Source code for qcdb.molecule

# PSI4: an ab initio quantum chemistry software package
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
#import re
#import math
#import copy
#from periodictable import *
#from physconst import *
#from vecutil import *
#from exceptions import *
#from coordentry import *
import subprocess
import socket
import shutil
import random
from libmintsmolecule import *

[docs]class Molecule(LibmintsMolecule): """Class to store python extensions to the MoleculeLibmints class. Multiple classes allows separation of libmints and extension methods. """ def __init__(self, psi4molstr=None): """Initialize Molecule object from LibmintsMolecule""" LibmintsMolecule.__init__(self, psi4molstr) # The comment line self.tagline = "" def __str__(self): text = """ ==> qcdb Molecule %s <==\n\n""" % ( text += """ => %s <=\n\n""" % (self.tagline) text += self.save_string_for_psi4() return text @classmethod
[docs] def init_with_xyz(cls, xyzfilename, no_com=False, no_reorient=False): """Pull information from an XYZ file. No fragment info detected. Charge, multiplicity, tagline pulled from second line if available. >>> H2O = qcdb.Molecule.init_with_xyz('') """ instance = cls() instance.lock_frame = False instance.PYmove_to_com = not no_com instance.PYfix_orientation = no_reorient try: infile = open(xyzfilename, 'r') except IOError: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' does not exist.""" % (xyzfilename)) if os.stat(xyzfilename).st_size == 0: raise ValidationError("""Molecule::init_with_xyz: given filename '%s' is blank.""" % (xyzfilename)) text = infile.readlines() xyz1 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\d+)\s*(bohr|au)?\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) xyz2 = re.compile(r'^\s*(-?\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)\s*$') xyzN = re.compile(r"(?:\s*)([A-Z](?:[a-z])?)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s+)(-?\d+\.\d+)(?:\s*)", re.IGNORECASE) # Try to match the first line if xyz1.match(text[0]): fileNatom = int(xyz1.match(text[0]).group(1)) if xyz1.match(text[0]).group(2) == None: fileUnits = 'Angstrom' else: fileUnits = 'Bohr' else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed first line\n%s" % (text[0])) # Try to match the second line if xyz2.match(text[1]): instance.set_molecular_charge(int(xyz2.match(text[1]).group(1))) instance.set_multiplicity(int(xyz2.match(text[1]).group(2))) instance.tagline = xyz2.match(text[1]).group(3).strip() else: instance.tagline = text[1].strip() # Next line begins the useful information. for i in range(fileNatom): try: if xyzN.match(text[2 + i]): fileAtom = xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(1).upper() fileX = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(2)) fileY = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(3)) fileZ = float(xyzN.match(text[2 + i]).group(4)) # Check that the atom symbol is valid if not fileAtom in el2z: raise ValidationError('Illegal atom symbol in geometry specification: %s' % (atomSym)) # Add it to the molecule. instance.add_atom(el2z[fileAtom], fileX, fileY, fileZ, fileAtom, el2masses[fileAtom]) else: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Malformed atom information line %d." % (i + 3)) except IndexError: raise ValidationError("Molecule::init_with_xyz: Expected atom in file at line %d.\n%s" % (i + 3, text[i + 2])) # We need to make 1 fragment with all atoms instance.fragments.append([0, fileNatom - 1]) instance.fragment_types.append('Real') instance.fragment_charges.append(instance.molecular_charge()) instance.fragment_multiplicities.append(instance.multiplicity()) # Set the units properly instance.PYunits = fileUnits if fileUnits == 'Bohr': instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 elif fileUnits == 'Angstrom': instance.input_units_to_au = 1.0 / psi_bohr2angstroms instance.update_geometry() return instance
[docs] def save_string_xyz(self, save_ghosts=True): """Save a string for a XYZ-style file. >>> H2OH2O.save_string_xyz() 6 -2 3 water_dimer O -1.551007000000 -0.114520000000 0.000000000000 H -1.934259000000 0.762503000000 0.000000000000 H -0.599677000000 0.040712000000 0.000000000000 O 1.350625000000 0.111469000000 0.000000000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 -0.758561000000 H 1.680398000000 -0.373741000000 0.758561000000 """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms N = self.natom() if not save_ghosts: N = 0 for i in range(self.natom()): if self.Z(i): N += 1 text = "%d\n" % (N) text += '%d %d %s\n' % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity(), self.tagline) for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() if save_ghosts or self.Z(i): text += '%2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % ((self.symbol(i) if self.Z(i) else "Gh"), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) return text # def save_string_for_psi4(self): # """Returns a string of Molecule formatted for psi4. # Includes fragments and reorienting, if specified. # # >>> print H2OH2O.save_string_for_psi4() # 6 # 0 1 # O -1.55100700 -0.11452000 0.00000000 # H -1.93425900 0.76250300 0.00000000 # H -0.59967700 0.04071200 0.00000000 # -- # 0 1 # @X 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 # O 1.35062500 0.11146900 0.00000000 # H 1.68039800 -0.37374100 -0.75856100 # H 1.68039800 -0.37374100 0.75856100 # units Angstrom # # """ # Nfr = 0 # text = "" # for fr in range(self.nfragments()): # if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Absent': # continue # if Nfr != 0: # text += """--\n""" # Nfr += 1 # text += """%d %d\n""" % (self.fragment_charges[fr], self.fragment_multiplicities[fr]) # for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): # geom = self.full_atoms[at].compute() # text += """%-3s %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f\n""" % \ # (("" if self.fZ(at) else "@") + self.full_atoms[at].symbol(), \ # geom[0], geom[1], geom[2]) # text += """units %s\n""" % (self.units().lower()) # return text
[docs] def format_molecule_for_psi4(self): """Returns string of molecule definition block.""" text = 'molecule mol {\n' for line in self.create_psi4_string_from_molecule().splitlines(): text += ' ' + line + '\n' text += '}\n' return text
[docs] def format_molecule_for_qchem(self): """ """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms text = "" text += '%d %d %s\n' % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity(), self.tagline) for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() text += '%2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % ((self.symbol(i) if self.Z(i) else "Gh"), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) return text pass
[docs] def format_molecule_for_molpro(self): """ """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms # TODO keep fix_or? self.fix_orientation(True) self.PYmove_to_com = False self.update_geometry() text = "" text += 'angstrom\n' text += 'geometry={\n' for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() text += '%2s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % (self.symbol(i), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) text += '}\n\n' text += 'SET,CHARGE=%d\n' % (self.molecular_charge()) text += 'SET,SPIN=%d\n' % (self.multiplicity() - 1) # Molpro wants (mult-1) textDummy = "dummy" for fr in range(self.nfragments()): if self.fragment_types[fr] == 'Ghost': for at in range(self.fragments[fr][0], self.fragments[fr][1] + 1): textDummy += """,%d""" % (at + 1) # Molpro atom numbering is 1-indexed textDummy += '\n' if len(textDummy) > 6: text += textDummy return text
[docs] def format_molecule_for_nwchem(self): """ """ factor = 1.0 if self.PYunits == 'Angstrom' else psi_bohr2angstroms text = "" text += '%d %d %s\n' % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity(), self.tagline) for i in range(self.natom()): [x, y, z] = self.atoms[i].compute() text += '%4s %17.12f %17.12f %17.12f\n' % (("" if self.Z(i) else 'Bq') + self.symbol(i), \ x * factor, y * factor, z * factor) return text pass # if symm print M2OUT "nosym\nnoorient\n"; # print DIOUT "angstrom\ngeometry={\n";
[docs] def auto_fragments(self): """Detects fragments in an unfragmented molecule using BFS algorithm. Returns a new Molecule in Cartesian, fixed-geom (no variable values), no dummy-atom format. Any non-default charge and multiplicity assigned to first fragment. """ if self.nfragments() != 1: print 'Molecule already fragmented so no further action by auto_fragments().' return self flist = self.BFS() # form new molecule through a string since self may contain # dummies or zmatrix specs that mayn't be valid with atom shuffling new_geom = '\n' if self.PYcharge_specified or self.PYmultiplicity_specified: new_geom = """\n %d %d\n""" % (self.molecular_charge(), self.multiplicity()) for fr in range(len(flist)): new_geom += "" if fr == 0 else " --\n" for at in flist[fr]: geom = self.atoms[at].compute() new_geom += """%-4s """ % (("" if self.Z(at) else "@") + self.symbol(at)) for j in range(3): new_geom += """ %17.12f""" % (geom[j]) new_geom += "\n" new_geom += " units %s\n" % (self.units()) if not self.PYmove_to_com: new_geom += " no_com\n" if self.orientation_fixed(): new_geom += " no_reorient\n" subset = Molecule(new_geom) subset.update_geometry() return subset
[docs] def BFS(self): """Perform a breadth-first search (BFS) on the real atoms in molecule, returning an array of atom indices of fragments. Relies upon van der Waals radii and so faulty for close (esp. hydrogen-bonded) fragments. Original code from Michael S. Marshall. """ vdW_diameter = { #'H': 1.001 / 1.5, # JMol 'HE': 1.012 / 1.5, # JMol 'LI': 0.825 / 1.5, # JMol 'BE': 1.408 / 1.5, # JMol #'B': 1.485 / 1.5, # JMol #'C': 1.452 / 1.5, # JMol #'N': 1.397 / 1.5, # JMol #'O': 1.342 / 1.5, # JMol #'F': 1.287 / 1.5, # JMol 'NE': 1.243 / 1.5, # JMol 'NA': 1.144 / 1.5, # JMol 'MG': 1.364 / 1.5, # JMol 'AL': 1.639 / 1.5, # JMol #'SI': 1.716 / 1.5, # JMol #'P': 1.705 / 1.5, # JMol #'S': 1.683 / 1.5, # JMol #'CL': 1.639 / 1.5, # JMol 'AR': 1.595 / 1.5, # JMol 'H': 1.06 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'B': 1.65 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'C': 1.53 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'N': 1.46 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'O': 1.42 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'F': 1.40 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SI': 1.93 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'P': 1.86 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'S': 1.80 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'CL': 1.75 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'GE': 1.98 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'AS': 1.94 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SE': 1.90 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'BR': 1.87 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SN': 2.16 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'SB': 2.12 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'TE': 2.08 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'I': 2.04 / 1.5, # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) 'XE': 2.05 / 1.5} # Bondi JPC 68 441 (1964) Queue = [] White = range(self.natom()) # untouched Black = [] # touched and all edges discovered Fragment = [] # stores fragments start = 0 # starts with the first atom in the list Queue.append(start) White.remove(start) # Simply start with the first atom, do a BFS when done, go to any # untouched atom and start again iterate until all atoms belong # to a fragment group while len(White) > 0 or len(Queue) > 0: # Iterates to the next fragment Fragment.append([]) while len(Queue) > 0: # BFS within a fragment for u in Queue: # find all (still white) nearest neighbors to vertex u for i in White: dist = distance(, * psi_bohr2angstroms if dist < vdW_diameter[self.symbol(u)] + vdW_diameter[self.symbol(i)]: Queue.append(i) # if you find you, put in the queue White.remove(i) # and remove it from the untouched list Queue.remove(u) # remove focus from Queue Black.append(u) Fragment[-1].append(int(u)) # add to group (0-indexed) Fragment[-1].sort() # preserve original atom ordering if len(White) != 0: # can't move White -> Queue if no more exist Queue.append(White[0]) White.remove(White[0]) return Fragment
[docs] def inertia_tensor(self, masswt=True): """Compute inertia tensor. >>> print H2OH2O.inertia_tensor() [[8.704574864178731, -8.828375721817082, 0.0], [-8.828375721817082, 280.82861714077666, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 281.249500988553]] """ return self.inertia_tensor_partial(range(self.natom()), masswt)
[docs] def inertia_tensor_partial(self, part, masswt=True): """Compute inertia tensor based on atoms in *part*. """ tensor = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] for i in part: if masswt: # I(alpha, alpha) tensor[0][0] += self.mass(i) * (self.y(i) * self.y(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i)) tensor[1][1] += self.mass(i) * (self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i)) tensor[2][2] += self.mass(i) * (self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.y(i) * self.y(i)) # I(alpha, beta) tensor[0][1] -= self.mass(i) * self.x(i) * self.y(i) tensor[0][2] -= self.mass(i) * self.x(i) * self.z(i) tensor[1][2] -= self.mass(i) * self.y(i) * self.z(i) else: # I(alpha, alpha) tensor[0][0] += self.y(i) * self.y(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i) tensor[1][1] += self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.z(i) * self.z(i) tensor[2][2] += self.x(i) * self.x(i) + self.y(i) * self.y(i) # I(alpha, beta) tensor[0][1] -= self.x(i) * self.y(i) tensor[0][2] -= self.x(i) * self.z(i) tensor[1][2] -= self.y(i) * self.z(i) # mirror tensor[1][0] = tensor[0][1] tensor[2][0] = tensor[0][2] tensor[2][1] = tensor[1][2] # Check the elements for zero and make them a hard zero. for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if math.fabs(tensor[i][j]) < ZERO: tensor[i][j] = 0.0 return tensor
[docs] def inertial_system_partial(self, part, masswt=True): """Solve inertial system based on atoms in *part*""" return diagonalize3x3symmat(self.inertia_tensor_partial(part, masswt))
[docs] def inertial_system(self, masswt=True): """Solve inertial system""" return diagonalize3x3symmat(self.inertia_tensor(masswt))
[docs] def print_ring_planes(self, entity1, entity2, entity3=None, entity4=None): """(reals only, 1-indexed) """ pass # TODO allow handle lines text = "" summ = [] #for entity in [entity1, entity2, entity3, entity4]: for item in [entity1, entity2]: text += """\n ==> Entity %s <==\n\n""" % (item) # convert plain atoms into list and move from 1-indexed to 0-indexed entity = [] try: for idx in item: entity.append(idx - 1) except TypeError: entity = [item - 1] if len(entity) == 1: dim = 'point' elif len(entity) == 2: dim = 'line' else: dim = 'plane' # compute centroid cent = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for at in entity: cent = add(cent, cent = scale(cent, 1.0 / len(entity)) text += ' Centroid: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ (cent[0] * psi_bohr2angstroms, \ cent[1] * psi_bohr2angstroms, \ cent[2] * psi_bohr2angstroms) text += ' Centroid: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Bohr]\n' % \ (cent[0], cent[1], cent[2]) if dim == 'point': summ.append({'dim': dim, 'geo': cent, 'cent': cent}) # TODO: figure out if should be using mass-weighted self.translate(scale(cent, -1)) evals, evecs = self.inertial_system_partial(entity, masswt=False) midx = evals.index(max(evals)) text += ' Normal Vector: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [unit]\n' % \ (evecs[0][midx], evecs[1][midx], evecs[2][midx]) text += ' Normal Vector: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [unit]\n' % \ (evecs[0][midx] + cent[0], evecs[1][midx] + cent[1], evecs[2][midx] + cent[2]) xplane = [evecs[0][midx], evecs[1][midx], evecs[2][midx], \ -1.0 * (evecs[0][midx] * cent[0] + evecs[1][midx] * cent[1] + evecs[2][midx] * cent[2])] text += ' Eqn. of Plane: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Ai + Bj + Ck + D = 0]\n' % \ (xplane[0], xplane[1], xplane[2], xplane[3]) dtemp = math.sqrt(evecs[0][midx] * evecs[0][midx] + evecs[1][midx] * evecs[1][midx] + evecs[2][midx] * evecs[2][midx]) print 'denom', dtemp hessplane = [evecs[0][midx] / dtemp, evecs[1][midx] / dtemp, evecs[2][midx] / dtemp, xplane[3] / dtemp] hessplane2 = [xplane[0] / dtemp, xplane[1] / dtemp, xplane[2] / dtemp, xplane[3] / dtemp] text += ' Eqn. of Plane: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Ai + Bj + Ck + D = 0] H\n' % \ (hessplane[0], hessplane[1], hessplane[2], hessplane[3]) text += ' Eqn. of Plane: %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f [Ai + Bj + Ck + D = 0] H2\n' % \ (hessplane2[0], hessplane2[1], hessplane2[2], hessplane2[3]) self.translate(cent) if dim == 'plane': summ.append({'dim': dim, 'geo': xplane, 'cent': cent}) #print summ text += """\n ==> 1 (%s) vs. 2 (%s) <==\n\n""" % (summ[0]['dim'], summ[1]['dim']) # if summ[0]['dim'] == 'plane' and summ[1]['dim'] == 'point': # cent = summ[1]['geo'] # plane = summ[0]['geo'] # print cent, plane # # D = math.fabs(plane[0] * cent[0] + plane[1] * cent[1] + plane[2] * cent[2] + plane[3]) / \ # math.sqrt(plane[0] * plane[0] + plane[1] * plane[1] + plane[2] * plane[2]) # text += ' Pt to Plane: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % (D * psi_bohr2angstroms) #if summ[0]['dim'] == 'plane' and summ[1]['dim'] == 'plane': if summ[0]['dim'] == 'plane' and (summ[1]['dim'] == 'plane' or summ[1]['dim'] == 'point'): cent1 = summ[0]['cent'] cent2 = summ[1]['cent'] plane1 = summ[0]['geo'] #plane2 = summ[1]['geo'] distCC = distance(cent1, cent2) text += ' Distance from Center of %s to Center of %s: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ ('2', '1', distCC * psi_bohr2angstroms) distCP = math.fabs(plane1[0] * cent2[0] + plane1[1] * cent2[1] + plane1[2] * cent2[2] + plane1[3]) # distCP expression has a denominator that's one since plane constructed from unit vector text += ' Distance from Center of %s to Plane of %s: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ ('2', '1', distCP * psi_bohr2angstroms) distCPC = math.sqrt(distCC * distCC - distCP * distCP) text += ' Distance from Center of %s to Center of %s along Plane of %s: %14.8f [Angstrom]\n' % \ ('2', '1', '1', distCPC * psi_bohr2angstroms) print text # text = " Interatomic Distances (Angstroms)\n\n" # for i in range(self.natom()): # for j in range(i + 1, self.natom()): # eij = sub(, # dist = norm(eij) * psi_bohr2angstroms # text += " Distance %d to %d %-8.3lf\n" % (i + 1, j + 1, dist) # text += "\n\n" # return text
[docs] def grimme_dftd3(self, func=None, dashlvl=None, dashparam=None, verbosity=1): """Function to call Grimme's dftd3 program ( to compute the -D correction of level *dashlvl* using parameters for the functional *func*. The dictionary *dashparam* can be used to supply a full set of dispersion parameters in the absense of *func* or to supply individual overrides in the presence of *func*. The dftd3 executable must be independently compiled and found in :envvar:PATH. """ # Parameters from on September 25, 2012 # dict keys translated from Turbomole to Psi4 functional names dashcoeff = { 'd2': { 'blyp' : {'s6': 1.2, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, # in psi4 'bp86' : {'s6': 1.05, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, # in psi4 'b97-d' : {'s6': 1.25, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, # in psi4 'revpbe' : {'s6': 1.25, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, 'pbe' : {'s6': 0.75, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, # in psi4 'tpss' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, 'b3lyp' : {'s6': 1.05, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, # in psi4 'pbe0' : {'s6': 0.6, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, # in psi4 'pw6b95' : {'s6': 0.5, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, 'tpss0' : {'s6': 0.85, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, 'b2plyp' : {'s6': 0.55, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, # in psi4 'b2gp-plyp' : {'s6': 0.4, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 20.0}, 'dsd-blyp' : {'s6': 0.41, 'sr6': 1.1, 's8': 0.0, 'alpha6': 60.0}, # in psi4 }, 'd3zero': { 'b1b95' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.613, 's8': 1.868, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'b2gpplyp' : {'s6': 0.56, 'sr6': 1.586, 's8': 0.760, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'b3lyp' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.261, 's8': 1.703, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'b97-d' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 0.892, 's8': 0.909, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'bhlyp' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.370, 's8': 1.442, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'blyp' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.094, 's8': 1.682, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'bp86' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.139, 's8': 1.683, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'bpbe' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.087, 's8': 2.033, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'mpwlyp' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.239, 's8': 1.098, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'pbe' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.217, 's8': 0.722, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'pbe0' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.287, 's8': 0.928, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'pw6b95' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.532, 's8': 0.862, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'pwb6k' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.660, 's8': 0.550, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'revpbe' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 0.923, 's8': 1.010, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'tpss' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.166, 's8': 1.105, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'tpss0' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.252, 's8': 1.242, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'tpssh' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.223, 's8': 1.219, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'bop' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 0.929, 's8': 1.975, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'mpw1b95' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.605, 's8': 1.118, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'mpwb1k' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.671, 's8': 1.061, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'olyp' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 0.806, 's8': 1.764, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'opbe' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 0.837, 's8': 2.055, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'otpss' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.128, 's8': 1.494, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'pbe38' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.333, 's8': 0.998, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'pbesol' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.345, 's8': 0.612, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'revssb' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.221, 's8': 0.560, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'ssb' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.215, 's8': 0.663, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'b3pw91' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.176, 's8': 1.775, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'bmk' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.931, 's8': 2.168, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'camb3lyp' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.378, 's8': 1.217, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'lcwpbe' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.355, 's8': 1.279, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'm05-2x' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.417, 's8': 0.00 , 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'm05' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.373, 's8': 0.595, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'm062x' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.619, 's8': 0.00 , 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'm06hf' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.446, 's8': 0.00 , 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'm06l' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.581, 's8': 0.00 , 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'm06' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.325, 's8': 0.00 , 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'hcth120' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.221, 's8': 1.206, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'b2plyp' : {'s6': 0.64, 'sr6': 1.427, 's8': 1.022, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'dsd-blyp' : {'s6': 0.50, 'sr6': 1.569, 's8': 0.705, 'alpha6': 14.0}, # in psi4 'ptpss' : {'s6': 0.75, 'sr6': 1.541, 's8': 0.879, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'pwpb95' : {'s6': 0.82, 'sr6': 1.557, 's8': 0.705, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'revpbe0' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 0.949, 's8': 0.792, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'revpbe38' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.021, 's8': 0.862, 'alpha6': 14.0}, 'rpw86pbe' : {'s6': 1.0, 'sr6': 1.224, 's8': 0.901, 'alpha6': 14.0}, }, 'd3bj': { 'b1b95' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.2092, 's8': 1.4507, 'a2': 5.5545}, 'b2gpplyp' : {'s6': 0.560, 'a1': 0.0000, 's8': 0.2597, 'a2': 6.3332}, 'b3pw91' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4312, 's8': 2.8524, 'a2': 4.4693}, 'bhlyp' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.2793, 's8': 1.0354, 'a2': 4.9615}, 'bmk' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.1940, 's8': 2.0860, 'a2': 5.9197}, 'bop' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4870, 's8': 3.295, 'a2': 3.5043}, 'bpbe' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4567, 's8': 4.0728, 'a2': 4.3908}, 'camb3lyp' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.3708, 's8': 2.0674, 'a2': 5.4743}, 'lcwpbe' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.3919, 's8': 1.8541, 'a2': 5.0897}, 'mpw1b95' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.1955, 's8': 1.0508, 'a2': 6.4177}, 'mpwb1k' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.1474, 's8': 0.9499, 'a2': 6.6223}, 'mpwlyp' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4831, 's8': 2.0077, 'a2': 4.5323}, 'olyp' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.5299, 's8': 2.6205, 'a2': 2.8065}, 'opbe' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.5512, 's8': 3.3816, 'a2': 2.9444}, 'otpss' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4634, 's8': 2.7495, 'a2': 4.3153}, 'pbe38' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.3995, 's8': 1.4623, 'a2': 5.1405}, 'pbesol' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4466, 's8': 2.9491, 'a2': 6.1742}, 'ptpss' : {'s6': 0.750, 'a1': 0.000, 's8': 0.2804, 'a2': 6.5745}, 'pwb6k' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.1805, 's8': 0.9383, 'a2': 7.7627}, 'revssb' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4720, 's8': 0.4389, 'a2': 4.0986}, 'ssb' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': -0.0952, 's8': -0.1744, 'a2': 5.2170}, 'tpssh' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.0000, 's8': 0.4243, 'a2': 5.5253}, 'hcth120' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.3563, 's8': 1.0821, 'a2': 4.3359}, # in psi4 'b2plyp' : {'s6': 0.640, 'a1': 0.3065, 's8': 0.9147, 'a2': 5.0570}, # in psi4 'b3lyp' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.3981, 's8': 1.9889, 'a2': 4.4211}, # in psi4 'b97-d' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.5545, 's8': 2.2609, 'a2': 3.2297}, # in psi4 'blyp' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4298, 's8': 2.6996, 'a2': 4.2359}, # in psi4 'bp86' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.3946, 's8': 3.2822, 'a2': 4.8516}, # in psi4 'dsd-blyp' : {'s6': 0.500, 'a1': 0.000, 's8': 0.2130, 'a2': 6.0519}, # in psi4 'pbe0' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4145, 's8': 1.2177, 'a2': 4.8593}, # in psi4 'pbe' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4289, 's8': 0.7875, 'a2': 4.4407}, # in psi4 'pw6b95' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.2076, 's8': 0.7257, 'a2': 6.3750}, 'pwpb95' : {'s6': 0.820, 'a1': 0.0000, 's8': 0.2904, 'a2': 7.3141}, 'revpbe0' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4679, 's8': 1.7588, 'a2': 3.7619}, 'revpbe38' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4309, 's8': 1.4760, 'a2': 3.9446}, 'revpbe' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.5238, 's8': 2.3550, 'a2': 3.5016}, 'rpw86pbe' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4613, 's8': 1.3845, 'a2': 4.5062}, 'tpss0' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.3768, 's8': 1.2576, 'a2': 4.5865}, 'tpss' : {'s6': 1.000, 'a1': 0.4535, 's8': 1.9435, 'a2': 4.4752}, } } # Validate arguments dashlvl = dashlvl.lower() if dashlvl not in dashcoeff.keys(): raise ValidationError("""-D correction level %s is not available. Choose among %s.""" % (dashlvl, dashcoeff.keys())) if func is None: if dashparam is None: # defunct case raise ValidationError("""Parameters for -D correction missing. Provide a func or a dashparam kwarg.""") else: # case where all param read from dashparam dict (which must have all correct keys) func = 'custom' dashcoeff[dashlvl][func] = {} dashparam = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in dashparam.iteritems()) for key in dashcoeff[dashlvl]['b3lyp'].keys(): if key in dashparam.keys(): dashcoeff[dashlvl][func][key] = dashparam[key] else: raise ValidationError("""Parameter %s is missing from dashparam dict %s.""" % (key, dashparam)) else: func = func.lower() if func not in dashcoeff[dashlvl].keys(): raise ValidationError("""Functional %s is not available for -D level %s.""" % (func, dashlvl)) if dashparam is None: # (normal) case where all param taken from dashcoeff above pass else: # case where items in dashparam dict can override param taken from dashcoeff above dashparam = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in dashparam.iteritems()) for key in dashcoeff[dashlvl]['b3lyp'].keys(): if key in dashparam.keys(): dashcoeff[dashlvl][func][key] = dashparam[key] # Move ~/.dftd3par.<hostname> out of the way so it won't interfere defaultfile = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.dftd3par.' + socket.gethostname() defmoved = False if os.path.isfile(defaultfile): os.rename(defaultfile, defaultfile + '_hide') defmoved = True # Setup unique scratch directory and move in current_directory = os.getcwd() dftd3_tmpdir = 'dftd3_' + str(random.randint(0, 99999)) if os.path.exists(dftd3_tmpdir) is False: os.mkdir(dftd3_tmpdir) os.chdir(dftd3_tmpdir) # Write dftd3_parameters file that governs dispersion calc paramfile = './dftd3_parameters' pfile = open(paramfile, 'w') if dashlvl == 'd2': # d2: s6 sr6 s8 a2=None alpha6 version=2 pfile.write('%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %6d\n' % (dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['s6'], dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['sr6'], dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['s8'], 0.0, dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['alpha6'], 2)) elif dashlvl == 'd3zero': # d3zero: s6 sr6 s8 a2=None alpha6 version=3 pfile.write('%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %6d\n' % (dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['s6'], dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['sr6'], dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['s8'], 1.0, dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['alpha6'], 3)) elif dashlvl == 'd3bj': # d3bj: s6 a1 s8 a2 alpha6=None version=4 pfile.write('%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %6d\n' % (dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['s6'], dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['a1'], dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['s8'], dashcoeff[dashlvl][func]['a2'], 0.0, 4)) pfile.close() # Write dftd3_geometry file that supplies geometry to dispersion calc geomfile = './' gfile = open(geomfile, 'w') gfile.write(self.save_string_xyz()) gfile.close() # Call dftd3 program try: dashout = subprocess.Popen(['dftd3', geomfile, '-grad'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: raise ValidationError('Program dftd3 not found in path.') out, err = dashout.communicate() if verbosity >= 3: print out # Parse output (could go further and break into E6, E8, E10 and Cn coeff) success = False for line in out.splitlines(): if re.match(' Edisp /kcal,au', line): sline = line.split() dashd = float(sline[3]) if re.match(' normal termination of dftd3', line): success = True if not success: raise ValidationError('Program dftd3 did not complete successfully.') # Parse grad output derivfile = './dftd3_gradient' dfile = open(derivfile, 'r') dashdderiv = [] for at in dfile.readlines(): dashdderiv.append([float(x.replace('D', 'E')) for x in at.split()]) dfile.close() if len(dashdderiv) != self.natom(): raise ValidationError('Program dftd3 gradient file has %d atoms- %d expected.' % \ (len(dashdderiv), self.natom())) # Clean up files and remove scratch directory # os.unlink(paramfile) # os.unlink(geomfile) # os.unlink(derivfile) if defmoved is True: os.rename(defaultfile + '_hide', defaultfile) os.chdir('..') # try: # shutil.rmtree(dftd3_tmpdir) # except OSError as e: # ValidationError('Unable to remove dftd3 temporary directory %s' % e, file=sys.stderr) os.chdir(current_directory) # return -D & d(-D)/dx return dashd, dashdderiv