Specifies the type of perturbed orbitals used in energy derivative calculations. STANDARD means that the gradient formulation assumes that the perturbed orbitals are not those in which the (perturbed) Fock matrix is diagonal. CANONICAL means that the perturbed orbitals are assumed to be canonical. This keyword is set automatically to CANONICAL in derivative calculations with methods which include triple excitations (MBPT[4]/MP4, CCSD+T[CCSD], CCSD[T], QCISD[T] and all iterative schemes like CCSDT-n and CC3) apart from CCSDT. IJ_CANONICAL requests a canonical perturbed-orbital treatment only for the occupied-occupied block of the unperturbed density matrix in analytic derivative calculations. For testing purposes, it is possible to force the use standard perturbed orbitals even in case of iterative triple excitations via the option FORCE_STANDA (dne?). Note also that in case of unrelaxed derivatives standard orbitals must be used. Default : STANDARD for all methods without triples (except CCSDT), CANONICAL for all methods with triples in case of relaxed derivatives.

  • Type: string
  • Default: No Default