Source code for psi4.driver.driver

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2017 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This file is part of Psi4.
# Psi4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# Psi4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with Psi4; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

"""Module with a *procedures* dictionary specifying available quantum
chemical methods and functions driving the main quantum chemical
functionality, namely single-point energies, geometry optimizations,
properties, and vibrational frequency calculations.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import re
import math
import os
import shutil

# Import driver helpers
from psi4.driver import driver_util
from psi4.driver import driver_cbs
from psi4.driver import driver_nbody
from psi4.driver import p4util
# from psi4.driver.inputparser import parse_options_block

from psi4.driver.procrouting import *
from psi4.driver.p4util.exceptions import *
# never import wrappers or aliases into this file

def _find_derivative_type(ptype, method_name, user_dertype):
    Figures out the derivative type (0, 1, 2) for a given method_name. Will
    first use user default and then the highest available derivative type for
    a given method.

    if ptype not in ['gradient', 'hessian']:
        raise ValidationError("_find_derivative_type: ptype must either be gradient or hessian.")

    dertype = "(auto)"

    # If user type is None, try to find the highest derivative
    if user_dertype is None:
        if (ptype == 'hessian') and (method_name in procedures['hessian']):
            dertype = 2
            # Will need special logic if we ever have managed Hessians
        elif method_name in procedures['gradient']:
            dertype = 1
            if procedures['gradient'][method_name].__name__.startswith('select_'):
                    procedures['gradient'][method_name](method_name, probe=True)
                except ManagedMethodError:
                    dertype = 0
        elif method_name in procedures['energy']:
            dertype = 0
        # Quick sanity check. Only *should* be able to be None or int, but hey, kids today...
        if not isinstance(user_dertype, int):
            raise ValidationError("_find_derivative_type: user_dertype should only be None or int!")
        dertype = user_dertype

    if (core.get_global_option('INTEGRAL_PACKAGE') == 'ERD') and (dertype != 0):
        raise ValidationError('INTEGRAL_PACKAGE ERD does not play nicely with derivatives, so stopping.')

    # Summary validation
    if (dertype == 2) and (method_name in procedures['hessian']):
    elif (dertype == 1) and (method_name in procedures['gradient']):
    elif (dertype == 0) and (method_name in procedures['energy']):
        alternatives = ''
        alt_method_name = p4util.text.find_approximate_string_matches(method_name, procedures['energy'].keys(), 2)
        if len(alt_method_name) > 0:
            alternatives = """ Did you mean? %s""" % (' '.join(alt_method_name))

        raise ValidationError("""Derivative method 'name' %s and derivative level 'dertype' %s are not available.%s"""
            % (method_name, str(dertype), alternatives))

    return dertype

[docs]def energy(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to compute the single-point electronic energy. :returns: *float* |w--w| Total electronic energy in Hartrees. SAPT & EFP return interaction energy. :returns: (*float*, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| energy and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :PSI variables: .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY <CURRENTENERGY>` * :psivar:`CURRENT REFERENCE ENERGY <CURRENTREFERENCEENERGY>` * :psivar:`CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY <CURRENTCORRELATIONENERGY>` :type name: string :param name: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the system. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>` :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr| Indicate to additionally return the :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` calculation result as the second element (after *float* energy) of a tuple. :type restart_file: string :param restart_file: ``['file.1, file.32]`` || ``./file`` || etc. Binary data files to be renamed for calculation restart. .. _`table:energy_gen`: +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | calls method | +=========================+===============================================================================================================+ | efp | effective fragment potential (EFP) :ref:`[manual] <sec:libefp>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scf | Hartree--Fock (HF) or density functional theory (DFT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | hf | HF self consistent field (SCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | hf3c | HF with dispersion, BSSE, and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] <sec:gcp>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | pbeh3c | PBEh with dispersion, BSSE, and basis set corrections :ref:`[manual] <sec:gcp>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dcft | density cumulant functional theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:dcft>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2 | 2nd-order |MollerPlesset| perturbation theory (MP2) :ref:`[manual] <sec:dfmp2>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp2>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp3 | 3rd-order |MollerPlesset| perturbation theory (MP3) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp3>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-mp3 | MP3 with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2.5 | average of MP2 and MP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp25>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp4(sdq) | 4th-order MP perturbation theory (MP4) less triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnompn>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-mp4(sdq) | MP4 (less triples) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp4 | full MP4 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnompn>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp4>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-mp4 | full MP4 with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp\ *n* | *n*\ th-order |MollerPlesset| (MP) perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:arbpt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | zapt\ *n* | *n*\ th-order z-averaged perturbation theory (ZAPT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:arbpt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2 | orbital-optimized second-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp2 | spin-component scaled OMP2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs(n)-omp2 | a special version of SCS-OMP2 for nucleobase interactions :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp2-vdw | a special version of SCS-OMP2 (from ethene dimers) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-omp2 | spin-opposite scaled OMP2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-pi-omp2 | A special version of SOS-OMP2 for pi systems :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp3 | orbital-optimized third-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp3 | spin-component scaled OMP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs(n)-omp3 | a special version of SCS-OMP3 for nucleobase interactions :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scs-omp3-vdw | a special version of SCS-OMP3 (from ethene dimers) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-omp3 | spin-opposite scaled OMP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sos-pi-omp3 | A special version of SOS-OMP3 for pi systems :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2.5 | orbital-optimized MP2.5 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lccsd, cepa(0) | coupled electron pair approximation variant 0 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` :ref:`[details] <tllccsd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-lccsd, fno-cepa(0) | CEPA(0) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cepa(1) | coupled electron pair approximation variant 1 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-cepa(1) | CEPA(1) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cepa(3) | coupled electron pair approximation variant 3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-cepa(3) | CEPA(3) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | acpf | averaged coupled-pair functional :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-acpf | ACPF with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | aqcc | averaged quadratic coupled cluster :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocepa>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-aqcc | AQCC with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | qcisd | quadratic CI singles doubles (QCISD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-qcisd | QCISD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lccd | Linear CCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tllccd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-lccd | LCCD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | olccd | orbital optimized LCCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cc2 | approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles (CC2) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccd | coupled cluster doubles (CCD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd | coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bccd | Brueckner coupled cluster doubles (BCCD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-ccsd | CCSD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | qcisd(t) | QCISD with perturbative triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-qcisd(t) | QCISD(T) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd(t) | CCSD with perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsdt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd(at) | CCSD with asymmetric perturbative triples (CCSD(AT)) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsdat>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bccd(t) | BCCD with perturbative triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-ccsd(t) | CCSD(T) with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cc3 | approximate CC singles, doubles, and triples (CC3) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccenergy | **expert** full control over ccenergy module | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dfocc | **expert** full control over dfocc module | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisd | configuration interaction (CI) singles and doubles (CISD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` :ref:`[details] <tlcisd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fno-cisd | CISD with frozen natural orbitals :ref:`[manual] <sec:fnocc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisdt | CI singles, doubles, and triples (CISDT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisdtq | CI singles, doubles, triples, and quadruples (CISDTQ) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ci\ *n* | *n*\ th-order CI :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fci | full configuration interaction (FCI) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | detci | **expert** full control over detci module | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | casscf | complete active space self consistent field (CASSCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | rasscf | restricted active space self consistent field (RASSCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:ci>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mcscf | multiconfigurational self consistent field (SCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:psimrcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | psimrcc | Mukherjee multireference coupled cluster (Mk-MRCC) :ref:`[manual] <sec:psimrcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dmrg-scf | density matrix renormalization group SCF :ref:`[manual] <sec:chemps2>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dmrg-caspt2 | density matrix renormalization group CASPT2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:chemps2>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dmrg-ci | density matrix renormalization group CI :ref:`[manual] <sec:chemps2>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt0 | 0th-order symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ssapt0 | 0th-order SAPT with special exchange scaling :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fisapt0 | 0th-order functional and/or intramolecular SAPT :ref:`[manual] <sec:fisapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2 | 2nd-order SAPT, traditional definition :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+ | SAPT including all 2nd-order terms :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3) | SAPT including perturbative triples :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3 | SAPT including all 3rd-order terms :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(ccd) | SAPT2+ with CC-based dispersion :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)(ccd) | SAPT2+(3) with CC-based dispersion :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3(ccd) | SAPT2+3 with CC-based dispersion :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+dmp2 | SAPT including all 2nd-order terms and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)dmp2 | SAPT including perturbative triples and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3dmp2 | SAPT including all 3rd-order terms and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(ccd)dmp2 | SAPT2+ with CC-based dispersion and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)(ccd)dmp2 | SAPT2+(3) with CC-based dispersion and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3(ccd)dmp2 | SAPT2+3 with CC-based dispersion and MP2 correction :ref:`[manual] <sec:sapt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt0-ct | 0th-order SAPT plus charge transfer (CT) calculation :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2-ct | SAPT2 plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+-ct | SAPT2+ plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)-ct | SAPT2+(3) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3-ct | SAPT2+3 plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(ccd)-ct | SAPT2+(CCD) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+(3)(ccd)-ct | SAPT2+(3)(CCD) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sapt2+3(ccd)-ct | SAPT2+3(CCD) plus CT :ref:`[manual] <sec:saptct>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | adc | 2nd-order algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC) :ref:`[manual] <sec:adc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-cc2 | EOM-CC2 :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-ccsd | equation of motion (EOM) CCSD :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-cc3 | EOM-CC3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. comment missing and why .. comment a certain isapt --- marginally released .. comment mrcc --- this is handled in its own table .. comment psimrcc_scf --- convenience fn .. include:: ../autodoc_dft_energy.rst .. include:: ../mrcc_table_energy.rst .. include:: ../cfour_table_energy.rst :examples: >>> # [1] Coupled-cluster singles and doubles calculation with psi code >>> energy('ccsd') >>> # [2] Charge-transfer SAPT calculation with scf projection from small into >>> # requested basis, with specified projection fitting basis >>> set basis_guess true >>> set df_basis_guess jun-cc-pVDZ-JKFIT >>> energy('sapt0-ct') >>> # [3] Arbitrary-order MPn calculation >>> energy('mp7') >>> # [4] Converge scf as singlet, then run detci as triplet upon singlet reference >>> # Note that the integral transformation is not done automatically when detci is run in a separate step. >>> molecule H2 {\n0 1\nH\nH 1 0.74\n} >>> set basis cc-pVDZ >>> set reference rohf >>> scf_e, scf_wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True) >>> H2.set_multiplicity(3) >>> core.MintsHelper(scf_wfn.basisset()).integrals() >>> energy('detci', ref_wfn=scf_wfn) >>> # [5] Run two CI calculations, keeping the integrals generated in the first one. >>> molecule ne {\nNe\n} >>> set basis cc-pVDZ >>> cisd_e, cisd_wfn = energy('cisd', return_wfn=True) >>> energy('fci', ref_wfn=cisd_wfn) >>> # [6] Can automatically perform complete basis set extrapolations >>> energy("CCSD/cc-pV[DT]Z") >>> # [7] Can automatically perform delta corrections that include extrapolations >>> # even with a user-defined extrapolation formula. See sample inputs named >>> # cbs-xtpl* for more examples of this input style >>> energy("MP2/aug-cc-pv([d,t]+d)z + d:ccsd(t)/cc-pvdz", corl_scheme=myxtplfn_2) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce if name is function if hasattr(name, '__call__'): return name(energy, kwargs.pop('label', 'custom function'), ptype='energy', **kwargs) # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername = name.lower() lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level # Bounce to CP if bsse kwarg if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: return driver_nbody.nbody_gufunc(energy, name, ptype='energy', **kwargs) # Bounce to CBS if "method/basis" name if "/" in lowername: return driver_cbs._cbs_gufunc(energy, name, ptype='energy', **kwargs) # Commit to procedures['energy'] call hereafter return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) core.clean_variables() # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() #for precallback in hooks['energy']['pre']: # precallback(lowername, **kwargs) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 6, 8, 6, 8, 6) # Before invoking the procedure, we rename any file that should be read. # This is a workaround to do restarts with the current PSI4 capabilities # before actual, clean restarts are put in there # Restartfile is always converted to a single-element list if # it contains a single string if 'restart_file' in kwargs: restartfile = kwargs['restart_file'] # Option still available for procedure-specific action if restartfile != list(restartfile): restartfile = [restartfile] # Rename the files to be read to be consistent with psi4's file system for item in restartfile: name_split = re.split(r'\.', item) filenum = name_split[len(name_split) - 1] try: filenum = int(filenum) except ValueError: filenum = 32 # Default file number is the checkpoint one psioh = core.IOManager.shared_object() psio = core.IO.shared_object() filepath = psioh.get_file_path(filenum) namespace = psio.get_default_namespace() pid = str(os.getpid()) prefix = 'psi' targetfile = filepath + prefix + '.' + pid + '.' + namespace + '.' + str(filenum) shutil.copy(item, targetfile) wfn = procedures['energy'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) for postcallback in hooks['energy']['post']: postcallback(lowername, wfn=wfn, **kwargs) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: # TODO current energy safer than for now, but should be revisited # TODO place this with the associated call, very awkward to call this in other areas at the moment if lowername in ['efp', 'mrcc', 'dmrg', 'psimrcc']: core.print_out("\n\nWarning! %s does not have an associated derived wavefunction." % name) core.print_out("The returned wavefunction is the incoming reference wavefunction.\n\n") elif 'sapt' in lowername: core.print_out("\n\nWarning! %s does not have an associated derived wavefunction." % name) core.print_out("The returned wavefunction is the dimer SCF wavefunction.\n\n") return (core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), wfn) else: return core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')
[docs]def gradient(name, **kwargs): r"""Function complementary to :py:func:~driver.optimize(). Carries out one gradient pass, deciding analytic or finite difference. :returns: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Matrix` |w--w| Total electronic gradient in Hartrees/Bohr. :returns: (:py:class:`~psi4.core.Matrix`, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| gradient and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :examples: >>> # [1] Single-point dft gradient getting the gradient >>> # in file, core.Matrix, and np.array forms >>> set gradient_write on >>> G, wfn = gradient('b3lyp-d', return_wfn=True) >>> wfn.gradient().print_out() >>> np.array(G) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce to CP if bsse kwarg (someday) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValidationError("Gradient: Cannot specify bsse_type for gradient yet.") # Figure out what kind of gradient this is if hasattr(name, '__call__'): if name.__name__ in ['cbs', 'complete_basis_set']: gradient_type = 'cbs_wrapper' else: # Bounce to name if name is non-CBS function gradient_type = 'custom_function' elif '/' in name: gradient_type = 'cbs_gufunc' else: gradient_type = 'conventional' # Figure out lowername, dertype, and func # If we have analytical gradients we want to pass to our wrappers, otherwise we want to run # finite-diference energy or cbs energies # TODO MP5/cc-pv[DT]Z behavior unkown due to "levels" user_dertype = kwargs.pop('dertype', None) if gradient_type == 'custom_function': if user_dertype is None: dertype = 0 core.print_out("\nGradient: Custom function passed in without a defined dertype, assuming fd-energy based gradient.\n") else: core.print_out("\nGradient: Custom function passed in with a dertype of %d\n" % user_dertype) dertype = user_dertype if dertype == 1: return name(gradient, kwargs.pop('label', 'custom function'), ptype='gradient', **kwargs) else: optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', 'scf', 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) lowername = name elif gradient_type == 'cbs_wrapper': cbs_methods = driver_cbs._cbs_wrapper_methods(**kwargs) dertype = min([_find_derivative_type('gradient', method, user_dertype) for method in cbs_methods]) if dertype == 1: # Bounce to CBS (directly) in pure-gradient mode if name is CBS and all parts have analytic grad. avail. return name(gradient, kwargs.pop('label', 'custom function'), ptype='gradient', **kwargs) else: optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', cbs_methods[0], 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) lowername = name # Pass through to G by E elif gradient_type == 'cbs_gufunc': cbs_methods = driver_cbs._parse_cbs_gufunc_string(name.lower())[0] dertype = min([_find_derivative_type('gradient', method, user_dertype) for method in cbs_methods]) lowername = name.lower() if dertype == 1: # Bounce to CBS in pure-gradient mode if "method/basis" name and all parts have analytic grad. avail. return driver_cbs._cbs_gufunc(gradient, name, ptype='gradient', **kwargs) else: # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', cbs_methods[0], 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) else: # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername = name.lower() lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level # Prevent methods that do not have associated gradients if lowername in energy_only_methods: raise ValidationError("gradient('%s') does not have an associated gradient" % name) dertype = _find_derivative_type('gradient', lowername, user_dertype) # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) # Commit to procedures[] call hereafter return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) core.clean_variables() # no analytic derivatives for scf_type cd if core.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE') == 'CD': if (dertype == 1): raise ValidationError("""No analytic derivatives for SCF_TYPE CD.""") # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # S/R: Mode of operation- whether finite difference opt run in one job or files farmed out opt_mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'continuous').lower() if opt_mode == 'continuous': pass elif opt_mode == 'sow': if dertype == 1: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode 'sow' not valid for analytic gradient calculation.""") elif opt_mode == 'reap': opt_linkage = kwargs.get('linkage', None) if opt_linkage is None: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode 'reap' requires a linkage option.""") else: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (opt_mode)) # Does dertype indicate an analytic procedure both exists and is wanted? if dertype == 1: core.print_out("""gradient() will perform analytic gradient computation.\n""") # Perform the gradient calculation wfn = procedures['gradient'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.gradient(), wfn) else: return wfn.gradient() else: core.print_out("""gradient() will perform gradient computation by finite difference of analytic energies.\n""") opt_iter = kwargs.get('opt_iter', 1) if opt_iter is True: opt_iter = 1 if opt_iter == 1: print('Performing finite difference calculations') # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() # Obtain list of displacements # print("about to generate displacements") displacements = core.fd_geoms_1_0(moleculeclone) # print(displacements) ndisp = len(displacements) # print("generated displacments") # This version is pretty dependent on the reference geometry being last (as it is now) print(""" %d displacements needed ...""" % (ndisp), end='') energies = [] # S/R: Write instructions for sow/reap procedure to output file and reap input file if opt_mode == 'sow': instructionsO = """\n The optimization sow/reap procedure has been selected through mode='sow'. In addition\n""" instructionsO += """ to this output file (which contains no quantum chemical calculations), this job\n""" instructionsO += """ has produced a number of input files (OPT-%s-*.in) for individual components\n""" % (str(opt_iter)) instructionsO += """ and a single input file ( with an optimize(mode='reap') command.\n""" instructionsO += """ These files may look very peculiar since they contain processed and pickled python\n""" instructionsO += """ rather than normal input. Follow the instructions in to continue.\n\n""" instructionsO += """ Alternatively, a single-job execution of the gradient may be accessed through\n""" instructionsO += """ the optimization wrapper option mode='continuous'.\n\n""" core.print_out(instructionsO) instructionsM = """\n# Follow the instructions below to carry out this optimization cycle.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# (1) Run all of the OPT-%s-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture.\n""" % (str(opt_iter)) instructionsM += """# The output file names must be as given below.\n#\n""" for rgt in range(ndisp): pre = 'OPT-' + str(opt_iter) + '-' + str(rgt + 1) instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n""" % (pre + '.in', pre + '.out') instructionsM += """#\n# (2) Gather all the resulting output files in a directory. Place input file\n""" instructionsM += """# into that directory and run it. The job will be minimal in\n""" instructionsM += """# length and give summary results for the gradient step in its output file.\n#\n""" if opt_iter == 1: instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n""" % ('', 'OPT-master.out') else: instructionsM += """# psi4 -a -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n""" % ('', 'OPT-master.out') instructionsM += """# After each optimization iteration, the file is overwritten so return here\n""" instructionsM += """# for new instructions. With the use of the psi4 -a flag, OPT-master.out is not\n""" instructionsM += """# overwritten and so maintains a history of the job. To use the (binary) optimizer\n""" instructionsM += """# data file to accelerate convergence, the OPT-master jobs must run on the same computer.\n\n""" with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_options_for_input().encode('utf-8')) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(fmaster, lmode=2, return_wfn=True, dertype=dertype, **kwargs) fmaster.write(("""retE, retwfn = optimize('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (lowername)).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(instructionsM.encode('utf-8')) for n, displacement in enumerate(displacements): rfile = 'OPT-%s-%s' % (opt_iter, n + 1) # Build string of title banner banners = '' banners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n""" banners += """p4util.banner(' Gradient %d Computation: Displacement %d ')\n""" % (opt_iter, n + 1) banners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" if opt_mode == 'continuous': # print progress to file and screen core.print_out('\n') p4util.banner('Loading displacement %d of %d' % (n + 1, ndisp)) print(""" %d""" % (n + 1), end=('\n' if (n + 1 == ndisp) else '')) sys.stdout.flush() # Load in displacement into the active molecule moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # Perform the energy calculation E, wfn = energy(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=moleculeclone, **kwargs) energies.append(core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')) # S/R: Write each displaced geometry to an input file elif opt_mode == 'sow': moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # S/R: Prepare molecule, options, and kwargs with open('' % (rfile), 'wb') as freagent: freagent.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_options_for_input().encode('utf-8')) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(freagent, **kwargs) # S/R: Prepare function call and energy save freagent.write(("""electronic_energy = energy('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (lowername)).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(("""core.print_out('\\nGRADIENT RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write("""yields electronic energy %20.12f\\n' % (electronic_energy))\n\n""".encode('utf-8')) # S/R: Read energy from each displaced geometry output file and save in energies array elif opt_mode == 'reap': exec(banners) core.set_variable('NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY', moleculeclone.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) energies.append(p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'GRADIENT', n, opt_linkage, True)) # S/R: Quit sow after writing files. Initialize skeleton wfn to receive grad for reap if opt_mode == 'sow': optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (None, None) # any point to building a dummy wfn here? else: return None elif opt_mode == 'reap': core.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) wfn =, core.get_global_option('BASIS')) # Compute the gradient; last item in 'energies' is undisplaced core.set_local_option('FINDIF', 'GRADIENT_WRITE', True) G = core.fd_1_0(molecule, energies) G.print_out() wfn.set_gradient(G) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.gradient(), wfn) else: return wfn.gradient()
[docs]def property(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to compute various properties. :aliases: prop() :returns: none. .. caution:: Some features are not yet implemented. Buy a developer a coffee. - This function at present has a limited functionality. Consult the keywords sections of other modules for further property capabilities. +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Calls Method | Reference | Supported Properties | +====================+===============================================+================+===============================================================+ | scf | Self-consistent field method(s) | RHF/ROHF/UHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>` | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | hf | HF Self-consistent field method(s) | RHF/ROHF/UHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>` | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2 | MP2 with density fitting only (mp2_type df) | RHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>` | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | cc2 | 2nd-order approximate CCSD | RHF | dipole, quadrupole, polarizability, rotation, roa_tensor | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd | Coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) | RHF | dipole, quadrupole, polarizability, rotation, roa_tensor | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-cc2 | 2nd-order approximate EOM-CCSD | RHF | oscillator_strength, rotational_strength | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-ccsd | Equation-of-motion CCSD (EOM-CCSD) | RHF | oscillator_strength, rotational_strength | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | cisd, cisdt, | Configuration interaction | RHF/ROHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>`, transition_dipole, | | cisdt, cisdtq, | | | transition_quadrupole | | ci5, ..., fci | | | | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | casscf, rasscf | Multi-configurational SCF | RHF/ROHF | Listed :ref:`here <sec:oeprop>`, transition_dipole, | | | | | transition_quadrupole | +--------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ :type name: string :param name: ``'ccsd'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the system. :type properties: array of strings :param properties: |dl| ``[]`` |dr| || ``['rotation', 'polarizability', 'oscillator_strength', 'roa']`` || etc. Indicates which properties should be computed. Defaults to dipole and quadrupole. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :examples: >>> # [1] Optical rotation calculation >>> property('cc2', properties=['rotation']) """ lowername = name.lower() kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level properties = kwargs.get('properties', ['dipole', 'quadrupole']) kwargs['properties'] = p4util.drop_duplicates(properties) optstash = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('property', lowername, 6, 10, 6, 10, 8) wfn = procedures['property'][lowername](lowername, **kwargs) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), wfn) else: return core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')
[docs]def optimize(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to perform a geometry optimization. :aliases: opt() :returns: *float* |w--w| Total electronic energy of optimized structure in Hartrees. :returns: (*float*, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| energy and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :raises: psi4.ConvergenceError if |optking__geom_maxiter| exceeded without reaching geometry convergence. :PSI variables: .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY <CURRENTENERGY>` :type name: string :param name: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the database. May be any valid argument to :py:func:``. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>` :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr| Indicate to additionally return the :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` calculation result as the second element (after *float* energy) of a tuple. :type func: :ref:`function <op_py_function>` :param func: |dl| ``gradient`` |dr| || ``energy`` || ``cbs`` Indicates the type of calculation to be performed on the molecule. The default dertype accesses ``'gradient'`` or ``'energy'``, while ``'cbs'`` performs a multistage finite difference calculation. If a nested series of python functions is intended (see :ref:`sec:intercalls`), use keyword ``opt_func`` instead of ``func``. :type mode: string :param mode: |dl| ``'continuous'`` |dr| || ``'sow'`` || ``'reap'`` For a finite difference of energies optimization, indicates whether the calculations required to complete the optimization are to be run in one file (``'continuous'``) or are to be farmed out in an embarrassingly parallel fashion (``'sow'``/``'reap'``). For the latter, run an initial job with ``'sow'`` and follow instructions in its output file. For maximum flexibility, ``return_wfn`` is always on in ``'reap'`` mode. :type dertype: :ref:`dertype <op_py_dertype>` :param dertype: ``'gradient'`` || ``'energy'`` Indicates whether analytic (if available) or finite difference optimization is to be performed. :type hessian_with: string :param hessian_with: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || etc. Indicates the computational method with which to perform a hessian analysis to guide the geometry optimization. .. warning:: Optimizations where the molecule is specified in Z-matrix format with dummy atoms will result in the geometry being converted to a Cartesian representation. .. note:: Analytic gradients area available for all methods in the table below. Optimizations with other methods in the energy table proceed by finite differences. .. _`table:grad_gen`: +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | calls method | +=========================+===============================================================================================================+ | efp | efp-only optimizations | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | scf | Hartree--Fock (HF) or density functional theory (DFT) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | hf | HF self consistent field (SCF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dcft | density cumulant functional theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:dcft>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2 | 2nd-order |MollerPlesset| perturbation theory (MP2) :ref:`[manual] <sec:dfmp2>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp2>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp3 | 3rd-order |MollerPlesset| perturbation theory (MP3) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp3>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mp2.5 | average of MP2 and MP3 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tlmp25>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2 | orbital-optimized second-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp3 | orbital-optimized third-order MP perturbation theory :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | omp2.5 | orbital-optimized MP2.5 :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | lccd | Linear CCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` :ref:`[details] <tllccd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | olccd | orbital optimized LCCD :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_oo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccd | coupled cluster doubles (CCD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:occ_nonoo>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd | coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsd>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ccsd(t) | CCSD with perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) :ref:`[manual] <sec:cc>` :ref:`[details] <tlccsdt>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | eom-ccsd | equation of motion (EOM) CCSD :ref:`[manual] <sec:eomcc>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _`table:grad_scf`: .. include:: ../autodoc_dft_opt.rst .. include:: ../cfour_table_grad.rst :examples: >>> # [1] Analytic hf optimization >>> optimize('hf') >>> # [2] Finite difference mp5 optimization with gradient >>> # printed to output file >>> e, wfn = opt('mp5', return_wfn='yes') >>> wfn.gradient().print_out() >>> # [3] Forced finite difference hf optimization run in >>> # embarrassingly parallel fashion >>> optimize('hf', dertype='energy', mode='sow') >>> # [4] Can automatically perform complete basis set extrapolations >>> optimize('MP2/cc-pV([D,T]+d)Z') >>> # [5] Can automatically perform delta corrections that include extrapolations >>> # even with a user-defined extrapolation formula. See sample inputs named >>> # cbs-xtpl* for more examples of this input style >>> optimize("MP2/aug-cc-pv([d,t]+d)z + d:ccsd(t)/cc-pvdz", corl_scheme=myxtplfn_2) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) if hasattr(name, '__call__'): lowername = name custom_gradient = True else: lowername = name.lower() custom_gradient = False return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) # For CBS wrapper, need to set retention on INTCO file if custom_gradient or ('/' in lowername): core.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValidationError("Optimize: Does not currently support 'bsse_type' arguements") full_hess_every = core.get_option('OPTKING', 'FULL_HESS_EVERY') steps_since_last_hessian = 0 if custom_gradient and core.has_option_changed('OPTKING', 'FULL_HESS_EVERY'): raise ValidationError("Optimize: Does not support custom Hessian's yet.") else: hessian_with_method = kwargs.get('hessian_with', lowername) # are we in sow/reap mode? opt_mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'continuous').lower() if opt_mode not in ['continuous', 'sow', 'reap']: raise ValidationError("""Optimize execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (opt_mode)) optstash = p4util.OptionsState( ['OPTKING', 'INTRAFRAG_STEP_LIMIT'], ['FINDIF', 'HESSIAN_WRITE'], ['OPTKING', 'CART_HESS_READ'], ['SCF', 'GUESS_PERSIST'], # handle on behalf of cbs() ['SCF', 'GUESS']) n = kwargs.get('opt_iter', 1) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) # If we are feezing cartesian, do not orient or COM if core.get_local_option("OPTKING", "FROZEN_CARTESIAN"): molecule.fix_orientation(True) molecule.fix_com(True) molecule.update_geometry() # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() initial_sym = moleculeclone.schoenflies_symbol() while n <= core.get_option('OPTKING', 'GEOM_MAXITER'): current_sym = moleculeclone.schoenflies_symbol() if initial_sym != current_sym: raise ValidationError("""Point group changed! (%s <-- %s) You should restart """ """using the last geometry in the output, after """ """carefully making sure all symmetry-dependent """ """input, such as DOCC, is correct.""" % (current_sym, initial_sym)) kwargs['opt_iter'] = n # Use orbitals from previous iteration as a guess # set within loop so that can be influenced by fns to optimize (e.g., cbs) if (n > 1) and (opt_mode == 'continuous') and (not core.get_option('SCF', 'GUESS_PERSIST')): core.set_local_option('SCF', 'GUESS', 'READ') # Before computing gradient, save previous molecule and wavefunction if this is an IRC optimization if (n > 1) and (core.get_option('OPTKING', 'OPT_TYPE') == 'IRC'): old_thisenergy = core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') # Compute the gradient G, wfn = gradient(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=moleculeclone, **kwargs) thisenergy = core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') # above, used to be getting energy as last of energy list from gradient() # thisenergy below should ultimately be testing on # S/R: Quit after getting new displacements or if forming gradient fails if opt_mode == 'sow': return (0.0, None) elif opt_mode == 'reap' and thisenergy == 0.0: return (0.0, None) core.set_gradient(G) # S/R: Move opt data file from last pass into namespace for this pass if opt_mode == 'reap' and n != 0: core.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) core.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_path(1, './') if 'opt_datafile' in kwargs: restartfile = kwargs.pop('opt_datafile') #if == 0: TODO ask Ryan shutil.copy(restartfile, p4util.get_psifile(1)) # opt_func = kwargs.get('opt_func', kwargs.get('func', energy)) # if opt_func.__name__ == 'complete_basis_set': # core.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) if full_hess_every > -1: core.set_global_option('HESSIAN_WRITE', True) # compute Hessian as requested; frequency wipes out gradient so stash it if ((full_hess_every > -1) and (n == 1)) or (steps_since_last_hessian + 1 == full_hess_every): G = core.get_gradient() # TODO core.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, True) core.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_path(1, './') frequencies(hessian_with_method, **kwargs) steps_since_last_hessian = 0 core.set_gradient(G) core.set_global_option('CART_HESS_READ', True) elif (full_hess_every == -1) and core.get_global_option('CART_HESS_READ') and (n == 1): pass # Do nothing; user said to read existing hessian once else: core.set_global_option('CART_HESS_READ', False) steps_since_last_hessian += 1 # Take step. communicate to/from/within optking through legacy_molecule core.set_legacy_molecule(moleculeclone) optking_rval = core.optking() moleculeclone = core.get_legacy_molecule() moleculeclone.update_geometry() if optking_rval == core.PsiReturnType.EndLoop: # if this is the end of an IRC run, set wfn, energy, and molecule to that # of the last optimized IRC point if core.get_option('OPTKING', 'OPT_TYPE') == 'IRC': thisenergy = old_thisenergy print('Optimizer: Optimization complete!') core.print_out('\n Final optimized geometry and variables:\n') moleculeclone.print_in_input_format() # Check if user wants to see the intcos; if so, don't delete them. if core.get_option('OPTKING', 'INTCOS_GENERATE_EXIT') == False: if core.get_option('OPTKING', 'KEEP_INTCOS') == False: core.opt_clean() # Changing environment to optimized geometry as expected by user molecule.set_geometry(moleculeclone.geometry()) for postcallback in hooks['optimize']['post']: postcallback(lowername, wfn=wfn, **kwargs) core.clean() # S/R: Clean up opt input file if opt_mode == 'reap': with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write('# Optimization complete!\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) # Cleanup binary file 1 if custom_gradient or ('/' in lowername): core.IOManager.shared_object().set_specific_retention(1, False) optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (thisenergy, wfn) else: return thisenergy elif optking_rval == core.PsiReturnType.Failure: print('Optimizer: Optimization failed!') if (core.get_option('OPTKING', 'KEEP_INTCOS') == False): core.opt_clean() molecule.set_geometry(moleculeclone.geometry()) core.clean() optstash.restore() return thisenergy core.print_out('\n Structure for next step:\n') moleculeclone.print_in_input_format() # S/R: Preserve opt data file for next pass and switch modes to get new displacements if opt_mode == 'reap': kwargs['opt_datafile'] = p4util.get_psifile(1) kwargs['mode'] = 'sow' n += 1 if core.get_option('OPTKING', 'INTCOS_GENERATE_EXIT') == False: if core.get_option('OPTKING', 'KEEP_INTCOS') == False: core.opt_clean() optstash.restore() raise ConvergenceError("""geometry optimization""", n - 1)
[docs]def hessian(name, **kwargs): r"""Function complementary to :py:func:`~frequency`. Computes force constants, deciding analytic, finite difference of gradients, or finite difference of energies. :returns: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Matrix` |w--w| Total non-mass-weighted electronic Hessian in Hartrees/Bohr/Bohr. :returns: (:py:class:`~psi4.core.Matrix`, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| Hessian and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :examples: >>> # [1] Frequency calculation without thermochemical analysis >>> hessian('mp3') >>> # [2] Frequency calc w/o thermo analysis getting the Hessian >>> # in file, core.Matrix, and np.array forms >>> set hessian_write on >>> H, wfn = hessian('ccsd', return_wfn=True) >>> wfn.hessian().print_out() >>> np.array(H) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce to CP if bsse kwarg (someday) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValidationError("Hessian: Cannot specify bsse_type for hessian yet.") # Figure out what kind of gradient this is if hasattr(name, '__call__'): if name.__name__ in ['cbs', 'complete_basis_set']: gradient_type = 'cbs_wrapper' else: # Bounce to name if name is non-CBS function gradient_type = 'custom_function' elif '/' in name: gradient_type = 'cbs_gufunc' else: gradient_type = 'conventional' if gradient_type != 'conventional': raise ValidationError("Hessian: Does not yet support more advanced input or custom functions.") lowername = name.lower() # Check if this is a CBS extrapolation if "/" in lowername: return driver_cbs._cbs_gufunc('hessian', lowername, **kwargs) return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) core.clean_variables() dertype = 2 # Prevent methods that do not have associated energies if lowername in energy_only_methods: raise ValidationError("hessian('%s') does not have an associated hessian" % name) optstash = p4util.OptionsState( ['FINDIF', 'HESSIAN_WRITE'], ) # Allow specification of methods to arbitrary order lowername, level = driver_util.parse_arbitrary_order(lowername) if level: kwargs['level'] = level dertype = _find_derivative_type('hessian', lowername, kwargs.pop('freq_dertype', kwargs.pop('dertype', None))) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # S/R: Mode of operation- whether finite difference freq run in one job or files farmed out freq_mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'continuous').lower() if freq_mode == 'continuous': pass elif freq_mode == 'sow': if dertype == 2: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode 'sow' not valid for analytic Hessian calculation.""") elif freq_mode == 'reap': freq_linkage = kwargs.get('linkage', None) if freq_linkage is None: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode 'reap' requires a linkage option.""") else: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (freq_mode)) # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash_conv = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8) # Select certain irreps irrep = kwargs.get('irrep', -1) if irrep == -1: pass # do all irreps else: irrep = driver_util.parse_cotton_irreps(irrep, molecule.schoenflies_symbol()) irrep -= 1 # A1 irrep is externally 1, internally 0 if dertype == 2: core.print_out("""hessian() switching to finite difference by gradients for partial Hessian calculation.\n""") dertype = 1 # Does an analytic procedure exist for the requested method? if dertype == 2: core.print_out("""hessian() will perform analytic frequency computation.\n""") # We have the desired method. Do it. wfn = procedures['hessian'][lowername](lowername, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() # TODO: check that current energy's being set to the right figure when this code is actually used core.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', if return_wfn: return (wfn.hessian(), wfn) else: return wfn.hessian() elif dertype == 1: core.print_out("""hessian() will perform frequency computation by finite difference of analytic gradients.\n""") # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() # Obtain list of displacements displacements = core.fd_geoms_freq_1(moleculeclone, irrep) moleculeclone.reinterpret_coordentry(False) moleculeclone.fix_orientation(True) # Record undisplaced symmetry for projection of diplaced point groups core.set_parent_symmetry(molecule.schoenflies_symbol()) ndisp = len(displacements) print(""" %d displacements needed.""" % ndisp) gradients = [] energies = [] # S/R: Write instructions for sow/reap procedure to output file and reap input file if freq_mode == 'sow': instructionsO = """\n# The frequency sow/reap procedure has been selected through mode='sow'. In addition\n""" instructionsO += """# to this output file (which contains no quantum chemical calculations), this job\n""" instructionsO += """# has produced a number of input files (FREQ-*.in) for individual components\n""" instructionsO += """# and a single input file ( with a frequency(mode='reap') command.\n""" instructionsO += """# These files may look very peculiar since they contain processed and pickled python\n""" instructionsO += """# rather than normal input. Follow the instructions below (repeated in\n""" instructionsO += """# to continue.\n#\n""" instructionsO += """# Alternatively, a single-job execution of the hessian may be accessed through\n""" instructionsO += """# the frequency wrapper option mode='continuous'.\n#\n""" core.print_out(instructionsO) instructionsM = """\n# Follow the instructions below to carry out this frequency computation.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# (1) Run all of the FREQ-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture.\n""" instructionsM += """# The output file names must be as given below (these are the defaults when executed\n""" instructionsM += """# as `psi4`, etc.).\n#\n""" for rgt in range(ndisp): pre = 'FREQ-' + str(rgt + 1) instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n""" % (pre + '.in', pre + '.out') instructionsM += """#\n# (2) Gather all the resulting output files in a directory. Place input file\n""" instructionsM += """# into that directory and run it. The job will be minimal in\n""" instructionsM += """# length and give summary results for the frequency computation in its output file.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n\n""" % ('', 'FREQ-master.out') with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the hessian() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs)) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(fmaster, lmode=2, return_wfn=True, freq_dertype=1, **kwargs) fmaster.write(("""retE, retwfn = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (frequency.__name__, lowername)).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(instructionsM.encode('utf-8')) core.print_out(instructionsM) for n, displacement in enumerate(displacements): rfile = 'FREQ-%s' % (n + 1) # Build string of title banner banners = '' banners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n""" banners += """p4util.banner(' Hessian Computation: Gradient Displacement %d ')\n""" % (n + 1) banners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" if freq_mode == 'continuous': # print progress to file and screen core.print_out('\n') p4util.banner('Loading displacement %d of %d' % (n + 1, ndisp)) print(""" %d""" % (n + 1), end=('\n' if (n + 1 == ndisp) else '')) sys.stdout.flush() # Load in displacement into the active molecule (xyz coordinates only) moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # Perform the gradient calculation G, wfn = gradient(lowername, molecule=moleculeclone, return_wfn=True, **kwargs) gradients.append(wfn.gradient()) energies.append(core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')) # clean may be necessary when changing irreps of displacements core.clean() # S/R: Write each displaced geometry to an input file elif freq_mode == 'sow': moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # S/R: Prepare molecule, options, kwargs, function call and energy save # forcexyz in molecule writer S/R enforcement of !reinterpret_coordentry above with open('' % (rfile), 'wb') as freagent: freagent.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the hessian() wrapper.\n\n') freagent.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone, forcexyz=True).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs).encode('utf-8')) kwargs['return_wfn'] = True p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(freagent, **kwargs) freagent.write("""G, wfn = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (gradient.__name__, lowername)) freagent.write("""core.print_out('\\nHESSIAN RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)) freagent.write("""yields electronic gradient %r\\n' % (p4util.mat2arr(wfn.gradient())))\n\n""") freagent.write("""core.print_out('\\nHESSIAN RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)) freagent.write("""yields electronic energy %20.12f\\n' % (get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')))\n\n""") # S/R: Read energy from each displaced geometry output file and save in energies array elif freq_mode == 'reap': exec(banners) core.set_variable('NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY', moleculeclone.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) pygrad = p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'HESSIAN', n, freq_linkage, True, label='electronic gradient') p4mat = core.Matrix(moleculeclone.natom(), 3) p4mat.set(pygrad) p4mat.print_out() gradients.append(p4mat) energies.append(p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'HESSIAN', n, freq_linkage, True)) # S/R: Quit sow after writing files. Initialize skeleton wfn to receive grad for reap if freq_mode == 'sow': optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (None, None) else: return None elif freq_mode == 'reap': wfn =, core.get_global_option('BASIS')) # Assemble Hessian from gradients # Final disp is undisp, so wfn has mol, G, H general to freq calc H = core.fd_freq_1(molecule, gradients, irrep) # TODO or moleculeclone? wfn.set_hessian(H) wfn.set_frequencies(core.get_frequencies()) # The last item in the list is the reference energy, return it core.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) core.set_parent_symmetry('') optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.hessian(), wfn) else: return wfn.hessian() else: core.print_out("""hessian() will perform frequency computation by finite difference of analytic energies.\n""") # Set method-dependent scf convergence criteria (test on procedures['energy'] since that's guaranteed) optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() optstash_conv = driver_util._set_convergence_criterion('energy', lowername, 10, 11, 10, 11, 10) # Shifting the geometry so need to copy the active molecule moleculeclone = molecule.clone() # Obtain list of displacements displacements = core.fd_geoms_freq_0(moleculeclone, irrep) moleculeclone.fix_orientation(True) moleculeclone.reinterpret_coordentry(False) # Record undisplaced symmetry for projection of diplaced point groups core.set_parent_symmetry(molecule.schoenflies_symbol()) ndisp = len(displacements) # This version is pretty dependent on the reference geometry being last (as it is now) print(' %d displacements needed.' % ndisp) energies = [] # S/R: Write instructions for sow/reap procedure to output file and reap input file if freq_mode == 'sow': instructionsO = """\n# The frequency sow/reap procedure has been selected through mode='sow'. In addition\n""" instructionsO += """# to this output file (which contains no quantum chemical calculations), this job\n""" instructionsO += """# has produced a number of input files (FREQ-*.in) for individual components\n""" instructionsO += """# and a single input file ( with a frequency(mode='reap') command.\n""" instructionsO += """# These files may look very peculiar since they contain processed and pickled python\n""" instructionsO += """# rather than normal input. Follow the instructions below (repeated in\n""" instructionsO += """# to continue.\n#\n""" instructionsO += """# Alternatively, a single-job execution of the hessian may be accessed through\n""" instructionsO += """# the frequency wrapper option mode='continuous'.\n#\n""" core.print_out(instructionsO) instructionsM = """\n# Follow the instructions below to carry out this frequency computation.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# (1) Run all of the FREQ-*.in input files on any variety of computer architecture.\n""" instructionsM += """# The output file names must be as given below (these are the defaults when executed\n""" instructionsM += """# as `psi4`, etc.).\n#\n""" for rgt in range(ndisp): pre = 'FREQ-' + str(rgt + 1) instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n""" % (pre + '.in', pre + '.out') instructionsM += """#\n# (2) Gather all the resulting output files in a directory. Place input file\n""" instructionsM += """# into that directory and run it. The job will be minimal in\n""" instructionsM += """# length and give summary results for the frequency computation in its output file.\n#\n""" instructionsM += """# psi4 -i %-27s -o %-27s\n#\n\n""" % ('', 'FREQ-master.out') with open('', 'wb') as fmaster: fmaster.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the hessian() wrapper.\n\n'.encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs)) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(fmaster, lmode=2, return_wfn=True, freq_dertype=0, **kwargs) fmaster.write(("""retE, retwfn = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (frequency.__name__, lowername)).encode('utf-8')) fmaster.write(instructionsM.encode('utf-8')) core.print_out(instructionsM) for n, displacement in enumerate(displacements): rfile = 'FREQ-%s' % (n + 1) # Build string of title banner banners = '' banners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n""" banners += """p4util.banner(' Hessian Computation: Energy Displacement %d ')\n""" % (n + 1) banners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" if freq_mode == 'continuous': # print progress to file and screen core.print_out('\n') p4util.banner('Loading displacement %d of %d' % (n + 1, ndisp)) print(""" %d""" % (n + 1), end=('\n' if (n + 1 == ndisp) else '')) sys.stdout.flush() # Load in displacement into the active molecule moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # Perform the energy calculation E, wfn = energy(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=moleculeclone, **kwargs) energies.append(core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')) # clean may be necessary when changing irreps of displacements core.clean() # S/R: Write each displaced geometry to an input file elif freq_mode == 'sow': moleculeclone.set_geometry(displacement) # S/R: Prepare molecule, options, kwargs, function call and energy save with open('' % (rfile), 'wb') as freagent: freagent.write('# This is a psi4 input file auto-generated from the gradient() wrapper.\n\n') freagent.write(p4util.format_molecule_for_input(moleculeclone, forcexyz=True).encode('utf-8')) freagent.write(p4util.format_options_for_input(moleculeclone, **kwargs).encode('utf-8')) p4util.format_kwargs_for_input(freagent, **kwargs) freagent.write("""electronic_energy = %s('%s', **kwargs)\n\n""" % (energy.__name__, lowername)) freagent.write("""core.print_out('\\nHESSIAN RESULT: computation %d for item %d """ % (os.getpid(), n + 1)) freagent.write("""yields electronic energy %20.12f\\n' % (electronic_energy))\n\n""") # S/R: Read energy from each displaced geometry output file and save in energies array elif freq_mode == 'reap': exec(banners) core.set_variable('NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY', moleculeclone.nuclear_repulsion_energy()) energies.append(p4util.extract_sowreap_from_output(rfile, 'HESSIAN', n, freq_linkage, True)) # S/R: Quit sow after writing files. Initialize skeleton wfn to receive grad for reap if freq_mode == 'sow': optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (None, None) else: return None elif freq_mode == 'reap': # core.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) wfn =, core.get_global_option('BASIS')) # Assemble Hessian from energies H = core.fd_freq_0(molecule, energies, irrep) wfn.set_hessian(H) wfn.set_frequencies(core.get_frequencies()) # The last item in the list is the reference energy, return it core.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', energies[-1]) core.set_parent_symmetry('') optstash.restore() optstash_conv.restore() if return_wfn: return (wfn.hessian(), wfn) else: return wfn.hessian()
[docs]def frequency(name, **kwargs): r"""Function to compute harmonic vibrational frequencies. :aliases: frequencies(), freq() :returns: *float* |w--w| Total electronic energy in Hartrees. :returns: (*float*, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| energy and wavefunction when **return_wfn** specified. :type name: string :param name: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the system. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>` :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr| Indicate to additionally return the :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` calculation result as the second element (after *float* energy) of a tuple. Arrays of frequencies and the Hessian can be accessed through the wavefunction. :type func: :ref:`function <op_py_function>` :param func: |dl| ``gradient`` |dr| || ``energy`` || ``cbs`` Indicates the type of calculation to be performed on the molecule. The default dertype accesses ``'gradient'`` or ``'energy'``, while ``'cbs'`` performs a multistage finite difference calculation. If a nested series of python functions is intended (see :ref:`sec:intercalls`), use keyword ``freq_func`` instead of ``func``. :type mode: string :param mode: |dl| ``'continuous'`` |dr| || ``'sow'`` || ``'reap'`` For a finite difference of energies or gradients frequency, indicates whether the calculations required to complete the frequency are to be run in one file (``'continuous'``) or are to be farmed out in an embarrassingly parallel fashion (``'sow'``/``'reap'``)/ For the latter, run an initial job with ``'sow'`` and follow instructions in its output file. For maximum flexibility, ``return_wfn`` is always on in ``'reap'`` mode. :type dertype: :ref:`dertype <op_py_dertype>` :param dertype: |dl| ``'hessian'`` |dr| || ``'gradient'`` || ``'energy'`` Indicates whether analytic (if available- they're not), finite difference of gradients (if available) or finite difference of energies is to be performed. :type irrep: int or string :param irrep: |dl| ``-1`` |dr| || ``1`` || ``'b2'`` || ``'App'`` || etc. Indicates which symmetry block (:ref:`Cotton <table:irrepOrdering>` ordering) of vibrational frequencies to be computed. ``1``, ``'1'``, or ``'a1'`` represents :math:`a_1`, requesting only the totally symmetric modes. ``-1`` indicates a full frequency calculation. .. note:: Analytic hessians are only available for RHF. For all other methods, Frequencies will proceed through finite differences according to availability of gradients or energies. .. _`table:freq_gen`: +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | calls method | +=========================+===============================================================================================================+ | scf | Hartree--Fock (HF) :ref:`[manual] <sec:scf>` | +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :examples: >>> # [1] Frequency calculation for all modes through highest available derivatives >>> frequency('ccsd') >>> # [2] Frequency calculation for b2 modes through finite difference of gradients >>> # printing lowest mode frequency to screen and Hessian to output >>> E, wfn = frequencies('scf', dertype=1, irrep=4, return_wfn=True) >>> print wfn.frequencies().get(0, 0) >>> wfn.hessian().print_out() >>> # [3] Frequency calculation at default conditions and Hessian reuse at STP >>> E, wfn = freq('mp2', return_wfn=True) >>> set t 273.15 >>> set p 100000 >>> thermo(wfn, wfn.frequencies()) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) # Bounce (someday) if name is function if hasattr(name, '__call__'): raise ValidationError("Frequency: Cannot use custom function") lowername = name.lower() old_global_basis = None if "/" in lowername: if ("+" in lowername) or ("[" in lowername) or (lowername.count('/') > 1): raise ValidationError("Frequency: Cannot extrapolate or delta correct frequencies yet.") else: old_global_basis = core.get_global_option("BASIS") lowername, new_basis = lowername.split('/') core.set_global_option('BASIS', new_basis) if kwargs.get('bsse_type', None) is not None: raise ValdiationError("Frequency: Does not currently support 'bsse_type' arguements") return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) # are we in sow/reap mode? freq_mode = kwargs.get('mode', 'continuous').lower() if freq_mode not in ['continuous', 'sow', 'reap']: raise ValidationError("""Frequency execution mode '%s' not valid.""" % (freq_mode)) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # Compute the hessian H, wfn = hessian(lowername, return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) # S/R: Quit after getting new displacements if freq_mode == 'sow': return 0.0 wfn.frequencies().print_out() core.thermo(wfn, wfn.frequencies()) for postcallback in hooks['frequency']['post']: postcallback(lowername, wfn=wfn, **kwargs) # Reset old global basis if needed if not old_global_basis is None: core.set_global_option("BASIS", old_global_basis) if return_wfn: return (core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), wfn) else: return core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY')
[docs]def gdma(wfn, datafile=""): """Function to use wavefunction information in *wfn* and, if specified, additional commands in *filename* to run GDMA analysis. .. include:: ../autodoc_abbr_options_c.rst .. versionadded:: 0.6 :returns: None :type wfn: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate DMA analysis :type datafile: string :param datafile: optional control file (see GDMA manual) to peform more complicated DMA analyses. If this option is used, the File keyword must be set to read a filename.fchk, where filename is provided by |globals__writer_file_label| . :examples: >>> # [1] DMA analysis from MP2 wavefunction. N.B. gradient must be requested to generate MP2 density. >>> grad, wfn = gradient('mp2', return_wfn=True) >>> gdma(wfn) """ # Start by writing a G* checkpoint file, for the GDMA code to read in fw = core.FCHKWriter(wfn) molname = wfn.molecule().name() prefix = core.get_writer_file_prefix(molname) fchkfile = prefix + '.fchk' fw.write(fchkfile) if datafile: commands = datafile else: densname = if densname == "DFT": densname = "SCF" commands = 'psi4_dma_datafile.dma' radii = core.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_RADIUS') origin = core.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_ORIGIN') with open(commands, 'w') as f: f.write("File %s Density %s\n" % (fchkfile, densname)) f.write("Angstrom\n") f.write("%s\n" % core.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_MULTIPOLE_UNITS')) f.write("Multipoles\n") if origin: try: f.write("Origin %f %f %f\n" % (float(origin[0]), float(origin[1]), float(origin[2]))) except: raise ValidationError("The GDMA origin array should contain three entries: x, y, and z.") f.write("Switch %f\n" % core.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_SWITCH')) if radii: f.write("Radius %s\n" % " ".join([str(r) for r in radii])) f.write("Limit %d\n" % core.get_option('GDMA', 'GDMA_LIMIT')) f.write("Start\n") f.write("Finish\n") core.run_gdma(wfn, commands) os.remove(fchkfile) # If we generated the DMA control file, we should clean up here if not datafile: os.remove(commands)
[docs]def fchk(wfn, filename): """Function to write wavefunction information in *wfn* to *filename* in Gaussian FCHK format. .. versionadded:: 0.6 :returns: None :type filename: string :param filename: destination file name for FCHK file :type wfn: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate fchk file :examples: >>> # [1] FCHK file for DFT calculation >>> E, wfn = energy('b3lyp', return_wfn=True) >>> fchk(wfn, 'mycalc.fchk') """ fw = core.FCHKWriter(wfn) fw.write(filename)
[docs]def molden(wfn, filename=None, density_a=None, density_b=None, dovirtual=None): """Function to write wavefunction information in *wfn* to *filename* in molden format. Will write natural orbitals from *density* (MO basis) if supplied. Warning! Most post-SCF Wavefunctions do not build the density as this is often much more costly than the energy. In addition, the Wavefunction density attributes (Da and Db) return the SO density and must be transformed to the MO basis to use with this function. .. versionadded:: 0.5 *wfn* parameter passed explicitly :returns: None :type wfn: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate cube files :type filename: string :param filename: destination file name for MOLDEN file (optional) :type density_a: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Matrix` :param density_a: density in the MO basis to build alpha NO's from (optional) :type density_b: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Matrix` :param density_b: density in the MO basis to build beta NO's from, assumes restricted if not supplied (optional) :type dovirtual: bool :param dovirtual: do write all the MOs to the MOLDEN file (true) or discard the unoccupied MOs, not valid for NO's (false) (optional) :examples: >>> # [1] Molden file for DFT calculation >>> E, wfn = energy('b3lyp', return_wfn=True) >>> molden(wfn, 'mycalc.molden') >>> # [2] Molden file for CI/MCSCF computation using NO roots >>> E, wfn = energy('ci', return_wfn=True) >>> molden(wfn, 'no_root1.molden', density_a=wfn.opdm(0, 0, "A", True)) >>> # [3] The following does NOT work, please see below >>> E, wfn = energy('ccsd', return_wfn=True) >>> molden(wfn, 'ccsd_no.molden', density_a=wfn.Da()) >>> # [4] This WILL work, note the transformation of Da (SO->MO) >>> E, wfn = property('ccsd', properties=['dipole'], return_wfn=True) >>> Da_so = wfn.Da() >>> Da_mo = Matrix.triplet(wfn.Ca(), Da_so, wfn.Ca(), True, False, False) >>> molden(wfn, 'ccsd_no.molden', density_a=Da_mo) """ if filename is None: filename = core.get_writer_file_prefix(wfn.molecule().name()) + ".molden" if dovirtual is None: dovirt = bool(core.get_option("SCF", "MOLDEN_WITH_VIRTUAL")) else: dovirt = dovirtual if density_a: nmopi = wfn.nmopi() nsopi = wfn.nsopi() NO_Ra = core.Matrix("NO Alpha Rotation Matrix", nmopi, nmopi) NO_occa = core.Vector(nmopi) density_a.diagonalize(NO_Ra, NO_occa, core.DiagonalizeOrder.Descending) NO_Ca = core.Matrix("Ca Natural Orbitals", nsopi, nmopi) NO_Ca.gemm(False, False, 1.0, wfn.Ca(), NO_Ra, 0) if density_b: NO_Rb = core.Matrix("NO Beta Rotation Matrix", nmopi, nmopi) NO_occb = core.Vector(nmopi) density_b.diagonalize(NO_Rb, NO_occb, core.DiagonalizeOrder.Descending) NO_Cb = core.Matrix("Cb Natural Orbitals", nsopi, nmopi) NO_Cb.gemm(False, False, 1.0, wfn.Cb(), NO_Rb, 0) else: NO_occb = NO_occa NO_Cb = NO_Ca mw = core.MoldenWriter(wfn) mw.write(filename, NO_Ca, NO_Cb, NO_occa, NO_occb, NO_occa, NO_occb, dovirt) else: try: occa = wfn.occupation_a() occb = wfn.occupation_b() except AttributeError: core.print_out("\n!Molden warning: This wavefunction does not have occupation numbers.\n" "Writing zero's for occupation numbers\n\n") occa = core.Vector(wfn.nmopi()) occb = core.Vector(wfn.nmopi()) mw = core.MoldenWriter(wfn) mw.write(filename, wfn.Ca(), wfn.Cb(), wfn.epsilon_a(), wfn.epsilon_b(), occa, occb, dovirt)
# Aliases opt = optimize freq = frequency frequencies = frequency prop = property