Source code for psi4.driver.p4util.fcidump

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2019 The Psi4 Developers.
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# This file is part of Psi4.
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"""Module with utility function for dumping the Hamiltonian to file in FCIDUMP format."""

from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np

from psi4.driver import psifiles as psif
from psi4.driver.p4util.util import compare_values, success
from psi4.driver.procrouting.proc_util import check_iwl_file_from_scf_type

from psi4 import core
from .exceptions import ValidationError, TestComparisonError

[docs]def fcidump(wfn, fname='INTDUMP', oe_ints=None): """Save integrals to file in FCIDUMP format as defined in Comp. Phys. Commun. 54 75 (1989) Additional one-electron integrals, including orbital energies, can also be saved. This latter format can be used with the HANDE QMC code but is not standard. :returns: None :raises: ValidationError when SCF wavefunction is not RHF :type wfn: :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction` :param wfn: set of molecule, basis, orbitals from which to generate cube files :param fname: name of the integrals file, defaults to INTDUMP :param oe_ints: list of additional one-electron integrals to save to file. So far only EIGENVALUES is a valid option. :examples: >>> # [1] Save one- and two-electron integrals to standard FCIDUMP format >>> E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True) >>> fcidump(wfn) >>> # [2] Save orbital energies, one- and two-electron integrals. >>> E, wfn = energy('scf', return_wfn=True) >>> fcidump(wfn, oe_ints=['EIGENVALUES']) """ # Get some options reference = core.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE') ints_tolerance = core.get_global_option('INTS_TOLERANCE') # Some sanity checks if reference not in ['RHF', 'UHF']: raise ValidationError('FCIDUMP not implemented for {} references\n'.format(reference)) if oe_ints is None: oe_ints = [] molecule = wfn.molecule() docc = wfn.doccpi() frzcpi = wfn.frzcpi() frzvpi = wfn.frzvpi() active_docc = docc - frzcpi active_socc = wfn.soccpi() active_mopi = wfn.nmopi() - frzcpi - frzvpi nbf = active_mopi.sum() if wfn.same_a_b_orbs() else 2 * active_mopi.sum() nirrep = wfn.nirrep() nelectron = 2 * active_docc.sum() + active_socc.sum() irrep_map = _irrep_map(wfn) wfn_irrep = 0 for h, n_socc in enumerate(active_socc): if n_socc % 2 == 1: wfn_irrep ^= h core.print_out('Writing integrals in FCIDUMP format to ' + fname + '\n') # Generate FCIDUMP header header = '&FCI\n' header += 'NORB={:d},\n'.format(nbf) header += 'NELEC={:d},\n'.format(nelectron) header += 'MS2={:d},\n'.format(wfn.nalpha() - wfn.nbeta()) header += 'UHF=.{}.,\n'.format(not wfn.same_a_b_orbs()).upper() orbsym = '' for h in range(active_mopi.n()): for n in range(frzcpi[h], frzcpi[h] + active_mopi[h]): orbsym += '{:d},'.format(irrep_map[h]) if not wfn.same_a_b_orbs(): orbsym += '{:d},'.format(irrep_map[h]) header += 'ORBSYM={}\n'.format(orbsym) header += 'ISYM={:d},\n'.format(irrep_map[wfn_irrep]) header += '&END\n' with open(fname, 'w') as intdump: intdump.write(header) # Get an IntegralTransform object check_iwl_file_from_scf_type(core.get_global_option('SCF_TYPE'), wfn) spaces = [core.MOSpace.all()] trans_type = core.IntegralTransform.TransformationType.Restricted if not wfn.same_a_b_orbs(): trans_type = core.IntegralTransform.TransformationType.Unrestricted ints = core.IntegralTransform(wfn, spaces, trans_type) ints.transform_tei(core.MOSpace.all(), core.MOSpace.all(), core.MOSpace.all(), core.MOSpace.all()) core.print_out('Integral transformation complete!\n') DPD_info = {'instance_id': ints.get_dpd_id(), 'alpha_MO': ints.DPD_ID('[A>=A]+'), 'beta_MO': 0} if not wfn.same_a_b_orbs(): DPD_info['beta_MO'] = ints.DPD_ID("[a>=a]+") # Write TEI to fname in FCIDUMP format core.fcidump_tei_helper(nirrep, wfn.same_a_b_orbs(), DPD_info, ints_tolerance, fname) # Read-in OEI and write them to fname in FCIDUMP format # Indexing functions to translate from zero-based (C and Python) to # one-based (Fortran) mo_idx = lambda x: x + 1 alpha_mo_idx = lambda x: 2 * x + 1 beta_mo_idx = lambda x: 2 * (x + 1) with open(fname, 'a') as intdump: core.print_out('Writing frozen core operator in FCIDUMP format to ' + fname + '\n') if reference == 'RHF': PSIF_MO_FZC = 'MO-basis Frozen-Core Operator' moH = core.Matrix(PSIF_MO_FZC, wfn.nmopi(), wfn.nmopi()) moH.load(core.IO.shared_object(), psif.PSIF_OEI) mo_slice = core.Slice(frzcpi, active_mopi) MO_FZC = moH.get_block(mo_slice, mo_slice) offset = 0 for h, block in enumerate(MO_FZC.nph): il = np.tril_indices(block.shape[0]) for index, x in np.ndenumerate(block[il]): row = mo_idx(il[0][index] + offset) col = mo_idx(il[1][index] + offset) if (abs(x) > ints_tolerance): intdump.write('{:29.20E} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d}\n'.format(x, row, col, 0, 0)) offset += block.shape[0] # Additional one-electron integrals as requested in oe_ints # Orbital energies core.print_out('Writing orbital energies in FCIDUMP format to ' + fname + '\n') if 'EIGENVALUES' in oe_ints: eigs_dump = write_eigenvalues(wfn.epsilon_a().get_block(mo_slice).to_array(), mo_idx) intdump.write(eigs_dump) else: PSIF_MO_A_FZC = 'MO-basis Alpha Frozen-Core Oper' moH_A = core.Matrix(PSIF_MO_A_FZC, wfn.nmopi(), wfn.nmopi()) moH_A.load(core.IO.shared_object(), psif.PSIF_OEI) mo_slice = core.Slice(frzcpi, active_mopi) MO_FZC_A = moH_A.get_block(mo_slice, mo_slice) offset = 0 for h, block in enumerate(MO_FZC_A.nph): il = np.tril_indices(block.shape[0]) for index, x in np.ndenumerate(block[il]): row = alpha_mo_idx(il[0][index] + offset) col = alpha_mo_idx(il[1][index] + offset) if (abs(x) > ints_tolerance): intdump.write('{:29.20E} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d}\n'.format(x, row, col, 0, 0)) offset += block.shape[0] PSIF_MO_B_FZC = 'MO-basis Beta Frozen-Core Oper' moH_B = core.Matrix(PSIF_MO_B_FZC, wfn.nmopi(), wfn.nmopi()) moH_B.load(core.IO.shared_object(), psif.PSIF_OEI) mo_slice = core.Slice(frzcpi, active_mopi) MO_FZC_B = moH_B.get_block(mo_slice, mo_slice) offset = 0 for h, block in enumerate(MO_FZC_B.nph): il = np.tril_indices(block.shape[0]) for index, x in np.ndenumerate(block[il]): row = beta_mo_idx(il[0][index] + offset) col = beta_mo_idx(il[1][index] + offset) if (abs(x) > ints_tolerance): intdump.write('{:29.20E} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d}\n'.format(x, row, col, 0, 0)) offset += block.shape[0] # Additional one-electron integrals as requested in oe_ints # Orbital energies core.print_out('Writing orbital energies in FCIDUMP format to ' + fname + '\n') if 'EIGENVALUES' in oe_ints: alpha_eigs_dump = write_eigenvalues(wfn.epsilon_a().get_block(mo_slice).to_array(), alpha_mo_idx) beta_eigs_dump = write_eigenvalues(wfn.epsilon_b().get_block(mo_slice).to_array(), beta_mo_idx) intdump.write(alpha_eigs_dump + beta_eigs_dump) # Dipole integrals #core.print_out('Writing dipole moment OEI in FCIDUMP format to ' + fname + '\n') # Traceless quadrupole integrals #core.print_out('Writing traceless quadrupole moment OEI in FCIDUMP format to ' + fname + '\n') # Frozen core + nuclear repulsion energy core.print_out('Writing frozen core + nuclear repulsion energy in FCIDUMP format to ' + fname + '\n') e_fzc = ints.get_frozen_core_energy() e_nuc = molecule.nuclear_repulsion_energy(wfn.get_dipole_field_strength()) intdump.write('{: 29.20E} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d}\n'.format(e_fzc + e_nuc, 0, 0, 0, 0)) core.print_out('Done generating {} with integrals in FCIDUMP format.\n'.format(fname))
[docs]def write_eigenvalues(eigs, mo_idx): """Prepare multi-line string with one-particle eigenvalues to be written to the FCIDUMP file. """ eigs_dump = '' iorb = 0 for h, block in enumerate(eigs): for idx, x in np.ndenumerate(block): eigs_dump += '{: 29.20E} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d} {:4d}\n'.format(x, mo_idx(iorb), 0, 0, 0) iorb += 1 return eigs_dump
def _irrep_map(wfn): """Returns an array of irrep indices that maps from Psi4's ordering convention to the standard FCIDUMP convention. """ symm = wfn.molecule().point_group().symbol() psi2dump = {'c1' : [1], # A 'ci' : [1,2], # Ag Au 'c2' : [1,2], # A B 'cs' : [1,2], # A' A" 'd2' : [1,4,3,2], # A B1 B2 B3 'c2v' : [1,4,2,3], # A1 A2 B1 B2 'c2h' : [1,4,2,3], # Ag Bg Au Bu 'd2h' : [1,4,6,7,8,5,3,2] # Ag B1g B2g B3g Au B1u B2u B3u } irrep_map = psi2dump[symm] return np.array(irrep_map, dtype='int')
[docs]def fcidump_from_file(fname): """Function to read in a FCIDUMP file. :returns: a dictionary with FCIDUMP header and integrals The key-value pairs are: - 'norb' : number of basis functions - 'nelec' : number of electrons - 'ms2' : spin polarization of the system - 'isym' : symmetry of state (if present in FCIDUMP) - 'orbsym' : list of symmetry labels of each orbital - 'uhf' : whether restricted or unrestricted - 'enuc' : nuclear repulsion plus frozen core energy - 'epsilon' : orbital energies - 'hcore' : core Hamiltonian - 'eri' : electron-repulsion integrals :param fname: FCIDUMP file name """ intdump = {} with open(fname, 'r') as handle: assert '&FCI' == handle.readline().strip() skiplines = 1 read = True while True: skiplines += 1 line = handle.readline() if 'END' in line: break key, value = line.split('=') value = value.strip().rstrip(',') if key == 'UHF': value = 'TRUE' in value elif key == 'ORBSYM': value = [int(x) for x in value.split(',')] else: value = int(value.replace(',', '')) intdump[key.lower()] = value # Read the data and index, skip header raw_ints = np.genfromtxt(fname, skip_header=skiplines) # Read last line, i.e. Enuc + Efzc intdump['enuc'] = raw_ints[-1, 0] # Read in integrals and indices ints = raw_ints[:-1, 0] # Get dimensions and indices nbf = intdump['norb'] idxs = raw_ints[:, 1:].astype( - 1 # Slices sl = slice(ints.shape[0] - nbf, ints.shape[0]) # Extract orbital energies epsilon = np.zeros(nbf) epsilon[idxs[sl, 0]] = ints[sl] intdump['epsilon'] = epsilon # Count how many 2-index intdump we have sl = slice(sl.start - nbf * nbf, sl.stop - nbf) two_index = np.all(idxs[sl, 2:] == -1, axis=1).sum() sl = slice(sl.stop - two_index, sl.stop) # Extract Hcore Hcore = np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) Hcore[(idxs[sl, 0], idxs[sl, 1])] = ints[sl] Hcore[(idxs[sl, 1], idxs[sl, 0])] = ints[sl] intdump['hcore'] = Hcore # Extract ERIs sl = slice(0, sl.start) eri = np.zeros((nbf, nbf, nbf, nbf)) eri[(idxs[sl, 0], idxs[sl, 1], idxs[sl, 2], idxs[sl, 3])] = ints[sl] eri[(idxs[sl, 0], idxs[sl, 1], idxs[sl, 3], idxs[sl, 2])] = ints[sl] eri[(idxs[sl, 1], idxs[sl, 0], idxs[sl, 2], idxs[sl, 3])] = ints[sl] eri[(idxs[sl, 1], idxs[sl, 0], idxs[sl, 3], idxs[sl, 2])] = ints[sl] eri[(idxs[sl, 2], idxs[sl, 3], idxs[sl, 0], idxs[sl, 1])] = ints[sl] eri[(idxs[sl, 3], idxs[sl, 2], idxs[sl, 0], idxs[sl, 1])] = ints[sl] eri[(idxs[sl, 2], idxs[sl, 3], idxs[sl, 1], idxs[sl, 0])] = ints[sl] eri[(idxs[sl, 3], idxs[sl, 2], idxs[sl, 1], idxs[sl, 0])] = ints[sl] intdump['eri'] = eri return intdump
[docs]def compare_fcidumps(expected, computed, label): """Function to compare two FCIDUMP files. Prints :py:func:`util.success` when value *computed* matches value *expected*. Performs a system exit on failure. Used in input files in the test suite. :returns: a dictionary of energies computed from the MO integrals. The key-value pairs are: - 'NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY' : nuclear repulsion plus frozen core energy - 'ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY' : SCF one-electron energy - 'TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY' : SCF two-electron energy - 'SCF TOTAL ENERGY' : SCF total energy - 'MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY' : MP2 correlation energy :param expected: reference FCIDUMP file :param computed: computed FCIDUMP file :param label: string labelling the test """ try: from deepdiff import DeepDiff except ImportError: raise ImportError( """Python module deepdiff not found. Solve by installing it: `conda install deepdiff -c conda-forge` or `pip install deepdiff`""" ) # Grab expected header and integrals ref_intdump = fcidump_from_file(expected) intdump = fcidump_from_file(computed) # Compare headers header_diff = DeepDiff( ref_intdump, intdump, ignore_order=True, exclude_paths={"root['enuc']", "root['hcore']", "root['eri']", "root['epsilon']"}) if header_diff: message = ("\tComputed FCIDUMP file header does not match expected header.\n") raise TestComparisonError(header_diff) ref_energies = energies_from_fcidump(ref_intdump) energies = energies_from_fcidump(intdump) pass_1el = compare_values(ref_energies['ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY'], energies['ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY'], 7, label + '. 1-electron energy') pass_2el = compare_values(ref_energies['TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY'], energies['TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY'], 7, label + '. 2-electron energy') pass_scf = compare_values(ref_energies['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'], energies['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'], 10, label + '. SCF total energy') pass_mp2 = compare_values(ref_energies['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'], energies['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'], 10, label + '. MP2 correlation energy') if (pass_1el and pass_2el and pass_scf and pass_mp2): success(label) return True
[docs]def energies_from_fcidump(intdump): energies = {} energies['NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY'] = intdump['enuc'] epsilon = intdump['epsilon'] Hcore = intdump['hcore'] eri = intdump['eri'] # Compute SCF energy energies['ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY'], energies['TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY'] = _scf_energy(Hcore, eri, np.where(epsilon < 0)[0], intdump['uhf']) # yapf: disable energies['SCF TOTAL ENERGY'] = energies['ONE-ELECTRON ENERGY'] + energies['TWO-ELECTRON ENERGY'] + energies['NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY'] # yapf: enable # Compute MP2 energy energies['MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY'] = _mp2_energy(eri, epsilon, intdump['uhf']) return energies
def _scf_energy(Hcore, ERI, occ_sl, unrestricted): scf_1el_e = np.einsum('ii->', Hcore[np.ix_(occ_sl, occ_sl)]) if not unrestricted: scf_1el_e *= 2 coulomb = np.einsum('iijj->', ERI[np.ix_(occ_sl, occ_sl, occ_sl, occ_sl)]) exchange = np.einsum('ijij->', ERI[np.ix_(occ_sl, occ_sl, occ_sl, occ_sl)]) if unrestricted: scf_2el_e = 0.5 * (coulomb - exchange) else: scf_2el_e = 2.0 * coulomb - exchange return scf_1el_e, scf_2el_e def _mp2_energy(ERI, epsilon, unrestricted): # Occupied and virtual slices occ_sl = np.where(epsilon < 0)[0] vir_sl = np.where(epsilon > 0)[0] eocc = epsilon[occ_sl] evir = epsilon[vir_sl] denom = 1 / (eocc.reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1) - evir.reshape(-1, 1, 1) + eocc.reshape(-1, 1) - evir) MO = ERI[np.ix_(occ_sl, vir_sl, occ_sl, vir_sl)] if unrestricted: mp2_e = 0.5 * np.einsum("abrs,abrs,abrs->", MO, MO - MO.swapaxes(1, 3), denom) else: mp2_e = np.einsum('iajb,iajb,iajb->', MO, MO, denom) + np.einsum('iajb,iajb,iajb->', MO - MO.swapaxes(1, 3), MO, denom) return mp2_e