
class psi4.core.ERISieve

Bases: pybind11_object


Methods Summary

build(orbital_basis[, cutoff, do_csam])

Constructs a Psi4 ERISieve object from an input basis set, with an optional cutoff threshold for ERI screening and an optional input to enable CSAM screening (over Schwarz screening).

shell_significant(self, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)

Methods Documentation

static build(orbital_basis, cutoff=0.0, do_csam=False)

Constructs a Psi4 ERISieve object from an input basis set, with an optional cutoff threshold for ERI screening and an optional input to enable CSAM screening (over Schwarz screening).

  • orbital_basis (BasisSet) – Basis set to use in the ERISieve object.

  • cutoff (float) – Integral cutoff threshold to use for Schwarz/CSAM screening. Defaults to 0.0, disabling screening entirely.

  • do_csam (bool) – Use CSAM screening? If True, CSAM screening is used; else, Schwarz screening is used. By default, Schwarz screening is utilized.


Initialized ERISieve object.

Return type:



>>> sieve =, cutoff, csam)
shell_significant(self: psi4.core.ERISieve, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) bool