

An array giving the number of active orbitals (occupied plus unoccupied) per irrep (shorthand to make MCSCF easier to specify than using RAS keywords)

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Auxiliary basis set for solving Dirac equation in X2C and DKH calculations. Defaults to decontracted orbital basis.

  • Type: string
  • Default: No Default


Some codes (DFT) can dump benchmarking data to separate output files

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0


Algorithm to use for CC or CEPA computation (e.g., CCD, CCSD(T), CEPA(3), ACPF). See Cross-module Redundancies for details.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: DF, CONV, CD
  • Default: CONV


Algorithm to use for CI computation (e.g., CID or CISD). See Cross-module Redundancies for details.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: CONV
  • Default: CONV


List of basis function indices for which cube files are generated (1-based). All basis functions computed if empty.

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Directory to which to write cube files. Default is the input file directory.

  • Type: string
  • Default: No Default


List of orbital indices for which cube files are generated (1-based, \(+\) for alpha, \(-\) for beta). All orbitals computed if empty.

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Properties to compute. Valid tasks include: DENSITY - Da, Db, Dt, Ds ESP - Dt, ESP ORBITALS - Psi_a_N, Psi_b_N BASIS_FUNCTIONS - Phi_N LOL - LOLa, LOLb ELF - ELFa, ELFb

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


CubicScalarGrid spatial extent in bohr [O_X, O_Y, O_Z]. Defaults to 4.0 bohr each.

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


CubicScalarGrid grid spacing in bohr [D_X, D_Y, D_Z]. Defaults to 0.2 bohr each.

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


The density fitting basis to use in coupled cluster computations.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: basis string
  • Default: No Default


An array containing the number of doubly-occupied orbitals per irrep (in Cotton order)

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Specifies how many core orbitals to freeze in correlated computations. TRUE will default to freezing the standard default number of core orbitals. For PSI, the standard number of core orbitals is the number of orbitals in the nearest previous noble gas atom. More precise control over the number of frozen orbitals can be attained by using the keywords NUM_FROZEN_DOCC (gives the total number of orbitals to freeze, program picks the lowest-energy orbitals) or FROZEN_DOCC (gives the number of orbitals to freeze per irreducible representation)

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: FALSE, TRUE
  • Default: FALSE


An array containing the number of frozen doubly-occupied orbitals per irrep (these are not excited in a correlated wavefunction, nor can they be optimized in MCSCF. This trumps NUM_FROZEN_DOCC and FREEZE_CORE

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


An array containing the number of frozen unoccupied orbitals per irrep (these are not populated in a correlated wavefunction, nor can they be optimized in MCSCF. This trumps NUM_FROZEN_UOCC

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Integral package to use. If compiled with ERD or Simint support, change this option to use them; LibInt is used otherwise.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: ERD, LIBINT, SIMINT
  • Default: LIBINT


Text to be passed directly into CFOUR input files. May contain molecule, options, percent blocks, etc. Access through cfour {...} block.

  • Type: string
  • Default: No Default


Write all the MOs to the MOLDEN file (true) or discard the unoccupied MOs (false).


Algorithm to use for MP2 computation. See Cross-module Redundancies for details.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: DF, CONV, CD
  • Default: DF


Algorithm to use for MPn ( \(n>2\) ) computation (e.g., MP3 or MP2.5 or MP4(SDQ)). See Cross-module Redundancies for details.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: DF, CONV, CD
  • Default: CONV


The number of core orbitals to freeze in later correlated computations. This trumps FREEZE_CORE

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0


The number of virtual orbitals to freeze in later correlated computations.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0


PCM boolean for pcmsolver module


PCM-CCSD algorithm type.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: PTE
  • Default: PTE


The amount of information to print to the output file. 1 prints basic information, and higher levels print more information. A value of 5 will print very large amounts of debugging information.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1


List of properties to compute

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Either a set of 3 coordinates or a string describing the origin about which one-electron properties are computed.

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Do use pure angular momentum basis functions? If not explicitly set, the default comes from the basis set. Cfour Interface: Keyword translates into CFOUR_SPHERICAL


When several modules can compute the same methods and the default routing is not suitable, this targets a module. CCENERGY covers CCHBAR, etc. OCC covers OCC and DFOCC.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: CCENERGY, DETCI, DFMP2, FNOCC, OCC
  • Default: No Default


An array giving the number of restricted doubly-occupied orbitals per irrep (not excited in CI wavefunctions, but orbitals can be optimized in MCSCF)

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


An array giving the number of restricted unoccupied orbitals per irrep (not occupied in CI wavefunctions, but orbitals can be optimized in MCSCF)

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


An array containing the number of singly-occupied orbitals per irrep (in Cotton order). The value of DOCC should also be set.

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Units used in geometry specification

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: BOHR, AU, A.U., ANGSTROMS, ANG, ANGSTROM
  • Default: ANGSTROMS


Base filename for text files written by PSI, such as the MOLDEN output file, the Hessian file, the internal coordinate file, etc. Use the add_str_i function to make this string case sensitive.

  • Type: string
  • Default: No Default



CubicScalarGrid basis cutoff.


CubicScalarGrid maximum number of grid points per evaluation block.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1000


The amount of information to print to the output file

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0


Derivative level

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: NONE, FIRST, SECOND, RESPONSE
  • Default: NONE


Psi4 dies if energy does not converge.


Order of Douglas-Kroll-Hess

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 2


Assume external fields are arranged so that they have symmetry. It is up to the user to know what to do here. The code does NOT help you out in any way!


Number of columns to print in calls to Matrix::print_mat.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 5


Use total or separate potentials and charges in the PCM-SCF step.

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: TOTAL, SEPARATE
  • Default: TOTAL


An array giving the number of orbitals per irrep for RAS1

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


An array giving the number of orbitals per irrep for RAS2

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


An array giving the number of orbitals per irrep for RAS3

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


An array giving the number of orbitals per irrep for RAS4

  • Type: array
  • Default: No Default


Relativistic Hamiltonian type

  • Type: string
  • Possible Values: NO, X2C
  • Default: NO


Wavefunction type

  • Type: string
  • Default: SCF