Source code for qcelemental.molutil.align

import collections
import itertools
import time
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

from ..exceptions import ValidationError
from ..models import AlignmentMill
from ..physical_constants import constants
from ..testing import compare_values
from ..util import distance_matrix, linear_sum_assignment, random_rotation_matrix, uno, which_import

def _nre(Z, geom):
    """Nuclear repulsion energy"""

    nre = 0.0
    for at1 in range(geom.shape[0]):
        for at2 in range(at1):
            dist = np.linalg.norm(geom[at1] - geom[at2])
            nre += Z[at1] * Z[at2] / dist
    return nre

def _pseudo_nre(Zhash, geom):
    """Pseudo nuclear repulsion energy where non-physical Z contrived from `Zhash`."""

    Zidx = list(set(sorted(Zhash)))
    pZ = [Zidx.index(z) for z in Zhash]
    return _nre(pZ, geom)

[docs]def B787( cgeom: np.ndarray, rgeom: np.ndarray, cuniq: np.ndarray, runiq: np.ndarray, do_plot: bool = False, verbose: int = 1, atoms_map: bool = False, run_resorting: bool = False, mols_align: Union[bool, float] = False, run_to_completion: bool = False, algorithm: str = "hungarian_uno", uno_cutoff: float = 1.0e-3, run_mirror: bool = False, ): r"""Use Kabsch algorithm to find best alignment of geometry `cgeom` onto `rgeom` while sampling atom mappings restricted by `runiq` and `cuniq`. Parameters ---------- rgeom (nat, 3) array of reference/target/unchanged geometry. Assumed [a0] for RMSD purposes. cgeom (nat, 3) array of concern/changeable geometry. Assumed [a0] for RMSD purposes. Must have same nat, units, and atom content as rgeom. runiq (nat,) array of str indicating which rows (atoms) in `rgeom` are shuffleable without changing the molecule. Generally hashes of element symbol and mass are used, but could be as simple as ['C', 'H', 'H', 'D', 'H'] for monodeuterated methane. cuniq (nat,) array of str indicating which rows (atoms) in `cgeom` are shuffleable. See `runiq` for more details. Strings and count in `cuniq` must match `runiq`. That is, `sorted(cuniq) == sorted(runiq)`. do_plot Pops up a mpl plot showing before, after, and ref geometries. verbose Quantity of printing. 0 to silence. atoms_map Whether atom1 of rgeom already corresponds to atom1 of cgeom and so on. If `True`, no resorting will be run, parameters `runiq` and `cuniq` may be passed as `None`, and much time will be saved. run_resorting Run the resorting machinery even if unnecessary because `atoms_map=True`. mols_align Whether ref_mol and concern_mol have identical geometries by eye (barring orientation or atom mapping) and expected final RMSD = 0. If `True`, procedure is truncated when RMSD condition met, saving time. If float, convcrit at which search for minimium truncates. run_to_completion Run reorderings to completion (past RMSD = 0) even if unnecessary because `mols_align=True`. Used to test worst-case timings. algorithm {'hungarian_uno', 'permutative'} When `atoms_map=False`, screening algorithm for plausible atom mappings. `permutative` suitable only for small systems. uno_cutoff TODO run_mirror Run alternate geometries potentially allowing best match to `rgeom` from mirror image of `cgeom`. Only run if system confirmed to be nonsuperimposable upon mirror reflection. Returns ------- float, tuple First item is RMSD [A] between `rgeom` and the optimally aligned geometry computed. Second item is a AlignmentMill with fields (shift, rotation, atommap, mirror) that prescribe the transformation from `cgeom` and the optimally aligned geometry. """ # validation if rgeom.shape != cgeom.shape or rgeom.shape[1] != 3: raise ValidationError("""natom doesn't match: {} != {}""".format(rgeom.shape, cgeom.shape)) nat = rgeom.shape[0] if atoms_map and runiq is None and cuniq is None: runiq = np.array([""] * nat) cuniq = np.array([""] * nat) if sorted(runiq) != sorted(cuniq): raise ValidationError("""atom subclasses unequal:\n {}\n {}""".format(runiq, cuniq)) if run_mirror: # use aligner to check if system and its (xz-plane) mirror image are # superimposible and hence whether its worth doubling the number of Kabsch # runs below to check for mirror-image matches mcgeom = np.copy(cgeom) mcgeom[:, 1] *= -1.0 exact = 1.0e-6 mrmsd, msolution = B787( mcgeom, cgeom, cuniq, cuniq, do_plot=False, verbose=0, atoms_map=False, mols_align=exact, run_mirror=False, uno_cutoff=0.1, ) superimposable = mrmsd < exact if verbose >= 1 and superimposable: print( "Not testing for mirror-image matches (despite `run_mirror`) since system and its mirror are superimposable" ) # initialization best_rmsd = 100.0 # [A] ocount = 0 hold_solution = None run_resorting = run_resorting or not atoms_map if mols_align is True: a_convergence = 1.0e-3 elif mols_align is False: a_convergence = 0.0 else: a_convergence = mols_align # initial presentation atomfmt2 = """ {} {:16.8f} {:16.8f} {:16.8f}""" if verbose >= 2: print("<<< Reference:") for at, _ in enumerate(runiq): print(atomfmt2.format(runiq[at][:6], *rgeom[at])) print("<<< Concern:") for at, _ in enumerate(cuniq): print(atomfmt2.format(cuniq[at][:6], *cgeom[at])) # start_rmsd is nonsense if not atoms_map start_rmsd = np.linalg.norm(cgeom - rgeom) * constants.bohr2angstroms / np.sqrt(nat) if verbose >= 1: print("Start RMSD = {:8.4f} [A] (naive)".format(start_rmsd)) def _plausible_atom_orderings_wrapper( runiq, cuniq, rgeom, cgeom, run_resorting, algorithm="hungarian_uno", verbose=1, uno_cutoff=1.0e-3 ): """Wrapper to _plausible_atom_orderings that bypasses it (`run_resorting=False`) when atoms of R & C known to be ordered. Easier to put logic here because _plausible is generator. """ if run_resorting: return _plausible_atom_orderings( runiq, cuniq, rgeom, cgeom, algorithm=algorithm, verbose=verbose, uno_cutoff=uno_cutoff ) else: return [np.arange(rgeom.shape[0])] t0 = time.time() tc = 0.0 for ordering in _plausible_atom_orderings_wrapper( runiq, cuniq, rgeom, cgeom, run_resorting, algorithm=algorithm, verbose=verbose, uno_cutoff=uno_cutoff ): t1 = time.time() ocount += 1 npordd = np.asarray(ordering) _, RR, TT = kabsch_align(rgeom, cgeom[npordd, :], weight=None) temp_solution = AlignmentMill(shift=TT, rotation=RR, atommap=npordd, mirror=False) tgeom = temp_solution.align_coordinates(cgeom, reverse=False) if verbose >= 4: print("temp geom diff\n", tgeom - rgeom) temp_rmsd = np.linalg.norm(tgeom - rgeom) * constants.bohr2angstroms / np.sqrt(rgeom.shape[0]) temp_rmsd = np.around(temp_rmsd, decimals=8) t2 = time.time() tc += t2 - t1 if temp_rmsd < best_rmsd: best_rmsd = temp_rmsd hold_solution = temp_solution if verbose >= 1: print("<<< trial {:8} {} yields RMSD {} >>>".format(ocount, npordd, temp_rmsd)) if not run_to_completion and best_rmsd < a_convergence: break else: if verbose >= 3: print(" trial {:8} {} yields RMSD {}".format(ocount, npordd, temp_rmsd)) if run_mirror and not superimposable: t1 = time.time() ocount += 1 icgeom = np.copy(cgeom) icgeom[:, 1] *= -1.0 _, RR, TT = kabsch_align(rgeom, icgeom[npordd, :], weight=None) temp_solution = AlignmentMill(shift=TT, rotation=RR, atommap=npordd, mirror=True) tgeom = temp_solution.align_coordinates(cgeom, reverse=False) if verbose >= 4: print("temp geom diff\n", tgeom - rgeom) temp_rmsd = np.linalg.norm(tgeom - rgeom) * constants.bohr2angstroms / np.sqrt(rgeom.shape[0]) temp_rmsd = np.around(temp_rmsd, decimals=8) t2 = time.time() tc += t2 - t1 if temp_rmsd < best_rmsd: best_rmsd = temp_rmsd hold_solution = temp_solution if verbose >= 1: print("<<< trial {:8}m {} yields RMSD {} >>>".format(ocount - 1, npordd, temp_rmsd)) if not run_to_completion and best_rmsd < a_convergence: break else: if verbose >= 3: print(" trial {:8}m {} yields RMSD {}".format(ocount - 1, npordd, temp_rmsd)) t3 = time.time() if verbose >= 1: print("Total time [s] for {:6} iterations: {:.3}".format(ocount, t3 - t0)) print("Hungarian time [s] for atom ordering: {:.3}".format(t3 - t0 - tc)) print("Kabsch time [s] for mol alignment: {:.3}".format(tc)) ageom, auniq = hold_solution.align_mini_system(cgeom, cuniq, reverse=False) final_rmsd = np.linalg.norm(ageom - rgeom) * constants.bohr2angstroms / np.sqrt(nat) assert abs(best_rmsd - final_rmsd) < 1.0e-3 if verbose >= 1: print("Final RMSD = {:8.4f} [A]".format(final_rmsd)) print("Mirror match:", hold_solution.mirror) print(hold_solution) # final presentation & plotting if verbose >= 2: print("<<< Aligned:") for at, hsh in enumerate(auniq): print(atomfmt2.format(auniq[at][:6], *ageom[at])) print("<<< Aligned Diff:") for at, hsh in enumerate(auniq): print(atomfmt2.format(auniq[at][:6], *[ageom[at][i] - rgeom[at][i] for i in range(3)])) if do_plot: # TODO Missing import plot_coord(ref=rgeom, cand=ageom, orig=cgeom, comment="Final RMSD = {:8.4f}".format(final_rmsd)) # sanity checks assert compare_values( _pseudo_nre(cuniq, cgeom), _pseudo_nre(auniq, ageom), "D: concern_mol-->returned_mol pNRE uncorrupted", atol=1.0e-4, quiet=(verbose < 2), ) if mols_align is True: assert compare_values( _pseudo_nre(runiq, rgeom), _pseudo_nre(auniq, ageom), "D: concern_mol-->returned_mol pNRE matches ref_mol", atol=1.0e-4, quiet=(verbose < 2), ) assert compare_values( rgeom, ageom, "D: concern_mol-->returned_mol geometry matches ref_mol", atol=1.0e-4, quiet=(verbose < 2) ) assert compare_values(0.0, final_rmsd, "D: null RMSD", atol=1.0e-4, quiet=(verbose < 2)) return final_rmsd, hold_solution
def _plausible_atom_orderings(ref, current, rgeom, cgeom, algorithm="hungarian_uno", verbose=1, uno_cutoff=1.0e-3): r""" Parameters ---------- ref : list Hashes encoding distinguishable non-coord characteristics of reference molecule. Namely, atomic symbol, mass, basis sets?. current : list Hashes encoding distinguishable non-coord characteristics of trial molecule. Namely, atomic symbol, mass, basis sets?. Returns ------- iterator of tuples """ if sorted(ref) != sorted(current): raise ValidationError( """ref and current can't map to each other.\n""" + "R: " + str(ref) + "\nC: " + str(current) ) where = collections.defaultdict(list) for iuq, uq in enumerate(ref): where[uq].append(iuq) cwhere = collections.defaultdict(list) for iuq, uq in enumerate(current): cwhere[uq].append(iuq) connect = collections.OrderedDict() for k in where: connect[tuple(where[k])] = tuple(cwhere[k]) def filter_permutative(rgp, cgp): """Original atom ordering generator for like subset of atoms (e.g., all carbons). Relies on permutation. Filtering depends on similarity of structure (see `atol` parameter). Only suitable for total system size up to about 20 atoms. """ if verbose >= 1: print("""Space: {} <--> {}""".format(rgp, cgp)) bnbn = [rrdistmat[first, second] for first, second in zip(rgp, rgp[1:])] for pm in itertools.permutations(cgp): cncn = [ccdistmat[first, second] for first, second in zip(pm, pm[1:])] if np.allclose(bnbn, cncn, atol=1.0): if verbose >= 1: print("Candidate:", rgp, "<--", pm) yield pm def filter_hungarian_uno(rgp, cgp): """Hungarian algorithm on cost matrix based off headless (all Z same w/i space anyways) NRE. Having found _a_ solution and the reduced cost matrix, this still isn't likely to produce atom rearrangement fit for Kabsch b/c internal coordinate cost matrix doesn't nail down distance-equivalent atoms with different Cartesian coordinates like Cartesian-distance-matrix cost matrix does. So, form a bipartite graph from all essentially-zero connections between ref and concern and run Uno algorithm to enumerate them. """ if verbose >= 1: print("""Space: {} <--> {}""".format(rgp, cgp)) # formulate cost matrix from internal (not Cartesian) layouts of R & C npcgp = np.array(cgp) submatCC = ccnremat[np.ix_(cgp, cgp)] submatRR = rrnremat[np.ix_(rgp, rgp)] sumCC = 100.0 * np.sum(submatCC, axis=0) # cost mat small if not scaled, this way like Z=Neon sumRR = 100.0 * np.sum(submatRR, axis=0) cost = np.zeros((len(cgp), len(rgp))) for j in range(cost.shape[1]): for i in range(cost.shape[0]): cost[i, j] = (sumCC[i] - sumRR[j]) ** 2 if verbose >= 2: print("Cost:\n", cost) costcopy = np.copy(cost) # other one gets manipulated by hungarian call # find _a_ best match btwn R & C atoms through Kuhn-Munkres (Hungarian) algorithm # * linear_sum_assigment call is exactly like `scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(cost)` only with extra return t00 = time.time() (row_ind, col_ind), reducedcost = linear_sum_assignment(cost, return_cost=True) ptsCR = list(zip(row_ind, col_ind)) ptsCR = sorted(ptsCR, key=lambda tup: tup[1]) sumCR = costcopy[row_ind, col_ind].sum() t01 = time.time() if verbose >= 2: print("Reduced cost:\n", cost) if verbose >= 1: print("Hungarian time [s] for space: {:.3}".format(t01 - t00)) # find _all_ best matches btwn R & C atoms through Uno algorithm, seeded from Hungarian sol'n edges = np.argwhere(reducedcost < uno_cutoff) gooduns = uno(edges, ptsCR) t02 = time.time() if verbose >= 1: print("Uno time [s] for space: {:.3}".format(t02 - t01)) for gu in gooduns: gu2 = gu[:] gu2.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # resorts match into (r, c) = (info, range) subans = [p[0] for p in gu2] # compacted to subans/lap format ans = tuple(npcgp[np.array(subans)]) if verbose >= 3: print("Best Candidate ({:6.3}):".format(sumCR), rgp, "<--", ans, " from", cgp, subans) yield ans if algorithm == "permutative": ccdistmat = distance_matrix(cgeom, cgeom) rrdistmat = distance_matrix(rgeom, rgeom) algofn = filter_permutative if algorithm == "hungarian_uno": ccdistmat = distance_matrix(cgeom, cgeom) rrdistmat = distance_matrix(rgeom, rgeom) with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): ccnremat = np.reciprocal(ccdistmat) rrnremat = np.reciprocal(rrdistmat) ccnremat[ccnremat == np.inf] = 0.0 rrnremat[rrnremat == np.inf] = 0.0 algofn = filter_hungarian_uno # Ensure (optional dependency) networkx exists if not which_import("networkx", return_bool=True): raise ModuleNotFoundError( """Python module networkx not found. Solve by installing it: `conda install networkx` or `pip install networkx`""" ) # pragma: no cover # collect candidate atom orderings from algofn for each of the atom classes, # recombine the classes with each other in every permutation (could maybe # add Hungarian here, too) as generator back to permutation_kabsch for cpmut in itertools.product(*itertools.starmap(algofn, connect.items())): atpat = [None] * len(ref) for igp, group in enumerate(cpmut): for iidx, idx in enumerate(list(connect.keys())[igp]): atpat[idx] = group[iidx] yield atpat def kabsch_align(rgeom, cgeom, weight=None): r"""Finds optimal translation and rotation to align `cgeom` onto `rgeom` via Kabsch algorithm by minimizing the norm of the residual, || R - U * C ||. Parameters ---------- rgeom : ndarray of float (nat, 3) array of reference/target/unchanged geometry. Assumed [a0] for RMSD purposes. cgeom : ndarray of float (nat, 3) array of concern/changeable geometry. Assumed [a0] for RMSD purposes. Must have same Natom, units, and 1-to-1 atom ordering as rgeom. weight : ndarray of float (nat,) array of weights applied to `rgeom`. Note that definitions of weights (nothing to do with atom masses) are several, and I haven't seen one yet that can make centroid the center-of-mass and also make the RMSD match the usual mass-wtd-RMSD definition. Also, only one weight vector used rather than split btwn R & C, which may be invalid if not 1-to-1. Weighting is not recommended. Returns ------- float, ndarray, ndarray First item is RMSD [A] between `rgeom` and the optimally aligned geometry computed. Second item is (3, 3) rotation matrix to optimal alignment. Third item is (3,) translation vector [a0] to optimal alignment. Sources ------- Kabsch: Acta Cryst. (1978). A34, 827-828 C++ affine code: weighted RMSD: protein wRMSD code: quaternion: Author: dsirianni """ if weight is None: w = np.ones((rgeom.shape[0])) elif isinstance(weight, (list, np.ndarray)): w = np.asarray(weight) else: raise ValidationError(f"""Unrecognized argument type {type(weight)} for kwarg 'weight'.""") R = rgeom C = cgeom N = rgeom.shape[0] if np.allclose(R, C): # can hit a mixed non-identity translation/rotation, so head off return 0.0, np.identity(3), np.zeros(3) Rcentroid = R.sum(axis=0) / N Ccentroid = C.sum(axis=0) / N R = np.subtract(R, Rcentroid) C = np.subtract(C, Ccentroid) R *= np.sqrt(w[:, None]) C *= np.sqrt(w[:, None]) RR = kabsch_quaternion(C.T, R.T) # U TT = Ccentroid - C = rmsd = np.linalg.norm(R - C) * constants.bohr2angstroms / np.sqrt(np.sum(w)) return rmsd, RR, TT def kabsch_quaternion(P, Q): """Computes the optimal rotation matrix U which mapping a set of points P onto the set of points Q according to the minimization of || Q - U * P ||, using the unit quaternion formulation of the Kabsch algorithm. Arguments: <np.ndarray> P := MxN array. M=dimension of space, N=number of points. <np.ndarray> Q := MxN array. M=dimension of space, N=number of points. Returns: <np.ndarray> U := Optimal MxM rotation matrix mapping P onto Q. Author: dsirianni """ # Form covariance matrix cov = # Form the quaternion transformation matrix F F = np.zeros((4, 4)) # diagonal F[0, 0] = cov[0, 0] + cov[1, 1] + cov[2, 2] F[1, 1] = cov[0, 0] - cov[1, 1] - cov[2, 2] F[2, 2] = -cov[0, 0] + cov[1, 1] - cov[2, 2] F[3, 3] = -cov[0, 0] - cov[1, 1] + cov[2, 2] # Upper & lower triangle F[1, 0] = F[0, 1] = cov[1, 2] - cov[2, 1] F[2, 0] = F[0, 2] = cov[2, 0] - cov[0, 2] F[3, 0] = F[0, 3] = cov[0, 1] - cov[1, 0] F[2, 1] = F[1, 2] = cov[0, 1] + cov[1, 0] F[3, 1] = F[1, 3] = cov[0, 2] + cov[2, 0] F[3, 2] = F[2, 3] = cov[1, 2] + cov[2, 1] # Compute ew, ev of F ew, ev = np.linalg.eigh(F) # Construct optimal rotation matrix from leading ev q = ev[:, -1] U = np.zeros((3, 3)) U[0, 0] = q[0] ** 2 + q[1] ** 2 - q[2] ** 2 - q[3] ** 2 U[0, 1] = 2 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]) U[0, 2] = 2 * (q[1] * q[3] + q[0] * q[2]) U[1, 0] = 2 * (q[1] * q[2] + q[0] * q[3]) U[1, 1] = q[0] ** 2 - q[1] ** 2 + q[2] ** 2 - q[3] ** 2 U[1, 2] = 2 * (q[2] * q[3] - q[0] * q[1]) U[2, 0] = 2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) U[2, 1] = 2 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]) U[2, 2] = q[0] ** 2 - q[1] ** 2 - q[2] ** 2 + q[3] ** 2 return U def compute_scramble(nat, do_resort=True, do_shift=True, do_rotate=True, deflection=1.0, do_mirror=False): r"""Generate a random or directed translation, rotation, and atom shuffling. Parameters ---------- nat : int Number of atoms for which to prepare an atom mapping. do_resort : bool or array-like, optional Whether to randomly shuffle atoms (`True`) or leave 1st atom 1st, etc. (`False`) or shuffle according to specified (nat, ) indices (e.g., [2, 1, 0]) do_shift : bool or array-like, optional Whether to generate a random atom shift on interval [-3, 3) in each dimension (`True`) or leave at current origin (`False`) or shift along specified (3, ) vector (e.g., np.array([0., 1., -1.])). do_rotate : bool or array-like, optional Whether to generate a random 3D rotation according to algorithm of Arvo (`True`) or leave at current orientation (`False`) or rotate with specified (3, 3) matrix. deflection : float, optional If `do_rotate`, how random a rotation: 0.0 is no change, 0.1 is small perturbation, 1.0 is completely random. do_mirror : bool, optional Whether to set mirror reflection instruction. Changes identity of molecule so off by default. Returns ------- tuple AlignmentMill with fields (shift, rotation, atommap, mirror) as requested: identity, random, or specified. """ rand_elord = np.arange(nat) if do_resort is True: np.random.shuffle(rand_elord) elif do_resort is False: pass else: rand_elord = np.array(do_resort) assert rand_elord.shape == (nat,) if do_shift is True: rand_shift = 6 * np.random.random_sample((3,)) - 3 elif do_shift is False: rand_shift = np.zeros((3,)) else: rand_shift = np.array(do_shift) assert rand_shift.shape == (3,) if do_rotate is True: rand_rot3d = random_rotation_matrix(deflection=deflection) elif do_rotate is False: rand_rot3d = np.identity(3) else: rand_rot3d = np.array(do_rotate) assert rand_rot3d.shape == (3, 3) perturbation = AlignmentMill(shift=rand_shift, rotation=rand_rot3d, atommap=rand_elord, mirror=do_mirror) return perturbation