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energy(name[, bypass_scf, molecule])[source]

Function to compute the single-point electronic energy.

Returns:(float) Total electronic energy in Hartrees. SAPT returns interaction energy.
Psi variables:
name calls method
scf Hartree–Fock (HF) or density functional theory (DFT)
mp2 2nd-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2)
df-mp2 MP2 with density fitting
conv-mp2 conventional MP2 (non-density-fitting)
dcft density cumulant functional theory
mcscf multiconfigurational self consistent field (SCF)
sapt0 0th-order symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT)
sapt2 2nd-order SAPT, traditional definition
sapt2+ SAPT including all 2nd-order terms
sapt2+(3) SAPT including perturbative triples
sapt0-ct 0th-order SAPT plus charge transfer (CT) calculation
sapt2-ct SAPT2 plus CT
sapt2+-ct SAPT2+ plus CT
sapt2+(3)-ct SAPT2+(3) plus CT
sapt2+3-ct SAPT2+3 plus CT
cc2 approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles (CC2)
ccsd coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD)
bccd Brueckner coupled cluster doubles (BCCD)
cc3 approximate coupled cluster singles, doubles, and triples (CC3)
ccsd(t) CCSD with perturbative triples
bccd(t) BCCD with perturbative triples
ccenergy expert full control over ccenergy module
mpn nth-order Moller–Plesset perturbation theory
zaptn nth-order z-averaged perturbation theory (ZAPT)
cisd configuration interaction (CI) singles and doubles (CISD)
cisdt CI singles, doubles, and triples (CISDT)
cisdtq CI singles, doubles, triples, and quadruples (CISDTQ)
cin nth-order CI
fci full configuration interaction (FCI)
detci expert full control over detci module
adc 2nd-order algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC)
eom-cc2 EOM-CC2
eom-ccsd equation of motion (EOM) CCSD
eom-cc3 EOM-CC3
cepa(n) coupled electron pair approximation, variants 0, 1, and 3
acpf averaged coupled-pair functional
aqcc averaged quadratic coupled cluster
omp2 orbital-optimized second order Moller–Plesset perturbation theory
scs-omp2 spin-component scaled OMP2
sos-omp2 spin-opposite scaled OMP2
omp3 orbital-optimized third order Moller–Plesset perturbation theory
scs-omp3 spin-component scaled OMP3
sos-omp3 spin-opposite scaled OMP3
name calls method (aliases to name = ‘scf’)
hf HF
rhf HF with restricted reference
uhf HF with unrestricted reference
rohf HF with restricted open-shell reference
rscf HF or DFT with restricted reference
uscf HF or DFT with unrestricted reference
roscf HF or DFT with restricted open-shell reference
df-scf HF or DFT with density fitting
name calls method
b2plyp B2PLYP Double Hybrid Exchange-Correlation Functional
b2plyp-d B2PLYP Double Hybrid Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
b2plyp-d3 B2PLYP Double Hybrid Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
b2plyp-d3bj B2PLYP Double Hybrid Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
b3lyp B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
b3lyp-chg B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Chai and Head-Gordon Dispersion Correction
b3lyp-d B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
b3lyp-d1 B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D1 Dispersion Correction
b3lyp-d3 B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
b3lyp-d3bj B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
b3_x Becke88 GGA Exchange (B3LYP weighting)
b88_x Becke88 GGA Exchange
b97-0 B97-0 Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
b97-1 B97-1 Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
b97-2 B97-2 Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
b97-d B97-D Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
b97-d3 B97-D Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
b97-d3bj B97-D Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
blyp BLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
blyp-d BLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
blyp-d1 B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D1 Dispersion Correction
blyp-d3 BLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
blyp-d3bj BLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
bp86 BP86 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
bp86-d BP86 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
bp86-d1 B3LYP Hybrid-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D1 Dispersion Correction
bp86-d3 BP86 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
bp86-d3bj BP86 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
dsd-blyp DSD-BLYP Dispersion-corrected SCS Double Hybrid XC Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
dsd-pbep86 DSD-PBEP86 Dispersion-corrected SCS Double Hybrid XC Functional (opt. for -D2) w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
dsd-pbepbe DSD-PBEPBE Dispersion-corrected SCS Double Hybrid XC Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
ft97 FT97 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
ft97b_x Filitov and Theil 1997 Exchange
ft97_c FT97 Correlation (Involves Ei functions)
hcth HCTH Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
hcth120 HCTH120 Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
hcth120-d3 HCTH120 Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
hcth120-d3bj HCTH120 Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
hcth147 HCTH147 Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
hcth407 HCTH407 Pure-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
hf+d w/ Podeszwa and Szalewicz Dispersion Correction
lyp_c LYP Correlation
m05 Heavily Parameterized Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional
m05-2x Heavily Parameterized Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional
m05-2x-d3 Heavily Parameterized Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
m05-d3 Heavily Parameterized Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
p86_c P86 Correlation (PZ81 LSDA + P86 GGA)
pbe PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
pbe-d PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
pbe-d1 PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D1 Dispersion Correction
pbe-d3 PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
pbe-d3bj PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
pbe0 PBE0 Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
pbe0-2 PBE0-2 Double Hydrid Exchange-Correlation Functional
pbe0-d PBE0 Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D2 Dispersion Correction
pbe0-d3 PBE0 Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (zero-damping) Dispersion Correction
pbe0-d3bj PBE0 Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional w/ Grimme’s -D3 (BJ-damping) Dispersion Correction
pbesol_x PBEsol GGA Exchange Hole (Parameter Free)
pbe_c PBE Correlation
pbe_x PBE GGA Exchange Hole (Parameter Free)
pw91 PW91 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
pw91_c PW91 Correlation
pw91_x PW91 Parameterized GGA Exchange
pz81_c PZ81 Correlation
rpbe_x RPBE GGA Exchange Hole (Parameter Free)
sogga Second Order GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional
sogga_x Second Order GGA Exchange Hole (Parameter Free)
svwn SVWN3 (RPA) LSDA Functional
s_x Slater LSDA Exchange
vwn3rpa_c VWN3 (RPA) LSDA Correlation
vwn3_c VWN3 LSDA Correlation
vwn5rpa_c VWN5 (RPA) LSDA Correlation
vwn5_c VWN5 LSDA Correlation
dldf Dispersionless Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional
dldf+d Dispersionless Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional w/ Podeszwa and Szalewicz Dispersion Correction
dldf+d09 Dispersionless Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional w/ Podeszwa and Szalewicz Dispersion Correction
wb88_x B88 Short-Range GGA Exchange (HJS Model)
wb97 Parameterized LRC B97 GGA XC Functional
wb97x Parameterized Hybrid LRC B97 GGA XC Functional
wb97x-2(lp) Double Hybrid LRC B97 GGA XC Functional (Large Pople parametrization)
wb97x-2(tqz) Double Hybrid LRC B97 GGA XC Functional (TQZ parametrization)
wb97x-d Parameterized Hybrid LRC B97 GGA XC Functional with Dispersion w/ Chai and Head-Gordon Dispersion Correction
wblyp BLYP SR-XC Functional (HJS Model)
wpbe PBE SR-XC Functional (HJS Model)
wpbe0 PBE0 SR-XC Functional (HJS Model)
wpbe_x PBE Short-Range GGA Exchange (HJS Model)
wpbesol PBEsol SR-XC Functional (HJS Model)
wpbesol0 PBEsol0 SR-XC Functional (HJS Model)
wpbesol_x PBEsol Short-Range GGA Exchange (HJS Model)
wsvwn LSDA SR-XC Functional
ws_x Slater Short-Range LSDA Exchange
name calls method in Kallay’s MRCC program
mrccsd CC through doubles
mrccsdt CC through triples
mrccsdtq CC through quadruples
mrccsdtqp CC through quintuples
mrccsdtqph CC through sextuples
mrccsd(t) CC through doubles with perturbative triples
mrccsdt(q) CC through triples with perturbative quadruples
mrccsdtq(p) CC through quadruples with pertubative quintuples
mrccsdtqp(h) CC through quintuples with pertubative sextuples
mrccsdt-1a CC through doubles with iterative triples (cheapest terms)
mrccsdtq-1a CC through triples with iterative quadruples (cheapest terms)
mrccsdtqp-1a CC through quadruples with iterative quintuples (cheapest terms)
mrccsdtqph-1a CC through quintuples with iterative sextuples (cheapest terms)
mrccsdt-1b CC through doubles with iterative triples (cheaper terms)
mrccsdtq-1b CC through triples with iterative quadruples (cheaper terms)
mrccsdtqp-1b CC through quadruples with iterative quintuples (cheaper terms)
mrccsdtqph-1b CC through quintuples with iterative sextuples (cheaper terms)
mrcc2 approximate CC through doubles
mrcc3 approximate CC through triples
mrcc4 approximate CC through quadruples
mrcc5 approximate CC through quintuples
mrcc6 approximate CC through sextuples
mrccsdt-3 CC through doubles with iterative triples (all but the most expensive terms)
mrccsdtq-3 CC through triples with iterative quadruples (all but the most expensive terms)
mrccsdtqp-3 CC through quadruples with iterative quintuples (all but the most expensive terms)
mrccsdtqph-3 CC through quintuples with iterative sextuples (all but the most expensive terms)
  • name (string) –

    'scf' || 'df-mp2' || 'ci5' || etc.

    First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the system.

  • molecule (molecule) –

    h2o || etc.

    The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined.

  • cast_up (boolean or string) –

    'on' || \Rightarrow 'off' \Leftarrow || '3-21g' || 'cc-pVDZ' || etc.

    Indicates whether, to accelerate convergence for the scf portion of the name calculation, a preliminary scf should be performed with a small basis set (3-21G if a basis name is not supplied as keyword value) followed by projection into the full target basis.

Deprecated since version Sept-2012: Use option BASIS_GUESS instead.

Parameters:cast_up_df (boolean or string) –

'on' || \Rightarrow 'off' \Leftarrow || 'cc-pVDZ-RI' || 'aug-cc-pVDZ-JKFIT' || etc.

Indicates whether, when cast_up is active, to run the preliminary scf in density-fitted mode or what fitting basis to employ (when available for all elements, cc-pVDZ-RI is the default).

Deprecated since version Sept-2012: Use option DF_BASIS_GUESS instead.

Parameters:bypass_scf (boolean) –

'on' || \Rightarrow 'off' \Leftarrow

Indicates whether, for name values built atop of scf calculations, the scf step is skipped. Suitable when special steps are taken to get the scf to converge in an explicit preceeding scf step.

Examples :
>>>>>> # [1] Coupled-cluster singles and doubles calculation with psi code
>>> energy('ccsd')
>>>>>> # [2] Charge-transfer SAPT calculation with scf projection from small into
>>> #     requested basis, with specified projection fitting basis
>>> set basis_guess true
>>> set df_basis_guess jun-cc-pVDZ-JKFIT
>>> energy('sapt0-ct')
>>>>>> # [3] Arbitrary-order MPn calculation
>>> energy('mp4')
>>>>>> # [4] Converge scf as singlet, then run detci as triplet upon singlet reference
>>> molecule H2 {\\n0 1\\nH\\nH 1 0.74\\n}
>>> energy('scf')
>>> H2.set_multiplicity(3)
>>> energy('detci', bypass_scf=True)

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