Source code for qcdb.mpl

"""Module with matplotlib plotting routines. These are not hooked up to
any particular qcdb data structures but can be called with basic

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
#import matplotlib

[docs]def expand_saveas(saveas, def_filename, def_path=os.path.abspath(os.curdir), def_prefix='', relpath=False): """Analyzes string *saveas* to see if it contains information on path to save file, name to save file, both or neither (*saveas* ends in '/' to indicate directory only) (able to expand '.'). A full absolute filename is returned, lacking only file extension. Based on analysis of missing parts of *saveas*, path information from *def_path* and/or filename information from *def_prefix* + *def_filename* is inserted. *def_prefix* is intended to be something like ``mplthread_`` to identify the type of figure. """ defname = def_prefix + def_filename.replace(' ', '_') if saveas is None: pth = def_path fil = defname else: pth, fil = os.path.split(saveas) pth = pth if pth != '' else def_path fil = fil if fil != '' else defname abspathfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(pth), fil) if relpath: return os.path.relpath(abspathfile, os.getcwd()) else: return abspathfile
[docs]def segment_color(argcolor, saptcolor): """Find appropriate color expression between overall color directive *argcolor* and particular color availibility *rxncolor*. """ import matplotlib # validate any sapt color if saptcolor is not None: if saptcolor < 0.0 or saptcolor > 1.0: saptcolor = None if argcolor is None: # no color argument, so take from rxn if rxncolor is None: clr = 'grey' elif saptcolor is not None: clr = else: clr = rxncolor elif argcolor == 'sapt': # sapt color from rxn if available if saptcolor is not None: clr = else: clr = 'grey' elif argcolor == 'rgb': # HB/MX/DD sapt color from rxn if available if saptcolor is not None: if saptcolor < 0.333: clr = 'blue' elif saptcolor < 0.667: clr = 'green' else: clr = 'red' else: clr = 'grey' else: # color argument is name of mpl color clr = argcolor return clr
[docs]def bars(data, title='', saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf'], view=True): """Generates a 'gray-bars' diagram between model chemistries with error statistics in list *data*, which is supplied as part of the dictionary for each participating bar/modelchem, along with *mc* keys in argument *data*. The plot is labeled with *title* and each bar with *mc* key and plotted at a fixed scale to facilitate comparison across projects. """ import hashlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # initialize plot, fix dimensions for consistent Illustrator import fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7)) plt.ylim([0, 4.86]) plt.xlim([0, 6]) plt.xticks([]) # label plot and tiers ax.text(0.4, 4.6, title, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=12) widths = [0.15, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02] # TT, HB, MX, DD xval = 0.1 # starting posn along x-axis # plot bar sets for bar in data: if bar is not None: lefts = [xval, xval + 0.025, xval + 0.065, xval + 0.105] rect =, bar['data'], widths, linewidth=0) rect[0].set_color('grey') rect[1].set_color('red') rect[2].set_color('green') rect[3].set_color('blue') ax.text(xval + .08, 4.3, bar['mc'], verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='right', rotation='vertical', family='Times New Roman', fontsize=8) xval += 0.20 # save and show pltuid = title + '_' + hashlib.sha1(title + repr([bar['mc'] for bar in data if bar is not None])).hexdigest() pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='bar_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight') files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: plt.close() return files_saved
[docs]def flat(data, color=None, title='', xlimit=4.0, xlines=[0.0, 0.3, 1.0], mae=None, mape=None, view=True, saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf']): """Generates a slat diagram between model chemistries with errors in single-item list *data*, which is supplied as part of the dictionary for each participating reaction, along with *dbse* and *rxn* keys in argument *data*. Limits of plot are *xlimit* from the zero-line. If *color* is None, slats are black, if 'sapt', colors are taken from sapt_colors module. Summary statistic *mae* is plotted on the overbound side and relative statistic *mape* on the underbound side. Saves a file with name *title* and plots to screen if *view*. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Nweft = 1 positions = range(-1, -1 * Nweft - 1, -1) # initialize plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 0.33)) plt.xlim([-xlimit, xlimit]) plt.ylim([-1 * Nweft - 1, 0]) plt.yticks([]) plt.xticks([]) # fig.patch.set_visible(False) # ax.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') for xl in xlines: plt.axvline(xl, color='grey', linewidth=4) if xl != 0.0: plt.axvline(-1 * xl, color='grey', linewidth=4) # plot reaction errors and threads for rxn in data: xvals = rxn['data'] clr = segment_color(color, rxn['color'] if 'color' in rxn else None) ax.plot(xvals, positions, '|', color=clr, markersize=13.0, mew=4) # plot trimmings if mae is not None: plt.axvline(-1 * mae, color='black', linewidth=12) if mape is not None: # equivalent to MAE for a 10 kcal/mol interaction energy ax.plot(0.025 * mape, positions, 'o', color='black', markersize=15.0) # save and show pltuid = title # simple (not really unique) filename for LaTeX integration pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='flat_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight', frameon=False, pad_inches=0.0) files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: plt.close() # give this a try return files_saved
#def mpl_distslat_multiplot_files(pltfile, dbid, dbname, xmin, xmax, mcdats, labels, titles): # """Saves a plot with basename *pltfile* with a slat representation # of the modelchems errors in *mcdat*. Plot is in PNG, PDF, & EPS # and suitable for download, no mouseover properties. Both labeled # and labelless (for pub) figures are constructed. # # """ # import matplotlib as mpl # from matplotlib.axes import Subplot # import sapt_colors # from matplotlib.figure import Figure # # nplots = len(mcdats) # fht = nplots * 0.8 # fig, axt = plt.subplots(figsize=(12.0, fht)) # plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, hspace=0.3) # # axt.set_xticks([]) # axt.set_yticks([]) # plt.axis('off') # # for item in range(nplots): # mcdat = mcdats[item] # label = labels[item] # title = titles[item] # # erdat = np.array(mcdat) # yvals = np.ones(len(mcdat)) # y = np.array([sapt_colors.sapt_colors[dbname][i] for i in label]) # # ax = Subplot(fig, nplots, 1, item + 1) # fig.add_subplot(ax) # sc = ax.scatter(erdat, yvals, c=y, s=3000, marker="|",, vmin=0, vmax=1) # # ax.set_yticks([]) # ax.set_xticks([]) # ax.set_frame_on(False) # ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) # # # Write files with only slats # plt.savefig('scratch/' + pltfile + '_plain' + '.png', transparent=True, format='PNG') # plt.savefig('scratch/' + pltfile + '_plain' + '.pdf', transparent=True, format='PDF') # plt.savefig('scratch/' + pltfile + '_plain' + '.eps', transparent=True, format='EPS') # # # Rewrite files with guides and labels # for item in range(nplots): # ax_again = fig.add_subplot(nplots, 1, item + 1) # ax_again.set_title(titles[item], fontsize=8) # ax_again.text(xmin + 0.3, 1.0, stats(np.array(mcdats[item])), fontsize=7, family='monospace', verticalalignment='center') # ax_again.plot([0, 0], [0.9, 1.1], color='#cccc00', lw=2) # ax_again.set_frame_on(False) # ax_again.set_yticks([]) # ax_again.set_xticks([-12.0, -8.0, -4.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0]) # ax_again.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelbottom='off', bottom='off') # ax_again.set_xticks([-12.0, -8.0, -4.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0]) # ax_again.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelbottom='on', bottom='off') # # plt.savefig('scratch/' + pltfile + '_trimd' + '.png', transparent=True, format='PNG') # plt.savefig('scratch/' + pltfile + '_trimd' + '.pdf', transparent=True, format='PDF') # plt.savefig('scratch/' + pltfile + '_trimd' + '.eps', transparent=True, format='EPS')
[docs]def valerr(data, color=None, title='', xtitle='', view=True, saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf']): """ """ import hashlib from itertools import cycle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) plt.axhline(0.0, axes=ax1, color='black') ax1.set_ylabel('Reaction Energy') plt.title(title) ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) plt.axhline(0.0, axes=ax2, color='#cccc00') ax2.set_ylabel('Energy Error') ax2.set_xlabel(xtitle) xmin = 500.0 xmax = -500.0 vmin = 1.0 vmax = -1.0 emin = 1.0 emax = -1.0 linecycler = cycle(['-', '--', '-.', ':']) # plot reaction errors and threads for trace, tracedata in data.iteritems(): vaxis = [] vmcdata = [] verror = [] for rxn in tracedata: clr = segment_color(color, rxn['color'] if 'color' in rxn else None) xmin = min(xmin, rxn['axis']) xmax = max(xmax, rxn['axis']) ax1.plot(rxn['axis'], rxn['mcdata'], '^', color=clr, markersize=6.0, mew=0, zorder=10) vmcdata.append(rxn['mcdata']) vaxis.append(rxn['axis']) vmin = min(0, vmin, rxn['mcdata']) vmax = max(0, vmax, rxn['mcdata']) if rxn['bmdata'] is not None: ax1.plot(rxn['axis'], rxn['bmdata'], 'o', color='black', markersize=6.0, zorder=1) vmin = min(0, vmin, rxn['bmdata']) vmax = max(0, vmax, rxn['bmdata']) if rxn['error'][0] is not None: ax2.plot(rxn['axis'], rxn['error'][0], 's', color=clr, mew=0, zorder=8) emin = min(0, emin, rxn['error'][0]) emax = max(0, emax, rxn['error'][0]) verror.append(rxn['error'][0]) ls = next(linecycler) ax1.plot(vaxis, vmcdata, ls, color='grey', label=trace, zorder=3) ax2.plot(vaxis, verror, ls, color='grey', label=trace, zorder=4) xbuf = max(0.05, abs(0.02 * xmax)) vbuf = max(0.1, abs(0.02 * vmax)) ebuf = max(0.01, abs(0.02 * emax)) plt.xlim([xmin - xbuf, xmax + xbuf]) ax1.set_ylim([vmin - vbuf, vmax + vbuf]) plt.legend(fontsize='x-small', frameon=False) ax2.set_ylim([emin - ebuf, emax + ebuf]) # save and show pltuid = title + '_' + hashlib.sha1(title).hexdigest() pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='valerr_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight') files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: plt.close() # give this a try return files_saved
[docs]def disthist(data, title='', xtitle='', xmin=None, xmax=None, me=None, stde=None, view=True, saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf']): """Saves a plot with name *saveas* with a histogram representation of the reaction errors in *data*. Also plots a gaussian distribution with mean *me* and standard deviation *stde*. Plot has x-range *xmin* to *xmax*, x-axis label *xtitle* and overall title *title*. """ import hashlib import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def gaussianpdf(u, v, x): """*u* is mean, *v* is variance, *x* is value, returns probability""" return 1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi * v) * np.exp(-pow(x - u, 2) / 2.0 / v) me = me if me is not None else np.mean(data) stde = stde if stde is not None else np.std(data, ddof=1) evenerr = max(abs(me - 4.0 * stde), abs(me + 4.0 * stde)) xmin = xmin if xmin is not None else -1 * evenerr xmax = xmax if xmax is not None else evenerr dx = (xmax - xmin) / 40. nx = int(round((xmax - xmin) / dx)) + 1 pdfx = [] pdfy = [] for i in xrange(nx): ix = xmin + i * dx pdfx.append(ix) pdfy.append(gaussianpdf(me, pow(stde, 2), ix)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 6)) plt.axvline(0.0, color='#cccc00') ax1.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax1.hist(data, bins=30, range=(xmin, xmax), color='#2d4065', alpha=0.7) ax1.set_xlabel(xtitle) ax1.set_ylabel('Count') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.fill(pdfx, pdfy, color='k', alpha=0.2) ax2.set_ylabel('Probability Density') plt.title(title) # save and show pltuid = title + '_' + hashlib.sha1(title + str(me) + str(stde) + str(xmin) + str(xmax)).hexdigest() pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='disthist_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight') files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: plt.close() return files_saved
#def thread(data, labels, color=None, title='', xlimit=4.0, mae=None, mape=None): # """Generates a tiered slat diagram between model chemistries with # errors (or simply values) in list *data*, which is supplied as part of the # dictionary for each participating reaction, along with *dbse* and *rxn* keys # in argument *data*. The plot is labeled with *title* and each tier with # an element of *labels* and plotted at *xlimit* from the zero-line. If # *color* is None, slats are black, if 'sapt', colors are taken from *color* # key in *data* [0, 1]. Summary statistics *mae* are plotted on the # overbound side and relative statistics *mape* on the underbound side. # # """ # from random import random # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # # # initialize tiers/wefts # Nweft = len(labels) # lenS = 0.2 # gapT = 0.04 # positions = range(-1, -1 * Nweft - 1, -1) # posnS = [] # for weft in range(Nweft): # posnS.extend([positions[weft] + lenS, positions[weft] - lenS, None]) # posnT = [] # for weft in range(Nweft - 1): # posnT.extend([positions[weft] - lenS - gapT, positions[weft + 1] + lenS + gapT, None]) # # # initialize plot # fht = Nweft * 0.8 # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, fht)) # plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, hspace=0.3) # plt.xlim([-xlimit, xlimit]) # plt.ylim([-1 * Nweft - 1, 0]) # plt.yticks([]) # # # label plot and tiers # ax.text(-0.9 * xlimit, -0.25, title, # verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', # family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=12) # for weft in labels: # ax.text(-0.9 * xlimit, -(1.2 + labels.index(weft)), weft, # verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', # family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=18) # # # plot reaction errors and threads # for rxn in data: # # # preparation # xvals = rxn['data'] # clr = segment_color(color, rxn['color'] if 'color' in rxn else None) # slat = [] # for weft in range(Nweft): # slat.extend([xvals[weft], xvals[weft], None]) # thread = [] # for weft in range(Nweft - 1): # thread.extend([xvals[weft], xvals[weft + 1], None]) # # # plotting # ax.plot(slat, posnS, color=clr, linewidth=1.0, solid_capstyle='round') # ax.plot(thread, posnT, color=clr, linewidth=0.5, solid_capstyle='round', # alpha=0.3) # # # labeling # try: # toplblposn = next(item for item in xvals if item is not None) # botlblposn = next(item for item in reversed(xvals) if item is not None) # except StopIteration: # pass # else: # ax.text(toplblposn, -0.75 + 0.6 * random(), rxn['sys'], # verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', # family='Times New Roman', fontsize=8) # ax.text(botlblposn, -1 * Nweft - 0.75 + 0.6 * random(), rxn['sys'], # verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', # family='Times New Roman', fontsize=8) # # # plot trimmings # if mae is not None: # ax.plot([-x for x in mae], positions, 's', color='black') # if mape is not None: # equivalent to MAE for a 10 kcal/mol IE # ax.plot([0.025 * x for x in mape], positions, 'o', color='black') # # plt.axvline(0, color='black') #
[docs]def threads(data, labels, color=None, title='', xlimit=4.0, mae=None, mape=None, mousetext=None, mouselink=None, mouseimag=None, mousetitle=None, mousediv=None, labeled=True, view=True, saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf']): """Generates a tiered slat diagram between model chemistries with errors (or simply values) in list *data*, which is supplied as part of the dictionary for each participating reaction, along with *dbse* and *rxn* keys in argument *data*. The plot is labeled with *title* and each tier with an element of *labels* and plotted at *xlimit* from the zero-line. If *color* is None, slats are black, if 'sapt', colors are taken from *color* key in *data* [0, 1]. Summary statistics *mae* are plotted on the overbound side and relative statistics *mape* on the underbound side. HTML code for mouseover if mousetext or mouselink or mouseimag specified based on recipe of Andrew Dalke from """ import random import hashlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # only needed for missing data with mouseiness # initialize tiers/wefts Nweft = len(labels) lenS = 0.2 gapT = 0.04 positions = range(-1, -1 * Nweft - 1, -1) posnS = [] for weft in range(Nweft): posnS.extend([positions[weft] + lenS, positions[weft] - lenS, None]) posnT = [] for weft in range(Nweft - 1): posnT.extend([positions[weft] - lenS - gapT, positions[weft + 1] + lenS + gapT, None]) posnM = [] # initialize plot fht = Nweft * 0.8 #fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, fht)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, fht)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, hspace=0.3) plt.xlim([-xlimit, xlimit]) plt.ylim([-1 * Nweft - 1, 0]) plt.yticks([]) ax.set_frame_on(False) if labeled: ax.set_xticks([-0.5 * xlimit, -0.25 * xlimit, 0.0, 0.25 * xlimit, 0.5 * xlimit]) else: ax.set_xticks([]) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.tick1line.set_markersize(0) tick.tick2line.set_markersize(0) # label plot and tiers if labeled: ax.text(-0.9 * xlimit, -0.25, title, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=12) for weft in labels: ax.text(-0.9 * xlimit, -(1.2 + labels.index(weft)), weft, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=18) # plot reaction errors and threads for rxn in data: # preparation xvals = rxn['data'] clr = segment_color(color, rxn['color'] if 'color' in rxn else None) slat = [] for weft in range(Nweft): slat.extend([xvals[weft], xvals[weft], None]) thread = [] for weft in range(Nweft - 1): thread.extend([xvals[weft], xvals[weft + 1], None]) # plotting if Nweft == 1: ax.plot(slat, posnS, '|', color=clr, markersize=20.0, mew=1.5, solid_capstyle='round') else: ax.plot(slat, posnS, color=clr, linewidth=1.0, solid_capstyle='round') ax.plot(thread, posnT, color=clr, linewidth=0.5, solid_capstyle='round', alpha=0.3) # converting into screen coordinates for image map npxvals = [np.nan if val is None else val for val in xvals] xyscreen = ax.transData.transform(zip(npxvals, positions)) xscreen, yscreen = zip(*xyscreen) posnM.extend(zip([rxn['db']] * Nweft, [rxn['sys']] * Nweft, npxvals, [rxn['show']] * Nweft, xscreen, yscreen)) # labeling if not(mousetext or mouselink or mouseimag): if labeled and len(data) < 200: try: toplblposn = next(item for item in xvals if item is not None) botlblposn = next(item for item in reversed(xvals) if item is not None) except StopIteration: pass else: ax.text(toplblposn, -0.75 + 0.6 * random.random(), rxn['sys'], verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', family='Times New Roman', fontsize=8) ax.text(botlblposn, -1 * Nweft - 0.75 + 0.6 * random.random(), rxn['sys'], verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', family='Times New Roman', fontsize=8) # plot trimmings if mae is not None: ax.plot([-x for x in mae], positions, 's', color='black') if labeled: if mape is not None: # equivalent to MAE for a 10 kcal/mol IE ax.plot([0.025 * x for x in mape], positions, 'o', color='black') plt.axvline(0, color='#cccc00') # save and show pltuid = title + '_' + ('lbld' if labeled else 'bare') + '_' + hashlib.sha1(title + repr(labels) + repr(xlimit)).hexdigest() pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='thread_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight') files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: if not (mousetext or mouselink or mouseimag): plt.close() return files_saved, None else: dpi = 80 img_width = fig.get_figwidth() * dpi img_height = fig.get_figheight() * dpi htmlcode = """<SCRIPT>\n""" htmlcode += """function mouseshow(db, rxn, val, show) {\n""" if mousetext or mouselink: htmlcode += """ var cid = document.getElementById("cid");\n""" if mousetext: htmlcode += """ cid.innerHTML = %s;\n""" % (mousetext) if mouselink: htmlcode += """ cid.href = %s;\n""" % (mouselink) if mouseimag: htmlcode += """ var cmpd_img = document.getElementById("cmpd_img");\n""" htmlcode += """ cmpd_img.src = %s;\n""" % (mouseimag) htmlcode += """}\n""" htmlcode += """</SCRIPT>\n""" if mousediv: htmlcode += """%s\n""" % (mousediv[0]) if mousetitle: htmlcode += """%s <BR>""" % (mousetitle) htmlcode += """<h4>Mouseover</h4><a id="cid"></a><br>\n""" if mouseimag: htmlcode += """<div class="text-center">""" htmlcode += """<IMG ID="cmpd_img" WIDTH="%d" HEIGHT="%d">\n""" % (200, 160) htmlcode += """</div>""" if mousediv: htmlcode += """%s\n""" % (mousediv[1]) #htmlcode += """<IMG SRC="%s" ismap usemap="#points" WIDTH="%d" HEIGHT="%d">\n""" % \ # (pltfile + '.png', img_width, img_height) htmlcode += """<IMG SRC="%s" ismap usemap="#points" WIDTH="%d">\n""" % \ (pltfile + '.png', img_width) htmlcode += """<MAP name="points">\n""" # generating html image map code # points sorted to avoid overlapping map areas that can overwhelm html for SSI # y=0 on top for html and on bottom for mpl, so flip the numbers posnM.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[2]) posnM.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[3]) last = (0, 0) for dbse, rxn, val, show, x, y in posnM: if val is None or val is np.nan: continue now = (int(x), int(y)) if now == last: htmlcode += """<!-- map overlap! %s-%s %+.2f skipped -->\n""" % (dbse, rxn, val) else: htmlcode += """<AREA shape="rect" coords="%d,%d,%d,%d" onmouseover="javascript:mouseshow('%s', '%s', '%+.2f', '%s');">\n""" % \ (x - 2, img_height - y - 20, x + 2, img_height - y + 20, dbse, rxn, val, show) last = now htmlcode += """</MAP>\n""" plt.close() return files_saved, htmlcode
[docs]def ternary(sapt, title='', labeled=True, view=True, saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf']): """Takes array of arrays *sapt* in form [elst, indc, disp] and builds formatted two-triangle ternary diagrams. Either fully-readable or dotsonly depending on *labeled*. Saves in formats *graphicsformat*. """ import hashlib import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.path import Path import matplotlib.patches as patches # initialize plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3.6)) plt.xlim([-0.75, 1.25]) plt.ylim([-0.18, 1.02]) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) ax.set_aspect('equal') if labeled: # form and color ternary triangles codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY] pathPos = Path([(0., 0.), (1., 0.), (0.5, 0.866), (0., 0.)], codes) pathNeg = Path([(0., 0.), (-0.5, 0.866), (0.5, 0.866), (0., 0.)], codes) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(pathPos, facecolor='white', lw=2)) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(pathNeg, facecolor='#fff5ee', lw=2)) # form and color HB/MX/DD dividing lines ax.plot([0.667, 0.5], [0., 0.866], color='#eeb4b4', lw=0.5) ax.plot([-0.333, 0.5], [0.577, 0.866], color='#eeb4b4', lw=0.5) ax.plot([0.333, 0.5], [0., 0.866], color='#7ec0ee', lw=0.5) ax.plot([-0.167, 0.5], [0.289, 0.866], color='#7ec0ee', lw=0.5) # label corners ax.text(1.0, -0.15, u'Elst (\u2212)', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=18) ax.text(0.5, 0.9, u'Ind (\u2212)', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=18) ax.text(0.0, -0.15, u'Disp (\u2212)', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=18) ax.text(-0.5, 0.9, u'Elst (+)', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='center', family='Times New Roman', weight='bold', fontsize=18) xvals = [] yvals = [] cvals = [] for sys in sapt: [elst, indc, disp] = sys # calc ternary posn and color Ftop = abs(indc) / (abs(elst) + abs(indc) + abs(disp)) Fright = abs(elst) / (abs(elst) + abs(indc) + abs(disp)) xdot = 0.5 * Ftop + Fright ydot = 0.866 * Ftop cdot = 0.5 + (xdot - 0.5) / (1. - Ftop) if elst > 0.: xdot = 0.5 * (Ftop - Fright) ydot = 0.866 * (Ftop + Fright) #print elst, indc, disp, '', xdot, ydot, cdot xvals.append(xdot) yvals.append(ydot) cvals.append(cdot) sc = ax.scatter(xvals, yvals, c=cvals, s=15, marker="o", \, edgecolor='none', vmin=0, vmax=1, zorder=10) # remove figure outline ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) # save and show pltuid = title + '_' + ('lbld' if labeled else 'bare') + '_' + hashlib.sha1(title + repr(sapt)).hexdigest() pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='tern_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight', frameon=False, dpi=450, edgecolor='none', pad_inches=0.0) files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: plt.close() return files_saved
#def thread_mouseover_web(pltfile, dbid, dbname, xmin, xmax, mcdats, labels, titles): # """Saves a plot with name *pltfile* with a slat representation of # the modelchems errors in *mcdat*. Mouseover shows geometry and error # from *labels* based on recipe of Andrew Dalke from # # # """ # from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg # import matplotlib # import sapt_colors # # cmpd_width = 200 # cmpd_height = 160 # # nplots = len(mcdats) # fht = nplots * 0.8 # fht = nplots * 0.8 * 1.4 # fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=(12.0, fht)) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.01, right=0.99, hspace=0.3, top=0.8, bottom=0.2) # img_width = fig.get_figwidth() * 80 # img_height = fig.get_figheight() * 80 # # htmlcode = """ #<SCRIPT> #function mouseandshow(name, id, db, dbname) { # var cid = document.getElementById("cid"); # cid.innerHTML = name; # cid.href = "" + id + "&dataset=" + db; # var cmpd_img = document.getElementById("cmpd_img"); # cmpd_img.src = dbname + "/dimers/" + id + ".png"; #} #</SCRIPT> # #Distribution of Fragment Errors in Interaction Energy (kcal/mol)<BR> #Mouseover:<BR><a id="cid"></a><br> #<IMG SRC="scratch/%s" ismap usemap="#points" WIDTH="%d" HEIGHT="%d"> #<IMG ID="cmpd_img" WIDTH="%d" HEIGHT="%d"> #<MAP name="points"> #""" % (pltfile, img_width, img_height, cmpd_width, cmpd_height) # # for item in range(nplots): # print '<br><br><br><br><br><br>' # mcdat = mcdats[item] # label = labels[item] # tttle = titles[item] # # erdat = np.array(mcdat) # # No masked_array because interferes with html map # #erdat =, mask=mask) # yvals = np.ones(len(mcdat)) # y = np.array([sapt_colors.sapt_colors[dbname][i] for i in label]) # # ax = fig.add_subplot(nplots, 1, item + 1) # sc = ax.scatter(erdat, yvals, c=y, s=3000, marker="|",, vmin=0, vmax=1) # ax.set_title(tttle, fontsize=8) # ax.set_yticks([]) # lp = ax.plot([0, 0], [0.9, 1.1], color='#cccc00', lw=2) # ax.set_ylim([0.95, 1.05]) # ax.text(xmin + 0.3, 1.0, stats(erdat), fontsize=7, family='monospace', verticalalignment='center') # if item + 1 == nplots: # ax.set_xticks([-12.0, -8.0, -4.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 12.0]) # for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): # tick.tick1line.set_markersize(0) # tick.tick2line.set_markersize(0) # else: # ax.set_xticks([]) # ax.set_frame_on(False) # ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) # # # Convert the data set points into screen space coordinates # #xyscreencoords = ax.transData.transform(zip(erdat, yvals)) # xyscreencoords = ax.transData.transform(zip(erdat, yvals)) # xcoords, ycoords = zip(*xyscreencoords) # # # HTML image coordinates have y=0 on the top. Matplotlib # # has y=0 on the bottom. We'll need to flip the numbers # for cid, x, y, er in zip(label, xcoords, ycoords, erdat): # htmlcode += """<AREA shape="rect" coords="%d,%d,%d,%d" onmouseover="javascript:mouseandshow('%s %+.2f', '%s', %s, '%s');">\n""" % \ # (x - 2, img_height - y - 20, x + 2, img_height - y + 20, cid, er, cid, dbid, dbname) # # htmlcode += "</MAP>\n" # canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) # canvas.print_figure('scratch/' + title, dpi=80, transparent=True) # # #plt.savefig('mplflat_' + title + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, format='PDF') # #plt.savefig(os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + 'mplflat_' + title + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', transparent=T rue, format='PDF') # # return htmlcode
[docs]def composition_tile(db, aa1, aa2): """Takes dictionary *db* of label, error pairs and amino acids *aa1* and *aa2* and returns a square array of all errors for that amino acid pair, buffered by zeros. """ import re import numpy as np bfdbpattern = re.compile("\d\d\d([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])-\d\d\d([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])-\d") tiles = [] for key, val in db.items(): bfdbname = bfdbpattern.match(key) if ( == aa1 and == aa2) or \ ( == aa1 and == aa2): tiles.append(val) if not tiles: # fill in background when no data. only sensible for neutral center colormaps tiles = [0] dim = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(tiles)))) pad = dim * dim - len(tiles) tiles += [0] * pad return np.reshape(np.array(tiles), (dim, dim))
[docs]def iowa(mcdat, mclbl, title='', xtitle='', xlimit=2.0, view=True, saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf']): """Saves a plot with (extensionless) name *pltfile* with an Iowa representation of the modelchems errors in *mcdat* for BBI/SSI-style *labels*. """ import numpy as np import hashlib import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt aa = ['ARG', 'HIE', 'LYS', 'ASP', 'GLU', 'SER', 'THR', 'ASN', 'GLN', 'CYS', 'MET', 'GLY', 'ALA', 'VAL', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'PRO', 'PHE', 'TYR', 'TRP'] #aa = ['ILE', 'LEU', 'ASP', 'GLU', 'PHE'] err = dict(zip(mclbl, mcdat)) # handle for frame, overall axis fig, axt = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) #axt.set_xticks([]) # for quick nolabel, whiteback #axt.set_yticks([]) # for quick nolabel, whiteback axt.set_xticks(np.arange(len(aa)) + 0.3, minor=False) axt.set_yticks(np.arange(len(aa)) + 0.3, minor=False) axt.invert_yaxis() axt.xaxis.tick_top() # comment for quick nolabel, whiteback axt.set_xticklabels(aa, minor=False, rotation=60, size='small') # comment for quick nolabel, whiteback axt.set_yticklabels(aa, minor=False, size='small') # comment for quick nolabel, whiteback axt.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0, length=0) axt.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0, length=0) #axt.set_title('%s' % (title), fontsize=16, verticalalignment='bottom') #axt.text(10.0, -1.5, title, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=16) # nill spacing between 20x20 heatmaps plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001) index = 1 for aa1 in aa: for aa2 in aa: cb = composition_tile(err, aa1, aa2) ax = matplotlib.axes.Subplot(fig, len(aa), len(aa), index) fig.add_subplot(ax) heatmap = ax.pcolor(cb, vmin=-xlimit, vmax=xlimit, ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) index += 1 #plt.title(title) axt.axvline(x=4.8, linewidth=5, color='k') axt.axvline(x=8.75, linewidth=5, color='k') axt.axvline(x=11.6, linewidth=5, color='k') axt.axhline(y=4.8, linewidth=5, color='k') axt.axhline(y=8.75, linewidth=5, color='k') axt.axhline(y=11.6, linewidth=5, color='k') axt.set_zorder(100) # save and show pltuid = title + '_' + hashlib.sha1(title + str(xlimit)).hexdigest() pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='iowa_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight') #plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=False, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight') # for quick nolabel, whiteback files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: plt.close() return files_saved
[docs]def liliowa(mcdat, title='', xlimit=2.0, view=True, saveas=None, relpath=False, graphicsformat=['pdf']): """Saves a plot with a heatmap representation of *mcdat*. """ import numpy as np import hashlib import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # handle for frame, overall axis fig, axt = plt.subplots(figsize=(1, 1)) axt.set_xticks([]) axt.set_yticks([]) axt.invert_yaxis() axt.xaxis.set_tick_params(width=0, length=0) axt.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=0, length=0) axt.set_aspect('equal') # remove figure outline axt.spines['top'].set_visible(False) axt.spines['right'].set_visible(False) axt.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) axt.spines['left'].set_visible(False) tiles = mcdat dim = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(tiles)))) pad = dim * dim - len(tiles) tiles += [0] * pad cb = np.reshape(np.array(tiles), (dim, dim)) heatmap = axt.pcolor(cb, vmin=-xlimit, vmax=xlimit, # save and show pltuid = title + '_' + hashlib.sha1(title + str(xlimit)).hexdigest() pltfile = expand_saveas(saveas, pltuid, def_prefix='liliowa_', relpath=relpath) files_saved = {} for ext in graphicsformat: savefile = pltfile + '.' + ext.lower() plt.savefig(savefile, transparent=True, format=ext, bbox_inches='tight', frameon=False, pad_inches=0.0) files_saved[ext.lower()] = savefile if view: plt.close() return files_saved
if __name__ == "__main__": merge_dats = [ {'show':'a', 'db':'HSG', 'sys':'1', 'data':[0.3508, 0.1234, 0.0364, 0.0731, 0.0388]}, {'show':'b', 'db':'HSG', 'sys':'3', 'data':[0.2036, -0.0736, -0.1650, -0.1380, -0.1806]}, #{'show':'', 'db':'S22', 'sys':'14', 'data':[np.nan, -3.2144, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}, {'show':'c', 'db':'S22', 'sys':'14', 'data':[None, -3.2144, None, None, None]}, {'show':'d', 'db':'S22', 'sys':'15', 'data':[-1.5090, -2.5263, -2.9452, -2.8633, -3.1059]}, {'show':'e', 'db':'S22', 'sys':'22', 'data':[0.3046, -0.2632, -0.5070, -0.4925, -0.6359]}] threads(merge_dats, labels=['d', 't', 'dt', 'q', 'tq'], color='sapt', title='MP2-CPa[]z', mae=[0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0], mape=[20.1, 25, 15, 5.5, 3.6]) more_dats = [ {'mc':'MP2-CP-adz', 'data':[1.0, 0.8, 1.4, 1.6]}, {'mc':'MP2-CP-adtz', 'data':[0.6, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6]}, None, {'mc':'MP2-CP-adzagain', 'data':[1.0, 0.8, 1.4, 1.6]}] bars(more_dats, title='asdf') single_dats = [ {'dbse':'HSG', 'sys':'1', 'data':[0.3508]}, {'dbse':'HSG', 'sys':'3', 'data':[0.2036]}, {'dbse':'S22', 'sys':'14', 'data':[None]}, {'dbse':'S22', 'sys':'15', 'data':[-1.5090]}, {'dbse':'S22', 'sys':'22', 'data':[0.3046]}] #flat(single_dats, color='sapt', title='fg_MP2_adz', mae=0.25, mape=20.1) flat([{'sys': '1', 'color': 0.6933450559423702, 'data': [0.45730000000000004]}, {'sys': '2', 'color': 0.7627027688599753, 'data': [0.6231999999999998]}, {'sys': '3', 'color': 0.7579958735528617, 'data': [2.7624999999999993]}, {'sys': '4', 'color': 0.7560883254421639, 'data': [2.108600000000001]}, {'sys': '5', 'color': 0.7515161912065955, 'data': [2.2304999999999993]}, {'sys': '6', 'color': 0.7235223893438876, 'data': [1.3782000000000014]}, {'sys': '7', 'color': 0.7120099024225569, 'data': [1.9519000000000002]}, {'sys': '8', 'color': 0.13721565059144678, 'data': [0.13670000000000004]}, {'sys': '9', 'color': 0.3087395095814767, 'data': [0.2966]}, {'sys': '10', 'color': 0.25493207637105103, 'data': [-0.020199999999999996]}, {'sys': '11', 'color': 0.24093814608979347, 'data': [-1.5949999999999998]}, {'sys': '12', 'color': 0.3304746631959777, 'data': [-1.7422000000000004]}, {'sys': '13', 'color': 0.4156050644764822, 'data': [0.0011999999999989797]}, {'sys': '14', 'color': 0.2667207259626991, 'data': [-2.6083999999999996]}, {'sys': '15', 'color': 0.3767053567641695, 'data': [-1.5090000000000003]}, {'sys': '16', 'color': 0.5572641509433963, 'data': [0.10749999999999993]}, {'sys': '17', 'color': 0.4788598239641578, 'data': [0.29669999999999996]}, {'sys': '18', 'color': 0.3799031371351281, 'data': [0.10209999999999964]}, {'sys': '19', 'color': 0.5053227185999078, 'data': [0.16610000000000014]}, {'sys': '20', 'color': 0.2967660584483015, 'data': [-0.37739999999999974]}, {'sys': '21', 'color': 0.38836460733750316, 'data': [-0.4712000000000005]}, {'sys': '22', 'color': 0.5585849893078809, 'data': [0.30460000000000065]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD36-1.8', 'color': 0.1383351040559965, 'data': [-1.1921]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD34-2.0', 'color': 0.23086034843049832, 'data': [-1.367]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_T-5.2', 'color': 0.254318060864096, 'data': [-0.32230000000000025]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_T-5.1', 'color': 0.26598486566733337, 'data': [-0.3428]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_T-5.0', 'color': 0.28011258347610224, 'data': [-0.36060000000000025]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_S2-3.9', 'color': 0.14520332101084785, 'data': [-0.9853000000000001]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_S2-3.8', 'color': 0.1690757103699542, 'data': [-1.0932]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_S2-3.5', 'color': 0.25615734567417053, 'data': [-1.4617]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_S2-3.7', 'color': 0.19566550224566906, 'data': [-1.2103999999999995]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_S2-3.6', 'color': 0.22476748600170826, 'data': [-1.3333]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD32-2.0', 'color': 0.31605681987208084, 'data': [-1.6637]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_T-4.8', 'color': 0.31533827331543723, 'data': [-0.38759999999999994]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_T-4.9', 'color': 0.2966146678069063, 'data': [-0.3759999999999999]}, {'sys': 'BzH2S-3.6', 'color': 0.38284814928043304, 'data': [-0.1886000000000001]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD32-1.7', 'color': 0.3128835191478639, 'data': [-1.8703999999999998]}, {'sys': 'BzMe-3.8', 'color': 0.24117892478245323, 'data': [-0.034399999999999986]}, {'sys': 'BzMe-3.9', 'color': 0.22230903086047088, 'data': [-0.046499999999999986]}, {'sys': 'BzH2S-3.7', 'color': 0.36724255203373696, 'data': [-0.21039999999999992]}, {'sys': 'BzMe-3.6', 'color': 0.284901522674611, 'data': [0.007099999999999884]}, {'sys': 'BzMe-3.7', 'color': 0.2621086166558813, 'data': [-0.01770000000000005]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD32-1.9', 'color': 0.314711251903219, 'data': [-1.7353999999999998]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD32-1.8', 'color': 0.3136181753200793, 'data': [-1.8039999999999998]}, {'sys': 'BzH2S-3.8', 'color': 0.3542001591399945, 'data': [-0.22230000000000016]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD36-1.9', 'color': 0.14128552184232473, 'data': [-1.1517]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_S-3.7', 'color': 0.08862098445220466, 'data': [-1.3414]}, {'sys': 'BzH2S-4.0', 'color': 0.33637540012259076, 'data': [-0.2265999999999999]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD36-1.5', 'color': 0.13203548045236127, 'data': [-1.3035]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_S-3.8', 'color': 0.0335358832178858, 'data': [-1.2022]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_S-3.9', 'color': 0.021704594689389095, 'data': [-1.0747]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_T3-5.1', 'color': 0.3207725129126432, 'data': [-0.2958000000000003]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_T3-5.0', 'color': 0.3254925304351165, 'data': [-0.30710000000000015]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD36-1.7', 'color': 0.13577087141986593, 'data': [-1.2333000000000003]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_T3-4.8', 'color': 0.3443704059902452, 'data': [-0.32010000000000005]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_T3-4.9', 'color': 0.3333442013628509, 'data': [-0.3158999999999996]}, {'sys': 'PyPy_T3-4.7', 'color': 0.35854000505665756, 'data': [-0.31530000000000014]}, {'sys': 'BzBz_PD36-1.6', 'color': 0.13364651314909243, 'data': [-1.2705000000000002]}, {'sys': 'BzMe-4.0', 'color': 0.20560117919562013, 'data': [-0.05389999999999984]}, {'sys': 'MeMe-3.6', 'color': 0.16934865900383142, 'data': [0.18420000000000003]}, {'sys': 'MeMe-3.7', 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0.6146680031333968, 'data': [0.6436000000000002]}, {'sys': '11', 'color': 0.6139747851721759, 'data': [0.4551999999999996]}, {'sys': '12', 'color': 0.32122739401126593, 'data': [0.44260000000000005]}, {'sys': '13', 'color': 0.24678148099136055, 'data': [-0.11789999999999967]}, {'sys': '14', 'color': 0.23700950710597016, 'data': [0.42689999999999995]}, {'sys': '15', 'color': 0.23103396678138563, 'data': [0.3266]}, {'sys': '16', 'color': 0.1922070769654413, 'data': [0.0696000000000001]}, {'sys': '17', 'color': 0.19082151944747366, 'data': [0.11159999999999992]}, {'sys': '18', 'color': 0.2886200282444196, 'data': [0.4114]}, {'sys': '19', 'color': 0.23560171133945224, 'data': [-0.1392]}, {'sys': '20', 'color': 0.3268270751294533, 'data': [0.5593]}, {'sys': '21', 'color': 0.7324460869158442, 'data': [0.6806000000000001]}], color='sapt', title='MP2-CP-adz', mae=1.21356003247, mape=24.6665886087, xlimit=4.0) lin_dats = [-0.5, -0.4, -0.3, 0, .5, .8, 5] lin_labs = ['008ILE-012LEU-1', 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