Notes on Options ================ .. note:: The options referred to in the :ref:`sec:methods` section below and indexed in :ref:`apdx:options_c_module` are placed in ``set`` blocks as described in :ref:`sec:jobControl`, not as arguments to a Python function (like ``energy()``). .. note:: All |PSIfour| keyword names and values are insensitive to case, both those that are placed in ``set`` blocks and as Python function arguments. The few exceptions are documented for the :py:func:`~wrappers.database` function, where case structure must match the database file. .. _`op_c_bool`: .. _`op_c_boolean`: .. note:: Boolean options can be specified by ``yes``, ``on``, ``true``, or ``1`` for affirmative and ``no``, ``off``, ``false``, or ``0`` for negative, all insensitive to case. .. _`op_c_conv`: .. note:: Certain convergence and tolerance keywords, of type *double* (real numbers), may be specified using either a real number or an integer; and integer *X* is then treated as the number of converged decimal digits required. For example, to request as energy converged to :math:`10^{-6} E_h`, the user may set the ``e_convergence`` keyword to 0.000001, 1.0e-6, or 6.