Which states to save AD Matrices for? * Positive - Singlets * Negative - Triplets *
Minimum singles amplitude to print in CIS analysis
Which states to save AO difference OPDMs for? * Positive - Singlets * Negative - Triplets *
Memory safety factor for allocating JK
Which states to save AO Natural Orbitals for? * Positive - Singlets * Negative - Triplets *
Which states to save AO OPDMs for? * Positive - Singlets * Negative - Triplets *
Which states to save AO transition OPDMs for? * Positive - Singlets * Negative - Triplets *
Memory safety factor for allocating JK
Which tasks to run CPHF For * Valid choices: * -Polarizability *
The amount of debug information printed to the output file
The amount of debug information printed to the output file
The amount of debug information printed to the output file
Do singlet states? Default true
Do triplet states? Default true
Do explicit hamiltonian only?
Fitting algorithm (0 for old, 1 for new)
The maximum reciprocal condition allowed in the fitting metric
What app to test?
The maximum number of integral threads (0 for omp_get_max_threads())
The amount of information printed to the output file
The amount of information printed to the output file
The amount of information printed to the output file
Auxiliary basis for SCF
SCF Type
The schwarz cutoff value
Solver convergence threshold (max 2-norm). See the note at the beginning of Section ref{keywords}.
DL Solver maximum number of subspace vectors
Solver maximum iterations
DL Solver number of subspace vectors to collapse to
DL Solver number of guesses
DL Solver number of roots
DL Solver minimum corrector norm to add to subspace
CG Solver Jacobi precondition?
Memory safety factor for allocating JK