Source code for driver

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2016 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Module with a *procedures* dictionary specifying available quantum
chemical methods and functions driving the main quantum chemical
functionality, namely single-point energies, geometry optimizations,
properties, and vibrational frequency calculations.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import re
import math
import os
import shutil

import psi4

# Import driver helpers
import driver_util
import driver_cbs
import driver_nbody

from procedures import *
import p4util
from p4util.exceptions import *
# never import wrappers or aliases into this file

def _find_derivative_type(ptype, method_name, user_dertype):
    Figures out the derivative type (0, 1, 2) for a given method_name. Will
    first use user default and then the highest available derivative type for
    a given method.

    if ptype not in ['gradient', 'hessian']:
        raise ValidationError("_find_derivative_type: ptype must either be gradient or hessian.")

    dertype = "(auto)"

    # If user type is None, try to find the highest derivative
    if user_dertype is None:
        if (ptype == 'hessian') and (method_name in procedures['hessian']):
            dertype = 2
            # Will need special logic if we ever have managed Hessians
        elif method_name in procedures['gradient']:
            dertype = 1
            if procedures['gradient'][method_name].__name__.startswith('select_'):
                    procedures['gradient'][method_name](method_name, probe=True)
                except ManagedMethodError:
                    dertype = 0
        elif method_name in procedures['energy']:
            dertype = 0
        # Quick sanity check. Only *should* be able to be None or int, but hey, kids today...
        if not isinstance(user_dertype, int):
            raise ValidationError("_find_derivative_type: user_dertype should only be None or int!")
        dertype = user_dertype

    # Summary validation
    if (dertype == 2) and (method_name in procedures['hessian']):
    elif (dertype == 1) and (method_name in procedures['gradient']):
    elif (dertype == 0) and (method_name in procedures['energy']):
        alternatives = ''
        alt_method_name = p4util.text.find_approximate_string_matches(method_name, procedures['energy'].keys(), 2)
        if len(alt_method_name) > 0:
            alternatives = """ Did you mean? %s""" % (' '.join(alt_method_name))

        raise ValidationError("""Derivative method 'name' %s and derivative level 'dertype' %s are not available.%s"""
            % (method_name, str(dertype), alternatives))

    return dertype

[docs]def energy(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to compute the single-point electronic energy. :returns: *float* |w--w| Total electronic energy in Hartrees. SAPT & EFP return interaction energy. :returns: (*float*, :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>`) |w--w| energy and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :PSI variables: .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY <CURRENTENERGY>` * :psivar:`CURRENT REFERENCE ENERGY <CURRENTREFERENCEENERGY>` * :psivar:`CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY <CURRENTCORRELATIONENERGY>` :type name: string :param name: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the system. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>` :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr| Indicate to additionally return the :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>` calculation result as the second element (after *float* energy) of a tuple. :type restart_file: string :param restart_file: ``['file.1, file.32]`` || ``./file`` || etc. Binary data files to be renamed for calculation restart. .. _`table:energy_gen`: +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | calls method | +=========================+===============================================================================================================+ | efp | effective fragment potential (EFP) :ref:`[manual] <sec:libefp>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scf | Hartree--Fock (HF) or density functional theory (DFT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | hf | HF self consistent field (SCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dcft | density cumulant functional theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:dcft>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2 | 2nd-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) :ref:`[manual] <sec:dfmp2>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp2>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp3 | 3rd-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP3) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp3>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-mp3 | MP3 with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2.5 | average of MP2 and MP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp25>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp4(sdq) | 4th-order MP perturbation theory (MP4) less triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnompn>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-mp4(sdq) | MP4 (less triples) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp4 | full MP4 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnompn>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp4>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-mp4 | full MP4 with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp\ *n* | *n*\ th-order Moller--Plesset (MP) perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:arbpt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | zapt\ *n* | *n*\ th-order z-averaged perturbation theory (ZAPT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:arbpt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2 | orbital-optimized second-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp2 | spin-component scaled OMP2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs(n)-omp2 | a special version of SCS-OMP2 for nucleobase interactions :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp2-vdw | a special version of SCS-OMP2 (from ethene dimers) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-omp2 | spin-opposite scaled OMP2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-pi-omp2 | A special version of SOS-OMP2 for pi systems :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp3 | orbital-optimized third-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp3 | spin-component scaled OMP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs(n)-omp3 | a special version of SCS-OMP3 for nucleobase interactions :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp3-vdw | a special version of SCS-OMP3 (from ethene dimers) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-omp3 | spin-opposite scaled OMP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-pi-omp3 | A special version of SOS-OMP3 for pi systems :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2.5 | orbital-optimized MP2.5 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lccsd, cepa(0) | coupled electron pair approximation variant 0 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` :ref:`[details] <tllccsd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-lccsd, fno-cepa(0) | CEPA(0) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cepa(1) | coupled electron pair approximation variant 1 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-cepa(1) | CEPA(1) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cepa(3) | coupled electron pair approximation variant 3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-cepa(3) | CEPA(3) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | acpf | averaged coupled-pair functional :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-acpf | ACPF with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | aqcc | averaged quadratic coupled cluster :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-aqcc | AQCC with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | qcisd | quadratic CI singles doubles (QCISD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-qcisd | QCISD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lccd | Linear CCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tllccd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-lccd | LCCD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | olccd | orbital optimized LCCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cc2 | approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles (CC2) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccd | coupled cluster doubles (CCD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd | coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bccd | Brueckner coupled cluster doubles (BCCD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-ccsd | CCSD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | qcisd(t) | QCISD with perturbative triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-qcisd(t) | QCISD(T) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd(t) | CCSD with perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsdt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd(at) | CCSD with asymmetric perturbative triples (CCSD(AT)) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsdat>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bccd(t) | BCCD with perturbative triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-ccsd(t) | CCSD(T) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cc3 | approximate CC singles, doubles, and triples (CC3) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccenergy | **expert** full control over ccenergy module | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dfocc | **expert** full control over dfocc module | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisd | configuration interaction (CI) singles and doubles (CISD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` :ref:`[details] <tlcisd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-cisd | CISD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisdt | CI singles, doubles, and triples (CISDT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisdtq | CI singles, doubles, triples, and quadruples (CISDTQ) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ci\ *n* | *n*\ th-order CI :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fci | full configuration interaction (FCI) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | detci | **expert** full control over detci module | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | casscf | complete active space self consistent field (CASSCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | rasscf | restricted active space self consistent field (RASSCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mcscf | multiconfigurational self consistent field (SCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:psimrcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | psimrcc | Mukherjee multireference coupled cluster (Mk-MRCC) :ref:`[manual] <sec:psimrcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dmrg-scf | density matrix renormalization group SCF :ref:`[manual] <sec:dmrg>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dmrg-caspt2 | density matrix renormalization group CASPT2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:dmrg>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dmrg-ci | density matrix renormalization group CI :ref:`[manual] <sec:dmrg>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt0 | 0th-order symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ssapt0 | 0th-order SAPT with special exchange scaling :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2 | 2nd-order SAPT, traditional definition :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+ | SAPT including all 2nd-order terms :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3) | SAPT including perturbative triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3 | SAPT including all 3rd-order terms :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(ccd) | SAPT2+ with CC-based dispersion :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)(ccd) | SAPT2+(3) with CC-based dispersion :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3(ccd) | SAPT2+3 with CC-based dispersion :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+dmp2 | SAPT including all 2nd-order terms and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)dmp2 | SAPT including perturbative triples and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3dmp2 | SAPT including all 3rd-order terms and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(ccd)dmp2 | SAPT2+ with CC-based dispersion and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)(ccd)dmp2 | SAPT2+(3) with CC-based dispersion and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3(ccd)dmp2 | SAPT2+3 with CC-based dispersion and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt0-ct | 0th-order SAPT plus charge transfer (CT) calculation :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2-ct | SAPT2 plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+-ct | SAPT2+ plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)-ct | SAPT2+(3) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3-ct | SAPT2+3 plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(ccd)-ct | SAPT2+(CCD) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)(ccd)-ct | SAPT2+(3)(CCD) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3(ccd)-ct | SAPT2+3(CCD) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | adc | 2nd-order algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC) :ref:`[manual] <sec:adc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-cc2 | EOM-CC2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-ccsd | equation of motion (EOM) CCSD :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-cc3 | EOM-CC3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. comment missing and why .. comment a certain isapt --- marginally released .. comment mrcc --- this is handled in its own table .. comment psimrcc_scf --- convenience fn .. include:: autodoc_dft_energy.rst .. include:: mrcc_table_energy.rst .. include:: cfour_table_energy.rst :examples: >>> # [1] Coupled-cluster singles and doubles calculation with psi code >>> energy('ccsd') >>> # [2] Charge-transfer SAPT calculation with scf projection from small into >>> # requested basis, with specified projection fitting basis >>> set basis_guess true >>> set df_basis_guess jun-cc-pVDZ-JKFIT >>> energy('sapt0-ct') >>> # [3] Arbitrary-order MPn calculation >>> energy('mp7') >>> # [4] Converge scf as singlet, then run detci as triplet upon singlet reference >>> # Note that the integral transformation is not done automatically when detci is run in a separate step. >>> molecule H2 {\n0 1\nH\nH 1 0.74\n} >>> set global basis cc-pVDZ >>> set global reference rohf >>> scf_e, scf_wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn = True) >>> H2.set_multiplicity(3) >>> psi4.MintsHelper(scf_wfn.basisset()).integrals() >>> energy('detci', ref_wfn=scf_wfn) >>> # [5] Run two CI calculations, keeping the integrals generated in the first one. >>> molecule ne {\nNe\n} >>> set globals basis cc-pVDZ >>> cisd_e, cisd_wfn = energy('cisd', return_wfn = True) >>> energy('fci', ref_wfn=cisd_wfn) >>> # [6] Can automatically perform complete basis set extrapolations >>> energy("MP2/cc-pV[DT]Z") """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce if name is function if hasattr(name, '__call__'): return name(energy, kwargs.pop('label', 'custom function'), ptype='energy', **kwargs) # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername = name.lower() lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level # Bounce to CP if bsse kwarg if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: return driver_nbody._nbody_gufunc(energy, name, ptype='energy', **kwargs) # Bounce to CBS if "method/basis" name if "/" in lowername: return driver_cbs._cbs_gufunc(energy, name, ptype='energy', **kwargs) # Commit to procedures['energy'] call hereafter return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) psi4.clean_variables() # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', psi4.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() for precallback in hooks['energy']['pre']: precallback(lowername, **kwargs) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 6, 8, 6, 8, 6) # Before invoking the procedure, we rename any file that should be read. # This is a workaround to do restarts with the current PSI4 capabilities # before actual, clean restarts are put in there # Restartfile is always converted to a single-element list if # it contains a single string if 'restart_file' in kwargs: restartfile = kwargs['restart_file'] # Option still available for procedure-specific action if restartfile != list(restartfile): restartfile = [restartfile] # Rename the files to be read to be consistent with psi4's file system for item in restartfile: name_split = re.split(r'\.', item) filenum = name_split[len(name_split) - 1] try: filenum = int(filenum) except ValueError: filenum = 32 # Default file number is the checkpoint one psioh = psi4.IOManager.shared_object() psio = psi4.IO.shared_object() filepath = psioh.get_file_path(filenum) namespace = psio.get_default_namespace() pid = str(os.getpid()) prefix = 'psi' targetfile = filepath + prefix + '.' + pid + '.' + namespace + '.' + str(filenum) shutil.copy(item, targetfile) wfn = procedures['energy'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) for postcallback in hooks['energy']['post']: postcallback(lowername, wfn=wfn, **kwargs) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: # TODO current energy safer than for now, but should be revisited # TODO place this with the associated call, very awkward to call this in other areas at the moment if lowername in ['efp', 'mrcc', 'dmrg', 'psimrcc']: psi4.print_out("\n\nWarning! %s does not have an associated derived wavefunction." % name) psi4.print_out("The returned wavefunction is the incoming reference wavefunction.\n\n") elif 'sapt' in lowername: psi4.print_out("\n\nWarning! %s does not have an associated derived wavefunction." % name) psi4.print_out("The returned wavefunction is the dimer SCF wavefunction.\n\n") return (psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), wfn) else: return psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')
[docs]def gradient(name, **kwargs): r"""Function complementary to :py:func:~driver.optimize(). Carries out one gradient pass, deciding analytic or finite difference. :returns: :ref:`Matrix<sec:psimod_Matrix>` |w--w| Total electronic gradient in Hartrees/Bohr. :returns: (:ref:`Matrix<sec:psimod_Matrix>`, :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>`) |w--w| gradient and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :examples: >>> # [1] Single-point dft gradient getting the gradient >>> # in file, psi4.Matrix, and np.array forms >>> set gradient_write on >>> G, wfn = gradient('b3lyp-d', return_wfn=True) >>> wfn.gradient().print_out() >>> np.array(G) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce to CP if bsse kwarg (someday) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValidationError("Gradient: Cannot specify bsse_type for gradient yet.") # Figure out what kind of gradient this is if hasattr(name, '__call__'): if name.__name__ in ['cbs', 'complete_basis_set']: gradient_type = 'cbs_wrapper' else: # Bounce to name if name is non-CBS function gradient_type = 'custom_function' elif '/' in name: gradient_type = 'cbs_gufunc' else: gradient_type = 'conventional' # Figure out lowername, dertype, and func # If we have analytical gradients we want to pass to our wrappers, otherwise we want to run # finite-diference energy or cbs energies # TODO MP5/cc-pv[DT]Z behavior unkown due to "levels" user_dertype = kwargs.pop('dertype', None) if gradient_type == 'custom_function': if user_dertype is None: dertype = 0 psi4.print_out("\nGradient: Custom function passed in without a defined dertype, assuming fd-energy based gradient.\n") else: psi4.print_out("\nGradient: Custom function passed in with a dertype of %d\n" % user_dertype) dertype = user_dertype if dertype == 1: return name(gradient, kwargs.pop('label', 'custom function'), ptype='gradient', **kwargs) else: optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', 'scf', 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) lowername = name elif gradient_type == 'cbs_wrapper': cbs_methods = driver_cbs._cbs_wrapper_methods(**kwargs) dertype = min([_find_derivative_type('gradient', method, user_dertype) for method in cbs_methods]) if dertype == 1: # Bounce to CBS (directly) in pure-gradient mode if name is CBS and all parts have analytic grad. avail. return name(gradient, kwargs.pop('label', 'custom function'), ptype='gradient', **kwargs) else: optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', cbs_methods[0], 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) lowername = name # Pass through to G by E elif gradient_type == 'cbs_gufunc': cbs_methods = driver_cbs._parse_cbs_gufunc_string(name.lower())[0] dertype = min([_find_derivative_type('gradient', method, user_dertype) for method in cbs_methods]) lowername = name.lower() if dertype == 1: # Bounce to CBS in pure-gradient mode if "method/basis" name and all parts have analytic grad. avail. return driver_cbs._cbs_gufunc(gradient, name, ptype='gradient', **kwargs) else: # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', cbs_methods[0], 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) else: # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername = name.lower() lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level # Prevent methods that do not have associated gradients if lowername in energy_only_methods: raise ValidationError("gradient('%s') does not have an associated gradient" % name) dertype = _find_derivative_type('gradient', lowername, user_dertype) # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) # Commit to procedures[] call hereafter return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) psi4.clean_variables() # no analytic derivatives for scf_type cd if psi4.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'CD': if (dertype == 1): raise ValidationError("""No analytic derivatives for SCF_TYPE CD.""") # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', psi4.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # S/R: Mode of operation- whether finite difference opt run in one job or files farmed out opt_mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'continuous').lower() if opt_mode == 'continuous': pass elif opt_mode == 'sow': if dertype == 1: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode 'sow' not valid for analytic gradient calculation.""") elif opt_mode == 'reap': opt_linkage = kwargs.get('linkage', None) if opt_linkage is None: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode 'reap' requires a linkage option.""") else: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (opt_mode)) # Does dertype indicate an analytic procedure both exists and is wanted? if dertype == 1: psi4.print_out("""gradient() will perform analytic gradient computation.\n""") # Perform the gradient calculation wfn = procedures['gradient'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.gradient(), wfn) else: return wfn.gradient() else: psi4.print_out("""gradient() will perform gradient computation by finite difference of analytic energies.\n""") opt_iter = kwargs.get('opt_iter', 1) if opt_iter is True: opt_iter = 1 if opt_iter == 1: print('Performing finite difference calculations') # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() # Obtain list of displacements displacements = psi4.fd_geoms_1_0(moleculeclone) ndisp = len(displacements) # This version is pretty dependent on the reference geometry being last (as it is now) print(""" %d displacements needed ...""" % (ndisp), end='') energies = [] # S/R: Write instructions for sow/reap procedure to output file and reap input file if opt_mode == 'sow': instructionsO = """\n The optimization sow/reap procedure has been selected through mode='sow'. In addition\n""" instructionsO += """ to this output file (which contains no quantum chemical calculations), this job\n""" instructionsO += """ has produced a number of input files (OPT-%s-*.in) for individual components\n""" % (str(opt_iter)) instructionsO += """ and a single input file ( with an optimize(mode='reap') command.\n""" instructionsO += """ These files may look very peculiar since they contain processed and pickled python\n""" instructionsO += """ rather than normal input. Follow the instructions in to continue.\n\n""" instructionsO += """ Alternatively, a single-job execution of the gradient may be accessed through\n""" instructionsO += """ the optimization wrapper option mode='continuous'.\n\n""" psi4.print_out(instructionsO) instructionsM = """\n# Follow the instructions below to carry out this optimization cycle.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# (1) Run all of the OPT-%s-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture.\n""" % (str(opt_iter)) instructionsM += """# The output file names must be as given below.\n#\n""" for rgt in range(ndisp): pre = 'OPT-' + str(opt_iter) + '-' + str(rgt + 1) instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n""" % (pre + '.in', pre + '.out') instructionsM += """#\n# (2) Gather all the resulting output files in a directory. Place input file\n""" instructionsM += """# into that directory and run it. The job will be minimal in\n""" instructionsM += """# length and give summary results for the gradient step in its output file.\n#\n""" if opt_iter == 1: instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n""" % ('', 'OPT-master.out') else: instructionsM += """# psi4 -a -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n""" % ('', 'OPT-master.out') instructionsM += """# After each optimization iteration, the file is overwritten so return here\n""" instructionsM += """# for new instructions. With the use of the psi4 -a flag, OPT-master.out is not\n""" instructionsM += """# overwritten and so maintains a history of the job. To use the (binary) optimizer\n""" instructionsM += """# data file to accelerate convergence, the OPT-master jobs must run on the same computer.\n\n""" with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_options_for_input().encode('utf-8')) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(fmaster, lmode=2, return_wfn=True, dertype=dertype, **kwargs) fmaster.write(("""retE, retwfn = optimize('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (lowername)).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(instructionsM.encode('utf-8')) for n, displacement in enumerate(displacements): rfile = 'OPT-%s-%s' % (opt_iter, n + 1) # Build string of title banner banners = '' banners += """psi4.print_out('\\n')\n""" banners += """p4util.banner(' Gradient %d Computation: Displacement %d ')\n""" % (opt_iter, n + 1) banners += """psi4.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" if opt_mode == 'continuous': # print progress to file and screen psi4.print_out('\n') p4util.banner('Loading displacement %d of %d' % (n + 1, ndisp)) print(""" %d""" % (n + 1), end=('\n' if (n + 1 == ndisp) else '')) sys.stdout.flush() # Load in displacement into the active molecule moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # Perform the energy calculation E, wfn = energy(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=moleculeclone, **kwargs) energies.append(psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')) # S/R: Write each displaced geometry to an input file elif opt_mode == 'sow': moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # S/R: Prepare molecule, options, and kwargs with open('' % (rfile), 'wb') as freagent: freagent.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_options_for_input().encode('utf-8')) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(freagent, **kwargs) # S/R: Prepare function call and energy save freagent.write(("""electronic_energy = energy('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (lowername)).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(("""psi4.print_out('\\nGRADIENT RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write("""yields electronic energy %20.12f\\n' % (electronic_energy))\n\n""".encode('utf-8')) # S/R: Read energy from each displaced geometry output file and save in energies array elif opt_mode == 'reap': exec(banners) psi4.set_variable('NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY', moleculeclone.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) energies.append(p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'GRADIENT', n, opt_linkage, True)) # S/R: Quit sow after writing files. Initialize skeleton wfn to receive grad for reap if opt_mode == 'sow': optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (None, None) # any point to building a dummy wfn here? else: return None elif opt_mode == 'reap': psi4.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) wfn = psi4.new_wavefunction(molecule, psi4.get_global_option('BASIS')) # Compute the gradient; last item in 'energies' is undisplaced psi4.set_local_option('FINDIF', 'GRADIENT_WRITE', True) G = psi4.fd_1_0(molecule, energies) G.print_out() wfn.set_gradient(G) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.gradient(), wfn) else: return wfn.gradient()
[docs]def property(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to compute various properties. :aliases: prop() :returns: none. .. caution:: Some features are not yet implemented. Buy a developer a coffee. - This function at present has a limited functionality. Consult the keywords sections of other modules for further property capabilities. +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Calls Method | Reference | Supported Properties | +====================+===============================================+================+===============================================================+ | scf | Self-consistent field method(s) | RHF/ROHF/UHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>` | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | hf | HF Self-consistent field method(s) | RHF/ROHF/UHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>` | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2 | MP2 with density fitting only (mp2_type df) | RHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>` | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | cc2 | 2nd-order approximate CCSD | RHF | dipole, quadrupole, polarizability, rotation, roa_tensor | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd | Coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) | RHF | dipole, quadrupole, polarizability, rotation, roa_tensor | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-cc2 | 2nd-order approximate EOM-CCSD | RHF | oscillator_strength, rotational_strength | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-ccsd | Equation-of-motion CCSD (EOM-CCSD) | RHF | oscillator_strength, rotational_strength | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisd, cisdt, | Configuration interaction | RHF/ROHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>`, transition_dipole, | | cisdt, cisdtq, | | | transition_quadrupole | | ci5, ..., fci | | | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | casscf, rasscf | Multi-configurational SCF | RHF/ROHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>`, transition_dipole, | | | | | transition_quadrupole | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ :type name: string :param name: ``'ccsd'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the system. :type properties: array of strings :param properties: |dl| ``[]`` |dr| || ``['rotation', 'polarizability', 'oscillator_strength', 'roa']`` || etc. Indicates which properties should be computed. Defaults to dipole and quadrupole. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :examples: >>> # [1] Optical rotation calculation >>> property('cc2', properties=['rotation']) """ lowername = name.lower() kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', psi4.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level properties = kwargs.get('properties', ['dipole', 'quadrupole']) kwargs['properties'] = p4util.drop_duplicates(properties) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('property', lowername, 6, 10, 6, 10, 8) wfn = procedures['property'][lowername](lowername, **kwargs) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), wfn) else: return psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')
[docs]def optimize(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to perform a geometry optimization. :aliases: opt() :returns: *float* |w--w| Total electronic energy of optimized structure in Hartrees. :returns: (*float*, :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>`) |w--w| energy and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :PSI variables: .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY <CURRENTENERGY>` :type name: string :param name: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the database. May be any valid argument to :py:func:``. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>` :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr| Indicate to additionally return the :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>` calculation result as the second element (after *float* energy) of a tuple. :type func: :ref:`function <op_py_function>` :param func: |dl| ``gradient`` |dr| || ``energy`` || ``cbs`` Indicates the type of calculation to be performed on the molecule. The default dertype accesses ``'gradient'`` or ``'energy'``, while ``'cbs'`` performs a multistage finite difference calculation. If a nested series of python functions is intended (see :ref:`sec:intercalls`), use keyword ``opt_func`` instead of ``func``. :type mode: string :param mode: |dl| ``'continuous'`` |dr| || ``'sow'`` || ``'reap'`` For a finite difference of energies optimization, indicates whether the calculations required to complete the optimization are to be run in one file (``'continuous'``) or are to be farmed out in an embarrassingly parallel fashion (``'sow'``/``'reap'``). For the latter, run an initial job with ``'sow'`` and follow instructions in its output file. For maximum flexibility, ``return_wfn`` is always on in ``'reap'`` mode. :type dertype: :ref:`dertype <op_py_dertype>` :param dertype: ``'gradient'`` || ``'energy'`` Indicates whether analytic (if available) or finite difference optimization is to be performed. :type hessian_with: string :param hessian_with: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || etc. Indicates the computational method with which to perform a hessian analysis to guide the geometry optimization. .. warning:: Optimizations where the molecule is specified in Z-matrix format with dummy atoms will result in the geometry being converted to a Cartesian representation. .. note:: Analytic gradients area available for all methods in the table below. Optimizations with other methods in the energy table proceed by finite differences. .. _`table:grad_gen`: +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | calls method | +=========================+===============================================================================================================+ | efp | efp-only optimizations | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scf | Hartree--Fock (HF) or density functional theory (DFT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | hf | HF self consistent field (SCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dcft | density cumulant functional theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:dcft>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2 | 2nd-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) :ref:`[manual] <sec:dfmp2>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp2>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp3 | 3rd-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP3) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp3>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2.5 | average of MP2 and MP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp25>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2 | orbital-optimized second-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp3 | orbital-optimized third-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2.5 | orbital-optimized MP2.5 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lccd | Linear CCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tllccd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | olccd | orbital optimized LCCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccd | coupled cluster doubles (CCD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd | coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd(t) | CCSD with perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsdt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-ccsd | equation of motion (EOM) CCSD :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _`table:grad_scf`: .. include:: autodoc_dft_opt.rst .. include:: cfour_table_grad.rst :examples: >>> # [1] Analytic hf optimization >>> optimize('hf') >>> # [2] Finite difference mp5 optimization with gradient >>> # printed to output file >>> e, wfn = opt('mp5', return_wfn='yes') >>> wfn.gradient().print_out() >>> # [3] Forced finite difference hf optimization run in >>> # embarrassingly parallel fashion >>> optimize('hf', dertype='energy', mode='sow') """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) if hasattr(name, '__call__'): lowername = name custom_gradient = True else: lowername = name.lower() custom_gradient = False return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) # For CBS wrapper, need to set retention on INTCO file if custom_gradient or ('/' in lowername): psi4.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValidationError("Optimize: Does not currently support 'bsse_type' arguements") full_hess_every = psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'FULL_HESS_EVERY') steps_since_last_hessian = 0 if custom_gradient and psi4.has_option_changed('OPTKING', 'FULL_HESS_EVERY'): raise ValidationError("Optimize: Does not support custom Hessian's yet.") else: hessian_with_method = kwargs.get('hessian_with', lowername) # are we in sow/reap mode? opt_mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'continuous').lower() if opt_mode not in ['continuous', 'sow', 'reap']: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (opt_mode)) optstash = p4util.OptionsState( ['OPTKING', 'INTRAFRAG_STEP_LIMIT'], ['FINDIF', 'HESSIAN_WRITE'], ['OPTKING', 'CART_HESS_READ'], ['SCF', 'GUESS_PERSIST'], # handle on behalf of cbs() ['SCF', 'GUESS']) n = kwargs.get('opt_iter', 1) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', psi4.get_active_molecule()) # If we are feezing cartesian, do not orient or COM if psi4.get_local_option("OPTKING", "FROZEN_CARTESIAN"): molecule.fix_orientation(True) molecule.fix_com(True) molecule.update_geometry() # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() initial_sym = moleculeclone.schoenflies_symbol() while n <= psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'GEOM_MAXITER'): current_sym = moleculeclone.schoenflies_symbol() if initial_sym != current_sym: raise ValidationError("""Point group changed! (%s <-- %s) You should restart """ """using the last geometry in the output, after """ """carefully making sure all symmetry-dependent """ """input, such as DOCC, is correct.""" % (current_sym, initial_sym)) kwargs['opt_iter'] = n # Use orbitals from previous iteration as a guess # set within loop so that can be influenced by fns to optimize (e.g., cbs) if (n > 1) and (opt_mode == 'continuous') and (not psi4.get_option('SCF', 'GUESS_PERSIST')): psi4.set_local_option('SCF', 'GUESS', 'READ') # Before computing gradient, save previous molecule and wavefunction if this is an IRC optimization if (n > 1) and (psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'OPT_TYPE') == 'IRC'): old_thisenergy = psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') # Compute the gradient G, wfn = gradient(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=moleculeclone, **kwargs) thisenergy = psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') # above, used to be getting energy as last of energy list from gradient() # thisenergy below should ultimately be testing on # S/R: Quit after getting new displacements or if forming gradient fails if opt_mode == 'sow': return (0.0, None) elif opt_mode == 'reap' and thisenergy == 0.0: return (0.0, None) psi4.set_gradient(G) # S/R: Move opt data file from last pass into namespace for this pass if opt_mode == 'reap' and n != 0: psi4.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) psi4.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_path(1, './') if 'opt_datafile' in kwargs: restartfile = kwargs.pop('opt_datafile') #if == 0: TODO ask Ryan shutil.copy(restartfile, p4util.get_psifile(1)) # opt_func = kwargs.get('opt_func', kwargs.get('func', energy)) # if opt_func.__name__ == 'complete_basis_set': # psi4.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) if full_hess_every > -1: psi4.set_global_option('HESSIAN_WRITE', True) # compute Hessian as requested; frequency wipes out gradient so stash it if ((full_hess_every > -1) and (n == 1)) or (steps_since_last_hessian + 1 == full_hess_every): G = psi4.get_gradient() # TODO psi4.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) psi4.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_path(1, './') frequencies(hessian_with_method, **kwargs) steps_since_last_hessian = 0 psi4.set_gradient(G) psi4.set_global_option('CART_HESS_READ', True) elif (full_hess_every == -1) and psi4.get_global_option('CART_HESS_READ') and (n == 1): pass # Do nothing; user said to read existing hessian once else: psi4.set_global_option('CART_HESS_READ', False) steps_since_last_hessian += 1 # Take step. communicate to/from/within optking through legacy_molecule psi4.set_legacy_molecule(moleculeclone) optking_rval = psi4.optking() moleculeclone = psi4.get_legacy_molecule() moleculeclone.update_geometry() if optking_rval == psi4.PsiReturnType.EndLoop: # if this is the end of an IRC run, set wfn, energy, and molecule to that # of the last optimized IRC point if psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'OPT_TYPE') == 'IRC': thisenergy = old_thisenergy print('Optimizer: Optimization complete!') psi4.print_out('\n Final optimized geometry and variables:\n') moleculeclone.print_in_input_format() # Check if user wants to see the intcos; if so, don't delete them. if psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'INTCOS_GENERATE_EXIT') == False: if psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'KEEP_INTCOS') == False: psi4.opt_clean() # Changing environment to optimized geometry as expected by user molecule.set_geometry(moleculeclone.geometry()) for postcallback in hooks['optimize']['post']: postcallback(lowername, wfn=wfn, **kwargs) psi4.clean() # S/R: Clean up opt input file if opt_mode == 'reap': with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write('# Optimization complete!\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) # Cleanup binary file 1 if custom_gradient or ('/' in lowername): psi4.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, False) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (thisenergy, wfn) else: return thisenergy elif optking_rval == psi4.PsiReturnType.Failure: print('Optimizer: Optimization failed!') if (psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'KEEP_INTCOS') == False): psi4.opt_clean() molecule.set_geometry(moleculeclone.geometry()) psi4.clean() optstash.restore() return thisenergy psi4.print_out('\n Structure for next step:\n') moleculeclone.print_in_input_format() # S/R: Preserve opt data file for next pass and switch modes to get new displacements if opt_mode == 'reap': kwargs['opt_datafile'] = p4util.get_psifile(1) kwargs['mode'] = 'sow' n += 1 psi4.print_out('\tOptimizer: Did not converge!') if psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'INTCOS_GENERATE_EXIT') == False: if psi4.get_option('OPTKING', 'KEEP_INTCOS') == False: psi4.opt_clean() optstash.restore()
[docs]def hessian(name, **kwargs): r"""Function complementary to :py:func:`~frequency`. Computes force constants, deciding analytic, finite difference of gradients, or finite difference of energies. :returns: :ref:`Matrix<sec:psimod_Matrix>` |w--w| Total non-mass-weighted electronic Hessian in Hartrees/Bohr/Bohr. :returns: (:ref:`Matrix<sec:psimod_Matrix>`, :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>`) |w--w| Hessian and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :examples: >>> # [1] Frequency calculation without thermochemical analysis >>> hessian('mp3') >>> # [2] Frequency calc w/o thermo analysis getting the Hessian >>> # in file, psi4.Matrix, and np.array forms >>> set hessian_write on >>> H, wfn = hessian('ccsd', return_wfn=True) >>> wfn.hessian().print_out() >>> np.array(H) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce to CP if bsse kwarg (someday) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValidationError("Hessian: Cannot specify bsse_type for hessian yet.") # Figure out what kind of gradient this is if hasattr(name, '__call__'): if name.__name__ in ['cbs', 'complete_basis_set']: gradient_type = 'cbs_wrapper' else: # Bounce to name if name is non-CBS function gradient_type = 'custom_function' elif '/' in name: gradient_type = 'cbs_gufunc' else: gradient_type = 'conventional' if gradient_type != 'conventional': raise ValidationError("Hessian: Does not yet support more advanced input or custom functions.") lowername = name.lower() # Check if this is a CBS extrapolation if "/" in lowername: return driver_cbs._cbs_gufunc('hessian', lowername, **kwargs) return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) psi4.clean_variables() dertype = 2 # Prevent methods that do not have associated energies if lowername in energy_only_methods: raise ValidationError("hessian('%s') does not have an associated hessian" % name) optstash = p4util.OptionsState( ['FINDIF', 'HESSIAN_WRITE'], ) # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level dertype = _find_derivative_type('hessian', lowername, kwargs.pop('freq_dertype', kwargs.pop('dertype', None))) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', psi4.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # S/R: Mode of operation- whether finite difference freq run in one job or files farmed out freq_mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'continuous').lower() if freq_mode == 'continuous': pass elif freq_mode == 'sow': if dertype == 2: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode 'sow' not valid for analytic Hessian calculation.""") elif freq_mode == 'reap': freq_linkage = kwargs.get('linkage', None) if freq_linkage is None: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode 'reap' requires a linkage option.""") else: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (freq_mode)) # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash_conv = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) # Select certain irreps irrep = kwargs.get('irrep', -1) if irrep == -1: pass # do all irreps else: irrep = driver_util.parse_cotton_irreps(irrep, molecule.schoenflies_symbol()) irrep -= 1 # A1 irrep is externally 1, internally 0 # Does an analytic procedure exist for the requested method? if dertype == 2: psi4.print_out("""hessian() will perform analytic frequency computation.\n""") # We have the desired method. Do it. wfn = procedures['hessian'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() # TODO: check that current energy's being set to the right figure when this code is actually used psi4.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', if return_wfn: return (wfn.hessian(), wfn) else: return wfn.hessian() elif dertype == 1: psi4.print_out("""hessian() will perform frequency computation by finite difference of analytic gradients.\n""") # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() # Obtain list of displacements displacements = psi4.fd_geoms_freq_1(moleculeclone, irrep) moleculeclone.reinterpret_coordentry(False) moleculeclone.fix_orientation(True) # Record undisplaced symmetry for projection of diplaced point groups psi4.set_parent_symmetry(molecule.schoenflies_symbol()) ndisp = len(displacements) print(""" %d displacements needed.""" % ndisp) gradients = [] energies = [] # S/R: Write instructions for sow/reap procedure to output file and reap input file if freq_mode == 'sow': instructionsO = """\n# The frequency sow/reap procedure has been selected through mode='sow'. In addition\n""" instructionsO += """# to this output file (which contains no quantum chemical calculations), this job\n""" instructionsO += """# has produced a number of input files (FREQ-*.in) for individual components\n""" instructionsO += """# and a single input file ( with a frequency(mode='reap') command.\n""" instructionsO += """# These files may look very peculiar since they contain processed and pickled python\n""" instructionsO += """# rather than normal input. Follow the instructions below (repeated in\n""" instructionsO += """# to continue.\n#\n""" instructionsO += """# Alternatively, a single-job execution of the hessian may be accessed through\n""" instructionsO += """# the frequency wrapper option mode='continuous'.\n#\n""" psi4.print_out(instructionsO) instructionsM = """\n# Follow the instructions below to carry out this frequency computation.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# (1) Run all of the FREQ-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture.\n""" instructionsM += """# The output file names must be as given below (these are the defaults when executed\n""" instructionsM += """# as `psi4`, etc.).\n#\n""" for rgt in range(ndisp): pre = 'FREQ-' + str(rgt + 1) instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n""" % (pre + '.in', pre + '.out') instructionsM += """#\n# (2) Gather all the resulting output files in a directory. Place input file\n""" instructionsM += """# into that directory and run it. The job will be minimal in\n""" instructionsM += """# length and give summary results for the frequency computation in its output file.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n\n""" % ('', 'FREQ-master.out') with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the hessian() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs)) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(fmaster, lmode=2, return_wfn=True, freq_dertype=1, **kwargs) fmaster.write(("""retE, retwfn = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (frequency.__name__, lowername)).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(instructionsM.encode('utf-8')) psi4.print_out(instructionsM) for n, displacement in enumerate(displacements): rfile = 'FREQ-%s' % (n + 1) # Build string of title banner banners = '' banners += """psi4.print_out('\\n')\n""" banners += """p4util.banner(' Hessian Computation: Gradient Displacement %d ')\n""" % (n + 1) banners += """psi4.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" if freq_mode == 'continuous': # print progress to file and screen psi4.print_out('\n') p4util.banner('Loading displacement %d of %d' % (n + 1, ndisp)) print(""" %d""" % (n + 1), end=('\n' if (n + 1 == ndisp) else '')) sys.stdout.flush() # Load in displacement into the active molecule (xyz coordinates only) moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # Perform the gradient calculation G, wfn = gradient(lowername, molecule=moleculeclone, return_wfn=True, **kwargs) gradients.append(wfn.gradient()) energies.append(psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')) # clean may be necessary when changing irreps of displacements psi4.clean() # S/R: Write each displaced geometry to an input file elif freq_mode == 'sow': moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # S/R: Prepare molecule, options, kwargs, function call and energy save # forcexyz in molecule writer S/R enforcement of !reinterpret_coordentry above with open('' % (rfile), 'wb') as freagent: freagent.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the hessian() wrapper.\n\n') freagent.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone, forcexyz=True).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs).encode('utf-8')) kwargs['return_wfn'] = True p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(freagent, **kwargs) freagent.write("""G, wfn = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (gradient.__name__, lowername)) freagent.write("""psi4.print_out('\\nHESSIAN RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)) freagent.write("""yields electronic gradient %r\\n' % (p4util.mat2arr(wfn.gradient())))\n\n""") freagent.write("""psi4.print_out('\\nHESSIAN RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)) freagent.write("""yields electronic energy %20.12f\\n' % (get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')))\n\n""") # S/R: Read energy from each displaced geometry output file and save in energies array elif freq_mode == 'reap': exec(banners) psi4.set_variable('NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY', moleculeclone.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) pygrad = p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'HESSIAN', n, freq_linkage, True, label='electronic gradient') p4mat = psi4.Matrix(moleculeclone.natom(), 3) p4mat.set(pygrad) p4mat.print_out() gradients.append(p4mat) energies.append(p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'HESSIAN', n, freq_linkage, True)) # S/R: Quit sow after writing files. Initialize skeleton wfn to receive grad for reap if freq_mode == 'sow': optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (None, None) else: return None elif freq_mode == 'reap': wfn = psi4.new_wavefunction(molecule, psi4.get_global_option('BASIS')) # Assemble Hessian from gradients # Final disp is undisp, so wfn has mol, G, H general to freq calc H = psi4.fd_freq_1(molecule, gradients, irrep) # TODO or moleculeclone? wfn.set_hessian(H) wfn.set_frequencies(psi4.get_frequencies()) # The last item in the list is the reference energy, return it psi4.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) psi4.set_parent_symmetry('') optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.hessian(), wfn) else: return wfn.hessian() else: psi4.print_out("""hessian() will perform frequency computation by finite difference of analytic energies.\n""") # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() optstash_conv = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10) # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() # Obtain list of displacements displacements = psi4.fd_geoms_freq_0(moleculeclone, irrep) moleculeclone.fix_orientation(True) moleculeclone.reinterpret_coordentry(False) # Record undisplaced symmetry for projection of diplaced point groups psi4.set_parent_symmetry(molecule.schoenflies_symbol()) ndisp = len(displacements) # This version is pretty dependent on the reference geometry being last (as it is now) print(' %d displacements needed.' % ndisp) energies = [] # S/R: Write instructions for sow/reap procedure to output file and reap input file if freq_mode == 'sow': instructionsO = """\n# The frequency sow/reap procedure has been selected through mode='sow'. In addition\n""" instructionsO += """# to this output file (which contains no quantum chemical calculations), this job\n""" instructionsO += """# has produced a number of input files (FREQ-*.in) for individual components\n""" instructionsO += """# and a single input file ( with a frequency(mode='reap') command.\n""" instructionsO += """# These files may look very peculiar since they contain processed and pickled python\n""" instructionsO += """# rather than normal input. Follow the instructions below (repeated in\n""" instructionsO += """# to continue.\n#\n""" instructionsO += """# Alternatively, a single-job execution of the hessian may be accessed through\n""" instructionsO += """# the frequency wrapper option mode='continuous'.\n#\n""" psi4.print_out(instructionsO) instructionsM = """\n# Follow the instructions below to carry out this frequency computation.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# (1) Run all of the FREQ-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture.\n""" instructionsM += """# The output file names must be as given below (these are the defaults when executed\n""" instructionsM += """# as `psi4`, etc.).\n#\n""" for rgt in range(ndisp): pre = 'FREQ-' + str(rgt + 1) instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n""" % (pre + '.in', pre + '.out') instructionsM += """#\n# (2) Gather all the resulting output files in a directory. Place input file\n""" instructionsM += """# into that directory and run it. The job will be minimal in\n""" instructionsM += """# length and give summary results for the frequency computation in its output file.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n\n""" % ('', 'FREQ-master.out') with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the hessian() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs)) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(fmaster, lmode=2, return_wfn=True, freq_dertype=0, **kwargs) fmaster.write(("""retE, retwfn = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (frequency.__name__, lowername)).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(instructionsM.encode('utf-8')) psi4.print_out(instructionsM) for n, displacement in enumerate(displacements): rfile = 'FREQ-%s' % (n + 1) # Build string of title banner banners = '' banners += """psi4.print_out('\\n')\n""" banners += """p4util.banner(' Hessian Computation: Energy Displacement %d ')\n""" % (n + 1) banners += """psi4.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" if freq_mode == 'continuous': # print progress to file and screen psi4.print_out('\n') p4util.banner('Loading displacement %d of %d' % (n + 1, ndisp)) print(""" %d""" % (n + 1), end=('\n' if (n + 1 == ndisp) else '')) sys.stdout.flush() # Load in displacement into the active molecule moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # Perform the energy calculation E, wfn = energy(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=moleculeclone, **kwargs) energies.append(psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')) # clean may be necessary when changing irreps of displacements psi4.clean() # S/R: Write each displaced geometry to an input file elif freq_mode == 'sow': moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # S/R: Prepare molecule, options, kwargs, function call and energy save with open('' % (rfile), 'wb') as freagent: freagent.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n') freagent.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone, forcexyz=True).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs).encode('utf-8')) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(freagent, **kwargs) freagent.write("""electronic_energy = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (energy.__name__, lowername)) freagent.write("""psi4.print_out('\\nHESSIAN RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)) freagent.write("""yields electronic energy %20.12f\\n' % (electronic_energy))\n\n""") # S/R: Read energy from each displaced geometry output file and save in energies array elif freq_mode == 'reap': exec(banners) psi4.set_variable('NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY', moleculeclone.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) energies.append(p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'HESSIAN', n, freq_linkage, True)) # S/R: Quit sow after writing files. Initialize skeleton wfn to receive grad for reap if freq_mode == 'sow': optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (None, None) else: return None elif freq_mode == 'reap': # psi4.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) wfn = psi4.new_wavefunction(molecule, psi4.get_global_option('BASIS')) # Assemble Hessian from energies H = psi4.fd_freq_0(molecule, energies, irrep) wfn.set_hessian(H) wfn.set_frequencies(psi4.get_frequencies()) # The last item in the list is the reference energy, return it psi4.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) psi4.set_parent_symmetry('') optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.hessian(), wfn) else: return wfn.hessian()
[docs]def frequency(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to compute harmonic vibrational frequencies. :aliases: frequencies(), freq() :returns: *float* |w--w| Total electronic energy in Hartrees. :returns: (*float*, :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>`) |w--w| energy and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :type name: string :param name: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the system. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>` :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr| Indicate to additionally return the :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>` calculation result as the second element (after *float* energy) of a tuple. Arrays of frequencies and the Hessian can be accessed through the wavefunction. :type func: :ref:`function <op_py_function>` :param func: |dl| ``gradient`` |dr| || ``energy`` || ``cbs`` Indicates the type of calculation to be performed on the molecule. The default dertype accesses ``'gradient'`` or ``'energy'``, while ``'cbs'`` performs a multistage finite difference calculation. If a nested series of python functions is intended (see :ref:`sec:intercalls`), use keyword ``freq_func`` instead of ``func``. :type mode: string :param mode: |dl| ``'continuous'`` |dr| || ``'sow'`` || ``'reap'`` For a finite difference of energies or gradients frequency, indicates whether the calculations required to complete the frequency are to be run in one file (``'continuous'``) or are to be farmed out in an embarrassingly parallel fashion (``'sow'``/``'reap'``)/ For the latter, run an initial job with ``'sow'`` and follow instructions in its output file. For maximum flexibility, ``return_wfn`` is always on in ``'reap'`` mode. :type dertype: :ref:`dertype <op_py_dertype>` :param dertype: |dl| ``'hessian'`` |dr| || ``'gradient'`` || ``'energy'`` Indicates whether analytic (if available- they're not), finite difference of gradients (if available) or finite difference of energies is to be performed. :type irrep: int or string :param irrep: |dl| ``-1`` |dr| || ``1`` || ``'b2'`` || ``'App'`` || etc. Indicates which symmetry block (:ref:`Cotton <table:irrepOrdering>` ordering) of vibrational frequencies to be computed. ``1``, ``'1'``, or ``'a1'`` represents :math:`a_1`, requesting only the totally symmetric modes. ``-1`` indicates a full frequency calculation. .. note:: Analytic hessians are not available. Frequencies will proceed through finite differences according to availability of gradients or energies. .. _`table:freq_gen`: :examples: >>> # [1] Frequency calculation for all modes through highest available derivatives >>> frequency('ccsd') >>> # [2] Frequency calculation for b2 modes through finite difference of gradients >>> # printing lowest mode frequency to screen and Hessian to output >>> E, wfn = frequencies('scf', dertype=1, irrep=4, return_wfn=True) >>> print wfn.frequencies().get(0, 0) >>> wfn.hessian().print_out() >>> # [3] Frequency calculation at default conditions and Hessian reuse at STP >>> E, wfn = freq('mp2', return_wfn=True) >>> set t 273.15 >>> set p 100000 >>> thermo(wfn, wfn.frequencies()) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce (someday) if name is function if hasattr(name, '__call__'): raise ValidationError("Frequency: Cannot use custom function") lowername = name.lower() old_global_basis = None if "/" in lowername: if ("+" in lowername) or ("[" in lowername) or (lowername.count('/') > 1): raise ValidationError("Frequency: Cannot extrapolate or delta correct frequencies yet.") else: old_global_basis = psi4.get_global_option("BASIS") lowername, new_basis = lowername.split('/') psi4.set_global_option('BASIS', new_basis) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValdiationError("Frequency: Does not currently support 'bsse_type' arguements") return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) # are we in sow/reap mode? freq_mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'continuous').lower() if freq_mode not in ['continuous', 'sow', 'reap']: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (freq_mode)) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', psi4.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # Compute the hessian H, wfn = hessian(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) # S/R: Quit after getting new displacements if freq_mode == 'sow': return 0.0 wfn.frequencies().print_out() psi4.thermo(wfn, wfn.frequencies()) for postcallback in hooks['frequency']['post']: postcallback(lowername, wfn=wfn, **kwargs) # Reset old global basis if needed if not old_global_basis is None: psi4.set_global_option("BASIS", old_global_basis) if return_wfn: return (psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), wfn) else: return psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')
[docs]def gdma(wfn, datafile=""): """Function to use wavefunction information in *wfn* and, if specified, additional commands in *filename* to run GDMA analysis. .. versionadded:: 0.6 :returns: None :type wfn: :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate DMA analysis :type datafile: string :param datafile: optional control file (see GDMA manual) to peform more complicated DMA analyses. If this option is used, the File keyword must be set to read a filename.fchk, where filename is provided by |globals__writer_file_label| . :examples: >>> # [1] DMA analysis from MP2 wavefunction. N.B. gradient must be requested to generate MP2 density. >>> grad, wfn = gradient('mp2', return_wfn=True) >>> gdma(wfn) """ # Start by writing a G* checkpoint file, for the GDMA code to read in fw = psi4.FCHKWriter(wfn) molname = wfn.molecule().name() prefix = psi4.get_writer_file_prefix(molname) fchkfile = prefix + '.fchk' fw.write(fchkfile) if datafile: commands = datafile else: densname = if densname == "DFT": densname = "SCF" commands = 'psi4_dma_datafile.dma' radii = psi4.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_RADIUS') origin = psi4.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_ORIGIN') with open(commands, 'w') as f: f.write("File %s Density %s\n" % (fchkfile, densname)) f.write("Angstrom\n") f.write("%s\n" % psi4.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_MULTIPOLE_UNITS')) f.write("Multipoles\n") if origin: try: f.write("Origin %f %f %f\n" % (float(origin[0]), float(origin[1]), float(origin[2]))) except: raise ValidationError("The GDMA origin array should contain three entries: x, y, and z.") f.write("Switch %f\n" % psi4.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_SWITCH')) if radii: f.write("Radius %s\n" % " ".join([str(r) for r in radii])) f.write("Limit %d\n" % psi4.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_LIMIT')) f.write("Start\n") f.write("Finish\n") psi4.run_gdma(wfn, commands) os.remove(fchkfile) # If we generated the DMA control file, we should clean up here if not datafile: os.remove(commands)
[docs]def fchk(wfn, filename): """Function to write wavefunction information in *wfn* to *filename* in Gaussian FCHK format. .. versionadded:: 0.6 :returns: None :type filename: string :param filename: destination file name for FCHK file :type wfn: :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate fchk file :examples: >>> # [1] FCHK file for DFT calculation >>> E, wfn = energy('b3lyp', return_wfn=True) >>> fchk(wfn, 'mycalc.fchk') """ fw = psi4.FCHKWriter(wfn) fw.write(filename)
[docs]def molden(wfn, filename, density_a=None, density_b=None): """Function to write wavefunction information in *wfn* to *filename* in molden format. Will write natural orbitals from *density* (MO basis) if supplied. .. versionadded:: 0.5 *wfn* parameter passed explicitly :returns: None :type wfn: :ref:`Wavefunction<sec:psimod_Wavefunction>` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate cube files :type filename: string :param filename: destination file name for MOLDEN file :type density_a: psi4.Matrix :param density_a: density in the MO basis to build alpha NO's from (optional) :type density_b: psi4.Matrix :param density_b: density in the MO basis to build beta NO's from, assumes restricted if not supplied (optional) :examples: >>> # [1] Molden file for DFT calculation >>> E, wfn = energy('b3lyp', return_wfn=True) >>> molden(wfn, 'mycalc.molden') >>> # [2] Molden file for CI/MCSCF computation using NO roots >>> E, wfn = energy('ci', return_wfn=True) >>> molden(wfn, 'no_root1.molden', density_a=wfn.opdm(0, 0, "A", True)) """ if density_a: nmopi = wfn.nmopi() nsopi = wfn.nsopi() NO_Ra = psi4.Matrix("NO Alpha Rotation Matrix", nmopi, nmopi) NO_occa = psi4.Vector(nmopi) density_a.diagonalize(NO_Ra, NO_occa, psi4.DiagonalizeOrder.Descending) NO_Ca = psi4.Matrix("Ca Natural Orbitals", nsopi, nmopi) NO_Ca.gemm(False, False, 1.0, wfn.Ca(), NO_Ra, 0) if density_b: NO_Rb = psi4.Matrix("NO Beta Rotation Matrix", nmopi, nmopi) NO_occa = psi4.Vector(nmopi) density_b.diagonalize(NO_Ra, NO_occa, psi4.DiagonalizeOrder.Descending) NO_Cb = psi4.Matrix("Cb Natural Orbitals", nsopi, nmopi) NO_Cb.gemm(False, False, 1.0, wfn.Cb(), NO_Rb, 0) else: NO_occb = NO_occa NO_Cb = NO_Ca mw = psi4.MoldenWriter(wfn) mw.writeNO(filename, NO_Ca, NO_Cb, NO_occa, NO_occb) else: try: occa = wfn.occupation_a() occb = wfn.occupation_a() except AttributeError: psi4.print_out("\n!Molden warning: This wavefunction does not have occupation numbers.\n" "Writing zero's for occupation numbers\n\n") occa = psi4.Vector(wfn.nmopi()) occb = psi4.Vector(wfn.nmopi()) # At this point occupation number will be difficult to build, lets set them to zero mw = psi4.MoldenWriter(wfn) mw.write(filename, wfn.Ca(), wfn.Cb(), wfn.epsilon_a(), wfn.epsilon_b(), occa, occb)
# Aliases opt = optimize freq = frequency frequencies = frequency prop = property