Physical Constants

Physical constants in PSI4
Label Value Description
h 6.62606896E-34 The Planck constant (Js)
c 2.99792458E8 Speed of light (ms$^{-1}$)
kb 1.3806504E-23 The Boltzmann constant (JK$^{-1}$)
R 8.314472 Universal gas constant (JK$^{-1}$mol$^{-1}$)
bohr2angstroms 0.52917720859 Bohr to Angstroms conversion factor
bohr2m 0.52917720859E-10 Bohr to meters conversion factor
bohr2cm 0.52917720859E-8 Bohr to centimeters conversion factor
amu2g 1.660538782E-24 Atomic mass units to grams conversion factor
amu2kg 1.660538782E-27 Atomic mass units to kg conversion factor
au2amu 5.485799097E-4 Atomic units (m$@@e$) to atomic mass units conversion factor
hartree2J 4.359744E-18 Hartree to joule conversion factor
hartree2aJ 4.359744 Hartree to attojoule (10$^{-18}$J) conversion factor
cal2J 4.184 Calorie to joule conversion factor
dipmom_au2si 8.47835281E-30 Atomic units to SI units (Cm) conversion factor for dipoles
dipmom_au2debye 2.54174623 Atomic units to Debye conversion factor for dipoles
dipmom_debye2si 3.335640952E-30 Debye to SI units (Cm) conversion factor for dipoles
c_au 137.035999679 Speed of light in atomic units
hartree2ev 27.21138 Hartree to eV conversion factor
hartree2wavenumbers 219474.6 Hartree to cm$^{-1}$ conversion factor
hartree2kcalmol 627.5095 Hartree to kcal mol$^{-1}$ conversion factor
hartree2kJmol 2625.500 Hartree to kilojoule mol$^{-1}$ conversion factor
hartree2MHz 6.579684E9 Hartree to MHz conversion factor
kcalmol2wavenumbers 349.7551 kcal mol$^{-1}$ to cm$^{-1}$ conversion factor
e0 8.854187817E-12 Vacuum permittivity (Fm$^{-1}$)
na 6.02214179E23 Avagadro’s number
me 9.10938215E-31 Electron rest mass (in kg)