Source code for psi4.driver.driver_cbs

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2017 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This file is part of Psi4.
# Psi4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# Psi4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with Psi4; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import re
import math
import sys
import numpy as np

from psi4 import core

from psi4.driver import qcdb
from psi4.driver import p4util
from psi4.driver import driver_util
from psi4.driver import constants

from psi4.driver.p4util.exceptions import *
from psi4.driver.procrouting.interface_cfour import cfour_psivar_list

zeta_values = ['d', 't', 'q', '5', '6', '7', '8']
zeta_val2sym = {k + 2: v for k, v in zip(range(7), zeta_values)}
zeta_sym2val = {v: k for k, v in zeta_val2sym.items()}

def _expand_bracketed_basis(basisstring, molecule=None):
    r"""Function to transform and validate basis series specification
    *basisstring* for cbs(). A basis set with no paired square brackets is
    passed through with zeta level 0 (e.g., '6-31+G(d,p)' is returned as
    [6-31+G(d,p)] and [0]). A basis set with square brackets is checked
    for sensible sequence and Dunning-ness and returned as separate basis
    sets (e.g., 'cc-pV[Q5]Z' is returned as [cc-pVQZ, cc-pV5Z] and [4,
    5]). This function checks that the basis is valid by trying to build
    the qcdb.BasisSet object for *molecule* or for H2 if None. Allows
    out-of-order zeta specification (e.g., [qtd]) and numeral for number
    (e.g., [23]) but not skipped zetas (e.g., [dq]) or zetas outside [2,
    8] or non-Dunning sets or non-findable .gbs sets.

    BSET = []
    ZSET = []
    legit_compound_basis = re.compile(r'^(?P<pre>.*cc-.*)\[(?P<zeta>[dtq2345678,]*)\](?P<post>.*z)$', re.IGNORECASE)

    if legit_compound_basis.match(basisstring):
        basisname = legit_compound_basis.match(basisstring)
        # filter out commas and be forgiving of e.g., t5q or 3q
        bn_gz ='zeta')
        zetas = [z for z in zeta_values if (z in bn_gz or str(zeta_values.index(z) + 2) in bn_gz)]
        for b in zetas:
            if ZSET and (int(ZSET[len(ZSET) - 1]) - zeta_values.index(b)) != 1:
                    raise ValidationError("""Basis set '%s' has skipped zeta level '%s'.""" % (basisstring, b))
            BSET.append('pre') + b +'post'))
            ZSET.append(zeta_values.index(b) + 2)
    elif re.match(r'.*\[.*\].*$', basisstring, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
        raise ValidationError("""Basis series '%s' invalid. Specify a basis series matching"""
                              """ '*cc-*[dtq2345678,]*z'.""" % (basisstring))

    if molecule is None:
        molecule = """\nH\nH 1 1.00\n"""

    for basis in BSET:
            qcdb.BasisSet.pyconstruct(molecule, "BASIS", basis)
        except qcdb.BasisSetNotFound:
            raise ValidationError("""Basis set '%s' not available for molecule.""" % (basis))

    return (BSET, ZSET)

def _contract_bracketed_basis(basisarray):
    r"""Function to reform a bracketed basis set string from a sequential series
    of basis sets *basisarray* (e.g, form 'cc-pv[q5]z' from array [cc-pvqz, cc-pv5z]).
    Used to print a nicely formatted basis set string in the results table.

    if len(basisarray) == 1:
        return basisarray[0]

        zetaindx = [i for i in range(len(basisarray[0])) if basisarray[0][i] != basisarray[1][i]][0]
        ZSET = [bas[zetaindx] for bas in basisarray]

        pre = basisarray[0][:zetaindx]
        post = basisarray[0][zetaindx + 1:]
        basisstring = pre + '[' + ''.join(ZSET) + ']' + post
        return basisstring

[docs]def xtpl_highest_1(functionname, zHI, valueHI, verbose=True): r"""Scheme for total or correlation energies with a single basis or the highest zeta-level among an array of bases. Used by :py:func:``. .. math:: E_{total}^X = E_{total}^X """ if isinstance(valueHI, float): if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += """\n ==> %s <==\n\n""" % (functionname.upper()) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) core.print_out(cbsscheme) return valueHI elif isinstance(valueHI, (core.Matrix, core.Vector)): if verbose > 2: core.print_out(""" HI-zeta (%s) Total Energy:\n""" % (str(zHI))) valueHI.print_out() return valueHI
[docs]def scf_xtpl_helgaker_2(functionname, zLO, valueLO, zHI, valueHI, verbose=True, alpha=1.63): r"""Extrapolation scheme for reference energies with two adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Halkier, Helgaker, Jorgensen, Klopper, & Olsen, Chem. Phys. Lett. 302 (1999) 437-446. .. math:: E_{total}^X = E_{total}^{\infty} + \beta e^{-\alpha X}, \alpha = 1.63 """ if type(valueLO) != type(valueHI): raise ValidationError("scf_xtpl_helgaker_2: Inputs must be of the same datatype! (%s, %s)" % (type(valueLO), type(valueHI))) beta_division = 1 / (math.exp(-1 * alpha * zLO) * (math.exp(-1 * alpha) - 1)) beta_mult = math.exp(-1 * alpha * zHI) if isinstance(valueLO, float): beta = (valueHI - valueLO) / (math.exp(-1 * alpha * zLO) * (math.exp(-1 * alpha) - 1)) value = valueHI - beta * math.exp(-1 * alpha * zHI) if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += """\n ==> Helgaker 2-point SCF extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % (functionname.upper()) cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) cbsscheme += """ Alpha (exponent) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % (alpha) cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n\n""" % (beta) name_str = "%s/(%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (18 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % value core.print_out(cbsscheme) return value elif isinstance(valueLO, (core.Matrix, core.Vector)): beta = valueHI.clone() = 'Helgaker SCF (%s, %s) beta' % (zLO, zHI) beta.subtract(valueLO) beta.scale(beta_division) beta.scale(beta_mult) value = valueHI.clone() value.subtract(beta) = 'Helgaker SCF (%s, %s) data' % (zLO, zHI) if verbose > 2: core.print_out("""\n ==> Helgaker 2-point SCF extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % (functionname.upper())) core.print_out(""" LO-zeta (%s)""" % str(zLO)) core.print_out(""" LO-zeta Data""") valueLO.print_out() core.print_out(""" HI-zeta (%s)""" % str(zHI)) core.print_out(""" HI-zeta Data""") valueHI.print_out() core.print_out(""" Extrapolated Data:\n""") value.print_out() core.print_out(""" Alpha (exponent) Value: %16.8f\n""" % (alpha)) core.print_out(""" Beta Data:\n""") beta.print_out() return value else: raise ValidationError("scf_xtpl_helgaker_2: datatype is not recognized '%s'." % type(valueLO))
[docs]def scf_xtpl_helgaker_3(functionname, zLO, valueLO, zMD, valueMD, zHI, valueHI, verbose=True): r"""Extrapolation scheme for reference energies with three adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Halkier, Helgaker, Jorgensen, Klopper, & Olsen, Chem. Phys. Lett. 302 (1999) 437-446. .. math:: E_{total}^X = E_{total}^{\infty} + \beta e^{-\alpha X} """ if (type(valueLO) != type(valueMD)) or (type(valueMD) != type(valueHI)): raise ValidationError("scf_xtpl_helgaker_3: Inputs must be of the same datatype! (%s, %s, %s)" % (type(valueLO), type(valueMD), type(valueHI))) if isinstance(valueLO, float): ratio = (valueHI - valueMD) / (valueMD - valueLO) alpha = -1 * math.log(ratio) beta = (valueHI - valueMD) / (math.exp(-1 * alpha * zMD) * (ratio - 1)) value = valueHI - beta * math.exp(-1 * alpha * zHI) if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = '' cbsscheme += """\n ==> Helgaker 3-point SCF extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % (functionname.upper()) cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ MD-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zMD), valueMD) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) cbsscheme += """ Alpha (exponent) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % (alpha) cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n\n""" % (beta) name_str = "%s/(%s,%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), zeta_val2sym[zMD].upper(), zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (18 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % value core.print_out(cbsscheme) return value elif isinstance(valueLO, (core.Matrix, core.Vector)): valueLO = np.array(valueLO) valueMD = np.array(valueMD) valueHI = np.array(valueHI) nonzero_mask = np.abs(valueHI) > 1.e-14 top = (valueHI - valueMD)[nonzero_mask] bot = (valueMD - valueLO)[nonzero_mask] ratio = top / bot alpha = -1 * np.log(np.abs(ratio)) beta = top / (np.exp(-1 * alpha * zMD) * (ratio - 1)) np_value = valueHI.copy() np_value[nonzero_mask] -= beta * np.exp(-1 * alpha * zHI) np_value[~nonzero_mask] = 0.0 # Build and set from numpy routines value = core.Matrix(*valueHI.shape) value_view = np.asarray(value) value_view[:] = np_value return value else: raise ValidationError("scf_xtpl_helgaker_3: datatype is not recognized '%s'." % type(valueLO))
#def corl_xtpl_helgaker_2(functionname, valueSCF, zLO, valueLO, zHI, valueHI, verbose=True):
[docs]def corl_xtpl_helgaker_2(functionname, zLO, valueLO, zHI, valueHI, verbose=True): r"""Extrapolation scheme for correlation energies with two adjacent zeta-level bases. Used by :py:func:``. Halkier, Helgaker, Jorgensen, Klopper, Koch, Olsen, & Wilson, Chem. Phys. Lett. 286 (1998) 243-252. .. math:: E_{corl}^X = E_{corl}^{\infty} + \beta X^{-3} """ if type(valueLO) != type(valueHI): raise ValidationError("corl_xtpl_helgaker_2: Inputs must be of the same datatype! (%s, %s)" % (type(valueLO), type(valueHI))) if isinstance(valueLO, float): value = (valueHI * zHI ** 3 - valueLO * zLO ** 3) / (zHI ** 3 - zLO ** 3) beta = (valueHI - valueLO) / (zHI ** (-3) - zLO ** (-3)) # final = valueSCF + value final = value if verbose: # Output string with extrapolation parameters cbsscheme = """\n\n ==> Helgaker 2-point correlated extrapolation for method: %s <==\n\n""" % (functionname.upper()) # cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%1s) SCF Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueSCF) cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) # cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % beta cbsscheme += """ Extrapolated Energy: % 16.12f\n\n""" % value #cbsscheme += """ LO-zeta (%s) Correlation Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zLO), valueLO) #cbsscheme += """ HI-zeta (%s) Correlation Energy: % 16.12f\n""" % (str(zHI), valueHI) #cbsscheme += """ Beta (coefficient) Value: % 16.12f\n""" % beta #cbsscheme += """ Extrapolated Correlation Energy: % 16.12f\n\n""" % value name_str = "%s/(%s,%s)" % (functionname.upper(), zeta_val2sym[zLO].upper(), zeta_val2sym[zHI].upper()) cbsscheme += """ @Extrapolated """ cbsscheme += name_str + ':' cbsscheme += " " * (19 - len(name_str)) cbsscheme += """% 16.12f\n\n""" % final core.print_out(cbsscheme) return final elif isinstance(valueLO, (core.Matrix, core.Vector)): beta = valueHI.clone() beta.subtract(valueLO) beta.scale(1 / (zHI ** (-3) - zLO ** (-3))) = 'Helgaker SCF (%s, %s) beta' % (zLO, zHI) value = valueHI.clone() value.scale(zHI ** 3) tmp = valueLO.clone() tmp.scale(zLO ** 3) value.subtract(tmp) value.scale(1 / (zHI ** 3 - zLO ** 3)) = 'Helgaker Corr (%s, %s) data' % (zLO, zHI) if verbose > 2: core.print_out("""\n ==> Helgaker 2-point correlated extrapolation for """ """method: %s <==\n\n""" % (functionname.upper())) core.print_out(""" LO-zeta (%s) Data\n""" % (str(zLO))) valueLO.print_out() core.print_out(""" HI-zeta (%s) Data\n""" % (str(zHI))) valueHI.print_out() core.print_out(""" Extrapolated Data:\n""") value.print_out() core.print_out(""" Beta Data:\n""") beta.print_out() # value.add(valueSCF) return value else: raise ValidationError("corl_xtpl_helgaker_2: datatype is not recognized '%s'." % type(valueLO))
def return_energy_components(): VARH = {} VARH['scf'] = { 'scf': 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['hf'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mp2'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mp2.5'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2.5': 'MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp3': 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mp3'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2.5': 'MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp3': 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mp4(sdq)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2.5': 'MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp3': 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp4(sdq)': 'MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mp4'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2.5': 'MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp3': 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp4(sdq)': 'MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp4': 'MP4(SDTQ) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['omp2'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'omp2': 'OMP2 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['omp2.5'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2.5': 'MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY', 'omp2.5': 'OMP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['omp3'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp3': 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY', 'omp3': 'OMP3 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['olccd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'olccd': 'OLCCD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['lccd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'lccd': 'LCCD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['lccsd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'lccsd': 'LCCSD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cepa(0)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'cepa(0)': 'CEPA(0) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cepa(1)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'cepa(1)': 'CEPA(1) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cepa(3)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'cepa(3)': 'CEPA(3) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['acpf'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'acpf': 'ACPF TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['aqcc'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'aqcc': 'AQCC TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['qcisd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2.5': 'MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp3': 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp4(sdq)': 'MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY', 'qcisd': 'QCISD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cc2'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'cc2': 'CC2 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['ccsd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'ccsd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['bccd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'bccd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cc3'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'cc3': 'CC3 TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['fno-ccsd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'fno-ccsd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['fno-ccsd(t)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'ccsd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY', 'fno-ccsd(t)': 'CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['qcisd(t)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2.5': 'MP2.5 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp3': 'MP3 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp4(sdq)': 'MP4(SDQ) TOTAL ENERGY', 'qcisd': 'QCISD TOTAL ENERGY', 'qcisd(t)': 'QCISD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['ccsd(t)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'ccsd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY', 'ccsd(t)': 'CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['bccd(t)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'ccsd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY', 'bccd(t)': 'CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cisd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'cisd': 'CISD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cisdt'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'cisdt': 'CISDT TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['cisdtq'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'cisdtq': 'CISDTQ TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['fci'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'fci': 'FCI TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mrccsd'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mrccsd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mrccsd(t)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mrccsd': 'CCSD TOTAL ENERGY', 'mrccsd(t)': 'CCSD(T) TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mrccsdt'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mrccsdt': 'CCSDT TOTAL ENERGY'} VARH['mrccsdt(q)'] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp2': 'MP2 TOTAL ENERGY', 'mrccsdt': 'CCSDT TOTAL ENERGY', 'mrccsdt(q)': 'CCSDT(Q) TOTAL ENERGY'} for cilevel in range(2, 99): VARH['ci%s' % (str(cilevel))] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'ci%s' % (str(cilevel)): 'CI TOTAL ENERGY'} for mplevel in range(5, 99): VARH['mp%s' % (str(mplevel))] = { 'hf': 'HF TOTAL ENERGY', 'mp%s' % (str(mplevel)): 'MP%s TOTAL ENERGY' % (str(mplevel))} for mplevel2 in range(2, mplevel): VARH['mp%s' % (str(mplevel))]['mp%s' % (str(mplevel2))] = \ 'MP%s TOTAL ENERGY' % (str(mplevel2)) # Integrate CFOUR methods VARH.update(cfour_psivar_list()) return VARH VARH = return_energy_components() ################################### ## Start of Complete Basis Set ## ###################################
[docs]def cbs(func, label, **kwargs): r"""Function to define a multistage energy method from combinations of basis set extrapolations and delta corrections and condense the components into a minimum number of calculations. :aliases: complete_basis_set() :returns: (*float*) -- Total electronic energy in Hartrees :PSI variables: .. hlist:: :columns: 1 * :psivar:`CBS TOTAL ENERGY <CBSTOTALENERGY>` * :psivar:`CBS REFERENCE ENERGY <CBSREFERENCEENERGY>` * :psivar:`CBS CORRELATION ENERGY <CBSCORRELATIONENERGY>` * :psivar:`CURRENT ENERGY <CURRENTENERGY>` * :psivar:`CURRENT REFERENCE ENERGY <CURRENTREFERENCEENERGY>` * :psivar:`CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY <CURRENTCORRELATIONENERGY>` .. caution:: Some features are not yet implemented. Buy a developer a coffee. - No way to tell function to boost fitting basis size for all calculations. - No way to extrapolate def2 family basis sets - Need to add more extrapolation schemes As represented in the equation below, a CBS energy method is defined in several sequential stages (scf, corl, delta, delta2, delta3, delta4, delta5) covering treatment of the reference total energy, the correlation energy, a delta correction to the correlation energy, and a second delta correction, etc.. Each is activated by its stage_wfn keyword and is only allowed if all preceding stages are active. .. include:: ../cbs_eqn.rst * Energy Methods The presence of a stage_wfn keyword is the indicator to incorporate (and check for stage_basis and stage_scheme keywords) and compute that stage in defining the CBS energy. The cbs() function requires, at a minimum, ``name='scf'`` and ``scf_basis`` keywords to be specified for reference-step only jobs and ``name`` and ``corl_basis`` keywords for correlated jobs. The following energy methods have been set up for cbs(). .. hlist:: :columns: 5 * scf * hf * mp2 * mp2.5 * mp3 * mp4(sdq) * mp4 * mp\ *n* * omp2 * omp2.5 * omp3 * olccd * lccd * lccsd * cepa(0) * cepa(1) * cepa(3) * acpf * aqcc * qcisd * cc2 * ccsd * fno-ccsd * bccd * cc3 * qcisd(t) * ccsd(t) * fno-ccsd(t) * bccd(t) * cisd * cisdt * cisdtq * ci\ *n* * fci * mrccsd * mrccsd(t) * mrccsdt * mrccsdt(q) :type name: string :param name: ``'scf'`` || ``'ccsd'`` || etc. First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method for the correlation energy, unless only reference step to be performed, in which case should be ``'scf'``. Overruled if stage_wfn keywords supplied. :type scf_wfn: string :param scf_wfn: |dl| ``'scf'`` |dr| || ``'c4-scf'`` || etc. Indicates the energy method for which the reference energy is to be obtained. Generally unnecessary, as 'scf' is *the* scf in |PSIfour| but can be used to direct lone scf components to run in |PSIfour| or Cfour in a mixed-program composite method. :type corl_wfn: string :param corl_wfn: ``'mp2'`` || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the energy method for which the correlation energy is to be obtained. Can also be specified with ``name`` or as the unlabeled first argument to the function. :type delta_wfn: string :param delta_wfn: ``'ccsd'`` || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the (superior) energy method for which a delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta_wfn_lesser: string :param delta_wfn_lesser: |dl| ``corl_wfn`` |dr| || ``'mp2'`` || etc. Indicates the inferior energy method for which a delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta2_wfn: string :param delta2_wfn: ``'ccsd'`` || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the (superior) energy method for which a second delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta2_wfn_lesser: string :param delta2_wfn_lesser: |dl| ``delta_wfn`` |dr| || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the inferior energy method for which a second delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta3_wfn: string :param delta3_wfn: ``'ccsd'`` || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the (superior) energy method for which a third delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta3_wfn_lesser: string :param delta3_wfn_lesser: |dl| ``delta2_wfn`` |dr| || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the inferior energy method for which a third delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta4_wfn: string :param delta4_wfn: ``'ccsd'`` || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the (superior) energy method for which a fourth delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta4_wfn_lesser: string :param delta4_wfn_lesser: |dl| ``delta3_wfn`` |dr| || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the inferior energy method for which a fourth delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta5_wfn: string :param delta5_wfn: ``'ccsd'`` || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the (superior) energy method for which a fifth delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. :type delta5_wfn_lesser: string :param delta5_wfn_lesser: |dl| ``delta4_wfn`` |dr| || ``'ccsd(t)'`` || etc. Indicates the inferior energy method for which a fifth delta correction to the correlation energy is to be obtained. * Basis Sets Currently, the basis set set through ``set`` commands have no influence on a cbs calculation. :type scf_basis: :ref:`basis string <apdx:basisElement>` :param scf_basis: |dl| ``corl_basis`` |dr| || ``'cc-pV[TQ]Z'`` || ``'jun-cc-pv[tq5]z'`` || ``'6-31G*'`` || etc. Indicates the sequence of basis sets employed for the reference energy. If any correlation method is specified, ``scf_basis`` can default to ``corl_basis``. :type corl_basis: :ref:`basis string <apdx:basisElement>` :param corl_basis: ``'cc-pV[TQ]Z'`` || ``'jun-cc-pv[tq5]z'`` || ``'6-31G*'`` || etc. Indicates the sequence of basis sets employed for the correlation energy. :type delta_basis: :ref:`basis string <apdx:basisElement>` :param delta_basis: ``'cc-pV[TQ]Z'`` || ``'jun-cc-pv[tq5]z'`` || ``'6-31G*'`` || etc. Indicates the sequence of basis sets employed for the delta correction to the correlation energy. :type delta2_basis: :ref:`basis string <apdx:basisElement>` :param delta2_basis: ``'cc-pV[TQ]Z'`` || ``'jun-cc-pv[tq5]z'`` || ``'6-31G*'`` || etc. Indicates the sequence of basis sets employed for the second delta correction to the correlation energy. :type delta3_basis: :ref:`basis string <apdx:basisElement>` :param delta3_basis: ``'cc-pV[TQ]Z'`` || ``'jun-cc-pv[tq5]z'`` || ``'6-31G*'`` || etc. Indicates the sequence of basis sets employed for the third delta correction to the correlation energy. :type delta4_basis: :ref:`basis string <apdx:basisElement>` :param delta4_basis: ``'cc-pV[TQ]Z'`` || ``'jun-cc-pv[tq5]z'`` || ``'6-31G*'`` || etc. Indicates the sequence of basis sets employed for the fourth delta correction to the correlation energy. :type delta5_basis: :ref:`basis string <apdx:basisElement>` :param delta5_basis: ``'cc-pV[TQ]Z'`` || ``'jun-cc-pv[tq5]z'`` || ``'6-31G*'`` || etc. Indicates the sequence of basis sets employed for the fifth delta correction to the correlation energy. * Schemes Transformations of the energy through basis set extrapolation for each stage of the CBS definition. A complaint is generated if number of basis sets in stage_basis does not exactly satisfy requirements of stage_scheme. An exception is the default, ``'xtpl_highest_1'``, which uses the best basis set available. See :ref:`sec:cbs_xtpl` for all available schemes. :type scf_scheme: function :param scf_scheme: |dl| ``xtpl_highest_1`` |dr| || ``scf_xtpl_helgaker_3`` || etc. Indicates the basis set extrapolation scheme to be applied to the reference energy. Defaults to :py:func:`~scf_xtpl_helgaker_3` if three valid basis sets present in ``scf_basis``, :py:func:`~scf_xtpl_helgaker_2` if two valid basis sets present in ``scf_basis``, and :py:func:`~xtpl_highest_1` otherwise. :type corl_scheme: function :param corl_scheme: |dl| ``xtpl_highest_1`` |dr| || ``corl_xtpl_helgaker_2`` || etc. Indicates the basis set extrapolation scheme to be applied to the correlation energy. Defaults to :py:func:`~corl_xtpl_helgaker_2` if two valid basis sets present in ``corl_basis`` and :py:func:`~xtpl_highest_1` otherwise. :type delta_scheme: function :param delta_scheme: |dl| ``xtpl_highest_1`` |dr| || ``corl_xtpl_helgaker_2`` || etc. Indicates the basis set extrapolation scheme to be applied to the delta correction to the correlation energy. Defaults to :py:func:`~corl_xtpl_helgaker_2` if two valid basis sets present in ``delta_basis`` and :py:func:`~xtpl_highest_1` otherwise. :type delta2_scheme: function :param delta2_scheme: |dl| ``xtpl_highest_1`` |dr| || ``corl_xtpl_helgaker_2`` || etc. Indicates the basis set extrapolation scheme to be applied to the second delta correction to the correlation energy. Defaults to :py:func:`~corl_xtpl_helgaker_2` if two valid basis sets present in ``delta2_basis`` and :py:func:`~xtpl_highest_1` otherwise. :type delta3_scheme: function :param delta3_scheme: |dl| ``xtpl_highest_1`` |dr| || ``corl_xtpl_helgaker_2`` || etc. Indicates the basis set extrapolation scheme to be applied to the third delta correction to the correlation energy. Defaults to :py:func:`~corl_xtpl_helgaker_2` if two valid basis sets present in ``delta3_basis`` and :py:func:`~xtpl_highest_1` otherwise. :type delta4_scheme: function :param delta4_scheme: |dl| ``xtpl_highest_1`` |dr| || ``corl_xtpl_helgaker_2`` || etc. Indicates the basis set extrapolation scheme to be applied to the fourth delta correction to the correlation energy. Defaults to :py:func:`~corl_xtpl_helgaker_2` if two valid basis sets present in ``delta4_basis`` and :py:func:`~xtpl_highest_1` otherwise. :type delta5_scheme: function :param delta5_scheme: |dl| ``xtpl_highest_1`` |dr| || ``corl_xtpl_helgaker_2`` || etc. Indicates the basis set extrapolation scheme to be applied to the fifth delta correction to the correlation energy. Defaults to :py:func:`~corl_xtpl_helgaker_2` if two valid basis sets present in ``delta5_basis`` and :py:func:`~xtpl_highest_1` otherwise. :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>` :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc. The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined. :examples: >>> # [1] replicates with cbs() the simple model chemistry scf/cc-pVDZ: set basis cc-pVDZ energy('scf') >>> cbs(name='scf', scf_basis='cc-pVDZ') >>> # [2] replicates with cbs() the simple model chemistry mp2/jun-cc-pVDZ: set basis jun-cc-pVDZ energy('mp2') >>> cbs(name='mp2', corl_basis='jun-cc-pVDZ') >>> # [3] DTQ-zeta extrapolated scf reference energy >>> cbs(name='scf', scf_basis='cc-pV[DTQ]Z', scf_scheme=scf_xtpl_helgaker_3) >>> # [4] DT-zeta extrapolated mp2 correlation energy atop a T-zeta reference >>> cbs(corl_wfn='mp2', corl_basis='cc-pv[dt]z', corl_scheme=corl_xtpl_helgaker_2) >>> # [5] a DT-zeta extrapolated coupled-cluster correction atop a TQ-zeta extrapolated mp2 correlation energy atop a Q-zeta reference (both equivalent) >>> cbs(corl_wfn='mp2', corl_basis='aug-cc-pv[tq]z', delta_wfn='ccsd(t)', delta_basis='aug-cc-pv[dt]z') >>> cbs(energy, wfn='mp2', corl_basis='aug-cc-pv[tq]z', corl_scheme=corl_xtpl_helgaker_2, delta_wfn='ccsd(t)', delta_basis='aug-cc-pv[dt]z', delta_scheme=corl_xtpl_helgaker_2) >>> # [6] a D-zeta ccsd(t) correction atop a DT-zeta extrapolated ccsd cluster correction atop a TQ-zeta extrapolated mp2 correlation energy atop a Q-zeta reference >>> cbs(name='mp2', corl_basis='aug-cc-pv[tq]z', corl_scheme=corl_xtpl_helgaker_2, delta_wfn='ccsd', delta_basis='aug-cc-pv[dt]z', delta_scheme=corl_xtpl_helgaker_2, delta2_wfn='ccsd(t)', delta2_wfn_lesser='ccsd', delta2_basis='aug-cc-pvdz') >>> # [7] cbs() coupled with database() >>> TODO database('mp2', 'BASIC', subset=['h2o','nh3'], symm='on', func=cbs, corl_basis='cc-pV[tq]z', corl_scheme=corl_xtpl_helgaker_2, delta_wfn='ccsd(t)', delta_basis='sto-3g') >>> # [8] cbs() coupled with optimize() >>> TODO optimize('mp2', corl_basis='cc-pV[DT]Z', corl_scheme=corl_xtpl_helgaker_2, func=cbs) """ kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', 0) ptype = kwargs.pop('ptype') # Establish function to call (only energy makes sense for cbs) if ptype not in ['energy', 'gradient', 'hessian']: raise ValidationError("""Wrapper complete_basis_set is unhappy to be calling function '%s' instead of 'energy'.""" % ptype) optstash = p4util.OptionsState( ['BASIS'], ['WFN'], ['WRITER_FILE_LABEL']) # Define some quantum chemical knowledge, namely what methods are subsumed in others do_scf = True do_corl = False do_delta = False do_delta2 = False do_delta3 = False do_delta4 = False do_delta5 = False user_writer_file_label = core.get_global_option('WRITER_FILE_LABEL') # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() molstr = molecule.create_psi4_string_from_molecule() natom = molecule.natom() # Establish method for reference energy cbs_scf_wfn = kwargs.pop('scf_wfn', 'hf').lower() if do_scf: if cbs_scf_wfn not in VARH.keys(): raise ValidationError("""Requested SCF method '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_scf_wfn)) # Establish method for correlation energy cbs_corl_wfn = kwargs.pop('corl_wfn', '').lower() if cbs_corl_wfn: do_corl = True if do_corl: if cbs_corl_wfn not in VARH.keys(): raise ValidationError("""Requested CORL method '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_corl_wfn)) cbs_corl_wfn_lesser = kwargs.get('corl_wfn_lesser', cbs_scf_wfn).lower() if cbs_corl_wfn_lesser not in VARH.keys(): raise ValidationError("""Requested CORL method lesser '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_delta_wfn_lesser)) # Establish method for delta correction energy if 'delta_wfn' in kwargs: do_delta = True cbs_delta_wfn = kwargs['delta_wfn'].lower() if cbs_delta_wfn not in VARH.keys(): raise ValidationError("""Requested DELTA method '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_delta_wfn)) cbs_delta_wfn_lesser = kwargs.get('delta_wfn_lesser', cbs_corl_wfn).lower() if cbs_delta_wfn_lesser not in VARH.keys(): raise ValidationError("""Requested DELTA method lesser '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_delta_wfn_lesser)) # Establish method for second delta correction energy if 'delta2_wfn' in kwargs: do_delta2 = True cbs_delta2_wfn = kwargs['delta2_wfn'].lower() if cbs_delta2_wfn not in VARH.keys(): raise ValidationError("""Requested DELTA2 method '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_delta2_wfn)) cbs_delta2_wfn_lesser = kwargs.get('delta2_wfn_lesser', cbs_delta_wfn).lower() if cbs_delta2_wfn_lesser not in VARH.keys(): raise ValidationError("""Requested DELTA2 method lesser '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_delta2_wfn_lesser)) # # Establish method for third delta correction energy # if 'delta3_wfn' in kwargs: # do_delta3 = True # cbs_delta3_wfn = kwargs['delta3_wfn'].lower() # if cbs_delta3_wfn not in VARH.keys(): # raise ValidationError("""Requested DELTA3 method '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_delta3_wfn)) # # cbs_delta3_wfn_lesser = kwargs.get('delta3_wfn_lesser', cbs_delta2_wfn).lower() # if not (cbs_delta3_wfn_lesser in VARH.keys()): # raise ValidationError("""Requested DELTA3 method lesser '%s' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.""" % (cbs_delta3_wfn_lesser)) # # # Establish method for fourth delta correction energy # if 'delta4_wfn' in kwargs: # do_delta4 = True # cbs_delta4_wfn = kwargs['delta4_wfn'].lower() # if not (cbs_delta4_wfn in VARH.keys()): # raise ValidationError('Requested DELTA4 method \'%s\' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.' % (cbs_delta4_wfn)) # # if 'delta4_wfn_lesser' in kwargs: # cbs_delta4_wfn_lesser = kwargs['delta4_wfn_lesser'].lower() # else: # cbs_delta4_wfn_lesser = cbs_delta3_wfn # if not (cbs_delta4_wfn_lesser in VARH.keys()): # raise ValidationError('Requested DELTA4 method lesser \'%s\' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.' % (cbs_delta4_wfn_lesser)) # # # Establish method for fifth delta correction energy # if 'delta5_wfn' in kwargs: # do_delta5 = True # cbs_delta5_wfn = kwargs['delta5_wfn'].lower() # if not (cbs_delta5_wfn in VARH.keys()): # raise ValidationError('Requested DELTA5 method \'%s\' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.' % (cbs_delta5_wfn)) # # if 'delta5_wfn_lesser' in kwargs: # cbs_delta5_wfn_lesser = kwargs['delta5_wfn_lesser'].lower() # else: # cbs_delta5_wfn_lesser = cbs_delta4_wfn # if not (cbs_delta5_wfn_lesser in VARH.keys()): # raise ValidationError('Requested DELTA5 method lesser \'%s\' is not recognized. Add it to VARH in to proceed.' % (cbs_delta5_wfn_lesser)) # Check that user isn't skipping steps in scf + corl + delta + delta2 sequence if do_scf and not do_corl and not do_delta and not do_delta2 and not do_delta3 and not do_delta4 and not do_delta5: pass elif do_scf and do_corl and not do_delta and not do_delta2 and not do_delta3 and not do_delta4 and not do_delta5: pass elif do_scf and do_corl and do_delta and not do_delta2 and not do_delta3 and not do_delta4 and not do_delta5: pass elif do_scf and do_corl and do_delta and do_delta2 and not do_delta3 and not do_delta4 and not do_delta5: pass #elif do_scf and do_corl and do_delta and do_delta2 and do_delta3 and not do_delta4 and not do_delta5: # pass #elif do_scf and do_corl and do_delta and do_delta2 and do_delta3 and do_delta4 and not do_delta5: # pass #elif do_scf and do_corl and do_delta and do_delta2 and do_delta3 and do_delta4 and do_delta5: # pass else: raise ValidationError('Requested scf (%s) + corl (%s) + delta (%s) + delta2 (%s) + delta3 (%s) + delta4 (%s) + delta5 (%s) not valid. These steps are cummulative.' % (do_scf, do_corl, do_delta, do_delta2, do_delta3, do_delta4, do_delta5)) # Establish list of valid basis sets for correlation energy if do_corl: if 'corl_basis' in kwargs: BSTC, ZETC = _expand_bracketed_basis(kwargs['corl_basis'].lower(), molecule=molstr) else: raise ValidationError("""CORL basis sets through keyword '%s' are required.""" % ('corl_basis')) # Establish list of valid basis sets for scf energy if 'scf_basis' in kwargs: BSTR, ZETR = _expand_bracketed_basis(kwargs['scf_basis'].lower(), molecule=molstr) elif do_corl: BSTR = BSTC[:] ZETR = ZETC[:] else: raise ValidationError("""SCF basis sets through keyword '%s' are required. Or perhaps you forgot the '%s'.""" % ('scf_basis', 'corl_wfn')) # Establish list of valid basis sets for delta correction energy if do_delta: if 'delta_basis' in kwargs: BSTD, ZETD = _expand_bracketed_basis(kwargs['delta_basis'].lower(), molecule=molstr) else: raise ValidationError("""DELTA basis sets through keyword '%s' are required.""" % ('delta_basis')) # Establish list of valid basis sets for second delta correction energy if do_delta2: if 'delta2_basis' in kwargs: BSTD2, ZETD2 = _expand_bracketed_basis(kwargs['delta2_basis'].lower(), molecule=molstr) else: raise ValidationError("""DELTA2 basis sets through keyword '%s' are required.""" % ('delta2_basis')) # # Establish list of valid basis sets for third delta correction energy # if do_delta3: # if 'delta3_basis' in kwargs: # BSTD3, ZETD3 = validate_bracketed_basis(kwargs['delta3_basis'].lower()) # else: # raise ValidationError('DELTA3 basis sets through keyword \'%s\' are required.' % ('delta3_basis')) # # # Establish list of valid basis sets for fourth delta correction energy # if do_delta4: # if 'delta4_basis' in kwargs: # BSTD4, ZETD4 = validate_bracketed_basis(kwargs['delta4_basis'].lower()) # else: # raise ValidationError('DELTA4 basis sets through keyword \'%s\' are required.' % ('delta4_basis')) # # # Establish list of valid basis sets for fifth delta correction energy # if do_delta5: # if 'delta5_basis' in kwargs: # BSTD5, ZETD5 = validate_bracketed_basis(kwargs['delta5_basis'].lower()) # else: # raise ValidationError('DELTA5 basis sets through keyword \'%s\' are required.' % ('delta5_basis')) # Establish treatment for scf energy (validity check useless since python will catch it long before here) if (len(BSTR) == 3) and ('scf_basis' in kwargs): cbs_scf_scheme = scf_xtpl_helgaker_3 elif (len(BSTR) == 2) and ('scf_basis' in kwargs): cbs_scf_scheme = scf_xtpl_helgaker_2 elif (len(BSTR) == 1) and ('scf_basis' in kwargs): cbs_scf_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 elif 'scf_basis' in kwargs: raise ValidationError("""SCF basis sets of number %d cannot be handled.""" % (len(BSTR))) elif do_corl: cbs_scf_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 BSTR = [BSTC[-1]] ZETR = [ZETC[-1]] if 'scf_scheme' in kwargs: cbs_scf_scheme = kwargs['scf_scheme'] # Establish treatment for correlation energy if do_corl: if len(BSTC) == 2: cbs_corl_scheme = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2 else: cbs_corl_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 if 'corl_scheme' in kwargs: cbs_corl_scheme = kwargs['corl_scheme'] # Establish treatment for delta correction energy if do_delta: if len(BSTD) == 2: cbs_delta_scheme = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2 else: cbs_delta_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 if 'delta_scheme' in kwargs: cbs_delta_scheme = kwargs['delta_scheme'] # Establish treatment for delta2 correction energy if do_delta2: if len(BSTD2) == 2: cbs_delta2_scheme = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2 else: cbs_delta2_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 if 'delta2_scheme' in kwargs: cbs_delta2_scheme = kwargs['delta2_scheme'] # # Establish treatment for delta3 correction energy # if do_delta3: # if len(BSTD3) == 2: # cbs_delta3_scheme = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2 # else: # cbs_delta3_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 # if 'delta3_scheme' in kwargs: # cbs_delta3_scheme = kwargs['delta3_scheme'] # # # Establish treatment for delta4 correction energy # if do_delta4: # if len(BSTD4) == 2: # cbs_delta4_scheme = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2 # else: # cbs_delta4_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 # if 'delta4_scheme' in kwargs: # cbs_delta4_scheme = kwargs['delta4_scheme'] # # # Establish treatment for delta5 correction energy # if do_delta5: # if len(BSTD5) == 2: # cbs_delta5_scheme = corl_xtpl_helgaker_2 # else: # cbs_delta5_scheme = xtpl_highest_1 # if 'delta5_scheme' in kwargs: # cbs_delta5_scheme = kwargs['delta5_scheme'] # Build string of title banner cbsbanners = '' cbsbanners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n""" cbsbanners += """p4util.banner(' CBS Setup: %s ' % label)\n""" cbsbanners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" exec(cbsbanners) # Call schemes for each portion of total energy to 'place orders' for calculations needed d_fields = ['d_stage', 'd_scheme', 'd_basis', 'd_wfn', 'd_need', 'd_coef', 'd_energy', 'd_gradient', 'd_hessian'] f_fields = ['f_wfn', 'f_basis', 'f_zeta', 'f_energy', 'f_gradient', 'f_hessian'] GRAND_NEED = [] MODELCHEM = [] if do_scf: NEED = _expand_scheme_orders(cbs_scf_scheme, BSTR, ZETR, cbs_scf_wfn, natom) GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['scf', cbs_scf_scheme, _contract_bracketed_basis(BSTR), cbs_scf_wfn, NEED, +1, 0.0, None, None]))) if do_corl: NEED = _expand_scheme_orders(cbs_corl_scheme, BSTC, ZETC, cbs_corl_wfn, natom) GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['corl', cbs_corl_scheme, _contract_bracketed_basis(BSTC), cbs_corl_wfn, NEED, +1, 0.0, None, None]))) NEED = _expand_scheme_orders(cbs_corl_scheme, BSTC, ZETC, cbs_corl_wfn_lesser, natom) GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['corl', cbs_corl_scheme, _contract_bracketed_basis(BSTC), cbs_corl_wfn_lesser, NEED, -1, 0.0, None, None]))) if do_delta: NEED = _expand_scheme_orders(cbs_delta_scheme, BSTD, ZETD, cbs_delta_wfn, natom) GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta', cbs_delta_scheme, _contract_bracketed_basis(BSTD), cbs_delta_wfn, NEED, +1, 0.0, None, None]))) NEED = _expand_scheme_orders(cbs_delta_scheme, BSTD, ZETD, cbs_delta_wfn_lesser, natom) GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta', cbs_delta_scheme, _contract_bracketed_basis(BSTD), cbs_delta_wfn_lesser, NEED, -1, 0.0, None, None]))) if do_delta2: NEED = _expand_scheme_orders(cbs_delta2_scheme, BSTD2, ZETD2, cbs_delta2_wfn, natom) GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta2', cbs_delta2_scheme, _contract_bracketed_basis(BSTD2), cbs_delta2_wfn, NEED, +1, 0.0, None, None]))) NEED = _expand_scheme_orders(cbs_delta2_scheme, BSTD2, ZETD2, cbs_delta2_wfn_lesser, natom) GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta2', cbs_delta2_scheme, _contract_bracketed_basis(BSTD2), cbs_delta2_wfn_lesser, NEED, -1, 0.0, None, None]))) # if do_delta3: # NEED = call_function_in_1st_argument(cbs_delta3_scheme, # mode='requisition', basisname=BSTD3, basiszeta=ZETD3, wfnname=cbs_delta3_wfn) # GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta3', cbs_delta3_scheme, # reconstitute_bracketed_basis(NEED), cbs_delta3_wfn, NEED, +1, 0.0]))) # # NEED = call_function_in_1st_argument(cbs_delta3_scheme, # mode='requisition', basisname=BSTD3, basiszeta=ZETD3, wfnname=cbs_delta3_wfn_lesser) # GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta3', cbs_delta3_scheme, # reconstitute_bracketed_basis(NEED), cbs_delta3_wfn_lesser, NEED, -1, 0.0]))) # # if do_delta4: # NEED = call_function_in_1st_argument(cbs_delta4_scheme, # mode='requisition', basisname=BSTD4, basiszeta=ZETD4, wfnname=cbs_delta4_wfn) # GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta4', cbs_delta4_scheme, # reconstitute_bracketed_basis(NEED), cbs_delta4_wfn, NEED, +1, 0.0]))) # # NEED = call_function_in_1st_argument(cbs_delta4_scheme, # mode='requisition', basisname=BSTD4, basiszeta=ZETD4, wfnname=cbs_delta4_wfn_lesser) # GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta4', cbs_delta4_scheme, # reconstitute_bracketed_basis(NEED), cbs_delta4_wfn_lesser, NEED, -1, 0.0]))) # # if do_delta5: # NEED = call_function_in_1st_argument(cbs_delta5_scheme, # mode='requisition', basisname=BSTD5, basiszeta=ZETD5, wfnname=cbs_delta5_wfn) # GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta5', cbs_delta5_scheme, # reconstitute_bracketed_basis(NEED), cbs_delta5_wfn, NEED, +1, 0.0]))) # # NEED = call_function_in_1st_argument(cbs_delta5_scheme, # mode='requisition', basisname=BSTD5, basiszeta=ZETD5, wfnname=cbs_delta5_wfn_lesser) # GRAND_NEED.append(dict(zip(d_fields, ['delta5', cbs_delta5_scheme, # reconstitute_bracketed_basis(NEED), cbs_delta5_wfn_lesser, NEED, -1, 0.0]))) for stage in GRAND_NEED: for lvl in stage['d_need'].items(): MODELCHEM.append(lvl[1]) # Apply chemical reasoning to choose the minimum computations to run JOBS = MODELCHEM[:] addlremark = {'energy': '', 'gradient': ', GRADIENT', 'hessian': ', HESSIAN'} instructions = '' instructions += """ Naive listing of computations required.\n""" for mc in JOBS: instructions += """ %12s / %-24s for %s%s\n""" % \ (mc['f_wfn'], mc['f_basis'], VARH[mc['f_wfn']][mc['f_wfn']], addlremark[ptype]) # Remove duplicate modelchem portion listings for mc in MODELCHEM: dups = -1 for indx_job, job in enumerate(JOBS): if (job['f_wfn'] == mc['f_wfn']) and (job['f_basis'] == mc['f_basis']): dups += 1 if dups >= 1: del JOBS[indx_job] # Remove chemically subsumed modelchem portion listings if ptype == 'energy': for mc in MODELCHEM: for wfn in VARH[mc['f_wfn']]: for indx_job, job in enumerate(JOBS): if (VARH[mc['f_wfn']][wfn] == VARH[job['f_wfn']][job['f_wfn']]) and \ (mc['f_basis'] == job['f_basis']) and not \ (mc['f_wfn'] == job['f_wfn']): del JOBS[indx_job] instructions += """\n Enlightened listing of computations required.\n""" for mc in JOBS: instructions += """ %12s / %-24s for %s%s\n""" % \ (mc['f_wfn'], mc['f_basis'], VARH[mc['f_wfn']][mc['f_wfn']], addlremark[ptype]) # Expand listings to all that will be obtained JOBS_EXT = [] for job in JOBS: for wfn in VARH[job['f_wfn']]: JOBS_EXT.append(dict(zip(f_fields, [wfn, job['f_basis'], job['f_zeta'], 0.0, core.Matrix(natom, 3), core.Matrix(3 * natom, 3 * natom)]))) instructions += """\n Full listing of computations to be obtained (required and bonus).\n""" for mc in JOBS_EXT: instructions += """ %12s / %-24s for %s%s\n""" % \ (mc['f_wfn'], mc['f_basis'], VARH[mc['f_wfn']][mc['f_wfn']], addlremark[ptype]) core.print_out(instructions) psioh = core.IOManager.shared_object() psioh.set_specific_retention(constants.PSIF_SCF_MOS, True) # projection across point groups not allowed and cbs() usually a mix of symm-enabled and symm-tol calls # needs to be communicated to optimize() so reset by that optstash core.set_local_option('SCF', 'GUESS_PERSIST', True) Njobs = 0 # Run necessary computations for mc in JOBS: kwargs['name'] = mc['f_wfn'] # Build string of title banner cbsbanners = '' cbsbanners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n""" cbsbanners += """p4util.banner(' CBS Computation: %s / %s%s ')\n""" % \ (mc['f_wfn'].upper(), mc['f_basis'].upper(), addlremark[ptype]) cbsbanners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" exec(cbsbanners) # Build string of molecule and commands that are dependent on the database commands = '\n' commands += """\ncore.set_global_option('BASIS', '%s')\n""" % (mc['f_basis']) commands += """core.set_global_option('WRITER_FILE_LABEL', '%s')\n""" % \ (user_writer_file_label + ('' if user_writer_file_label == '' else '-') + mc['f_wfn'].lower() + '-' + mc['f_basis'].lower()) exec(commands) # Make energy(), etc. call response = func(molecule=molecule, **kwargs) if ptype == 'energy': mc['f_energy'] = response elif ptype == 'gradient': mc['f_gradient'] = response mc['f_energy'] = core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') if verbose > 1: mc['f_gradient'].print_out() elif ptype == 'hessian': mc['f_hessian'] = response mc['f_energy'] = core.get_variable('CURRENT ENERGY') if verbose > 1: mc['f_hessian'].print_out() Njobs += 1 if verbose > 1: core.print_out("\nCURRENT ENERGY: %14.16f\n" % mc['f_energy']) # Fill in energies for subsumed methods if ptype == 'energy': for wfn in VARH[mc['f_wfn']]: for job in JOBS_EXT: if (wfn == job['f_wfn']) and (mc['f_basis'] == job['f_basis']): job['f_energy'] = core.get_variable(VARH[wfn][wfn]) if verbose > 1: core.print_variables() core.clean_variables() core.clean() # Copy data from 'run' to 'obtained' table for mce in JOBS_EXT: if (mc['f_wfn'] == mce['f_wfn']) and (mc['f_basis'] == mce['f_basis']): mce['f_energy'] = mc['f_energy'] mce['f_gradient'] = mc['f_gradient'] mce['f_hessian'] = mc['f_hessian'] psioh.set_specific_retention(constants.PSIF_SCF_MOS, False) # Build string of title banner cbsbanners = '' cbsbanners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n""" cbsbanners += """p4util.banner(' CBS Results: %s ' % label)\n""" cbsbanners += """core.print_out('\\n')\n\n""" exec(cbsbanners) # Insert obtained energies into the array that stores the cbs stages for stage in GRAND_NEED: for lvl in stage['d_need'].items(): MODELCHEM.append(lvl[1]) for job in JOBS_EXT: # Dont ask if (((lvl[1]['f_wfn'] == job['f_wfn']) or ((lvl[1]['f_wfn'][3:] == job['f_wfn']) and lvl[1]['f_wfn'].startswith('c4-')) or ((lvl[1]['f_wfn'] == job['f_wfn'][3:]) and job['f_wfn'].startswith('c4-')) or (('c4-' + lvl[1]['f_wfn']) == job['f_wfn']) or (lvl[1]['f_wfn'] == ('c4-' + job['f_wfn']))) and (lvl[1]['f_basis'] == job['f_basis'])): lvl[1]['f_energy'] = job['f_energy'] lvl[1]['f_gradient'] = job['f_gradient'] lvl[1]['f_hessian'] = job['f_hessian'] # Make xtpl() call finalenergy = 0.0 finalgradient = core.Matrix(natom, 3) finalhessian = core.Matrix(3 * natom, 3 * natom) for stage in GRAND_NEED: hiloargs = _contract_scheme_orders(stage['d_need'], 'f_energy') stage['d_energy'] = stage['d_scheme'](**hiloargs) finalenergy += stage['d_energy'] * stage['d_coef'] if ptype == 'gradient': hiloargs = _contract_scheme_orders(stage['d_need'], 'f_gradient') stage['d_gradient'] = stage['d_scheme'](**hiloargs) work = stage['d_gradient'].clone() work.scale(stage['d_coef']) finalgradient.add(work) elif ptype == 'hessian': hiloargs = _contract_scheme_orders(stage['d_need'], 'f_hessian') stage['d_hessian'] = stage['d_scheme'](**hiloargs) work = stage['d_hessian'].clone() work.scale(stage['d_coef']) finalhessian.add(work) # Build string of results table table_delimit = ' ' + '-' * 105 + '\n' tables = '' tables += """\n ==> %s <==\n\n""" % ('Components') tables += table_delimit tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-26s %3s %16s %-s\n""" % ('', 'Method', '/', 'Basis', 'Rqd', 'Energy [Eh]', 'Variable') tables += table_delimit for job in JOBS_EXT: star = '' for mc in MODELCHEM: if (job['f_wfn'] == mc['f_wfn']) and (job['f_basis'] == mc['f_basis']): star = '*' tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % ('', job['f_wfn'], '/', job['f_basis'], star, job['f_energy'], VARH[job['f_wfn']][job['f_wfn']]) tables += table_delimit tables += """\n ==> %s <==\n\n""" % ('Stages') tables += table_delimit tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16s %-s\n""" % ('Stage', 'Method', '/', 'Basis', 'Wt', 'Energy [Eh]', 'Scheme') tables += table_delimit for stage in GRAND_NEED: tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2d %16.8f %-s\n""" % (stage['d_stage'], stage['d_wfn'], '/', stage['d_basis'], stage['d_coef'], stage['d_energy'], stage['d_scheme'].__name__) tables += table_delimit tables += """\n ==> %s <==\n\n""" % ('CBS') tables += table_delimit tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16s %-s\n""" % ('Stage', 'Method', '/', 'Basis', '', 'Energy [Eh]', 'Scheme') tables += table_delimit if do_scf: tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % (GRAND_NEED[0]['d_stage'], GRAND_NEED[0]['d_wfn'], '/', GRAND_NEED[0]['d_basis'], '', GRAND_NEED[0]['d_energy'], GRAND_NEED[0]['d_scheme'].__name__) if do_corl: tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % (GRAND_NEED[1]['d_stage'], GRAND_NEED[1]['d_wfn'], '/', GRAND_NEED[1]['d_basis'], '', GRAND_NEED[1]['d_energy'] - GRAND_NEED[2]['d_energy'], GRAND_NEED[1]['d_scheme'].__name__) if do_delta: tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % (GRAND_NEED[3]['d_stage'], GRAND_NEED[3]['d_wfn'] + ' - ' + GRAND_NEED[4]['d_wfn'], '/', GRAND_NEED[3]['d_basis'], '', GRAND_NEED[3]['d_energy'] - GRAND_NEED[4]['d_energy'], GRAND_NEED[3]['d_scheme'].__name__) if do_delta2: tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % (GRAND_NEED[5]['d_stage'], GRAND_NEED[5]['d_wfn'] + ' - ' + GRAND_NEED[6]['d_wfn'], '/', GRAND_NEED[5]['d_basis'], '', GRAND_NEED[5]['d_energy'] - GRAND_NEED[6]['d_energy'], GRAND_NEED[5]['d_scheme'].__name__) # if do_delta3: # tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % (GRAND_NEED[6]['d_stage'], GRAND_NEED[6]['d_wfn'] + ' - ' + GRAND_NEED[7]['d_wfn'], # '/', GRAND_NEED[6]['d_basis'], '', GRAND_NEED[6]['d_energy'] - GRAND_NEED[7]['d_energy'], GRAND_NEED[6]['d_scheme'].__name__) # if do_delta4: # tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % (GRAND_NEED[8]['d_stage'], GRAND_NEED[8]['d_wfn'] + ' - ' + GRAND_NEED[9]['d_wfn'], # '/', GRAND_NEED[8]['d_basis'], '', GRAND_NEED[8]['d_energy'] - GRAND_NEED[9]['d_energy'], GRAND_NEED[8]['d_scheme'].__name__) # if do_delta5: # tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % (GRAND_NEED[10]['d_stage'], GRAND_NEED[10]['d_wfn'] + ' - ' + GRAND_NEED[11]['d_wfn'], # '/', GRAND_NEED[10]['d_basis'], '', GRAND_NEED[10]['d_energy'] - GRAND_NEED[11]['d_energy'], GRAND_NEED[10]['d_scheme'].__name__) tables += """ %6s %20s %1s %-27s %2s %16.8f %-s\n""" % ('total', 'CBS', '', '', '', finalenergy, '') tables += table_delimit core.print_out(tables) core.set_variable('CBS REFERENCE ENERGY', GRAND_NEED[0]['d_energy']) core.set_variable('CBS CORRELATION ENERGY', finalenergy - GRAND_NEED[0]['d_energy']) core.set_variable('CBS TOTAL ENERGY', finalenergy) core.set_variable('CURRENT REFERENCE ENERGY', GRAND_NEED[0]['d_energy']) core.set_variable('CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY', finalenergy - GRAND_NEED[0]['d_energy']) core.set_variable('CURRENT ENERGY', finalenergy) core.set_variable('CBS NUMBER', Njobs) # new skeleton wavefunction w/mol, highest-SCF basis (just to choose one), & not energy basis =, "ORBITAL", 'sto-3g') wfn = core.Wavefunction(molecule, basis) optstash.restore() if ptype == 'energy': finalquantity = finalenergy elif ptype == 'gradient': finalquantity = finalgradient wfn.set_gradient(finalquantity) if finalquantity.rows(0) < 20: core.print_out('CURRENT GRADIENT') finalquantity.print_out() elif ptype == 'hessian': finalquantity = finalhessian wfn.set_hessian(finalquantity) if finalquantity.rows(0) < 20: core.print_out('CURRENT HESSIAN') finalquantity.print_out() if return_wfn: return (finalquantity, wfn) else: return finalquantity
_lmh_labels = {1: ['HI'], 2: ['LO', 'HI'], 3: ['LO', 'MD', 'HI'], 4: ['LO', 'MD', 'M2', 'HI'], 5: ['LO', 'MD', 'M2', 'M3', 'HI']} def _expand_scheme_orders(scheme, basisname, basiszeta, wfnname, natom): """Check that the length of *basiszeta* array matches the implied degree of extrapolation in *scheme* name. Return a dictionary of same length as basiszeta, with *basisname* and *basiszeta* distributed therein. """ Nxtpl = len(basiszeta) if int(scheme.__name__.split('_')[-1]) != Nxtpl: raise ValidationError("""Call to '%s' not valid with '%s' basis sets.""" % (scheme.__name__, len(basiszeta))) f_fields = ['f_wfn', 'f_basis', 'f_zeta', 'f_energy', 'f_gradient', 'f_hessian'] NEED = {} for idx in range(Nxtpl): NEED[_lmh_labels[Nxtpl][idx]] = dict(zip(f_fields, [wfnname, basisname[idx], basiszeta[idx], 0.0, core.Matrix(natom, 3), core.Matrix(3 * natom, 3 * natom)])) return NEED def _contract_scheme_orders(needdict, datakey='f_energy'): """Prepared named arguments for extrapolation functions by extracting zetas and values (which one determined by *datakey*) out of *needdict* and returning a dictionary whose keys are contructed from _lmh_labels. """ largs = {} largs['functionname'] = needdict['HI']['f_wfn'] Nxtpl = len(needdict) zlabels = _lmh_labels[Nxtpl] # e.g., ['LO', 'HI'] for zeta in range(Nxtpl): zlab = zlabels[zeta] # e.g., LO largs['z' + zlab] = needdict[zlab]['f_zeta'] largs['value' + zlab] = needdict[zlab][datakey] return largs ## Aliases ## complete_basis_set = cbs def _cbs_wrapper_methods(**kwargs): cbs_method_kwargs = ['scf_wfn', 'corl_wfn', 'delta_wfn'] cbs_method_kwargs += ['delta%d_wfn' % x for x in range(2, 6)] cbs_methods = [] for method in cbs_method_kwargs: if method in kwargs: cbs_methods.append(kwargs[method]) return cbs_methods def _parse_cbs_gufunc_string(method_name): method_name_list = re.split( """\+(?![^\[\]]*\]|[^\(\)]*\))""", method_name) if len(method_name_list) > 2: raise ValidationError("CBS gufunc: Text parsing is only valid for a single delta, please use the CBS wrapper directly") method_list = [] basis_list = [] for num, method_str in enumerate(method_name_list): if (method_str.count("[") > 1) or (method_str.count("]") > 1): raise ValidationError("""CBS gufunc: Too many brackets given! %s """ % method_str) if method_str.count('/') != 1: raise ValidationError("""CBS gufunc: All methods must specify a basis with '/'. %s""" % method_str) if num > 0: method_str = method_str.strip() if method_str[:2].lower() != 'd:': raise ValidationError("""CBS gufunc: Delta method must start with 'D:'.""") else: method_str = method_str[2:] method, basis = method_str.split('/') method_list.append(method) basis_list.append(basis) return method_list, basis_list def _cbs_gufunc(func, total_method_name, **kwargs): """ Text based wrapper of the CBS function. """ # Catch kwarg issues kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs) return_wfn = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False) core.clean_variables() user_dertype = kwargs.pop('dertype', None) cbs_verbose = kwargs.pop('cbs_verbose', False) ptype = kwargs.pop('ptype', None) # Make sure the molecule the user provided is the active one molecule = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule()) molecule.update_geometry() # Sanitize total_method_name label = total_method_name total_method_name = total_method_name.lower() total_method_name = total_method_name.replace(' ', '') # Split into components method_list, basis_list = _parse_cbs_gufunc_string(total_method_name) # Single energy call? single_call = len(method_list) == 1 single_call &= '[' not in basis_list[0] single_call &= ']' not in basis_list[0] if single_call: method_name = method_list[0] basis = basis_list[0] # Save some global variables so we can reset them later optstash = p4util.OptionsState(['BASIS']) core.set_global_option('BASIS', basis) ptype_value, wfn = func(method_name, return_wfn=True, molecule=molecule, **kwargs) core.clean() optstash.restore() if return_wfn: return (ptype_value, wfn) else: return ptype_value # If we are not a single call, let CBS wrapper handle it! cbs_kwargs = {} cbs_kwargs['ptype'] = ptype cbs_kwargs['return_wfn'] = True cbs_kwargs['molecule'] = molecule cbs_kwargs['verbose'] = cbs_verbose # Find method and basis if method_list[0] in ['scf', 'hf']: cbs_kwargs['scf_wfn'] = method_list[0] cbs_kwargs['scf_basis'] = basis_list[0] if 'scf_scheme' in kwargs: cbs_kwargs['scf_scheme'] = kwargs['scf_scheme'] else: cbs_kwargs['corl_wfn'] = method_list[0] cbs_kwargs['corl_basis'] = basis_list[0] if 'corl_scheme' in kwargs: cbs_kwargs['corl_scheme'] = kwargs['corl_scheme'] if len(method_list) > 1: cbs_kwargs['delta_wfn'] = method_list[1] cbs_kwargs['delta_basis'] = basis_list[1] if 'delta_scheme' in kwargs: cbs_kwargs['delta_scheme'] = kwargs['delta_scheme'] ptype_value, wfn = cbs(func, label, **cbs_kwargs) if return_wfn: return (ptype_value, wfn) else: return ptype_value