Performs self consistent field (Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory) computations. These are the starting points for most computations, so this code is called in most cases.
Primary basis set
- Type: string
- Possible Values: basis string
- Default: No Default
Auxiliary basis set for SCF density fitting computations. Defaults to BASIS-JKFIT.
- Type: string
- Possible Values: basis string
- Default: No Default
Minimum absolute value below which TEI are neglected.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 0.0
Reference wavefunction type
- Type: string
- Possible Values: RHF, ROHF, UHF, CUHF, RKS, UKS
- Default: RHF
Memory safety factor for allocating JK
- Type: double
- Default: 0.75
What algorithm to use for the SCF computation
- Type: string
- Possible Values: DIRECT, DF, PK, OUT_OF_CORE, PS
- Default: PK
SO orthogonalization: symmetric or canonical?
- Type: string
- Default: SYMMETRIC
Minimum S matrix eigenvalue to be used before compensating for linear dependencies.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1e-7
The density convergence threshold after which damping is no longer performed, if it is enabled. It is recommended to leave damping on until convergence, which is the default.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1.0e-18
The amount (percentage) of damping to apply to the early density updates. 0 will result in a full update, 100 will completely stall the update. A value around 20 (which corresponds to 20% of the previous iteration’s density being mixed into the current density) could help to solve problems with oscillatory convergence.
- Type: double
- Default: 100.0
Maximum number of error vectors stored for DIIS extrapolation
- Type: integer
- Default: 10
Minimum number of error vectors stored for DIIS extrapolation
- Type: integer
- Default: 2
The minimum iteration to start storing DIIS vectors
- Type: integer
- Default: 1
Convergence criterion for SCF density.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1e-8
Convergence criterion for SCF energy.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1e-8
The absolute indices of occupied orbitals to fractionally occupy (+/- for alpha/beta)
- Type: array
- Default: No Default
Do renormalize C matrices prior to writing to checkpoint?
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
The iteration to start fractionally occupying orbitals (or 0 for no fractional occupation)
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
Size of the perturbation
- Type: double
- Default: 0.0
The operator used to perturb the Hamiltonian, if requested
- Type: string
- Possible Values: DIPOLE_X, DIPOLE_Y, DIPOLE_Z
- Default: DIPOLE_X
Number of threads for integrals (may be turned down if memory is an issue). 0 is blank
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
Convergence criterion for SCF density in SAD Guess.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1e-5
Convergence criterion for SCF energy in SAD Guess.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1e-5
DFT basis cutoff.
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1.0e-12
Factor for effective BS radius in radial grid.
- Type: double
- Default: 1.0
A custom DFT functional object (built by Python or NULL/None)
- Type: python
- Default: No Default
The DFT combined functional name, e.g. B3LYP, or GEN to use a python reference to a custom functional specified by DFT_CUSTOM_FUNCTIONAL.
- Type: string
- Default: No Default
Nuclear Scheme.
- Type: string
- Default: TREUTLER
Number of radial points.
- Type: integer
- Default: 99
Radial Scheme.
- Type: string
- Default: TREUTLER
Number of spherical points (A Lebedev number).
- Type: integer
- Default: 302
Spherical Scheme.
- Type: string
- Possible Values: LEBEDEV
- Default: LEBEDEV
The dimension sizes of the distributed matrix
- Type: array
- Default: No Default
The dimension sizes of the processor grid
- Type: array
- Default: No Default
Fitting Condition
- Type: double
- Default: 1.0e-12
IO caching for CP corrections, etc
- Type: string
- Possible Values: NONE, SAVE, LOAD
- Default: NONE
SAD Guess Cholesky Cutoff (for eliminating redundancies).
- Type: conv double
- Default: 1e-7
SAD Guess F-mix Iteration Start
- Type: integer
- Default: 50
Maximum number of SAD guess iterations
- Type: integer
- Default: 50
The maximum number of grid points per evaluation block.
- Type: integer
- Default: 5000
The maximum radius to terminate subdivision of an octree block [au].
- Type: double
- Default: 3.0
The minimum number of grid points per evaluation block.
- Type: integer
- Default: 1000
The blocking scheme for DFT.
- Type: string
- Possible Values: NAIVE, OCTREE
- Default: OCTREE
The DFT grid specification, such as SG1.
- Type: string
- Possible Values: SG1
- Default: No Default
Spread alpha for logarithmic pruning.
- Type: double
- Default: 1.0
Pruning Scheme.
- Type: string
- Default: FLAT