
class psi4.core.CharacterTable

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Contains the character table of the point group

Methods Summary

gamma(self, arg0)

Returns the irrep with the given index in the character table


Return the order of the point group

symm_operation(self, arg0)

Return the i’th symmetry operation.

Methods Documentation

gamma(self: psi4.core.CharacterTable, arg0: int) psi4.core.IrreducibleRepresentation

Returns the irrep with the given index in the character table

order(self: psi4.core.CharacterTable) int

Return the order of the point group

symm_operation(self: psi4.core.CharacterTable, arg0: int) psi4.core.SymmetryOperation

Return the i’th symmetry operation. 0-indexed.