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Interface to MRCC program written by Mihály Kállay.



This becomes tol (option #16) in fort.56.


Minimum absolute value below which integrals are neglected.


Maximum excitation level. This is used ONLY if it is explicity set by the user. Single-reference case: all excitations up to this level are included, e.g., 2 for CCSD, 3 for CCSDT, 4 for CCSDTQ, etc. This becomes ex.lev (option #1) in fort.56.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 2


Number of singlet roots. (Strictly speaking number of of roots with M_s=0 and S is even.) Use this option only with closed shell reference determinant, it must be zero otherwise. This becomes nsing (option #2) in fort.56.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1


Number of triplet roots. (Strictly speaking number of of roots with M_s=0 and S is odd.) See notes at option MRCC_NUM_SINGLET_ROOTS This becomes ntrip (option #3) in fort.56.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0



If more than one root is requested and calc=1, LR-CC (EOM-CC) calculation is performed automatically for the excited states. This overrides all automatic determination of method and will only work with energy(). This becomes CC/CI (option #5) in fort.56 | begin{tabular}{ccc} | Value & Method & Description \ | hline | 1 & CC & \ | 2 & CC(n-1)[n] & \ | 3 & CC(n-1)(n) & (CC(n-1)[n] energy is also calculated) \ | 4 & CC(n-1)(n)_L & (CC(n-1)[n] and CC(n-1)(n) energies are also calculated) \ | 5 & CC(n)-1a & \ | 6 & CC(n)-1b & \ | 7 & CCn & \ | 8 & CC(n)-3 & \ | end{tabular}

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1


Sets the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable before calling MRCC. If the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS is set prior to calling PSI4 then that value is used. When set, this option overrides everything. Be aware the -n command-line option described in section Threading does not affect MRCC.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 1


The program restarts from the previously calculated parameters if it is 1. In case it is 2, the program executes automatically the lower-level calculations of the same type consecutively (e.g., CCSD, CCSDT, and CCSDTQ if CCSDTQ is requested) and restarts each calculation from the previous one (rest=2 is available only for energy calculations). Currently, only a value of 0 and 2 are supported. This becomes rest (option #4) in fort.56.

  • Type: integer
  • Default: 0