Source code for qcdb.libmintsmolecule

# PSI4: an ab initio quantum chemistry software package
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import re
import math
import copy
from periodictable import *
from physconst import *
from vecutil import *
from exceptions import *
from libmintscoordentry import *

LINEAR_A_TOL = 1.0E-2  # When sin(a) is below this, we consider the angle to be linear
FULL_PG_TOL = 1.0e-8
ZERO = 1.0E-14

[docs]class LibmintsMolecule(object): """Class to store the elements, coordinates, fragmentation pattern, charge, multiplicity of a molecule. Largely replicates psi4's libmints Molecule class, developed by Justin M. Turney and Andy M. Simmonett with incremental improvements by other psi4 developers. Major differences from the C++ class are: no basisset handling, no symmetry, no pubchem, no efp, no discarding dummies. This class translated so that databases can function independently of psi4. >>> H2OH2O = qcdb.Molecule(\"\"\" 0 1 O1 -1.551007 -0.114520 0.000000 H1 -1.934259 0.762503 0.000000 H2 -0.599677 0.040712 0.000000 -- 0 1 X 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 O2 1.350625 0.111469 0.000000 H3 1.680398 -0.373741 -0.758561 H4 1.680398 -0.373741 0.758561 no_com no_reorient units angstrom \"\"\") >>> H2O = qcdb.Molecule.init_with_xyz('') """ FullPointGroupList = ["ATOM", "C_inf_v", "D_inf_h", "C1", "Cs", "Ci", \ "Cn", "Cnv", "Cnh", "Sn", "Dn", "Dnd", "Dnh", "Td", "Oh", "Ih"] def __init__(self, psi4molstr=None): """Initialize Molecule object from string in psi4 format""" # <<< Basic Molecule Information >>> # Molecule (or fragment) name self.PYname = 'default' # The molecular charge self.PYmolecular_charge = 0 # Whether the charge was given by the user UNUSED self.PYcharge_specified = False # The multiplicity (defined as 2Ms + 1) self.PYmultiplicity = 1 # Whether the multiplicity was specified by the user UNUSED self.PYmultiplicity_specified = False # The units used to define the geometry self.PYunits = 'Angstrom' # The conversion factor to take input units to Bohr self.input_units_to_au = 1.0 / psi_bohr2angstroms # Whether this molecule has at least one zmatrix entry self.zmat = False # <<< Coordinates >>> # Atom info vector (no knowledge of dummy atoms) self.atoms = [] # Atom info vector (includes dummy atoms) self.full_atoms = [] # A list of all variables known, whether they have been set or not. self.all_variables = [] # A listing of the variables used to define the geometries self.geometry_variables = {} # <<< Fragmentation >>> # The list of atom ranges defining each fragment from parent molecule self.fragments = [] # A list describing how to handle each fragment self.fragment_types = [] # The charge of each fragment self.fragment_charges = [] # The multiplicity of each fragment self.fragment_multiplicities = [] # <<< Frame >>> # Move to center of mass or not? self.PYmove_to_com = True # Reorient or not? UNUSED self.PYfix_orientation = False # Reinterpret the coord entries or not (Default is true, except for findif) self.PYreinterpret_coordentries = True # Nilpotence boolean (flagged upon first determination of symmetry frame, # reset each time a substantiative change is made) self.lock_frame = False # <<< Symmetry >>> # Point group to use with this molecule UNUSED = None # Full point group UNUSED self.full_pg = 'PG_C1' # n of the highest rotational axis Cn UNUSED self.full_pg_n = 1 # Symmetry string from geometry specification self.PYsymmetry_from_input = 'C1' # Number of unique atoms self.PYnunique = 0 # Number of equivalent atoms per unique atom (length nunique) self.nequiv = 0 # Equivalent atom mapping array self.equiv = 0 # Atom to unique atom mapping array (length natom) self.PYatom_to_unique = 0 if psi4molstr: self.create_molecule_from_string(psi4molstr) # <<< Simple Methods for Basic Molecule Information >>>
[docs] def name(self): """Get molecule name >>> print water_dimer """ return self.PYname
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """Set molecule name >>> H2OH2O.set_name('water_dimer') """ self.PYname = name
[docs] def natom(self): """Number of atoms >>> print H2OH2O.natom() 6 """ return len(self.atoms)
[docs] def nallatom(self): """Number of all atoms (includes dummies) >>> print H2OH2O.nallatom() 7 """ return len(self.full_atoms)
[docs] def molecular_charge(self): """Gets the molecular charge >>> print H2OH2O.molecular_charge() -2 """ return self.PYmolecular_charge
[docs] def set_molecular_charge(self, charge): """Sets the molecular charge >>> H2OH2O.set_molecular_charge(-2) """ self.PYcharge_specified = True self.PYmolecular_charge = charge
[docs] def charge_specified(self): """Whether the charge was given by the user >>> print H2OH2O.charge_specified() True """ return self.PYcharge_specified
[docs] def multiplicity(self): """Get the multiplicity (defined as 2Ms + 1) >>> print H2OH2O.multiplicity() """ return self.PYmultiplicity
[docs] def set_multiplicity(self, mult): """Sets the multiplicity (defined as 2Ms + 1) >>> H2OH2O.set_multiplicity(3) """ self.PYmultiplicity_specified = True self.PYmultiplicity = mult
[docs] def multiplicity_specified(self): """Whether the multiplicity was given by the user >>> print H2OH2O.multiplicity_specified() True """ return self.PYmultiplicity_specified
[docs] def units(self): """Gets the geometry units >>> print H2OH2O.units() Angstrom """ return self.PYunits
[docs] def set_units(self, units): """Sets the geometry units >>> H2OH2O.set_units('Angstom') """ if units == 'Angstrom' or units == 'Bohr': self.PYunits = units else: raise ValidationError("""Argument to Molecule::set_units must be 'Angstrom' or 'Bohr'.""")
[docs] def has_zmatrix(self): """Gets the presence of any zmatrix entry >>> print H2OH2O.has_zmatrix() False """ return self.zmat
[docs] def set_has_zmatrix(self, tf): """Sets the presence of any zmatrix entry >>> H2OH2O.set_has_zmatrix(True) """ self.zmat = tf # <<< Simple Methods for Coordinates >>>
[docs] def Z(self, atom): """Nuclear charge of atom (0-indexed) >>> print H2OH2O.Z(4) 1 """ return self.atoms[atom].Z()
[docs] def x(self, atom): """x position of atom (0-indexed) in Bohr >>> print H2OH2O.x(4) 3.17549201425 """ return self.input_units_to_au * self.atoms[atom].compute()[0]
[docs] def y(self, atom): """y position of atom (0-indexed) in Bohr >>> print H2OH2O.y(4) -0.706268134631 """ return self.input_units_to_au * self.atoms[atom].compute()[1]
[docs] def z(self, atom): """z position of atom (0-indexed) in Bohr >>> print H2OH2O.z(4) -1.43347254509 """ return self.input_units_to_au * self.atoms[atom].compute()[2]
[docs] def xyz(self, atom, posn=None): """Returns a Vector3 with x, y, z position of atom (0-indexed) in Bohr or coordinate at *posn* >>> print [3.175492014248769, -0.7062681346308132, -1.4334725450878665] """ temp = scale(self.atoms[atom].compute(), self.input_units_to_au) if posn >= 0: return temp[posn] else: return temp
[docs] def mass(self, atom): """Returns mass of atom (0-indexed) >>> print H2OH2O.mass(4) 1.00782503207 """ if self.atoms[atom].mass() != 0.0: return self.atoms[atom].mass() if math.fabs(self.atoms[atom].Z() - int(self.atoms[atom].Z())) > 0.0: print "WARNING: Obtaining masses from atom with fractional charge...may be incorrect!!!\n" # TODO outfile return an2masses[int(self.atoms[atom].Z())]
[docs] def symbol(self, atom): """Returns the cleaned up label of the atom (C2 => C, H4 = H) (0-indexed) >>> print H2OH2O.symbol(4) H """ return self.atoms[atom].symbol()
[docs] def label(self, atom): """Returns the original label of the atom (0-indexed) as given in the input file (C2, H4). >>> print H2OH2O.label(4) H3 """ return self.atoms[atom].label()
[docs] def charge(self, atom): """Returns charge of atom (0-indexed). Related to SAD guess in libmints version. >>> print H2OH2O.charge(4) 1.0 """ return self.atoms[atom].charge()
[docs] def fZ(self, atom): """Nuclear charge of atom (includes dummies) >>> print H2OH2O.fZ(4) 8 """ return self.full_atoms[atom].Z()
[docs] def fx(self, atom): """x position of atom (0-indexed, includes dummies) in Bohr >>> print H2OH2O.fx(4) 2.55231135823 """ return self.input_units_to_au * self.full_atoms[atom].compute()[0]
[docs] def fy(self, atom): """y position of atom (0-indexed, includes dummies) in Bohr >>> print H2OH2O.fy(4) 0.210645882307 """ return self.input_units_to_au * self.full_atoms[atom].compute()[1]
[docs] def fz(self, atom): """z position of atom (0-indexed, includes dummies) in Bohr >>> print H2OH2O.fz(4) 0.0 """ return self.input_units_to_au * self.full_atoms[atom].compute()[2]
[docs] def fxyz(self, atom): """Returns a Vector3 with x, y, z position of atom (0-indexed) in Bohr (includes dummies) >>> print H2OH2O.fxyz(4) [2.5523113582286716, 0.21064588230662976, 0.0] """ return scale(self.full_atoms[atom].compute(), self.input_units_to_au)
[docs] def fmass(self, atom): """Returns mass of atom (0-indexed, includes dummies) >>> print H2OH2O.fmass(4) 15.9949146196 """ return self.full_atoms[atom].mass()
[docs] def fsymbol(self, atom): """Returns the cleaned up label of the atom (C2 => C, H4 = H) (includes dummies) >>> print H2OH2O.fsymbol(4) O """ return self.full_atoms[atom].symbol()
[docs] def flabel(self, atom): """Returns the original label of the atom (0-indexed) as given in the input file (C2, H4) (includes dummies) >>> print H2OH2O.flabel(4) O2 """ return self.full_atoms[atom].label()
[docs] def fcharge(self, atom): """Returns charge of atom (0-indexed, includes dummies). Related to SAD guess in libmints version. >>> print H2OH2O.fcharge(4) 8.0 """ return self.full_atoms[atom].charge() # <<< Simple Methods for Fragmentation >>>
[docs] def nfragments(self): """The number of fragments in the molecule. >>> print H2OH2O.nfragments() 2 """ return len(self.fragments)
[docs] def nactive_fragments(self): """The number of active fragments in the molecule. >>> print H2OH2O.nactive_fragments() 2 """ n = 0 for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Real': n += 1 return n
[docs] def activate_all_fragments(self): """Sets all fragments in the molecule to be active.""" self.lock_frame = False print 'it lives', 'activate all' for fr in range(self.nfragments()): print 'reviving', fr self.fragment_types[fr] = 'Real'
[docs] def set_active_fragment(self, fr): """Tags fragment index *fr* as composed of real atoms.""" self.lock_frame = False self.fragment_types[fr - 1] = 'Real'
[docs] def set_active_fragments(self, reals): """Tags the fragments in array *reals* as composed of real atoms.""" self.lock_frame = False for fr in reals: self.fragment_types[fr - 1] = 'Real'
[docs] def set_ghost_fragment(self, fr): """Tags fragment index *fr* as composed of ghost atoms.""" self.lock_frame = False self.fragment_types[fr - 1] = 'Ghost'
[docs] def set_ghost_fragments(self, ghosts): """Tags the fragments in array *ghosts* as composed of ghost atoms.""" self.lock_frame = False print 'doomed', ghosts for fr in ghosts: print 'killing', fr - 1 self.fragment_types[fr - 1] = 'Ghost'
[docs] def deactivate_all_fragments(self): """Sets all fragments in the molecule to be inactive.""" self.lock_frame = False for fr in range(self.nfragments()): self.fragment_types[fr] = 'Absent'
[docs] def extract_subsets(self, reals, ghosts=[]): """Wrapper for :py:func:`~qcdb.molecule.extract_fragments`. See note there. This function can be used as long as not in psi4 input file. Use extract_fragments directly, then. >>> H2OH2O.extract_subsets(2) # monomer B, unCP-corrected >>> H2OH2O.extract_subsets(2,1) # monomer B, CP-corrected >>> obj.extract_subsets(1,[2,3]) # monomer A, CP-corrected if obj is tri-molecular complex """ return self.extract_fragments(reals, ghosts=[])
[docs] def extract_fragments(self, reals, ghosts=[]): """Makes a copy of the molecule, returning a new molecule with only certain fragment atoms present as either ghost or real atoms *reals*: The list or int of fragments (1-indexed) that should be present in the molecule as real atoms. *ghosts*: The list or int of fragments (1-indexed) that should be present in the molecule as ghosts. (method name in libmints is extract_subsets. This is different in qcdb because the psi4 input parser tries to process lines with that term, giving rise to Boost:Python type conlicts.) See usage at :py:func:`~qcdb.molecule.extract_fragments`. """ lreals = [] try: for idx in reals: lreals.append(idx - 1) except TypeError: lreals = [reals - 1] lghosts = [] try: for idx in ghosts: lghosts.append(idx - 1) except TypeError: lghosts = [ghosts - 1] if len(lreals) + len(lghosts) > self.nfragments(): raise ValidationError('The sum of real- and ghost-atom subsets is greater than the number of subsets') subset = self.clone() subset.deactivate_all_fragments() for fr in lreals: subset.set_active_fragment(fr + 1) # the active fragment code subtracts 1 for fr in lghosts: subset.set_ghost_fragment(fr + 1) # the ghost fragment code subtracts 1 subset.update_geometry() return subset # <<< Methods for Construction >>>
[docs] def create_molecule_from_string(self, text): """Given a string *geom* of psi4-style geometry specification (including newlines to separate lines), builds a new molecule. Called from constructor. """ comment = re.compile(r'^\s*#') blank = re.compile(r'^\s*$') bohr = re.compile(r'^\s*units?[\s=]+(bohr|au|a.u.)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) ang = re.compile(r'^\s*units?[\s=]+(ang|angstrom)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) orient = re.compile(r'^\s*(no_reorient|noreorient)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) com = re.compile(r'^\s*(no_com|nocom)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) symmetry = re.compile(r'^\s*symmetry[\s=]+(\w+)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) atom = re.compile(r'^\s*(@?[A-Z]{1,2})\s*', re.IGNORECASE) cgmp = re.compile(r'^\s*(-?\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$') frag = re.compile(r'^\s*--\s*$') variable = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(-?\d+\.\d+|-?\d+\.|-?\.\d+|-?\d+|tda)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) ghost = re.compile(r'@(.*)|Gh\((.*)\)', re.IGNORECASE) lines = re.split('\n', text) glines = [] ifrag = 0 for line in lines: # handle comments if comment.match(line) or blank.match(line): pass # handle units elif ang.match(line): self.set_units('Angstrom') self.input_units_to_au = 1.0 / psi_bohr2angstroms elif bohr.match(line): self.set_units('Bohr') self.input_units_to_au = 1.0 # handle no_reorient elif orient.match(line): self.fix_orientation(True) # handle no_com elif com.match(line): self.PYmove_to_com = False # handle symmetry elif symmetry.match(line): tempSymm = symmetry.match(line).group(1) temp2 = re.sub('[23456789]', 'n', tempSymm).upper() if temp2 in (item.upper() for item in self.FullPointGroupList): self.PYsymmetry_from_input = tempSymm # handle variables elif variable.match(line): vname = variable.match(line).group(1).upper() vval = float(variable.match(line).group(2)) tda = 360.0 * math.atan(math.sqrt(2)) / math.pi self.geometry_variables['%s' % vname] = tda if vname == 'TDA' else vval # handle charge and multiplicity elif cgmp.match(line): tempCharge = int(cgmp.match(line).group(1)) tempMultiplicity = int(cgmp.match(line).group(2)) if ifrag == 0: self.PYcharge_specified = True self.PYmultiplicity_specified = True self.PYmolecular_charge = tempCharge self.PYmultiplicity = tempMultiplicity self.fragment_charges.append(tempCharge) self.fragment_multiplicities.append(tempMultiplicity) # handle fragment markers and default fragment cgmp elif frag.match(line): try: self.fragment_charges[ifrag] except: self.fragment_charges.append(0) self.fragment_multiplicities.append(1) ifrag += 1 glines.append(line) elif atom.match(line): glines.append(line) # catch last default fragment cgmp try: self.fragment_charges[ifrag] except: self.fragment_charges.append(0) self.fragment_multiplicities.append(1) # Now go through the rest of the lines looking for fragment markers ifrag = 0 iatom = 0 tempfrag = [] atomSym = "" atomLabel = "" zmatrix = False for line in glines: # handle fragment markers if frag.match(line): ifrag += 1 self.fragments.append([tempfrag[0], tempfrag[-1]]) self.fragment_types.append('Real') tempfrag = [] # handle atom markers elif atom.match(line): entries = re.split(r'\s+|\s*,\s*', line.strip()) atomLabel = entries[0] # handle ghost atoms ghostAtom = False if ghost.match(atomLabel): # We don't know whether the @C or Gh(C) notation matched. Do a quick check. atomLabel = ghost.match(atomLabel).group(2) if not ghost.match(atomLabel).group(1) \ else ghost.match(atomLabel).group(1) ghostAtom = True # Save the actual atom symbol (H1 => H) atomSym = re.split('(\d+)', atomLabel)[0].upper() # Check that the atom symbol is valid if not atomSym in el2z: raise ValidationError('Illegal atom symbol in geometry specification: %s' % (atomSym)) zVal = el2z[atomSym] charge = float(zVal) if ghostAtom: zVal = 0 charge = 0.0 # handle cartesians if len(entries) == 4: tempfrag.append(iatom) xval = self.get_coord_value(entries[1]) yval = self.get_coord_value(entries[2]) zval = self.get_coord_value(entries[3]) self.full_atoms.append(CartesianEntry(iatom, zVal, charge, \ el2masses[atomSym], atomSym, atomLabel, \ xval, yval, zval)) # handle first line of Zmat elif len(entries) == 1: zmatrix = True tempfrag.append(iatom) self.full_atoms.append(ZMatrixEntry(iatom, zVal, charge, \ el2masses[atomSym], atomSym, atomLabel)) # handle second line of Zmat elif len(entries) == 3: zmatrix = True tempfrag.append(iatom) rTo = self.get_anchor_atom(entries[1], line) if rTo >= iatom: raise ValidationError("Error on geometry input line %s. Atom %s has not been defined yet.\n" % (line, entries[1])) rval = self.get_coord_value(entries[2]) if self.full_atoms[rTo].symbol() == 'X': rval.set_fixed(True) self.full_atoms.append(ZMatrixEntry(iatom, zVal, charge, \ el2masses[atomSym], atomSym, atomLabel, \ self.full_atoms[rTo], rval)) # handle third line of Zmat elif len(entries) == 5: zmatrix = True tempfrag.append(iatom) rTo = self.get_anchor_atom(entries[1], line) if rTo >= iatom: raise ValidationError("Error on geometry input line %s. Atom %s has not been defined yet.\n" % (line, entries[1])) aTo = self.get_anchor_atom(entries[3], line) if aTo >= iatom: raise ValidationError("Error on geometry input line %s. Atom %s has not been defined yet.\n" % (line, entries[3])) if aTo == rTo: raise ValidationError("Atom used multiple times on line %s." % (line)) rval = self.get_coord_value(entries[2]) aval = self.get_coord_value(entries[4]) if self.full_atoms[rTo].symbol() == 'X': rval.set_fixed(True) if self.full_atoms[aTo].symbol() == 'X': aval.set_fixed(True) self.full_atoms.append(ZMatrixEntry(iatom, zVal, charge, \ el2masses[atomSym], atomSym, atomLabel, \ self.full_atoms[rTo], rval, \ self.full_atoms[aTo], aval)) # handle fourth line of Zmat elif len(entries) == 7: zmatrix = True tempfrag.append(iatom) rTo = self.get_anchor_atom(entries[1], line) if rTo >= iatom: raise ValidationError("Error on geometry input line %s. Atom %s has not been defined yet.\n" % (line, entries[1])) aTo = self.get_anchor_atom(entries[3], line) if aTo >= iatom: raise ValidationError("Error on geometry input line %s. Atom %s has not been defined yet.\n" % (line, entries[3])) dTo = self.get_anchor_atom(entries[5], line) if dTo >= iatom: raise ValidationError("Error on geometry input line %s. Atom %s has not been defined yet.\n" % (line, entries[5])) if aTo == rTo or rTo == dTo or aTo == dTo: # for you star wars fans raise ValidationError("Atom used multiple times on line %s" % (line)) rval = self.get_coord_value(entries[2]) aval = self.get_coord_value(entries[4]) dval = self.get_coord_value(entries[6]) if self.full_atoms[rTo].symbol() == 'X': rval.set_fixed(True) if self.full_atoms[aTo].symbol() == 'X': aval.set_fixed(True) if self.full_atoms[dTo].symbol() == 'X': dval.set_fixed(True) self.full_atoms.append(ZMatrixEntry(iatom, zVal, charge, \ el2masses[atomSym], atomSym, atomLabel, \ self.full_atoms[rTo], rval, \ self.full_atoms[aTo], aval, \ self.full_atoms[dTo], dval)) else: raise ValidationError('Illegal geometry specification line : %s. \ You should provide either Z-Matrix or Cartesian input' % (line)) iatom += 1 self.fragments.append([tempfrag[0], tempfrag[-1]]) self.fragment_types.append('Real') self.set_has_zmatrix(zmatrix)
[docs] def init_with_checkpoint(self, chkpt): """ **NYI** Pull information from the *chkpt* object passed (method name in libmints is init_with_chkpt) """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::init_with_checkpoint') # FINAL
[docs] def init_with_io(self, psio): """ **NYI** Pull information from a chkpt object created from psio (method name in libmints is init_with_psio) """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::init_with_io') # FINAL
[docs] def init_with_xyz(cls, xyzfilename): """Pull information from an XYZ file. No fragment or chg/mult info detected. >>> H2O = qcdb.Molecule.init_with_xyz('') """ instance = cls() instance.lock_frame = False try: infile = open(xyzfilename, 'r') except IOError: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' does not exist.""" % (xyzfilename)) if os.stat(xyzfilename).st_size == 0: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' is blank.""" % (xyzfilename)) text = infile.readlines() xyz1 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\d+)\s*(bohr|au)?\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) xyzN = re.compile(r"(?:\s*)([A-Z](?:[a-z])?)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s*)", re.IGNORECASE) # Try to match the first line if xyz1.match(text[0]): fileNatom = int(xyz1.match(text[0]).group(1)) if xyz1.match(text[0]).group(2) == None: fileUnits = 'Angstrom' else: fileUnits = 'Bohr' else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed first line\n%s" % (text[0])) # Skip the second line # Next line begins the useful information. for i in range(fileNatom): try: if xyzN.match(text[2 + i]): fileAtom = xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(1).upper() fileX = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(2)) fileY = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(3)) fileZ = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(4)) # Coordinates in Molecule must be bohr. if fileUnits == 'Angstrom': fileX /= psi_bohr2angstroms fileY /= psi_bohr2angstroms fileZ /= psi_bohr2angstroms # Check that the atom symbol is valid if not fileAtom in el2z: raise ValidationError('Illegal atom symbol in geometry specification: %s' % (atomSym)) # Add it to the molecule. instance.add_atom(el2z[fileAtom], fileX, fileY, fileZ, fileAtom, el2masses[fileAtom]) else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed atom information line %d." % (i + 3)) except IndexError: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Expected atom in file at line %d.\n%s" % (i + 3, text[i + 2])) # We need to make 1 fragment with all atoms instance.fragments.append([0, fileNatom - 1]) instance.fragment_types.append('Real') instance.fragment_charges.append(0) instance.fragment_multiplicities.append(1) # Set the units to bohr since we did the conversion above, if needed. instance.PYunits = 'Bohr' instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 instance.update_geometry() return instance
[docs] def clone(self): """Returns new, independent Molecule object. >>> dimer = H2OH2O.clone() """ return copy.deepcopy(self) # <<< Methods for Printing >>>
[docs] def print_out(self): """Print the molecule. (method name in libmints is print) >>> H2OH2O.print_out() Geometry (in Angstrom), charge = -2, multiplicity = 3: Center X Y Z ------------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- O -1.551007000000 -0.114520000000 0.000000000000 H -1.934259000000 0.762503000000 0.000000000000 H -0.599677000000 0.040712000000 0.000000000000 O 1.350625000000 0.111469000000 0.000000000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 -0.758561000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 0.758561000000 """ text = "" if self.natom(): if text += """ Molecular point group: %s\n""" % ( # if self.full_pg: TODO symmetry # text += """ Full point group: %s\n\n""" % (self.full_point_group()) TODO symmetry text += """ Geometry (in %s), charge = %d, multiplicity = %d:\n\n""" % \ ('Angstrom' if self.units() == 'Angstrom' else 'Bohr', self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) text += """ Center X Y Z \n""" text += """ ------------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------------\n""" for i in range(self.natom()): geom = self.atoms[i].compute() text += """ %8s%4s """ % (self.symbol(i), "" if self.Z(i) else "(Gh)") for j in range(3): text += """ %17.12f""" % (geom[j]) text += "\n" text += "\n" else: text += " No atoms in this molecule.\n" print text # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_out_in_bohr(self): """Print the molecule in Bohr. Same as :py:func:`print_out` only in Bohr. (method name in libmints is print_in_bohr) """ text = "" if self.natom(): if text += """ Molecular point group: %s\n""" % ( # if self.full_pg: TODO symmetry # text += """ Full point group: %s\n\n""" % (self.full_point_group()) TODO symmetry text += """ Geometry (in %s), charge = %d, multiplicity = %d:\n\n""" % \ ('Bohr', self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) text += """ Center X Y Z \n""" text += """ ------------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------------\n""" for i in range(self.natom()): text += """ %8s%4s """ % (self.symbol(i), "" if self.Z(i) else "(Gh)") for j in range(3): text += """ %17.12f""" % (, j)) text += "\n" text += "\n" else: text += " No atoms in this molecule.\n" print text # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_out_in_angstrom(self): """Print the molecule in Angstroms. Same as :py:func:`print_out` only always in Angstroms. (method name in libmints is print_in_angstrom) """ text = "" if self.natom(): if text += """ Molecular point group: %s\n""" % ( # if self.full_pg: TODO symmetry # text += """ Full point group: %s\n\n""" % (self.full_point_group()) TODO symmetry text += """ Geometry (in %s), charge = %d, multiplicity = %d:\n\n""" % \ ('Angstrom', self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) text += """ Center X Y Z \n""" text += """ ------------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------------\n""" for i in range(self.natom()): text += """ %8s%4s """ % (self.symbol(i), "" if self.Z(i) else "(Gh)") for j in range(3): text += """ %17.12f""" % (, j) * psi_bohr2angstroms) text += "\n" text += "\n" else: text += " No atoms in this molecule.\n" print text # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_full(self): """Print full atom list. Same as :py:func:`print_out` only displays dummy atoms. """ text = "" if self.natom(): if text += """ Molecular point group: %s\n""" % ( # if self.full_pg: TODO symmetry # text += """ Full point group: %s\n\n""" % (self.full_point_group()) TODO symmetry text += """ Geometry (in %s), charge = %d, multiplicity = %d:\n\n""" % \ (self.units(), self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) text += """ Center X Y Z \n""" text += """ ------------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------------\n""" for i in range(self.nallatom()): geom = self.full_atoms[i].compute() text += """ %8s%4s """ % (self.fsymbol(i), "" if self.fZ(i) else "(Gh)") for j in range(3): text += """ %17.12f""" % (geom[j]) text += "\n" text += "\n" else: text += " No atoms in this molecule.\n" print text # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_in_input_format(self): """Print the molecule in the same format that the user provided. """ text = "" if self.nallatom(): text += " Geometry (in %s), charge = %d, multiplicity = %d:\n\n" % \ ("Angstrom" if self.units() == 'Angstrom' else "Bohr", self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) for i in range(self.nallatom()): if self.fZ(i) or self.fsymbol(i) == "X": text += " %-8s" % (self.fsymbol(i)) else: text += " %-8s" % ("Gh(" + self.fsymbol(i) + ")") text += self.full_atoms[i].print_in_input_format() text += "\n" if len(self.geometry_variables): for vb, val in self.geometry_variables.items(): text += """ %-10s=%16.10f\n""" % (vb, val) text += "\n" print text # TODO outfile
[docs] def everything(self): """Quick print of class data""" text = """ ==> qcdb Molecule %s <==\n\n""" % ( text += """ Natom %d\t\tNallatom %d\n""" % (self.natom(), self.nallatom()) text += """ charge %d\t\tspecified? %s\n""" % (self.molecular_charge(), self.charge_specified()) text += """ multiplicity %d\t\tspecified? %s\n""" % (self.multiplicity(), self.multiplicity_specified()) text += """ units %s\tconversion %f\n""" % (self.units(), self.input_units_to_au) text += """ DOcom? %s\t\tDONTreorient? %s\n""" % (self.PYmove_to_com, self.orientation_fixed()) text += """ reinterpret? %s\t\tlock_frame? %s\n""" % (self.PYreinterpret_coordentries, self.lock_frame) text += """ input symm %s\n""" % (self.symmetry_from_input()) text += """ Nfragments %d\t\tNactive %d\n""" % (self.nfragments(), self.nactive_fragments()) text += """ zmat? %s\n""" % (self.has_zmatrix()) print text
[docs] def create_psi4_string_from_molecule(self): """Regenerates a input file molecule specification string from the current state of the Molecule. Contains geometry info, fragmentation, charges and multiplicities, and any frame restriction. """ text = "" if self.nallatom(): # append units and any other non-default molecule keywords text += " units %-s\n" % ("Angstrom" if self.units() == 'Angstrom' else "Bohr") if not self.PYmove_to_com: text += " no_com\n" if self.PYfix_orientation: text += " no_reorient\n" # append atoms and coordentries and fragment separators with charge and multiplicity Pfr = 0 for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' and not self.has_zmatrix(): continue text += "%s %s%d %d\n" % ( "" if Pfr == 0 else " --\n", "#" if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Ghost' or self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent' else "", self.fragment_charges[fr], self.fragment_multiplicities[fr]) Pfr += 1 for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': text += " %-8s" % ("X") elif self.fZ(at) or self.fsymbol(at) == "X": text += " %-8s" % (self.fsymbol(at)) else: text += " %-8s" % ("Gh(" + self.fsymbol(at) + ")") text += " %s" % (self.full_atoms[at].print_in_input_format()) text += "\n" # append any coordinate variables if len(self.geometry_variables): for vb, val in self.geometry_variables.items(): text += """ %-10s=%16.10f\n""" % (vb, val) text += "\n" return text # <<< Involved Methods for Coordinates >>>
[docs] def get_coord_value(self, vstr): """Attempts to interpret a string as a double, if not it assumes it's a variable. """ vstr = vstr.upper() realNumber = re.compile(r"""[-+]?(?:(?:\d*\.\d+)|(?:\d+\.?))(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?""", re.VERBOSE) # handle number values if realNumber.match(vstr): return NumberValue(float(vstr)) # handle variable values, whether defined or not else: if vstr == 'TDA': self.geometry_variables[vstr] = 360.0 * math.atan(math.sqrt(2)) / math.pi # handle negative variable values (ignore leading '-' and return minus the value) if vstr[0] == '-': self.all_variables.append(vstr[1:]) return VariableValue(vstr[1:], self.geometry_variables, True) # handle normal variable values else: self.all_variables.append(vstr) return VariableValue(vstr, self.geometry_variables)
[docs] def add_atom(self, Z, x, y, z, label="", mass=0.0, charge=0.0, lineno=-1): """Add an atom to the molecule *Z* atomic number *x* cartesian coordinate *y* cartesian coordinate *z* cartesian coordinate *symb* atomic symbol to use *mass* mass to use if non standard *charge* charge to use if non standard *lineno* line number when taken from a string """ self.lock_frame = False if self.atom_at_position([x, y, z]) == -1: # Dummies go to full_atoms, ghosts need to go to both. self.full_atoms.append(CartesianEntry(self.nallatom(), Z, charge, mass, label, label, \ NumberValue(x), NumberValue(y), NumberValue(z))) if label.upper() != 'X': self.atoms.append(self.full_atoms[-1]) else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::add_atom: Adding atom on top of an existing atom.")
[docs] def atom_entry(self, atom): """Returns the CoordEntry for an atom.""" return self.atoms[atom]
[docs] def atom_at_position(self, b, tol=0.05): """Tests to see of an atom is at the passed position *b* in Bohr with a tolerance *tol*. >>> print H2OH2O.atom_at_position([1.35*(1.0/psi_bohr2angstroms), 0.10*(1.0/psi_bohr2angstroms), 0.0*(1.0/psi_bohr2angstroms)]) 3 """ if len(b) != 3: raise ValidationError('ERROR: atom_at_position() requires as argument a vector of length 3\n') for at in range(self.natom()): a = if distance(b, a) < tol: return at return -1
[docs] def is_variable(self, vstr): """Checks to see if the variable str is in the list, returns true if it is, and returns false if not. >>> H2OH2O.is_variable('R') False """ return True if vstr.upper() in self.all_variables else False
[docs] def get_variable(self, vstr): """Checks to see if the variable str is in the list, sets it to val and returns true if it is, and returns false if not. """ vstr = vstr.upper() try: return self.geometry_variables[vstr] except KeyError: raise ValidationError('ERROR: Geometry variable %s not known.\n' % (vstr))
[docs] def set_variable(self, vstr, val): """Assigns the value val to the variable labelled string in the list of geometry variables. Also calls update_geometry() """ self.__dict__['lock_frame'] = False self.__dict__['geometry_variables'][vstr.upper()] = val print "Setting geometry variable %s to %f" % (vstr.upper(), val) try: self.update_geometry() except IncompleteAtomError: # Update geometry might have added some atoms, delete them to be safe. self.atoms = [] # TODO outfile
def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Function to overload setting attributes to allow geometry variable assigment as if member data. """ try: if name.upper() in self.__dict__['all_variables']: self.set_variable(name, value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value except KeyError: self.__dict__[name] = value def __getattr__(self, name): """Function to overload accessing attribute contents to allow retrivial geometry variable values as if member data. """ if not name in self.__dict__: if object.__getattribute__(self, 'is_variable')(name): return object.__getattribute__(self, 'get_variable')(name) else: raise AttributeError else: return self.__dict__[name]
[docs] def get_anchor_atom(self, vstr, line): """Attempts to interpret a string *vstr* as an atom specifier in a zmatrix. Takes the current *line* for error message printing. Returns the atom number (adjusted to zero-based counting). """ integerNumber = re.compile(r"(-?\d+)", re.IGNORECASE) if integerNumber.match(vstr): # This is just a number, return it return int(vstr) - 1 else: # Look to see if this string is known for i in range(self.nallatom()): if self.full_atoms[i].label() == vstr: return i raise ValidationError("Illegal value %s in atom specification on line %s.\n" % (vstr, line))
[docs] def geometry(self): """Returns the geometry in Bohr as a N X 3 array. >>> print H2OH2O.geometry() [[-2.930978460188563, -0.21641143673806384, 0.0], [-3.655219780069251, 1.4409218455037016, 0.0], [-1.1332252981904638, 0.0769345303220403, 0.0], [2.5523113582286716, 0.21064588230662976, 0.0], [3.175492014248769, -0.7062681346308132, -1.4334725450878665], [3.175492014248769, -0.7062681346308132, 1.4334725450878665]] """ geom = [] for at in range(self.natom()): geom.append([self.x(at), self.y(at), self.z(at)]) return geom
[docs] def full_geometry(self): """Returns the full (dummies included) geometry in Bohr as a N X 3 array. >>> print H2OH2O.full_geometry() [[-2.930978460188563, -0.21641143673806384, 0.0], [-3.655219780069251, 1.4409218455037016, 0.0], [-1.1332252981904638, 0.0769345303220403, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.5523113582286716, 0.21064588230662976, 0.0], [3.175492014248769, -0.7062681346308132, -1.4334725450878665], [3.175492014248769, -0.7062681346308132, 1.4334725450878665]] """ geom = [] for at in range(self.nallatom()): geom.append([self.fx(at), self.fy(at), self.fz(at)]) return geom
[docs] def set_geometry(self, geom): """Sets the geometry, given a N X 3 array of coordinates *geom* in Bohr. >>> H2OH2O.set_geometry([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[-1,-2,-3],[-4,-5,-6],[-7,-8,-9]]) """ self.lock_frame = False for at in range(self.natom()): self.atoms[at].set_coordinates(geom[at][0] / self.input_units_to_au, geom[at][1] / self.input_units_to_au, geom[at][2] / self.input_units_to_au)
[docs] def set_full_geometry(self, geom): """Sets the full geometry (dummies included), given a N X 3 array of coordinates *geom* in Bohr. >>> H2OH2O.set_full geometry([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[0,0,0],[-1,-2,-3],[-4,-5,-6],[-7,-8,-9]]) """ self.lock_frame = False for at in range(self.nallatom()): self.full_atoms[at].set_coordinates(geom[at][0] / self.input_units_to_au, geom[at][1] / self.input_units_to_au, geom[at][2] / self.input_units_to_au)
[docs] def distance_matrix(self): """Computes a matrix depicting distances between atoms. Prints formatted and returns array. >>> H2OH2O.distance_matrix() Interatomic Distances (Angstroms) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [1] 0.00000 [2] 0.95711 0.00000 [3] 0.96391 1.51726 0.00000 [4] 2.91042 3.34878 1.95159 0.00000 [5] 3.32935 3.86422 2.43843 0.95895 0.00000 [6] 3.32935 3.86422 2.43843 0.95895 1.51712 0.00000 """ distm = [[None] * self.natom() for _ in range(self.natom())] text = " Interatomic Distances (Angstroms)\n\n " for i in range(self.natom()): text += '%11s ' % ('[' + str(i + 1) + ']') text += "\n" for i in range(self.natom()): text += ' %-8s ' % ('[' + str(i + 1) + ']') for j in range(self.natom()): if j > i: continue if j == i: text += '%10.5f ' % (0.0) distm[i][j] = 0.0 else: eij = sub(, dist = norm(eij) * psi_bohr2angstroms text += '%10.5f ' % (dist) distm[i][j] = dist distm[j][i] = dist text += "\n" text += "\n\n" print text return distm # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_distances(self): """Print the geometrical parameters (distances) of the molecule. suspect libmints version actually prints Bohr. >>> print H2OH2O.print_distances() Interatomic Distances (Angstroms) Distance 1 to 2 0.957 Distance 1 to 3 0.964 Distance 1 to 4 2.910 ... """ text = " Interatomic Distances (Angstroms)\n\n" for i in range(self.natom()): for j in range(i + 1, self.natom()): eij = sub(, dist = norm(eij) * psi_bohr2angstroms text += " Distance %d to %d %-8.3lf\n" % (i + 1, j + 1, dist) text += "\n\n" return text # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_bond_angles(self): """Print the geometrical parameters (bond_angles) of the molecule. >>> print H2OH2O.print_bond_angles() Bond Angles (degrees) Angle 2-1-3: 104.337 Angle 2-1-4: 109.152 Angle 2-1-5: 117.387 ... """ text = " Bond Angles (degrees)\n\n" for j in range(self.natom()): for i in range(self.natom()): if j == i: continue for k in range(i + 1, self.natom()): if j == k: continue eji = sub(, eji = normalize(eji) ejk = sub(, ejk = normalize(ejk) dotproduct = dot(eji, ejk) phi = 180.0 * math.acos(dotproduct) / math.pi text += " Angle %d-%d-%d: %8.3lf\n" % (i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, phi) text += "\n\n" return text # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_dihedrals(self): """Print the geometrical parameters (dihedrals) of the molecule. >>> print H2OH2O.print_dihedrals() Dihedral Angles (Degrees) Dihedral 1-2-3-4: 180.000 Dihedral 1-2-3-5: 133.511 Dihedral 1-2-3-6: 133.511 ... """ text = " Dihedral Angles (Degrees)\n\n" for i in range(self.natom()): for j in range(self.natom()): if i == j: continue for k in range(self.natom()): if i == k or j == k: continue for l in range(self.natom()): if i == l or j == l or k == l: continue eij = sub(, eij = normalize(eij) ejk = sub(, ejk = normalize(ejk) ekl = sub(, ekl = normalize(ekl) # Compute angle ijk angleijk = math.acos(dot(scale(eij, -1.0), ejk)) # Compute angle jkl anglejkl = math.acos(dot(scale(ejk, -1.0), ekl)) # compute term1 (eij x ejk) term1 = cross(eij, ejk) # compute term2 (ejk x ekl) term2 = cross(ejk, ekl) numerator = dot(term1, term2) denominator = math.sin(angleijk) * math.sin(anglejkl) try: costau = numerator / denominator except ZeroDivisionError: costau = 0.0 if costau > 1.00 and costau < 1.000001: costau = 1.00 if costau < -1.00 and costau > -1.000001: costau = -1.00 tau = 180.0 * math.acos(costau) / math.pi text += " Dihedral %d-%d-%d-%d: %8.3lf\n" % (i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, l + 1, tau) text += "\n\n" return text # TODO outfile
[docs] def print_out_of_planes(self): """Print the geometrical parameters (out_of_planes) of the molecule. >>> print H2OH2O.print_out_of_planes() Out-Of-Plane Angles (Degrees) Out-of-plane 1-2-3-4: 0.000 Out-of-plane 1-2-3-5: -7.373 Out-of-plane 1-2-3-6: 7.373 ... """ text = " Out-Of-Plane Angles (Degrees)\n\n" for i in range(self.natom()): for j in range(self.natom()): if i == j: continue for k in range(self.natom()): if i == k or j == k: continue for l in range(self.natom()): if i == l or j == l or k == l: continue # Compute vectors we need first elj = sub(, elj = normalize(elj) elk = sub(, elk = normalize(elk) eli = sub(, eli = normalize(eli) # Denominator denominator = math.sin(math.acos(dot(elj, elk))) # Numerator eljxelk = cross(elj, elk) numerator = dot(eljxelk, eli) # compute angle try: sinetheta = numerator / denominator except ZeroDivisionError: sinetheta = 0.0 if sinetheta > 1.00: sinetheta = 1.000 if sinetheta < -1.00: sinetheta = -1.000 theta = 180.0 * math.asin(sinetheta) / math.pi text += " Out-of-plane %d-%d-%d-%d: %8.3lf\n" % (i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, l + 1, theta) text += "\n\n" return text # TODO outfile
[docs] def reinterpret_coordentry(self, rc): """Do we reinterpret coordentries during a call to update_geometry? (method name in libmints is set_reinterpret_coordentry) """ self.PYreinterpret_coordentries = rc
[docs] def reinterpret_coordentries(self): """Reinterpret the fragments for reals/ghosts and build the atom list. """ self.atoms = [] for item in self.full_atoms: item.invalidate() temp_charge = self.PYmolecular_charge temp_multiplicity = self.PYmultiplicity self.PYmolecular_charge = 0 self.PYmultiplicity = 1 for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': continue if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Real': self.PYmolecular_charge += self.fragment_charges[fr] self.PYmultiplicity += self.fragment_multiplicities[fr] - 1 for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): self.full_atoms[at].compute() self.full_atoms[at].set_ghosted(self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Ghost') if self.full_atoms[at].symbol() != 'X': self.atoms.append(self.full_atoms[at]) # TODO: This is a hack to ensure that set_multiplicity and set_molecular_charge # work for single-fragment molecules. if self.nfragments() < 2: self.PYmolecular_charge = temp_charge self.PYmultiplicity = temp_multiplicity
[docs] def update_geometry(self): """Updates the geometry, by (re)interpreting the string used to create the molecule, and the current values of the variables. The atoms list is cleared, and then rebuilt by this routine. This function must be called after first instantiation of Molecule. >>> H2 = qcdb.Molecule("H\\nH 1 0.74\\n") >>> print H2.natom() 0 >>> H2.update_geometry() >>> print H2.natom() 2 """ if self.nfragments() == 0: raise ValidationError("Molecule::update_geometry: There are no fragments in this molecule.") # Idempotence condition if self.lock_frame: return #print "beginning update_geometry:" #self.print_full() if self.PYreinterpret_coordentries: self.reinterpret_coordentries() #print "after reinterpret_coordentries:" #self.print_full() if self.PYmove_to_com: self.move_to_com() #print "after com:" #self.print_full() # If the no_reorient command was given, don't reorient if not self.PYfix_orientation: # Now we need to rotate the geometry to its symmetry frame # to align the axes correctly for the point group # symmetry_frame looks for the highest point group so that we can align # the molecule according to its actual symmetry, rather than the symmetry # the the user might have provided. frame = self.symmetry_frame() self.rotate_full(frame) #print "after rotate:" #self.print_full() # Recompute point group of the molecule, so the symmetry info is updated to the new frame # TODO self.set_point_group(self.find_point_group()) # TODO self.set_full_point_group() # Disabling symmetrize for now if orientation is fixed, as it is not # correct. We may want to fix this in the future, but in some cases of # finite-differences the set geometry is not totally symmetric anyway. # Symmetrize the molecule to remove any noise # TODO self.symmetrize() #print "after symmetry:" #self.print_full() self.lock_frame = True # <<< Methods for Miscellaneous >>>
[docs] def clear(self): """Zero it out.""" self.lock_frame = False self.atoms = [] self.full_atoms = []
[docs] def nuclear_repulsion_energy(self): """Computes nuclear repulsion energy. >>> print H2OH2O.nuclear_repulsion_energy() 36.6628478528 """ e = 0.0 for at1 in range(self.natom()): for at2 in range(self.natom()): if at2 < at1: Zi = self.Z(at1) Zj = self.Z(at2) dist = distance(, e += Zi * Zj / dist return e
[docs] def nuclear_repulsion_energy_deriv1(self): """Computes nuclear repulsion energy derivatives >>> print H2OH2O.nuclear_repulsion_energy_deriv1() [[3.9020946901323774, 2.76201566471991, 0.0], [1.3172905807089021, -2.3486366050337293, 0.0], [-1.8107598525022435, -0.32511212499256564, 0.0], [-1.217656141385739, -2.6120090867576717, 0.0], [-1.0954846384766488, 1.2618710760320282, 2.1130743287465603], [-1.0954846384766488, 1.2618710760320282, -2.1130743287465603]] """ de = [] for i in range(self.natom()): entry = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for j in range(self.natom()): if i != j: temp = distance(, ** 3.0 Zi = self.Z(i) Zj = self.Z(j) entry[0] -= (self.x(i) - self.x(j)) * Zi * Zj / temp entry[1] -= (self.y(i) - self.y(j)) * Zi * Zj / temp entry[2] -= (self.z(i) - self.z(j)) * Zi * Zj / temp de.append(entry) return de
[docs] def nuclear_repulsion_energy_deriv2(self): """ **NYI** Computes nuclear repulsion energy second derivatives""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::nuclear_repulsion_energy_deriv2') # FINAL
[docs] def set_basis_all_atoms(self, name, type="BASIS"): """ **NYI** Assigns basis *name* to all atoms.""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::set_basis_all_atoms') # FINAL
[docs] def set_basis_by_symbol(self, symbol, name, type="BASIS"): """ **NYI** Assigns basis *name* to all *symbol* atoms.""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::set_basis_by_symbol') # FINAL
[docs] def set_basis_by_number(self, number, name, type="BASIS"): """ **NYI** Assigns basis *name* to atom number *number* (1-indexed, includes dummies).""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::set_basis_by_number') # FINAL
[docs] def set_basis_by_label(self, label, name, type="BASIS"): """ **NYI** Assigns basis *name* to all atoms with *label*.""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::set_basis_by_label') # FINAL
[docs] def nfrozen_core(self, depth=False): """Number of frozen core for molecule given freezing state. >>> print H2OH2O.nfrozen_core() 2 """ if depth == False or depth.upper() == 'FALSE': return 0 elif depth == True or depth.upper() == 'TRUE': # Freeze the number of core electrons corresponding to the # nearest previous noble gas atom. This means that the 4p block # will still have 3d electrons active. Alkali earth atoms will # have one valence electron in this scheme. nfzc = 0 for A in range(self.natom()): if self.Z(A) > 2: nfzc += 1 if self.Z(A) > 10: nfzc += 4 if self.Z(A) > 18: nfzc += 4 if self.Z(A) > 36: nfzc += 9 if self.Z(A) > 54: nfzc += 9 if self.Z(A) > 86: nfzc += 16 if self.Z(A) > 108: raise ValidationError("Invalid atomic number") return nfzc else: raise ValidationError("Frozen core '%s' is not supported, options are {true, false}." % (depth)) # <<< Involved Methods for Frame >>>
[docs] def translate(self, r): """Translates molecule by r. >>> H2OH2O.translate([1.0, 1.0, 0.0]) """ temp = [None, None, None] for at in range(self.nallatom()): temp = scale(self.full_atoms[at].compute(), self.input_units_to_au) temp = add(temp, r) temp = scale(temp, 1.0 / self.input_units_to_au) self.full_atoms[at].set_coordinates(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2])
[docs] def center_of_mass(self): """Computes center of mass of molecule (does not translate molecule). >>> H2OH2O.center_of_mass() [-0.12442647346606871, 0.00038657002584110707, 0.0] """ ret = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] total_m = 0.0 for at in range(self.natom()): m = self.mass(at) ret = add(ret, scale(, m)) total_m += m ret = scale(ret, 1.0 / total_m) return ret
[docs] def move_to_com(self): """Moves molecule to center of mass """ com = scale(self.center_of_mass(), -1.0) self.translate(com)
[docs] def set_com_fixed(self, _fix=True): """ **NYI** Fix the center of mass at its current frame. Not used in libmints so not implemented. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::set_com_fixed') # FINAL
[docs] def inertia_tensor(self): """Compute inertia tensor. >>> print H2OH2O.inertia_tensor() [[8.704574864178731, -8.828375721817082, 0.0], [-8.828375721817082, 280.82861714077666, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 281.249500988553]] """ tensor = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] for i in range(self.natom()): # I(alpha, alpha) tensor[0][0] += self.mass(i) * (self.y(i) * self.y(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i)) tensor[1][1] += self.mass(i) * (self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i)) tensor[2][2] += self.mass(i) * (self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.y(i) * self.y(i)) # I(alpha, beta) tensor[0][1] -= self.mass(i) * self.x(i) * self.y(i) tensor[0][2] -= self.mass(i) * self.x(i) * self.z(i) tensor[1][2] -= self.mass(i) * self.y(i) * self.z(i) # mirror tensor[1][0] = tensor[0][1] tensor[2][0] = tensor[0][2] tensor[2][1] = tensor[1][2] # Check the elements for zero and make them a hard zero. for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if math.fabs(tensor[i][j]) < ZERO: tensor[i][j] = 0.0 return tensor
[docs] def rotational_constants(self, tol=FULL_PG_TOL): """Compute the rotational constants and return them in wavenumbers""" evals, evecs = diagonalize3x3symmat(self.inertia_tensor()) evals = sorted(evals) isLinear = True if evals[0] < ZERO else False isOne = True if evals[1] < ZERO else False isAtom = True if evals[2] < ZERO else False im_amuA = psi_bohr2angstroms * psi_bohr2angstroms im_ghz = psi_h * psi_na * 1E14 / (8.0 * math.pi * math.pi * psi_bohr2angstroms * psi_bohr2angstroms) im_mhz = im_ghz * 1000 im_cm = im_ghz * 1E7 / psi_c text = " Moments of Inertia and Rotational Constants\n\n" text += ' %-12s %3s %16.8f %3s %16.8f %3s %16.8f\n' % \ ('[amu B^2]', 'I_A', evals[0], 'I_B', evals[1], 'I_C', evals[2]) text += ' %-12s %3s %16.8f %3s %16.8f %3s %16.8f\n' % \ ('[amu A^2]', 'I_A', evals[0] * im_amuA, 'I_B', evals[1] * im_amuA, 'I_C', evals[2] * im_amuA) text += ' %-12s %3s %16s %3s %16s %3s %16s\n' % ('[GHz]', \ 'A', '%16.8f' % (im_ghz / evals[0]) if not isLinear else '*****', \ 'B', '%16.8f' % (im_ghz / evals[1]) if not isOne else '*****', \ 'C', '%16.8f' % (im_ghz / evals[2]) if not isAtom else '*****') text += ' %-12s %3s %16s %3s %16s %3s %16s\n' % ('[MHz]', \ 'A', '%16.8f' % (im_mhz / evals[0]) if not isLinear else '*****', \ 'B', '%16.8f' % (im_mhz / evals[1]) if not isOne else '*****', \ 'C', '%16.8f' % (im_mhz / evals[2]) if not isAtom else '*****') text += ' %-12s %3s %16s %3s %16s %3s %16s\n' % ('[cm^-1]', \ 'A', '%16.8f' % (im_cm / evals[0]) if not isLinear else '*****', \ 'B', '%16.8f' % (im_cm / evals[1]) if not isOne else '*****', \ 'C', '%16.8f' % (im_cm / evals[2]) if not isAtom else '*****') print text # TODO outfile rot_const = [] rot_const.append(im_cm / evals[0] if not isLinear else None) rot_const.append(im_cm / evals[1] if not isOne else None) rot_const.append(im_cm / evals[2] if not isAtom else None) return rot_const
[docs] def rotor_type(self, tol=FULL_PG_TOL): """Returns the rotor type. >>> H2OH2O.rotor_type() RT_ASYMMETRIC_TOP """ rot_const = self.rotational_constants() for i in range(3): if rot_const[i] == None: rot_const[i] = 0.0 # Determine degeneracy of rotational constants. degen = 0 for i in range(2): for j in range(i + 1, 3): if degen >= 2: continue rabs = math.fabs(rot_const[i] - rot_const[j]) tmp = rot_const[i] if rot_const[i] > rot_const[j] else rot_const[j] if rabs > ZERO: rel = rabs / tmp else: rel = 0.0 if rel < tol: degen += 1 #print "\tDegeneracy is %d\n" % (degen) # Determine rotor type if self.natom() == 1: rotor_type = 'RT_ATOM' elif rot_const[0] == 0.0: # A == 0, B == C rotor_type = 'RT_LINEAR' elif degen == 2: # A == B == C rotor_type = 'RT_SPHERICAL_TOP' elif degen == 1: # A > B == C rotor_type = 'RT_SYMMETRIC_TOP' # A == B > C else: rotor_type = 'RT_ASYMMETRIC_TOP' # A != B != C return rotor_type
[docs] def rotate(self, R): """Rotates the molecule using rotation matrix *R*. >>> H2OH2O.rotate([[0,-1,0],[-1,0,0],[0,0,1]]) """ new_geom = zero(3, self.natom()) geom = self.geometry() new_geom = mult(geom, R) self.set_geometry(new_geom)
[docs] def rotate_full(self, R): """Rotates the full molecule using rotation matrix *R*. >>> H2OH2O.rotate_full([[0,-1,0],[-1,0,0],[0,0,1]]) """ new_geom = zero(3, self.nallatom()) geom = self.full_geometry() new_geom = mult(geom, R) self.set_full_geometry(new_geom)
[docs] def orientation_fixed(self): """Get whether or not orientation is fixed. >>> H2OH2O.orientation_fixed() True """ return self.PYfix_orientation
[docs] def fix_orientation(self, _fix=True): """Fix the orientation at its current frame (method name in libmints is set_orientation_fixed) """ if _fix: self.PYfix_orientation = True # tells update_geometry() not to change orientation # Compute original cartesian coordinates - code coped from update_geometry() self.atoms = [] for item in self.full_atoms: item.invalidate() for fr in range(self.nfragments()): for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): self.full_atoms[at].compute() self.full_atoms[at].set_ghosted(self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Ghost') if self.full_atoms[at].symbol() != 'X': self.atoms.append(self.full_atoms[at]) else: # release orientation to be free self.PYfix_orientation = False # <<< Methods for Saving >>>
[docs] def save_string_xyz(self, save_ghosts=True): """Save a string for a XYZ-style file. >>> H2OH2O.save_string_xyz() 6 _ O -1.551007000000 -0.114520000000 0.000000000000 H -1.934259000000 0.762503000000 0.000000000000 H -0.599677000000 0.040712000000 0.000000000000 O 1.350625000000 0.111469000000 0.000000000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 -0.758561000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 0.758561000000 """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms N = self.natom() if not save_ghosts: N = 0 for i in range(self.natom()): if self.Z(i): N += 1 text = "%d\n\n" % (N) for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() if save_ghosts or self.Z(i): text += '%2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % ((self.symbol(i) if self.Z(i) else "Gh"), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) return text
[docs] def save_xyz(self, filename, save_ghosts=True): """Save an XYZ file. >>> H2OH2O.save_xyz('') """ outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(self.save_string_xyz(save_ghosts)) outfile.close()
[docs] def save_to_checkpoint(self, chkpt, prefix=""): """ **NYI** Save information to checkpoint file (method name in libmints is save_to_chkpt) """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::save_to_checkpoint') # FINAL # <<< Methods for Symmetry >>>
[docs] def has_symmetry_element(self, op, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """ **NYI** Whether molecule satisfies the vector symmetry operation *op* """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::has_symmetry_element') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def point_group(self): """ **NYI** Returns the point group (object) if set""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::point_group') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def set_point_group(self, pg): """ **NYI** Set the point group to object *pg* """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::set_point_group') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def set_full_point_group(self, tol=FULL_PG_TOL): """ **NYI** Determine and set FULL point group""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::set_full_point_group') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def has_inversion(self, origin, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """Does the molecule have an inversion center at origin""" for i in range(self.natom()): inverted = sub(origin, sub(, origin)) atom = self.atom_at_position(inverted, tol) if atom < 0 or not self.atoms[atom].is_equivalent_to(self.atoms[i]): return False return True
[docs] def is_plane(self, origin, uperp, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """Is a plane?""" for i in range(self.natom()): A = sub(, origin) Apar = scale(uperp, dot(uperp, A)) Aperp = sub(A, Apar) A = add(sub(Aperp, Apar), origin) atom = self.atom_at_position(A, tol) if atom < 0 or not self.atoms[atom].is_equivalent_to(self.atoms[i]): return False return True
[docs] def is_axis(self, origin, axis, order, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """Is *axis* an axis of order *order* with respect to *origin*?""" for i in range(self.natom()): A = sub(, origin) for j in range(1, order): R = A R = rotate(R, j * 2.0 * math.pi / order, axis) R = add(R, origin) atom = self.atom_at_position(R, tol) if atom < 0 or not self.atoms[atom].is_equivalent_to(self.atoms[i]): return False return True
[docs] def is_linear_planar(self, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """Is the molecule linear, or planar? >>> print H2OH2O.is_linear_planar() (False, False) """ linear = None planar = None if self.natom() < 3: linear = True planar = True return linear, planar # find three atoms not on the same line A = B = BA = sub(B, A) BA = normalize(BA) CA = [None, None, None] min_BAdotCA = 1.0 for i in range(2, self.natom()): tmp = sub(, A) tmp = normalize(tmp) if math.fabs(dot(BA, tmp)) < min_BAdotCA: CA = copy.deepcopy(tmp) min_BAdotCA = math.fabs(dot(BA, tmp)) if min_BAdotCA >= 1.0 - tol: linear = True planar = True return linear, planar linear = False if self.natom() < 4: planar = True return linear, planar # check for nontrivial planar molecules BAxCA = normalize(cross(BA, CA)) for i in range(2, self.natom()): tmp = sub(, A) if math.fabs(dot(tmp, BAxCA)) > tol: planar = False return linear, planar planar = True return linear, planar
[docs] def like_world_axis(axis, worldxaxis, worldyaxis, worldzaxis): """Returns which worldaxis *axis* most overlaps with. Inverts axis when indicated. """ like = None xlikeness = math.fabs(dot(axis, worldxaxis)) ylikeness = math.fabs(dot(axis, worldyaxis)) zlikeness = math.fabs(dot(axis, worldzaxis)) if (xlikeness - ylikeness) > 1.0E-12 and (xlikeness - zlikeness) > 1.0E-12: # if xlikeness > ylikeness and xlikeness > zlikeness: like = 'XAxis' if dot(axis, worldxaxis) < 0: axis = scale(axis, -1.0) elif (ylikeness - zlikeness) > 1.0E-12: # elif ylikeness > zlikeness: like = 'YAxis' if dot(axis, worldyaxis) < 0: axis = scale(axis, -1.0) else: like = 'ZAxis' if dot(axis, worldzaxis) < 0: axis = scale(axis, -1.0) return like, axis
[docs] def find_point_group(self, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """ **NYI** Find computational molecular point group, user can override this with the "symmetry" keyword """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::find_point_group') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def reset_point_group(self, pgname): """ **NYI** Override symmetry from outside the molecule string""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::reset_point_group') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def find_highest_point_group(self, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """ **NYI** Find highest molecular point group""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::find_highest_point_group') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def symmetry_frame(self, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """Determine symmetry reference frame. If noreorient is not set, this is the rotation matrix applied to the geometry in update_geometry. >>> print H2OH2O.symmetry_frame() [[1.0, -0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -0.0, 1.0]] """ com = self.center_of_mass() worldxaxis = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] worldyaxis = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] worldzaxis = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] sigma = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] sigmav = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] c2axis = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] c2axisperp = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] linear, planar = self.is_linear_planar(tol) have_inversion = self.has_inversion(com, tol) # check for C2 axis have_c2axis = False if self.natom() < 2: have_c2axis = True c2axis = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] elif linear: have_c2axis = True c2axis = sub(, c2axis = normalize(c2axis) elif planar and have_inversion: # there is a c2 axis that won't be found using the usual # algorithm. find two noncolinear atom-atom vectors (we know # that linear == 0) BA = sub(, BA = normalize(BA) for i in range(2, self.natom()): CA = sub(, CA = normalize(CA) BAxCA = cross(BA, CA) if norm(BAxCA) > tol: have_c2axis = True BAxCA = normalize(BAxCA) c2axis = copy.deepcopy(BAxCA) break else: # loop through pairs of atoms to find c2 axis candidates for i in range(self.natom()): A = sub(, com) AdotA = dot(A, A) for j in range(i + 1): # the atoms must be identical if not self.atoms[i].is_equivalent_to(self.atoms[j]): continue B = sub(, com) # the atoms must be the same distance from the com if math.fabs(AdotA - dot(B, B)) > tol: continue axis = add(A, B) # atoms colinear with the com don't work if norm(axis) < tol: continue axis = normalize(axis) if self.is_axis(com, axis, 2, tol): have_c2axis = True c2axis = copy.deepcopy(axis) break else: continue break # symmframe found c2axis c2like = 'ZAxis' if have_c2axis: # try to make the sign of the axis correspond to one of the world axes c2like, c2axis = self.like_world_axis(c2axis, worldxaxis, worldyaxis, worldzaxis) # check for c2 axis perp to first c2 axis have_c2axisperp = False if have_c2axis: if self.natom() < 2: have_c2axisperp = True c2axisperp = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] elif linear: if have_inversion: have_c2axisperp = True c2axisperp = perp_unit(c2axis, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) else: # loop through paris of atoms to find c2 axis candidates for i in range(self.natom()): A = sub(, com) AdotA = dot(A, A) for j in range(i): # the atoms must be identical if not self.atoms[i].is_equivalent_to(self.atoms[j]): continue B = sub(, com) # the atoms must be the same distance from the com if math.fabs(AdotA - dot(B, B)) > tol: continue axis = add(A, B) # atoms colinear with the com don't work if norm(axis) < tol: continue axis = normalize(axis) # if axis is not perp continue if math.fabs(dot(axis, c2axis)) > tol: continue if self.is_axis(com, axis, 2, tol): have_c2axisperp = True c2axisperp = copy.deepcopy(axis) break else: continue break # symmframe found c2axisperp if have_c2axisperp: # try to make the sign of the axis correspond to one of the world axes c2perplike, c2axisperp = self.like_world_axis(c2axisperp, worldxaxis, worldyaxis, worldzaxis) # try to make c2axis the z axis if c2perplike == 'ZAxis': tmpv = copy.deepcopy(c2axisperp) c2axisperp = copy.deepcopy(c2axis) c2axis = copy.deepcopy(tmpv) c2perplike = c2like c2like = 'ZAxis' if c2like != 'ZAxis': if c2like == 'XAxis': c2axis = cross(c2axis, c2axisperp) else: c2axis = cross(c2axisperp, c2axis) c2like, c2axis = self.like_world_axis(c2axis, worldxaxis, worldyaxis, worldzaxis) # try to make c2axisperplike the x axis if c2perplike == 'YAxis': c2axisperp = cross(c2axisperp, c2axis) c2perplike, c2axisperp = self.like_world_axis(c2axisperp, worldxaxis, worldyaxis, worldzaxis) # Check for vertical plane have_sigmav = False if have_c2axis: if self.natom() < 2: have_sigmav = True sigmav = copy.deepcopy(c2axisperp) elif linear: have_sigmav = True if have_c2axisperp: sigmav = copy.deepcopy(c2axisperp) else: sigmav = perp_unit(c2axis, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) else: # loop through pairs of atoms to find sigma v plane candidates for i in range(self.natom()): A = sub(, com) AdotA = dot(A, A) # the second atom can equal i because i might be in the plane for j in range(i + 1): # the atoms must be identical if not self.atoms[i].is_equivalent_to(self.atoms[j]): continue B = sub(, com) # the atoms must be the same distance from the com if math.fabs(AdotA - dot(B, B)) > tol: continue inplane = add(B, A) norm_inplane = norm(inplane) if norm_inplane < tol: continue inplane = scale(inplane, 1.0 / norm_inplane) perp = cross(c2axis, inplane) norm_perp = norm(perp) if norm_perp < tol: continue perp = scale(perp, 1.0 / norm_perp) if self.is_plane(com, perp, tol): have_sigmav = True sigmav = copy.deepcopy(perp) break else: continue break # symmframe found sigmav if have_sigmav: # try to make the sign of the oop vec correspond to one of the world axes sigmavlike, sigmav = self.like_world_axis(sigmav, worldxaxis, worldyaxis, worldzaxis) # Choose sigmav to be the world x axis, if possible if c2like == 'ZAxis' and sigmavlike == 'YAxis': sigmav = cross(sigmav, c2axis) elif c2like == 'YAxis' and sigmavlike == 'ZAxis': sigmav = cross(c2axis, sigmav) # under certain conditions i need to know if there is any sigma plane have_sigma = False if not have_inversion and not have_c2axis: if planar: # find two noncolinear atom-atom vectors # we know that linear==0 since !have_c2axis BA = sub(, BA = normalize(BA) for i in range(2, self.natom()): CA = sub(, CA = normalize(CA) BAxCA = cross(BA, CA) if norm(BAxCA) > tol: have_sigma = True BAxCA = normalize(BAxCA) sigma = copy.deepcopy(BAxCA) break else: # loop through pairs of atoms to contruct trial planes for i in range(self.natom()): A = sub(, com) AdotA = dot(A, A) for j in range(i): # the atoms must be identical if not self.atoms[i].is_equivalent_to(self.atoms[j]): continue B = sub(, com) BdotB = dot(B, B) # the atoms must be the same distance from the com if math.fabs(AdotA - BdotB) > tol: continue perp = sub(B, A) norm_perp = norm(perp) if norm_perp < tol: continue perp = scale(perp, 1.0 / norm_perp) if self.is_plane(com, perp, tol): have_sigma = True sigma = copy.deepcopy(perp) break else: continue break # foundsigma if have_sigma: # try to make the sign of the oop vec correspond to one of the world axes xlikeness = math.fabs(dot(sigma, worldxaxis)) ylikeness = math.fabs(dot(sigma, worldyaxis)) zlikeness = math.fabs(dot(sigma, worldzaxis)) if xlikeness > ylikeness and xlikeness > zlikeness: if dot(sigma, worldxaxis) < 0: sigma = scale(sigma, -1.0) elif ylikeness > zlikeness: if dot(sigma, worldyaxis) < 0: sigma = scale(sigma, -1.0) else: if dot(sigma, worldzaxis) < 0: sigma = scale(sigma, -1.0) # Find the three axes for the symmetry frame xaxis = copy.deepcopy(worldxaxis) zaxis = copy.deepcopy(worldzaxis) if have_c2axis: zaxis = copy.deepcopy(c2axis) if have_sigmav: xaxis = copy.deepcopy(sigmav) elif have_c2axisperp: xaxis = copy.deepcopy(c2axisperp) else: # any axis orthogonal to the zaxis will do xaxis = perp_unit(zaxis, zaxis) elif have_sigma: zaxis = copy.deepcopy(sigma) xaxis = perp_unit(zaxis, zaxis) # Clean up our z axis if math.fabs(zaxis[0]) < NOISY_ZERO: zaxis[0] = 0.0 if math.fabs(zaxis[1]) < NOISY_ZERO: zaxis[1] = 0.0 if math.fabs(zaxis[2]) < NOISY_ZERO: zaxis[2] = 0.0 # Clean up our x axis if math.fabs(xaxis[0]) < NOISY_ZERO: xaxis[0] = 0.0 if math.fabs(xaxis[1]) < NOISY_ZERO: xaxis[1] = 0.0 if math.fabs(xaxis[2]) < NOISY_ZERO: xaxis[2] = 0.0 # the y is then -x cross z yaxis = scale(cross(xaxis, zaxis), -1.0) #print "xaxis %20.14lf %20.14lf %20.14lf" % (xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2]) #print "yaxis %20.14lf %20.14lf %20.14lf" % (yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2]) #print "zaxis %20.14lf %20.14lf %20.14lf" % (zaxis[0], zaxis[1], zaxis[2]) frame = zero(3, 3) for i in range(3): frame[i][0] = xaxis[i] frame[i][1] = yaxis[i] frame[i][2] = zaxis[i] return frame
[docs] def release_symmetry_information(self): """ **NYI** Release symmetry information""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::release_symmetry_information') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def form_symmetry_information(self, tol=DEFAULT_SYM_TOL): """ **NYI** Initialize molecular specific symmetry information. Uses the point group object obtain by calling point_group() """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::form_symmetry_information') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def sym_label(self): """ **NYI** Returns the symmetry label""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::sym_label') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def irrep_labels(self): """ **NYI** Returns the irrep labels""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::irrep_labels') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def symmetry_from_input(self): """Returns the symmetry specified in the input. >>> print H2OH2O.symmetry_from_input() C1 """ return self.PYsymmetry_from_input
[docs] def symmetrize(self): """ **NYI** Force the molecule to have the symmetry specified in pg. This is to handle noise coming in from optking. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::symmetrize') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def schoenflies_symbol(self): """ **NYI** Returns the Schoenflies symbol""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::schoenflies_symbol') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def valid_atom_map(self, tol=0.01): """ **NYI** Check if current geometry fits current point group""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::valid_atom_map') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def full_point_group_with_n(self): """ **NYI** Return point group name such as Cnv or Sn.""" #return FullPointGroupList[self.full_pg] raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::full_point_group_n') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def full_pg_n(self): """ **NYI** Return n in Cnv, etc.; If there is no n (e.g. Td) it's the highest-order rotation axis. """ #return self.full_pg_n raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::full_pg_n') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def get_full_point_group(self): """ **NYI** Return point group name such as C3v or S8. (method name in libmints is full_point_group) """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::get_full_point_group') # FINAL SYMM # <<< Methods for Uniqueness >>> (assume molecular point group has been determined)
[docs] def nunique(self): """ **NYI** Return the number of unique atoms.""" #w#return PYnunique raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::nunique') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def unique(self, iuniq): """ **NYI** Returns the overall number of the iuniq'th unique atom.""" #w#return self.equiv[iuniq][0] raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::unique') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def nequivalent(self, iuniq): """ **NYI** Returns the number of atoms equivalent to iuniq.""" #w#return self.nequiv[iuniq] raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::nequivalent') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def equivalent(self, iuniq, j): """ **NYI** Returns the j'th atom equivalent to iuniq.""" #w#return self.equiv[iuniq][j] raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::equivalent') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def atom_to_unique(self, iatom): """ **NYI** Converts an atom number to the number of its generating unique atom. The return value is in [0, nunique). """ #w#return PYatom_to_unique[iatom] raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::atom_to_unique') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def atom_to_unique_offset(self, iatom): """ **NYI** Converts an atom number to the offset of this atom in the list of generated atoms. The unique atom itself is allowed offset 0. """ raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::atom_to_unique_offset') # FINAL SYMM
[docs] def max_nequivalent(self): """ **NYI** Returns the maximum number of equivalent atoms.""" raise FeatureNotImplemented('Molecule::max_nequivalent') # FINAL SYMM # TODO outfile # ignored =, +, 0, += assignment operators # no pubchem # no symmetry # TODO rename save_string_for_psi4 # TODO add no_com no_reorint in save string for psi4