Source code for psi4.driver.p4util.util

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2017 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This file is part of Psi4.
# Psi4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# Psi4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
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"""Module with utility functions for use in input files."""
from __future__ import division
import re
import sys
import os
import math
import numpy as np
from .exceptions import *

[docs]def oeprop(wfn, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluate one-electron properties. :returns: None :type wfn: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to compute properties How to specify args, which are actually the most important :type title: string :param title: label prepended to all psivars computed :examples: >>> # [1] Moments with specific label >>> E, wfn = energy('hf', return_wfn=True) >>> oeprop(wfn, 'DIPOLE', 'QUADRUPOLE', title='H3O+ SCF') """ oe = core.OEProp(wfn) if 'title' in kwargs: oe.set_title(kwargs['title']) for prop in args: oe.add(prop) oe.compute()
[docs]def cubeprop(wfn, **kwargs): """Evaluate properties on a grid and generate cube files. .. versionadded:: 0.5 *wfn* parameter passed explicitly :returns: None :type wfn: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate cube files :examples: >>> # [1] Cube files for all orbitals >>> E, wfn = energy('b3lyp', return_wfn=True) >>> cubeprop(wfn) >>> # [2] Cube files for density (alpha, beta, total, spin) and four orbitals >>> # (two alpha, two beta) >>> set cubeprop_tasks ['orbitals', 'density'] >>> set cubeprop_orbitals [5, 6, -5, -6] >>> E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True) >>> cubeprop(wfn) """ # By default compute the orbitals if not core.has_global_option_changed('CUBEPROP_TASKS'): core.set_global_option('CUBEPROP_TASKS',['ORBITALS']) if ((core.get_global_option('INTEGRAL_PACKAGE') == 'ERD') and ('ESP' in core.get_global_option('CUBEPROP_TASKS'))): raise ValidationError('INTEGRAL_PACKAGE ERD does not play nicely with electrostatic potential, so stopping.') cp = core.CubeProperties(wfn) cp.compute_properties()
[docs]def set_memory(inputval, execute=True): """Function to reset the total memory allocation. Takes memory value *inputval* as type int, float, or str; int and float are taken literally as bytes to be set, string taken as a unit-containing value (e.g., 30 mb) which is case-insensitive. Set *execute* to False to interpret *inputval* without setting in Psi4 core. :returns: *memory_amount* (float) Number of bytes of memory set :raises: ValidationError when <500MiB or disallowed type or misformatted :examples: >>> # [1] Passing absolute number of bytes >>> psi4.set_memory(600000000) >>> psi4.get_memory() Out[1]: 600000000L >>> # [2] Passing memory value as string with units >>> psi4.set_memory('30 GB') >>> psi4.get_memory() Out[2]: 30000000000L :good examples: 800000000 # 800000000 2004088624.9 # 2004088624 1.0e9 # 1000000000 '600 mb' # 600000000 '600.0 MiB' # 629145600 '.6 Gb' # 600000000 ' 100000000kB ' # 100000000000 '2 eb' # 2000000000000000000 :bad examples: {} # odd type '' # no info "8 dimms" # unacceptable units "1e5 gb" # string w/ exponent "5e5" # string w/o units 2000 # mem too small -5e5 # negative (and too small) """ # Handle memory given in bytes directly (int or float) if isinstance(inputval, (int, float)): val = inputval units = '' # Handle memory given as a string elif isinstance(inputval, str): memory_string = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d*\.?\d+)\s*([KMGTPBE]i?B)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) matchobj =, inputval) if matchobj: val = float( units = else: raise ValidationError("""Invalid memory specification: {}. Try 5e9 or '5 gb'.""".format(repr(inputval))) else: raise ValidationError("""Invalid type {} in memory specification: {}. Try 5e9 or '5 gb'.""".format( type(inputval), repr(inputval))) # Units decimal or binary? multiplier = 1000 if "i" in units.lower(): multiplier = 1024 units = units.lower().replace("i", "").upper() # Build conversion factor, convert units unit_list = ["", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"] mult = 1 for unit in unit_list: if units.upper() == unit: break mult *= multiplier memory_amount = int(val * mult) # Check minimum memory requirement min_mem_allowed = 262144000 if memory_amount < min_mem_allowed: raise ValidationError("""set_memory(): Requested {:.3} MiB ({:.3} MB); minimum 250 MiB (263 MB). Please, sir, I want some more.""".format( memory_amount / 1024 ** 2, memory_amount / 1000 ** 2)) if execute: core.set_memory_bytes(memory_amount) return memory_amount
[docs]def get_memory(): """Function to return the total memory allocation.""" return core.get_memory()
[docs]def success(label): """Function to print a '*label*...PASSED' line to screen. Used by :py:func:`util.compare_values` family when functions pass. """ msg = '\t{0:.<66}PASSED'.format(label) print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() core.print_out(msg + '\n')
# Test functions
[docs]def compare_values(expected, computed, digits, label, exitonfail=True): """Function to compare two values. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when value *computed* matches value *expected* to number of *digits* (or to *digits* itself when *digits* < 1 e.g. digits=0.04). Performs a system exit on failure unless *exitonfail* False, in which case returns error message. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if digits > 1: thresh = 10 ** -digits message = ("\t%s: computed value (%.*f) does not match (%.*f) to %d digits." % (label, digits+1, computed, digits+1, expected, digits)) else: thresh = digits message = ("\t%s: computed value (%f) does not match (%f) to %f digits." % (label, computed, expected, digits)) if abs(expected - computed) > thresh: print(message) if exitonfail: raise TestComparisonError(message) if math.isnan(computed): print(message) print("\tprobably because the computed value is nan.") if exitonfail: raise TestComparisonError(message) success(label) return True
[docs]def compare_integers(expected, computed, label): """Function to compare two integers. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when value *computed* matches value *expected*. Performs a system exit on failure. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if (expected != computed): message = ("\t%s: computed value (%d) does not match (%d)." % (label, computed, expected)) raise TestComparisonError(message) success(label) return True
[docs]def compare_strings(expected, computed, label): """Function to compare two strings. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when string *computed* exactly matches string *expected*. Performs a system exit on failure. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if(expected != computed): message = ("\t%s: computed value (%s) does not match (%s)." % (label, computed, expected)) raise TestComparisonError(message) success(label) return True
[docs]def compare_matrices(expected, computed, digits, label): """Function to compare two matrices. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when elements of matrix *computed* match elements of matrix *expected* to number of *digits*. Performs a system exit on failure to match symmetry structure, dimensions, or element values. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if (expected.nirrep() != computed.nirrep()): message = ("\t%s has %d irreps, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.nirrep(),, computed.nirrep())) raise TestComparisonError(message) if (expected.symmetry() != computed.symmetry()): message = ("\t%s has %d symmetry, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.symmetry(),, computed.symmetry())) raise TestComparisonError(message) nirreps = expected.nirrep() symmetry = expected.symmetry() for irrep in range(nirreps): if(expected.rows(irrep) != computed.rows(irrep)): message = ("\t%s has %d rows in irrep %d, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.rows(irrep), irrep,, computed.rows(irrep))) raise TestComparisonError(message) if(expected.cols(irrep ^ symmetry) != computed.cols(irrep ^ symmetry)): message = ("\t%s has %d columns in irrep, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.cols(irrep), irrep,, computed.cols(irrep))) raise TestComparisonError(message) rows = expected.rows(irrep) cols = expected.cols(irrep ^ symmetry) failed = 0 for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): if(abs(expected.get(irrep, row, col) - computed.get(irrep, row, col)) > 10 ** (-digits)): print("\t%s: computed value (%s) does not match (%s)." % (label, expected.get(irrep, row, col), computed.get(irrep, row, col))) failed = 1 break if(failed): print("Check your output file for reporting of the matrices.") core.print_out("The Failed Test Matrices\n") core.print_out("Computed Matrix (2nd matrix passed in)\n") computed.print_out() core.print_out("Expected Matrix (1st matrix passed in)\n") expected.print_out() raise TestComparisonError("\n") success(label) return True
[docs]def compare_vectors(expected, computed, digits, label): """Function to compare two vectors. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when elements of vector *computed* match elements of vector *expected* to number of *digits*. Performs a system exit on failure to match symmetry structure, dimension, or element values. Used in input files in the test suite. """ if (expected.nirrep() != computed.nirrep()): message = ("\t%s has %d irreps, but %s has %d\n." % (, expected.nirrep(),, computed.nirrep())) raise TestComparisonError(message) nirreps = expected.nirrep() for irrep in range(nirreps): if(expected.dim(irrep) != computed.dim(irrep)): message = ("\tThe reference has %d entries in irrep %d, but the computed vector has %d\n." % (expected.dim(irrep), irrep, computed.dim(irrep))) raise TestComparisonError(message) dim = expected.dim(irrep) failed = 0 for entry in range(dim): if(abs(expected.get(irrep, entry) - computed.get(irrep, entry)) > 10 ** (-digits)): failed = 1 break if(failed): core.print_out("The computed vector\n") computed.print_out() core.print_out("The reference vector\n") expected.print_out() message = ("\t%s: computed value (%s) does not match (%s)." % (label, computed.get(irrep, entry), expected.get(irrep, entry))) raise TestComparisonError(message) success(label) return True
[docs]def compare_arrays(expected, computed, digits, label): """Function to compare two numpy arrays. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when elements of vector *computed* match elements of vector *expected* to number of *digits*. Performs a system exit on failure to match symmetry structure, dimension, or element values. Used in input files in the test suite. """ try: shape1 = expected.shape shape2 = computed.shape except: raise TestComparisonError("Input objects do not have a shape attribute.") if shape1 != shape2: TestComparisonError("Input shapes do not match.") tol = 10 ** (-digits) if not np.allclose(expected, computed, atol=tol): message = "\tArray difference norm is %12.6f." % np.linalg.norm(expected - computed) raise TestComparisonError(message) success(label) return True
[docs]def compare_cubes(expected, computed, label): """Function to compare two cube files. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when value *computed* matches value *expected*. Performs a system exit on failure. Used in input files in the test suite. """ # Skip the first six elemets which are just labels evec = [float(k) for k in expected.split()[6:]] cvec = [float(k) for k in computed.split()[6:]] if len(evec) == len(cvec): for n in range(len(evec)): if (math.fabs(evec[n]-cvec[n]) > 1.0e-4): message = ("\t%s: computed cube file does not match expected cube file." % label) raise TestComparisonError(message) else: message = ("\t%s: computed cube file does not match expected cube file." % (label, computed, expected)) raise TestComparisonError(message) success(label) return True
# Uncomment and use if compare_arrays above is inadequate #def compare_lists(expected, computed, digits, label): # """Function to compare two Python lists. Prints :py:func:`util.success` # when elements of vector *computed* match elements of vector *expected* to # number of *digits*. Performs a system exit on failure to match symmetry # structure, dimension, or element values. Used in input files in the test suite. # # """ # if len(expected) != len(computed): # message = ("\tThe reference has %d entries, but the computed vector has %d\n." % (len(expected), len(computed))) # raise TestComparisonError(message) # dim = len(expected) # failed = 0 # for entry in range(dim): # if(abs(expected[entry] - computed[entry]) > 10 ** (-digits)): # print("\t%s: computed value (%s) does not match (%s)." % (label, computed[entry], expected[entry])) # failed = 1 # break # # if(failed): # core.print_out("The computed vector\n") # computed.print_out() # core.print_out("The reference vector\n") # expected.print_out() # message = ("\t%s: computed list does not match expected list." % (label, computed, expected)) # raise TestComparisonError(message) # success(label)
[docs]def copy_file_to_scratch(filename, prefix, namespace, unit, move = False): """Function to move file into scratch with correct naming convention. Arguments: @arg filename full path to file @arg prefix computation prefix, usually 'psi' @arg namespace context namespace, usually molecule name @arg unit unit number, e.g. 32 @arg move copy or move? (default copy) Example: Assume PID is 12345 and SCRATCH is /scratch/parrish/ copy_file_to_scratch('temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp ./temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp /tmp/temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32): -cp /tmp/temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32, True): -mv /tmp/temp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 """ pid = str(os.getpid()) scratch = core.IOManager.shared_object().get_file_path(int(unit)) cp = '/bin/cp'; if move: cp = '/bin/mv'; unit = str(unit) target = '' target += prefix target += '.' target += pid if len(namespace): target += '.' target += namespace target += '.' target += unit command = ('%s %s %s/%s' % (cp, filename, scratch, target)) os.system(command)
#print command
[docs]def copy_file_from_scratch(filename, prefix, namespace, unit, move = False): """Function to move file out of scratch with correct naming convention. Arguments: @arg filename full path to target file @arg prefix computation prefix, usually 'psi' @arg namespace context namespace, usually molecule name @arg unit unit number, e.g. 32 @arg move copy or move? (default copy) Example: Assume PID is 12345 and SCRATCH is /scratch/parrish/ copy_file_to_scratch('temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 .temp copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', 'h2o', 32): -cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.h2o.32 /tmp/temp copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32): -cp /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 /tmp/temp copy_file_to_scratch('/tmp/temp', 'psi', '', 32, True): -mv /scratch/parrish/psi.12345.32 /tmp/temp """ pid = str(os.getpid()) scratch = core.IOManager.shared_object().get_file_path(int(unit)) cp = '/bin/cp'; if move: cp = '/bin/mv'; unit = str(unit) target = '' target += prefix target += '.' target += pid if len(namespace): target += '.' target += namespace target += '.' target += unit command = ('%s %s/%s %s' % (cp, scratch, target, filename)) os.system(command)
[docs]def xml2dict(filename=None): """Read XML *filename* into nested OrderedDict-s. *filename* defaults to active CSX file. """ import xmltodict as xd if filename is None: csx = os.path.splitext(core.outfile_name())[0] + '.csx' else: csx = filename with open(csx, 'r') as handle: csxdict = xd.parse(handle) return csxdict
[docs]def getFromDict(dataDict, mapList): return reduce(lambda d, k: d[k], mapList, dataDict)
[docs]def csx2endict(): """Grabs the CSX file as a dictionary, encodes translation of PSI variables to XML blocks, gathers all available energies from CSX file into returned dictionary. """ blockprefix = ['chemicalSemantics', 'molecularCalculation', 'quantumMechanics', 'singleReferenceState', 'singleDeterminant'] blockmidfix = ['energies', 'energy'] prefix = 'cs:' pv2xml = { 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY': [['mp2'], 'correlation'], 'MP2 SAME-SPIN CORRELATION ENERGY': [['mp2'], 'sameSpin correlation'], 'HF TOTAL ENERGY': [['abinitioScf'], 'electronic'], 'NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY': [['abinitioScf'], 'nuclearRepulsion'], 'DFT FUNCTIONAL TOTAL ENERGY': [['dft'], 'dftFunctional'], 'DFT TOTAL ENERGY': [['dft'], 'electronic'], 'DOUBLE-HYBRID CORRECTION ENERGY': [['dft'], 'doubleHybrid correction'], 'DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY': [['dft'], 'dispersion correction'], } csxdict = xml2dict() enedict = {} for pv, lpv in pv2xml.items(): address = blockprefix + lpv[0] + blockmidfix indices = [prefix + bit for bit in address] try: qwer = getFromDict(csxdict, indices) except KeyError: continue for v in qwer: vv = v.values() if vv[0] == prefix + lpv[1]: enedict[pv] = float(vv[1]) return enedict
[docs]def compare_csx(): """Function to validate energies in CSX files against PSIvariables. Only active if write_csx flag on. """ if 'csx4psi' in sys.modules.keys(): if core.get_global_option('WRITE_CSX'): enedict = csx2endict() compare_integers(len(enedict) >= 2, True, 'CSX harvested') for pv, en in enedict.items(): compare_values(core.get_variable(pv), en, 6, 'CSX ' + pv + ' ' + str(round(en, 4)))