compute(), self.ato.compute()) # Noise creeps in for linear molecules. Force linearity, if it is close enough. val = aval * 180.0 / math.pi self.aval.rset(val) if self.dto != None: if not self.dto.is_computed(): raise ValidationError("Coordinates have been set in the wrong order") val = self.d(self.coordinates, self.rto.compute(), self.ato.compute(), self.dto.compute()) # Check for NaN, and don't update if we find one # what is this? proper py traslation? if val == val: self.dval.rset(val * 180.0 / math.pi) self.computed = True
[docs] def type(self): """The type of CoordEntry specialization.""" return 'ZMatrixCoord'
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent ZMatrixEntry object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def compute(self): """Compute the Cartesian coordinates in Bohr of current atom's entry.""" if self.computed: return self.coordinates # place first atom at the origin if self.rto == None and self.ato == None and self.dto == None: self.coordinates[0] = 0.0 self.coordinates[1] = 0.0 self.coordinates[2] = 0.0 # place second atom directly above the first elif self.ato == None and self.dto == None: self.coordinates[0] = 0.0 self.coordinates[1] = 0.0 self.coordinates[2] = self.rval.compute() # place third atom pointing upwards # this rTo rVal aTo aVal # A B C elif self.dto == None: r = self.rval.compute() a = self.aval.compute() * math.pi / 180.0 cosABC = math.cos(a) sinABC = math.sin(a) B = self.rto.compute() C = self.ato.compute() eCB = sub(B, C) eCB = normalize(eCB) eX = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] eY = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if (math.fabs(1.0 - math.fabs(eCB[0])) < 1.0E-5): # CB is collinear with X, start by finding Y eY[1] = 1.0 eX = perp_unit(eY, eCB) eY = perp_unit(eX, eCB) else: # CB is not collinear with X, we can safely find X first eX[0] = 1.0 eY = perp_unit(eX, eCB) eX = perp_unit(eY, eCB) for xyz in range(3): self.coordinates[xyz] = B[xyz] + r * (eY[xyz] * sinABC - eCB[xyz] * cosABC) if math.fabs(self.coordinates[xyz]) < 1.E-14: self.coordinates[xyz] = 0.0 # The fourth, or subsequent, atom # # The atom specification is # this rTo rVal aTo aVal dTo dVal # A B C D # which allows us to define the vector from C->B (eCB) as the +z axis, and eDC # lies in the xz plane. Then eX, eY and eZ (=eBC) are the x, y, and z axes, respecively. else: r = self.rval.compute() a = self.aval.compute() * math.pi / 180.0 d = self.dval.compute() * math.pi / 180.0 B = self.rto.compute() C = self.ato.compute() D = self.dto.compute() eDC = sub(C, D) eCB = sub(B, C) eDC = normalize(eDC) eCB = normalize(eCB) cosABC = math.cos(a) sinABC = math.sin(a) cosABCD = math.cos(d) sinABCD = math.sin(d) eY = perp_unit(eDC, eCB) eX = perp_unit(eY, eCB) for xyz in range(3): self.coordinates[xyz] = B[xyz] + r * (eX[xyz] * sinABC * cosABCD + eY[xyz] * sinABC * sinABCD - eCB[xyz] * cosABC) if math.fabs(self.coordinates[xyz]) < 1.E-14: self.coordinates[xyz] = 0.0 self.computed = True return self.coordinates
[docs] def everything(self): CoordEntry.everything(self) print '\nZMatrixEntry\n Type = %s\n\n' % (self.type()) print self.print_in_input_format()