Source code for psi4.driver.p4util.fchk

# Psi4: an open-source quantum chemistry software package
# Copyright (c) 2007-2021 The Psi4 Developers.
# The copyrights for code used from other parties are included in
# the corresponding files.
# This file is part of Psi4.
# Psi4 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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# the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# Psi4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""Module with utility functions for FCHK files."""

import numpy as np
from psi4.driver.p4util.testing import compare_strings, compare_arrays, compare_values, compare_integers
from psi4 import core
from .exceptions import ValidationError

__all__ = ['fchkfile_to_string','compare_fchkfiles']

def _consume_fchk_section(input_list, index):
    """compare a float or integer matrix section"""

    n = int(input_list[index].split()[-1])
    kind = input_list[index].split()[-3]

    if "R" in kind:
        dtype = np.float64
        format_counter = 5
    elif "I" in kind:
        dtype = np.float64
        format_counter = 6
        raise ValidationError('Unknow field type in FCHK reader\n')

    extra = 0 if n <= format_counter else n % format_counter
    lines = 1 if n <= format_counter else int(n / format_counter)
    offset = lines + 1 if extra > 0 else lines
    string = ''
    for j in range(lines):
        string += "".join(str(x) for x in input_list[index + 1 + j])
    if extra > 0:
        string += "".join(str(x) for x in input_list[index + 1 + lines])
    field = np.fromiter(string.split(), dtype=dtype)
    return offset + 1, field

[docs]def fchkfile_to_string(fname): """ Load FCHK file into a string""" with open(fname, 'r') as handle: fchk_string = return fchk_string
[docs]def compare_fchkfiles(expected, computed, digits, label): # """Function to compare two FCHK files. # an older format description can be found here # # It lists more fields (logical, character) that are not included in this # test function. They should be covered by the string comparison. # This function is only meant to work with PSI4's FCHK files. # # :param expected: reference FCHK file name # :param computed: computed FCHK file name # :param digits: tolerance for high accuracy fields -- 1.e-8 or 1.e-9 suitable # :param label: string labelling the test # """ fchk_ref = fchkfile_to_string(expected).splitlines() fchk_calc = fchkfile_to_string(computed).splitlines() high_accuracy = digits low_accuracy = 3 # Those listed below need super high scf convergence (d_conv 1e-12) and might # show machine dependence. They will be tested with low_accuracy. sensitive = ['Current cartesian coordinates', 'MO coefficients'] if len(fchk_ref) != len(fchk_calc): raise ValidationError('The two FCHK files to compare have a different file length! \n') index = 0 max_length = len(fchk_calc) tests = [] for start in range(max_length): if index >= max_length: break line = fchk_calc[index] if "N=" in line: offset, calc = _consume_fchk_section(fchk_calc, index) _, ref = _consume_fchk_section(fchk_ref, index) if any(x in line for x in sensitive): test = compare_arrays(ref, calc, low_accuracy, f" matrix section: {line}") else: test = compare_arrays(ref, calc, high_accuracy, f" matrix section: {line}") index += offset elif " R " in line and not "N=" in line: calc = line.split()[-1] ref = fchk_ref[index].split()[-1] test = compare_values(ref, calc, high_accuracy, f" float value: {line}") index += 1 elif " I " in line and not "N=" in line: calc = line.split()[-1] ref = fchk_ref[index].split()[-1] test = compare_integers(ref, calc, f" int value: {line}") index += 1 else: test = compare_strings(line, fchk_ref[index], f"FCK text line {index+1}.") index += 1 tests.append(test) return compare_integers(True, all(tests), label)