(name, **kwargs)¶ Function to perform a geometry optimization.
Aliases: opt() Returns: float – Total electronic energy of optimized structure in Hartrees. Returns: (float, Wavefunction
) – energy and wavefunction when return_wfn specified.Raises: psi4.OptimizationConvergenceError if |optking__geom_maxiter| exceeded without reaching geometry convergence. PSI variables: Parameters: - name (string) –
|| etc.First argument, usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational method to be applied to the database. May be any valid argument to
. - molecule (molecule) –
|| etc.The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined.
- return_wfn (boolean) –
|| ⇒'off'
⇐Indicate to additionally return the
calculation result as the second element (after float energy) of a tuple. - return_history (boolean) –
|| ⇒'off'
⇐Indicate to additionally return dictionary of lists of geometries, energies, and gradients at each step in the optimization.
- func (function) –
⇐ ||energy
Indicates the type of calculation to be performed on the molecule. The default dertype accesses
, while'cbs'
performs a multistage finite difference calculation. If a nested series of python functions is intended (see Function Intercalls), use keywordopt_func
instead offunc
. - dertype (dertype) –
Indicates whether analytic (if available) or finite difference optimization is to be performed.
- hessian_with (string) –
|| etc.Indicates the computational method with which to perform a hessian analysis to guide the geometry optimization.
Optimizations where the molecule is specified in Z-matrix format with dummy atoms will result in the geometry being converted to a Cartesian representation.
Analytic gradients area available for all methods in the table below. Optimizations with other methods in the energy table proceed by finite differences.
name calls method efp efp-only optimizations scf Hartree–Fock (HF) or density functional theory (DFT) [manual] hf HF self consistent field (SCF) [manual] dcft density cumulant functional theory [manual] mp2 2nd-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) [manual] [details] mp3 3rd-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP3) [manual] [details] mp2.5 average of MP2 and MP3 [manual] [details] omp2 orbital-optimized second-order MP perturbation theory [manual] omp3 orbital-optimized third-order MP perturbation theory [manual] omp2.5 orbital-optimized MP2.5 [manual] lccd Linear CCD [manual] [details] olccd orbital optimized LCCD [manual] ccd coupled cluster doubles (CCD) [manual] ccsd coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) [manual] [details] ccsd(t) CCSD with perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) [manual] [details] eom-ccsd equation of motion (EOM) CCSD [manual] name calls method DFT [manual] b1lyp B1LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b1lyp-d3bj b1pw91 B1PW91 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b1wc B1WC Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b3lyp B3LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b3lyp-d3bj b3lyp-d3mbj b3lyp-nl B3LYP-nl Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b3lyp5 B3LYP5 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b3lyps B3LYPs Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b3p86 B3P86 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b3p86-d3bj b3pw91 B3PW91 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b3pw91-d3bj b3pw91-nl B3PW91-nl Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b5050lyp B5050LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b86b95 B86B95 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b86bpbe B86BPBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b88b95 B88B95 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b88b95-d3bj b97-0 B97-0 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b97-1 B97-1 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b97-1-d3bj b97-1p B97-1p Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b97-2 B97-2 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b97-2-d3bj b97-3 B97-3 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b97-d b97-d3bj b97-d3mbj b97-gga1 B97-GGA1 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b97-k B97-K Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional b97m-d3bj b97m-v B97M-V GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional bb1k BB1K Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional bhandh BHandH Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional bhandhlyp BHandHLYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional blyp BLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional blyp-d3bj blyp-d3mbj blyp-nl BLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional bop BOP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional bop-d3bj bp86 BP86 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional bp86-d3bj bp86-d3mbj bp86-nl BP86 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional cap0 CAP0 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional dldf Dispersionless Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional dldf+d09 Dispersionless Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional dldf+d10 Dispersionless Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional edf1 EDF1 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional edf2 EDF2 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional ft97 FT97 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional gam GAM GGA Minessota Exchange-Correlation Functional hcth120 HCTH120 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional hcth120-d3bj hcth147 HCTH147 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional hcth407 HCTH407 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional hcth407-d3bj hcth407p HCTH407P GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional hcth93 HCTH93 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional hcthp14 HCTHP14 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional hcthp76 HCTHP76 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional hf hf+d hf-d3bj hf-nl hf3c Hartree Fock based 3C composite method with minimal basis set, gCP and D3(BJ) hpbeint HPBEINT Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional ksdt KSDT Exchange-Correlation Functional kt2 KT2 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional m05 M05 Meta-GGA XC Functional m05-2x Heavily Parameterized Hybrid M05-2X Meta-GGA XC Functional m06 M06 Meta-GGA XC Functional m06-2x Hybrid M06-2X Meta-GGA XC Functional m06-hf Minnesota M06-HF Hybrid XC Functional m06-l M06-L Meta-GGA XC Functional m08-hx Minnesota M08-HX Hybrid XC Functional m08-so Minnesota M08-SO Hybrid XC Functional m11-l M11-L Meta-GGA XC Functional m11-l-d3bj mb3lyp-rc04 MB3LYP-RC04 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mgga_ms0 MGGA_MS0 Meta-GGA XC Functional mgga_ms1 MGGA_MS1 Meta-GGA XC Functional mgga_ms2 MGGA_MS2 Meta-GGA XC Functional mgga_ms2h MGGA_MS2h Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional mgga_mvs MGGA_MVS Meta-GGA XC Functional mgga_mvsh MGGA_MV2h Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional mn12-l MN12-L Meta-GGA XC Functional mn12-l-d3bj mn15 MN15 Hybrid Meta-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mn15-d3bj mn15-l MN15-L Meta-GGA XC Functional mohlyp MOHLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mohlyp2 MOHLYP2 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpw1b95 mPW1B95 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpw1b95-d3bj mpw1k mPW1K Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpw1lyp mPW1LYP Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpw1pbe mPW1PBE Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpw1pw mPW1PW Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpw1pw-d3bj mpw3lyp mPW3LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpw3pw mPW3PW Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpwb1k mPWB1K Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpwb1k-d3bj mpwlyp1m mPWLYP1M Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpwlyp1w mPWLYP1W GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional mpwpw mPWPW GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional n12 N12 nonseparable GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional n12-d3bj o3lyp O3LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional o3lyp-d3bj oblyp-d op-pbe BP86 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional opbe-d opwlyp-d otpss-d pbe PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pbe-d3bj pbe-d3mbj pbe-nl PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pbe0 PBE0 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pbe0-13 PBE0-13 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pbe0-d3bj pbe0-d3mbj pbe0-nl PBE0-nl Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pbe1w PBE1W GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pbe50 PBE50 Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pbeh3c PBE Hybrid based 3C composite method with a small basis set, gCP and D3(BJ) pbelyp1w PBELYP1W GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pkzb PKZB Meta-GGA XC Functional pw6b95 PW6B95 Hybrid Meta-GGA XC Functional pw6b95-d3bj pw86b95 PW86B95 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pw86pbe PW86PBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pw91 PW91 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pw91-d3bj pwb6k PWB6K Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional pwb6k-d3bj revb3lyp revB3LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional revpbe revPBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional revpbe-d3bj revpbe-nl revPBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional revpbe0 revPBE0 Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional revpbe0-d3bj revpbe0-nl revPBE0 Hybrid GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional revtpss revised TPSS Meta-GGA XC Functional revtpss-d3bj revtpss-nl revised TPSS Meta-GGA XC Functional revtpssh revTPSSh Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional revtpssh-d3bj rpbe RPBE GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional rpbe-d3bj sb98-1a SB98-1a Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional sb98-1b SB98-1b Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional sb98-1c SB98-1c Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional sb98-2a SB98-2a Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional sb98-2b SB98-2b Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional sb98-2c SB98-2c Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional sogga SOGGA Exchange + PBE Correlation Functional sogga11 SOGGA11 Exchange-Correlation Functional sogga11-x SOGGA11-X Hybrid Exchange-Correlation Functional sogga11-x-d3bj svwn SVWN3 (RPA) LSDA Functional teter93 TETER93 Exchange-Correlation Functional th-fc TH-FC GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional th-fcfo TH-FCFO GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional th-fco TH-FCO GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional th-fl TH-FL GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional th1 TH1 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional th2 TH2 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional th3 TH3 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional th4 TH4 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional tpss TPSS Meta-GGA XC Functional tpss-d3bj tpss-nl TPSS Meta-GGA XC Functional tpssh TPSSh Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional tpssh-d3bj tpssh-nl TPSSh-nl Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional tpsslyp1w TPSSLYP1W GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional vsxc VSXC Meta-GGA XC Functional vv10 VV10 GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional x1b95 X1B95 Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional x3lyp X3LYP Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional x3lyp-d3bj xb1k XB1K Hyb-GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional xlyp XLYP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional xlyp-d3bj zlp ZLP GGA Exchange-Correlation Functional name calls method in Stanton and Gauss’s CFOUR program [manual] c4-scf Hartree–Fock (HF) c4-mp2 2nd-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (non-density-fitting) (MP2) c4-mp3 3rd-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP3) c4-mp4(sdq) 4th-order MP perturbation theory (MP4) less triples c4-mp4 full MP4 c4-cc2 approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles (CC2) c4-ccsd coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) c4-cc3 approximate CC singles, doubles, and triples (CC3) c4-ccsd(t) CCSD with perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) c4-ccsdt coupled cluster singles, doubles, and triples (CCSDT) cfour expert full control over cfour program Examples: >>> # [1] Analytic hf optimization >>> optimize('hf')
>>> # [2] Finite difference mp5 optimization with gradient >>> # printed to output file >>> e, wfn = opt('mp5', return_wfn='yes') >>> wfn.gradient().print_out()
>>> # [3] Can automatically perform complete basis set extrapolations >>> optimize('MP2/cc-pV([D,T]+d)Z')
>>> # [4] Can automatically perform delta corrections that include extrapolations >>> # even with a user-defined extrapolation formula. See sample inputs named >>> # cbs-xtpl* for more examples of this input style >>> optimize("MP2/aug-cc-pv([d,t]+d)z + d:ccsd(t)/cc-pvdz", corl_scheme=myxtplfn_2)
>>> # [5] Get info like geometry, gradient, energy back after an >>> # optimization fails. Note that the energy and gradient >>> # correspond to the last optimization cycle, whereas the >>> # geometry (by default) is the anticipated *next* optimization step. >>> try: >>> optimize('hf/cc-pvtz') >>> except psi4.OptimizationConvergenceError as ex: >>> next_geom_coords_as_numpy_array = np.asarray(ex.wfn.molecule().geometry())
- name (string) –