Source code for psi4.driver.procrouting.empirical_dispersion

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Module to provide lightweight definitions of emperical dispersion terms.
from psi4 import core
from psi4.driver.qcdb import interface_dftd3 as dftd3
from psi4.driver.qcdb import interface_gcp as gcp

[docs]class EmpericalDispersion(object): def __init__(self, alias, dtype, **kwargs): self.alias = alias.upper() # Functional Alias # Figure out dispersion type if dtype[0] != "-": dtype = "-" + dtype tuple_params = kwargs.pop('tuple_params', None) if dtype.lower() in dftd3.dash_alias.keys(): self.dtype = dftd3.dash_alias[dtype.lower()].upper() else: self.dtype = dtype.upper() # Dispersion type if dtype.replace('-', '') in dftd3.dashcoeff.keys(): self.dash_params = dftd3.dash_server(alias, dtype.replace('-', '')) else: self.dash_params = {'s6': 1.0} # Build coefficients if self.dtype in ["-D2GR", "-D3ZERO", "-D3BJ", "-D3MZERO", "-D3MBJ"]: self.dtype = self.dtype.replace('-D2GR', '-D2') self.disp_type = 'gr' # Odd tuple syntax favored by psi if (tuple_params is not None): self.tuple_params = None self.dash_params['s6'] = tuple_params[0] if len(tuple_params) > 1: if "D2" in self.dtype: self.dash_params["alpha6"] = tuple_params[1] elif ("ZERO" in self.dtype) or ("BJ" in self.dtype): self.dash_params["s8"] = tuple_params[1] if len(tuple_params) > 2: if "ZERO" in self.dtype: self.dash_params["sr6"] = tuple_params[2] elif "BJ" in self.dtype: self.dash_params["a1"] = tuple_params[2] if len(tuple_params) > 3: if "ZERO" in self.dtype: self.dash_params["alpha6"] = tuple_params[3] elif "BJ" in self.dtype: self.dash_params["a2"] = tuple_params[3] if len(tuple_params) > 4: raise Exception("Too many parameter in input tuple param.") else: # Only other case at the moment self.dtype = self.dtype.replace('-D2P4', '-D2') self.disp_type = 'p4' if tuple_params is not None: self.dash_params = {} for k, v in zip(['s6', 'p1', 'p2', 'p3'], tuple_params): self.dash_params[k] = v # Build the C++ dispersion class if self.disp_type == 'p4': self.disp =, **self.dash_params) else: self.disp = None # Set user input for k, v in kwargs.keys(): if k in self.dash_params.keys(): self.dash_params[k] = kwargs.pop(k) if len(kwargs): raise Exception("The following DFTD3 parameters were not understood for %s dispersion type: %s" % (dtype, ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))) if self.dtype == "-D1": self.description = " Grimme's -D1 Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Grimme, S. (2004), J. Comp. Chem., 25: 1463-1473" self.bibtex = "Grimme:2004:1463" elif self.dtype == "-D2": self.description = " Grimme's -D2 Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Grimme, S. (2006), J. Comp. Chem., 27: 1787-1799" self.bibtex = "Grimme:2006:1787" elif self.dtype == "-CHG": self.description = " Chai and Head-Gordon Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Chai, J.-D.; Head-Gordon, M. (2010), J. Chem. Phys., 132: 6615-6620" self.bibtex = "Chai:2010:6615" elif self.dtype == "-DAS2009": self.description = " Podeszwa and Szalewicz Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Pernal, K.; Podeszwa, R.; Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. (2009), Phys. Rev. Lett., 103: 263201" self.bibtex = "Pernal:2009:263201" elif self.dtype == "-DAS2010": self.description = " Podeszwa and Szalewicz Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Podeszwa, R.; Pernal, K.; Patkowski, K.; Szalewicz, K. (2010), J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1: 550" self.bibtex = "Podeszwa:2010:550" elif self.dtype == "-D2GR": self.description = " Grimme's -D2 Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Grimme, S. (2006), J. Comp. Chem., 27: 1787-1799" self.bibtex = "Grimme:2006:1787" elif self.dtype == "-D3ZERO": self.description = " Grimme's -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Grimme S.; Antony J.; Ehrlich S.; Krieg H. (2010), J. Chem. Phys., 132: 154104" self.bibtex = "Grimme:2010:154104" elif self.dtype == "-D3BJ": self.description = " Grimme's -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Grimme S.; Ehrlich S.; Goerigk L. (2011), J. Comput. Chem., 32: 1456" self.bibtex = "Grimme:2011:1456" elif self.dtype == "-D3MZERO": self.description = " Grimme's -D3 (zero-damping, short-range refitted) Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Grimme S.; Antony J.; Ehrlich S.; Krieg H. (2010), J. Chem. Phys., 132: 154104\n" self.citation += " Smith, D. G. A.; Burns, L. A.; Patkowski, K.; Sherrill, C. D. (2016), J. Phys. Chem. Lett.; 7: 2197" self.bibtex = "Grimme:2010:154104" elif self.dtype == "-D3MBJ": self.description = " Grimme's -D3 (BJ-damping, short-range refitted) Dispersion Correction" self.citation = " Grimme S.; Ehrlich S.; Goerigk L. (2011), J. Comput. Chem., 32: 1456\n" self.citation += " Smith, D. G. A.; Burns, L. A.; Patkowski, K.; Sherrill, C. D. (2016), J. Phys. Chem. Lett.; 7: 2197" self.bibtex = "Grimme:2011:1456" else: raise Exception("Emperical Dispersion type %s not understood." % self.dtype)
[docs] def print_out(self, level=1): core.print_out(" => %s: Empirical Dispersion <=\n\n" % self.dtype) core.print_out(self.description + "\n") core.print_out(self.citation + "\n\n") core.print_out(" S6 = %14.6E\n" % self.dash_params["s6"]); if "s8" in self.dash_params.keys(): core.print_out(" S8 = %14.6E\n" % self.dash_params["s8"]); for k, v in self.dash_params.items(): if k in ["s6", "s8"]: continue core.print_out(" %6s = %14.6E\n" % (k.upper(), v)); # Psi auto sets this with no change of deviation if (self.disp_type == 'p4') and (self.dtype == "-D2"): core.print_out(" %6s = %14.6E\n" % ("A6", 20.0)) core.print_out("\n");
[docs] def compute_energy(self, molecule): if self.disp_type == 'gr': if self.alias in ['HF3C', 'PBEH3C']: dashd_part = dftd3.run_dftd3(molecule, dashlvl=self.dtype.lower().replace('-', ''), dashparam=self.dash_params, verbose=False, dertype=0) gcp_part = gcp.run_gcp(molecule, self.alias.lower(), verbose=False, dertype=0) return dashd_part + gcp_part else: return dftd3.run_dftd3(molecule, dashlvl=self.dtype.lower().replace('-', ''), dashparam=self.dash_params, verbose=False, dertype=0) else: return self.disp.compute_energy(molecule)
[docs] def compute_gradient(self, molecule): if self.disp_type == 'gr': if self.alias in ['HF3C', 'PBEH3C']: dashd_part = dftd3.run_dftd3(molecule, dashlvl=self.dtype.lower().replace('-', ''), dashparam=self.dash_params, verbose=False, dertype=1) gcp_part = gcp.run_gcp(molecule, self.alias.lower(), verbose=False, dertype=1) dashd_part.add(gcp_part) return dashd_part else: return dftd3.run_dftd3(molecule, dashlvl=self.dtype.lower().replace('-', ''), dashparam=self.dash_params, verbose=False, dertype=1) else: return self.disp.compute_gradient(molecule)