Source code for procedures.wrappers_cfour

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2016 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Module with functions for Psi4/Cfour interface. Portions that require
calls to Boost Python psi4 module are here, otherwise in qcdb module.
Also calls to qcdb module are here and not elsewhere in driver.
Organizationally, this module isolates qcdb code from psi4 code.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import shutil
import os
import subprocess
import re
import inspect
import glob
import shelve
import datetime
import difflib
#from driver import *
# Relative hack for now
import os, sys, inspect
path_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.split(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() ))[0],"../")))
from p4util.exceptions import *
# never import driver, wrappers, or aliases into this file

[docs]def run_cfour_module(xmod): # Find environment by merging PSIPATH and PATH environment variables lenv = { 'PATH': ':'.join([os.path.abspath(x) for x in os.environ.get('PSIPATH', '').split(':') if x != '']) + \ ':' + os.environ.get('PATH') + \ ':' + psi4.Process.environment["PSIDATADIR"] + '/basis' + \ ':' + psi4.psi_top_srcdir() + '/share/basis', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') } # Filter out None values as subprocess will fault on them lenv = {k: v for k, v in lenv.items() if v is not None} # Call executable xcfour, directing cfour output to the psi4 output file try: retcode = subprocess.Popen([xmod], bufsize=0, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=lenv) except OSError as e: sys.stderr.write('Program %s not found in path or execution failed: %s\n' % (cfour_executable, e.strerror)) #p4out.write('Program %s not found in path or execution failed: %s\n' % (cfour_executable, e.strerror)) message = ('Program %s not found in path or execution failed: %s\n' % (cfour_executable, e.strerror)) raise ValidationError(message) c4out = '' while True: data = retcode.stdout.readline() if not data: break #if psi4.outfile_name() == 'stdout': # sys.stdout.write(data) #else: # p4out.write(data) # p4out.flush() c4out += data #internal_p4c4_info['output'] = c4out return c4out
[docs]def vpt2(name, **kwargs): """Perform vibrational second-order perturbation computation through Cfour to get anharmonic frequencies. This version uses c4 for the disp and pt2 but gets gradients from p4. :type c4full: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>` :param c4full: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr| Indicates whether when *name* indicates a Cfour method and *mode* indicates a sow/reap approach, sown files are direct ZMAT files and FJOBARC files are expected to reap, so that Cfour only, not Cfour-through-Psi4, is needed for distributed jobs. .. caution:: Some features are not yet implemented. Buy a developer a coffee. - Presently uses all gradients. Could mix in analytic 2nd-derivs. - Collect resutls. - Manage scratch / subdir better. - Untangle CCSD(T) vs CCSD[T] and FJOBARC issue - Allow CFOUR_BASIS - Consider forcing some tighter convcrit, c4 and p4 - sow/reap - mixed ang/bohr signals - error by converting to ang in psi? - Expand CURRENT DIPOLE XYZ beyond SCF - Remember additional FJOBARC record TOTENER2 if EXCITE .ne. NONE - S/R P4grad - S/R C4grad - C P4grad - C C4grad - switch C --> S/R with recovery using shelf - pure C mode where only need P4 for wrapper """ lowername = name.lower() kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) optstash = p4util.OptionsState( ['BASIS']) # Option mode of operation- whether vpt2 run in one job or files farmed out if not('vpt2_mode' in kwargs): if ('mode' in kwargs): kwargs['vpt2_mode'] = kwargs['mode'] del kwargs['mode'] else: kwargs['vpt2_mode'] = 'continuous' # Switches for route through code- S/R or continuous & Psi4 or Cfour gradients isSowReap = True if kwargs['vpt2_mode'].lower() == 'sowreap' else False isC4notP4 = bool(re.match('cfour', lowername)) or bool(re.match('c4-', lowername)) isC4fully = True if ('c4full' in kwargs and yes.match(str(kwargs['c4full'])) and isC4notP4 and isSowReap) else False # Save submission directory and basis set current_directory = os.getcwd() user_basis = psi4.get_global_option('BASIS') # Open data persistence shelf- vital for sowreap, checkpoint for continuouw shelf = + '/' + os.path.splitext(psi4.outfile_name())[0] + '.shelf', writeback=True) # Cfour keywords to request vpt2 analysis through findif gradients psi4.set_local_option('CFOUR', 'CFOUR_VIBRATION', 'FINDIF') psi4.set_local_option('CFOUR', 'CFOUR_FREQ_ALGORITHM', 'PARALLEL') psi4.set_local_option('CFOUR', 'CFOUR_ANH_ALGORITHM', 'PARALLEL') psi4.set_local_option('CFOUR', 'CFOUR_ANHARMONIC', 'VPT2') psi4.set_local_option('CFOUR', 'CFOUR_FD_PROJECT', 'OFF') # When a Psi4 method is requested for vpt2, a skeleton of # computations in Cfour is still required to hang the gradients # upon. The skeleton is as cheap as possible (integrals only # & sto-3g) and set up here. if isC4notP4: skelname = lowername else: skelname = 'c4-scf' psi4.set_global_option('BASIS', 'STO-3G') # P4 'c4-scf'/'cfour'CALC_LEVEL lowername # temporary # C4 lowername cfour{} # temporary if 'status' not in shelf: shelf['status'] = 'initialized' shelf['linkage'] = os.getpid() shelf['zmat'] = {} # Cfour-generated ZMAT files with finite difference geometries shelf['fjobarc'] = {} # Cfour- or Psi4-generated ascii files with packaged gradient results shelf.sync() else: pass # how decide whether to use. keep precedent of intco.dat in mind # Construct and move into directory job scratch / cfour scratch / harm psioh = psi4.IOManager.shared_object() psio = psi4.IO.shared_object() os.chdir(psioh.get_default_path()) # psi_scratch cfour_tmpdir = kwargs['path'] if 'path' in kwargs else \ 'psi.' + str(os.getpid()) + '.' + psio.get_default_namespace() + \ '.cfour.' + str(random.randint(0, 99999)) if not os.path.exists(cfour_tmpdir): os.mkdir(cfour_tmpdir) os.chdir(cfour_tmpdir) # psi_scratch/cfour if not os.path.exists('harm'): os.mkdir('harm') os.chdir('harm') # psi_scratch/cfour/harm psioh.set_specific_retention(32, True) # temporary, to track p4 scratch #shelf['status'] = 'anharm_jobs_sown' # temporary to force backtrack print('STAT', shelf['status']) # temporary # Generate the ZMAT input file in scratch with open('ZMAT', 'w') as handle: cfour_infile = write_zmat(skelname, 1) handle.write(cfour_infile) print('\n====== Begin ZMAT input for CFOUR ======') print(open('ZMAT', 'r').read()) print('======= End ZMAT input for CFOUR =======\n') shelf['genbas'] = open('GENBAS', 'r').read() # Check existing shelf consistent with generated ZMAT, store if ('000-000' in shelf['zmat']) and (shelf['zmat']['000-000'] != cfour_infile): diff = difflib.Differ().compare(shelf['zmat']['000-000'].splitlines(), cfour_infile.splitlines()) raise ValidationError("""Input file translated to Cfour ZMAT does not match ZMAT stored in shelf.\n\n""" + '\n'.join(list(diff))) shelf['zmat']['000-000'] = cfour_infile shelf.sync() # Reset basis after Cfour skeleton seeded psi4.set_global_option('BASIS', user_basis) if shelf['status'] == 'initialized': p4util.banner(' VPT2 Setup: Harmonic ') # Generate the displacements that will form the harmonic freq os.chdir(psioh.get_default_path() + cfour_tmpdir + '/harm') # psi_scratch/cfour/harm with open('partial.out', 'w') as handle: handle.write(run_cfour_module('xjoda')) handle.write(run_cfour_module('xsymcor')) # Read the displacements that will form the harmonic freq zmats0N = ['000-' + item[-3:] for item in sorted(glob.glob('zmat*'))] for zm12 in zmats0N: zm1, zm2 = zm12.split('-') with open('zmat' + zm2, 'r') as handle: shelf['zmat'][zm12] = shelf.sync() psi4.print_out(' CFOUR scratch file %s for %s-%s has been read\n' % ('zmat' + zm2, zm1, zm2)) psi4.print_out('%s\n' % shelf['zmat'][zm12]) # S/R: Write distributed input files for harmonic freq if isSowReap: os.chdir(current_directory) inputSansMol = p4util.format_currentstate_for_input(gradient, lowername, allButMol=True, **kwargs) for zm12 in zmats0N: zm1, zm2 = zm12.split('-') ifile = vpt2_sow_files(zm12, shelf['linkage'], isC4notP4, isC4fully, shelf['zmat'][zm12], inputSansMol, shelf['genbas']) with open('VPT2-' + zm12 + '.in', 'w') as handle: handle.write(ifile) msg = vpt2_instructions('harmonic', current_directory, zmats0N) psi4.print_out(msg) print(msg) shelf['status'] = 'harm_jobs_sown' # S/R: Pause for distributed calculations if isSowReap: shelf.close() return 0.0 if shelf['status'] == 'harm_jobs_sown': zmats0N = [item for item in sorted(shelf['zmat'].keys()) if (item[:3] == '000' and item[-3:] != '000')] # S/R: Check that distributed calcs all completed correctly if isSowReap: msg = vpt2_instructions('harmonic', current_directory, zmats0N) psi4.print_out(msg) isOk, msg = sown_jobs_status(current_directory, 'VPT2', zmats0N, reap_job_validate, shelf['linkage'], ['CURRENT ENERGY', 'CURRENT DIPOLE', 'CURRENT GRADIENT']) psi4.print_out(msg) print(msg) if not isOk: shelf.close() return 0.0 # Collect all results from gradients forming the harmonic freq for zm12 in zmats0N: zm1, zm2 = zm12.split('-') if zm12 not in shelf['fjobarc']: p4util.banner(' VPT2 Computation: %s ' % (zm12)) print(' VPT2 Computation: %s ' % (zm12)) fjobarc = vpt2_reaprun_files(zm12, shelf['linkage'], isSowReap, isC4notP4, isC4fully, shelf['zmat'][zm12], current_directory, psioh.get_default_path(), cfour_tmpdir, lowername, kwargs) shelf['fjobarc'][zm12] = fjobarc shelf.sync() shelf['status'] = 'harm_jobs_reaped' if shelf['status'] == 'harm_jobs_reaped': zmats0N = [item for item in sorted(shelf['zmat'].keys()) if (item[:3] == '000' and item[-3:] != '000')] p4util.banner(' VPT2 Results: Harmonic ') # Process the gradients into harmonic freq os.chdir(psioh.get_default_path() + cfour_tmpdir + '/harm') # psi_scratch/cfour/harm harmout = run_cfour_module('xjoda') harmout += run_cfour_module('xsymcor') for zm12 in zmats0N: zm1, zm2 = zm12.split('-') with open('FJOBARC', 'w') as handle: handle.write(shelf['fjobarc'][zm12]) harmout += run_cfour_module('xja2fja') harmout += run_cfour_module('xsymcor') shutil.move('FJOBARC', 'fja.' + zm12) try: os.remove('zmat' + zm2) except OSError: pass harmout += run_cfour_module('xjoda') harmout += run_cfour_module('xcubic') psi4.print_out(harmout) with open('harm.out', 'w') as handle: handle.write(harmout) # Generate displacements along harmonic normal modes zmatsN0 = [item[-3:] for item in sorted(glob.glob('zmat*'))] os.chdir('..') # psi_scratch/cfour for zm1 in zmatsN0: zm12 = zm1 + '-000' with open(psioh.get_default_path() + cfour_tmpdir + '/harm/zmat' + zm1, 'r') as handle: shelf['zmat'][zm12] = shelf.sync() psi4.print_out(' CFOUR scratch file %s for %s has been read\n' % ('zmat' + zm1, zm12)) psi4.print_out('%s\n' % shelf['zmat'][zm12]) # Collect displacements along the normal coordinates generated by the harmonic freq. # Further harmonic freqs are to be run at each of these to produce quartic force field. # To carry these out, generate displacements for findif by gradient at each displacement. if os.path.exists(zm1): shutil.rmtree(zm1) os.mkdir(zm1) os.chdir(zm1) # psi_scratch/cfour/004 with open('ZMAT', 'w') as handle: handle.write(shelf['zmat'][zm12]) shutil.copy2('../harm/GENBAS', 'GENBAS') # ln -s $ecpdir/ECPDATA $j/ECPDATA with open('partial.out', 'w') as handle: handle.write(run_cfour_module('xjoda')) handle.write(run_cfour_module('xsymcor')) # Read the displacements that will form the anharmonic freq zmatsNN = [item[-3:] for item in sorted(glob.glob('zmat*'))] for zm2 in zmatsNN: zm12 = zm1 + '-' + zm2 with open(psioh.get_default_path() + cfour_tmpdir + '/' + zm1 + '/zmat' + zm2, 'r') as handle: shelf['zmat'][zm12] = shelf.sync() psi4.print_out(' CFOUR scratch file %s for %s has been read\n' % ('zmat' + zm2, zm12)) psi4.print_out('%s\n' % shelf['zmat'][zm12]) os.chdir('..') # psi_scratch/cfour zmatsNN = [item for item in sorted(shelf['zmat'].keys()) if (item[:3] != '000' and item[-3:] != '000')] # S/R: Write distributed input files for anharmonic freq if isSowReap: os.chdir(current_directory) inputSansMol = p4util.format_currentstate_for_input(gradient, lowername, allButMol=True, **kwargs) for zm12 in zmatsNN: zm1, zm2 = zm12.split('-') ifile = vpt2_sow_files(zm12, shelf['linkage'], isC4notP4, isC4fully, shelf['zmat'][zm12], inputSansMol, shelf['genbas']) # GENBAS needed here with open('VPT2-' + zm12 + '.in', 'w') as handle: handle.write(ifile) msg = vpt2_instructions('anharmonic', current_directory, zmatsNN) psi4.print_out(msg) print(msg) shelf['status'] = 'anharm_jobs_sown' # S/R: Pause for distributed calculations if isSowReap: shelf.close() return 0.0 if shelf['status'] == 'anharm_jobs_sown': zmatsNN = [item for item in sorted(shelf['zmat'].keys()) if (item[:3] != '000' and item[-3:] != '000')] # S/R: Check that distributed calcs all completed correctly if isSowReap: msg = vpt2_instructions('anharmonic', current_directory, zmatsNN) psi4.print_out(msg) isOk, msg = sown_jobs_status(current_directory, 'VPT2', zmatsNN, reap_job_validate, shelf['linkage'], ['CURRENT ENERGY', 'CURRENT DIPOLE', 'CURRENT GRADIENT']) psi4.print_out(msg) print(msg) if not isOk: shelf.close() return 0.0 # Collect all results from gradients forming the anharmonic freq for zm12 in zmatsNN: zm1, zm2 = zm12.split('-') if zm12 not in shelf['fjobarc']: p4util.banner(' VPT2 Computation: %s ' % (zm12)) print(' VPT2 Computation: %s ' % (zm12)) fjobarc = vpt2_reaprun_files(zm12, shelf['linkage'], isSowReap, isC4notP4, isC4fully, shelf['zmat'][zm12], current_directory, psioh.get_default_path(), cfour_tmpdir, lowername, kwargs) shelf['fjobarc'][zm12] = fjobarc shelf.sync() shelf['status'] = 'anharm_jobs_reaped' if shelf['status'] == 'anharm_jobs_reaped': zmats0N = [item for item in sorted(shelf['zmat'].keys()) if (item[:3] == '000' and item[-3:] != '000')] zmatsN0 = [item for item in sorted(shelf['zmat'].keys()) if (item[:3] != '000' and item[-3:] == '000')] zmatsNN = [item for item in sorted(shelf['zmat'].keys()) if (item[:3] != '000' and item[-3:] != '000')] p4util.banner(' VPT2 Results: Harmonic ') # Process the gradients into harmonic freq os.chdir(psioh.get_default_path() + cfour_tmpdir) # psi_scratch/cfour if os.path.exists('anharm'): shutil.rmtree('anharm') os.mkdir('anharm') os.chdir('harm') # psi_scratch/cfour/harm run_cfour_module('xclean') anharmout = run_cfour_module('xjoda') anharmout += run_cfour_module('xsymcor') for zm12 in zmats0N: zm1, zm2 = zm12.split('-') with open('FJOBARC', 'w') as handle: handle.write(shelf['fjobarc'][zm12]) anharmout += run_cfour_module('xja2fja') anharmout += run_cfour_module('xsymcor') shutil.move('FJOBARC', 'fja.' + zm12) anharmout += run_cfour_module('xjoda') anharmout += run_cfour_module('xcubic') psi4.print_out(anharmout) with open('harm.out', 'w') as handle: handle.write(anharmout) # Process the gradients into harmonic freq at each normco displaced point os.chdir('..') # psi_scratch/cfour for zm11 in zmatsN0: zm1 = zm11[:3] if os.path.exists(zm1): shutil.rmtree(zm1) os.mkdir(zm1) os.chdir(zm1) # psi_scratch/cfour/004 run_cfour_module('xclean') with open('ZMAT', 'w') as handle: handle.write(shelf['zmat'][zm11]) shutil.copy2('../harm/GENBAS', 'GENBAS') anharmout = run_cfour_module('xjoda') anharmout += run_cfour_module('xsymcor') for zm22 in [item for item in zmatsNN if (item[:3] == zm1 and item[-3:] != '000')]: zm2 = zm22[-3:] zm12 = zm1 + '-' + zm2 print(zm12) with open('FJOBARC', 'w') as handle: handle.write(shelf['fjobarc'][zm12]) anharmout += run_cfour_module('xja2fja') anharmout += run_cfour_module('xsymcor') shutil.move('FJOBARC', 'fja.' + zm12) anharmout += run_cfour_module('xjoda') anharmout += run_cfour_module('xja2fja') with open('FJOBARC', 'r') as handle: shelf['fjobarc'][zm11] = shelf.sync() psi4.print_out(anharmout) with open('partial.out', 'w') as handle: handle.write(anharmout) os.chdir('..') # psi_scratch/cfour # Process the harmonic freqs at normco displacements into anharmonic freq p4util.banner(' VPT2 Results: Anharmonic ') os.chdir('anharm') # psi_scratch/cfour/anharm shutil.copy2('../harm/JOBARC', 'JOBARC') shutil.copy2('../harm/JAINDX', 'JAINDX') for zm12 in zmatsN0: with open('FJOBARC', 'w') as handle: handle.write(shelf['fjobarc'][zm12]) anharmout = run_cfour_module('xja2fja') anharmout += run_cfour_module('xcubic') shutil.move('FJOBARC', 'fja.' + zm12) psi4.print_out(anharmout) with open('anharm.out', 'w') as handle: handle.write(anharmout) shelf['status'] = 'vpt2_completed' # Finish up os.chdir(current_directory) shelf.close() optstash.restore()
[docs]def vpt2_sow_files(item, linkage, isC4notP4, isC4fully, zmat, inputSansMol, inputGenbas): """Provided with the particular displacement number *item* and the associated *zmat* file contents and *linkage*, and common contents *inputSansMol*, returns contents of input file to be sown. """ inputReapOrders = r""" print_variables() print_out('VPT2 RESULT: linkage {0} for item {1} yields CURRENT ENERGY being %r\n' % (get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'))) print_out('VPT2 RESULT: linkage {0} for item {1} yields CURRENT GRADIENT being %r\n' % (p4util.mat2arr(psi4.get_gradient()))) print_out('VPT2 RESULT: linkage {0} for item {1} yields CURRENT DIPOLE being [%r, %r, %r]\n' % (get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE X'), get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE Y'), get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE Z'))) """.format(linkage, item) # Direct Cfour for gradients if isC4fully: inputString = zmat with open('VPT2-GENBAS', 'w') as handle: handle.write(inputGenbas) # Cfour for gradients elif isC4notP4: # GENBAS needed here inputString = 'extracted_genbas = """\n' + inputGenbas.replace('\n\n', '\nblankline\n') + '\n"""\n\n' inputString += """cfour {\n%s\n}\n\nenergy('cfour', genbas=extracted_genbas)\n\n""" % (zmat) inputString += inputReapOrders inputString += r""" print_out('VPT2 RESULT: linkage {0} for item {1} yields CURRENT MOLECULE being %r\n' % (get_active_molecule().create_psi4_string_from_molecule())) """.format(linkage, item) # Psi4 for gradients else: inputString = p4util.format_molecule_for_input( qcdb.cfour.harvest_zmat(zmat).create_psi4_string_from_molecule(), name='disp' + item[:3] + item[-3:]) inputString += inputSansMol inputString += inputReapOrders return inputString
[docs]def vpt2_reaprun_files(item, linkage, isSowReap, isC4notP4, isC4fully, zmat, outdir, scrdir, c4scrdir, lowername, kwargs): """Provided with the particular displacement number *item* and the associated *zmat* file with geometry and *linkage*, returns the FJOBARC contents. Depending on the mode settings of *isC4notP4*, *isSowReap*, and *isC4fully*, either runs (using *lowername* and *kwargs*) or reaps contents. *outdir* is where psi4 was invoked, *scrdir* is the psi4 scratch directory, and *c4scrdir* is Cfour scratch directory within. """ os.chdir(outdir) # current_directory # Extract qcdb.Molecule at findif orientation zmmol = qcdb.cfour.harvest_zmat(zmat) # Cfour S/R Direct for gradients if isC4fully: with open('VPT2-' + item + '.fja', 'r') as handle: fjobarc = # Cfour for gradients elif isC4notP4: # S/R: Reap results from output file if isSowReap: isOk, msg, results = reap_job_validate(outdir, 'VPT2', item, linkage, ['CURRENT ENERGY', 'CURRENT DIPOLE', 'CURRENT GRADIENT', 'CURRENT MOLECULE']) if not isOk: raise ValidationError(msg) fje = results['CURRENT ENERGY'] fjgrd = results['CURRENT GRADIENT'] fjdip = [item / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye for item in results['CURRENT DIPOLE']] c4mol = qcdb.Molecule(results['CURRENT MOLECULE']) c4mol.update_geometry() # C: Run the job and collect results else: # Prepare Cfour skeleton calc directory os.chdir(scrdir + c4scrdir) # psi_scratch/cfour if os.path.exists('scr.' + item): shutil.rmtree('scr.' + item) os.mkdir('scr.' + item) os.chdir('scr.' + item) # psi_scratch/cfour/scr.000-004 with open('ZMAT', 'w') as handle: handle.write(zmat) shutil.copy2('../harm/GENBAS', 'GENBAS') #os.chdir(scrdir + '/scr.' + item) #run_cfour_module('xja2fja') #with open('FJOBARC', 'r') as handle: # fjobarc = # Run Cfour calc using ZMAT & GENBAS in scratch, outdir redirects to outfile os.chdir(outdir) # current_directory psi4.get_active_molecule().set_name('blank_molecule_psi4_yo') energy('cfour', path=c4scrdir + '/scr.' + item) # os.chdir(scrdir + '/scr.' + item) fje = psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') fjgrd = p4util.mat2arr(psi4.get_gradient()) fjdip = [psi4.get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE X') / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye, psi4.get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE Y') / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye, psi4.get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE Z') / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye] c4mol = qcdb.Molecule(psi4.get_active_molecule().create_psi4_string_from_molecule()) c4mol.update_geometry() # Get map btwn ZMAT and C4 orientation, then use it, grad and dipole to forge FJOBARC file fjobarc = qcdb.cfour.format_fjobarc(fje, *qcdb.cfour.backtransform(chgeMol=zmmol, permMol=c4mol), gradient=fjgrd, dipole=fjdip) # Psi4 for gradients else: # Prepare Cfour skeleton calc directory os.chdir(scrdir + c4scrdir) # psi_scratch/cfour if os.path.exists('scr.' + item): shutil.rmtree('scr.' + item) os.mkdir('scr.' + item) os.chdir('scr.' + item) # psi_scratch/cfour/scr.000-004 with open('ZMAT', 'w') as handle: handle.write(zmat) shutil.copy2('../harm/GENBAS', 'GENBAS') # Run Cfour skeleton calc and extract qcdb.Molecule at needed C4 orientation with open('partial.out', 'w') as handle: handle.write(run_cfour_module('xjoda')) handle.write(run_cfour_module('xvmol')) handle.write(run_cfour_module('xvmol2ja')) psi4.print_out(' CFOUR scratch file %s for %s has been read\n' % ('JOBARC (binary)', item)) c4mol = qcdb.cfour.jajo2mol(qcdb.jajo.getrec(['COORD ', 'ATOMCHRG', 'MAP2ZMAT'])) # S/R: Reap results from output file if isSowReap: isOk, msg, results = reap_job_validate(outdir, 'VPT2', item, linkage, ['CURRENT ENERGY', 'CURRENT DIPOLE', 'CURRENT GRADIENT']) if not isOk: raise ValidationError(msg) fje = results['CURRENT ENERGY'] fjgrd = results['CURRENT GRADIENT'] fjdip = [item / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye for item in results['CURRENT DIPOLE']] # C: Run the job and collect results else: psi4.IO.set_default_namespace(item) molecule = geometry(zmmol.create_psi4_string_from_molecule(), 'disp-' + item) molecule.update_geometry() gradient(lowername, **kwargs) fje = psi4.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') fjgrd = p4util.mat2arr(psi4.get_gradient()) fjdip = [psi4.get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE X') / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye, psi4.get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE Y') / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye, psi4.get_variable('CURRENT DIPOLE Z') / p4const.psi_dipmom_au2debye] # Transform results into C4 orientation (defined by c4mol) & forge FJOBARC file fjobarc = qcdb.cfour.format_fjobarc(fje, *qcdb.cfour.backtransform(chgeMol=zmmol, permMol=c4mol, chgeGrad=fjgrd, chgeDip=fjdip)) return fjobarc
[docs]def vpt2_instructions(stage, dir, zmats): """Stores all the instructions to the user for running :py:func:`~wrappers_cfour.vpt2` in sowreap mode. Depending on the *stage*, Pieces together instruction strings for the appropriate *stage* individualized by working directory *dir* and sown inputs *zmats* information. """ stepFiles = '' for zm12 in sorted(zmats): stepFiles += """ psi4 %-27s %-27s\n""" % ('VPT2-' + zm12 + '.in', 'VPT2-' + zm12 + '.out') step0 = """ The vpt2 sow/reap procedure has been selected through mode='sowreap'. This output file, the corresponding input file, and the data persistence file must not be edited by the user over the course of the sow/reap procedure. Throughout, psi4 can be invoked to move to the next stage of the procedure or to tally up the 'sown' jobs. This output file is overwritten each time psi4 is invoked, but all results and instructions accumulate. This procedure involves two stages of distributed calculations, harmonic and anharmonic, and a mimimum of three invokations of psi4 on the original input file (including the one that initially generated this text). From the input geometry (0), displacements are generated for which gradients are required. Input files for these are 'sown' in the current directory (1). Upon completion, their output files are 'reaped' into a harmonic force field (2). At displacements along the normal coordinates, further displacements are generated for which gradients are required. Input files for these are again 'sown' in the current directory (3). Upon completion, their output files are 'reaped' into an anharmonic force field (4), terminating the vpt2 procedure. Follow the instructions below to continue. (0) Read Only -------------- %s %s %s """ % (dir + '/' + os.path.splitext(psi4.outfile_name())[0] + '.in', dir + '/' + psi4.outfile_name(), dir + '/' + os.path.splitext(psi4.outfile_name())[0] + '.shelf') step1 = """ (1) Sow -------- Run all of the VPT2-000-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture. The output file names must be as given below (default). """ step2 = """ (2) Reap --------- Gather all the resulting output files in this directory along with the three read-only files from (0). Invoke psi4 again. The job will be trivial in length (unless sto-3g integrals on the molecule are costly) and give results for the harmonic frequency stage in this output file. It will also supply the next set of instructions. psi4 %-27s %-27s """ % (os.path.splitext(psi4.outfile_name())[0] + '.in', psi4.outfile_name()) step3 = """ (3) Sow -------- Run all of the VPT2-*-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture. The output file names must be as given below (default). """ step4 = """ (4) Reap --------- Gather all the resulting output files in this directory along with the three read-only files from (0). Invoke psi4 again. The job will be trivial in length (unless sto-3g integrals on the molecule are costly) and give results for the harmonic and anharmonic frequency stages in this output file. psi4 %-27s %-27s """ % (os.path.splitext(psi4.outfile_name())[0] + '.in', psi4.outfile_name()) if stage == 'harmonic': instructions = step0 + step1 + stepFiles + step2 elif stage == 'anharmonic': instructions = step0 + step3 + stepFiles + step4 return instructions
[docs]def sown_jobs_status(dir, prefix, zmats, validate_func=None, linkage=None, keys=None): """Evaluate the output file status of jobs in *zmats* which should exist at *dir* + '/' + prefix + '-' + job + '.out'. Returns string with formatted summary of job status and boolean of whether all complete. Return boolean *isOk* signals whether all *zmats* have completed and, if *validate_func* present, are validated. """ isOk = True msgError = '' instructions = '\n' instructions += p4util.banner(prefix + ' Status: ' +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), strNotOutfile=True) instructions += '\n' for job in sorted(zmats): outfile = dir + '/' + prefix + '-' + job + '.out' fjafile = dir + '/' + prefix + '-' + job + '.fja' formatArgs = [prefix + '-' + job, '', '', '', ''] if os.path.isfile(outfile): with open(outfile, 'r') as handle: for line in handle: if line.find('Buy a developer a beer!') > -1: formatArgs[3] = 'Completed' if reap_job_validate is not None: isOkJob, msg, temp = reap_job_validate(dir, prefix, job, linkage, keys) if isOkJob: formatArgs[4] = '& Validated' else: isOk = False msgError += msg formatArgs[4] = 'INVALID' break else: isOk = False formatArgs[2] = 'Running' elif os.path.isfile(fjafile): formatArgs[3] = 'Completed' else: isOk = False formatArgs[1] = 'Waiting' instructions += """ {0:<27} {1:^10} {2:^10} {3:^10} {4:^10}\n""".format(*formatArgs) instructions += '\n' + msgError + '\n\n' return isOk, instructions
[docs]def reap_job_validate(dir, prefix, item, linkage, keys): """For a given output file whose path is constructed with *dir* + '/' + *prefix* + '-' + *item* + '.out', tests that the file exists and has *prefix* RESULTS lines for each piece of information requested in list *keys* and that those lines correspond to the appropriate *linkage* and *item*. Returns *keys* along with their scanned values in dict *reapings*, along with error and success messages in *instructions* and a boolean *isOk* indicating whether all *keys* reaped sucessfully. """ isOk = True instructions = '' reapings = {} outfile = dir + '/' + prefix + '-' + item + '.out' try: with open(outfile, 'r') as handle: for line in handle: if line.find(prefix + ' RESULT:') == 0: sline = line.split() if sline[2:7] == ['linkage', str(linkage), 'for', 'item', item]: yieldsAt = line.find('yields') beingAt = line.find('being') if beingAt > yieldsAt > -1: key = line[yieldsAt + 6:beingAt].strip() val = line[beingAt + 5:].strip() if key in keys: reapings[key] = eval(val) #psi4.print_out(' CFOUR scratch file %s for %s has been read\n' % ('JOBARC', zm12)) else: isOk = False instructions += """Outfile file %s has corrupted sowreap result line:\n%s\n\n""" % (outfile, line) else: isOk = False instructions += """Outfile file %s has sowreap result of either incompatible linkage (observed: %s, expected: %s) or incompatible job affiliation (observed: %s, expected: %s).\n\n""" % \ (outfile, sline[3], linkage, sline[6], item) else: if len(reapings) != len(keys): isOk = False instructions += """Output file %s has missing results (observed: %s, expected: %s).\n\n""" % \ (outfile, reapings.keys(), keys) except IOError: isOk = False instructions += """Output file %s that was judged present and complete at the beginning of this job is now missing. Replace it and invoke psi4 again.\n\n""" % (outfile) # return file contents in instructions return isOk, instructions, reapings